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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam

Sheet Author
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... - added macro text to NPC HP Max
The sheet is amazing, thanks to everyone who has worked on it. Two things I noted. When selecting Whisper GM on PC Rolls under the Config tab the Skills rolls all still are Public. Secondly, the 3rd level Spell Buttons Bar still exists. It looks like it's the last one in the sheet. Once again, thanks for the work on an amazing tool for the entire community.

Edited 1450398128
Sheet Author
Thanks Larry. &nbsp;Will be fixed in the next merge. Update: &nbsp;done

Edited 1450404380
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
oh you are too fast :) This below was put in just before your update.&nbsp; I was working on it too, luckily we chose the same names for fields. I just put in&nbsp; this pull request that&nbsp; does the following: Fix a bug in the macro text parser, now if you delete everything in the field, it will correctly evaluate to 0. (before it was just stopping so you had to actually type 0, now you can just delete) Changed "background skill" field in config to a radio to use either background skills or consolidated skills. &nbsp;If consolidated then set max skill points to 1/2 of (class skills / level + int skills /lvl) &nbsp;This is then compared so we get min 1 skill point / lvl. then favored class skill points are added. separated racial and class HD for NPCs, played around with spacing on that row. Changed some defaults from 0 or 10 back to "" &nbsp;- this was partly to look nicer, but also, I found the default was ignored by macros trying to use the field. This way, if the field is blank, the javascript can make sure to update it during the recalc. Also if a calculated field remains blank users are sure something is wrong. Added the class HD and NPC macro text HP to "recalc all" Added on change for unchained_skill_show and BG-Skill-Use to call update max skills on check/uncheck. version updated to 0.14 questions: 1. should favored class skillpoints also be divided by 2 for consolidated skills?

Edited 1450398676
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
ARGH! :) so if we take my latest pull request (which used the one at the topof this page) and then&nbsp; add in your changes that: 1. delete button row 2. add pc whisper to skill rolls then we're set.
Sheet Author
chris b. said: oh you are too fast :) I was working on it too, luckily we chose the same names for fields. I just put in&nbsp; this pull request that&nbsp; does the following: Fix a bug in the macro text parser, now if you delete everything in the field, it will correctly evaluate to 0. (before it was just stopping so you had to actually type 0, now you can just delete) If a person has show unchained skills checked, and use background skills NOT checked, then assume they are using consolidated skills. If so then set max skill points to 1/2 of (class skills / level + int skills /lvl) &nbsp;This is then compared so we get min 1 skill point / lvl. then favored class skill points are added. separated racial and class HD for NPCs, played around with spacing on that row. Changed some defaults from 0 or 10 back to "" &nbsp;- this was partly to look nicer, but also, I found the default was ignored by macros trying to use the field. This way, if the field is blank, the javascript can make sure to update it during the recalc. Also if a calculated field remains blank users are sure something is wrong. Added the class HD and NPC macro text HP to "recalc all" Added on change for unchained_skill_show and BG-Skill-Use to call update max skills on check/uncheck. version updated to 0.14 questions: 1. should favored class skillpoints also be divided by 2 for consolidated skills? LOL. Sorry about that. &nbsp;Also, I wasn't sure about value="" and thought it was safe to change to value="0", somehow hoping it would solve some of the auto-calc attributes not showing. &nbsp;Thanks for the info.
Sheet Author
Off to dinner. &nbsp;Thanks Chris &nbsp;The sheet is humming.

Edited 1450399534
Jason H.
KS Backer
I used the Recalc checkbox on my character, but it's still showing me as having 0 skill points to spend (putting me 38 points in the hole). Edit: Vince, I'm sorry I never replied to your follow-up questions about my Attributes & Abilities issue. &nbsp;I expected the forum to email me, but it did not. &nbsp;Unfortunately I don't recall what my specific issue was (or even what character I had the issue on). &nbsp;Kudos to you guys for the URL fix, though; better than I could've asked for.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
yes the value="0" made it look like it worked, but they actually weren't working, if you did a @{selected|somefield} it would give an error. So it was fooling us. at least with value="" people will complain right away :) then we'll know what needs fixing.

Edited 1450402194
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jason the changes just added have not been merged into prod yet. But even then, if you are using unchained consolidated skills, the total points will be halved. what is your int, level& class ( skill points/lvl) favored class points?

Edited 1450401159
I was wondering about something which is a suggestion and not a bug or a fix. Would it be possible to add to the Macro selection a Sneak Attack or similar thing? For when we make custom macros using the template. Edit: Examples of this are Swashbuckler Precision, Sneak Attack, Fire/Cold/Acid/Elec Enhancements, and much more

Edited 1450401456
Sheet Author
You can always include something like&nbsp; {{ Sneak damage=[[ 1d6 + [[(?{Sneak Attack?(1 for yes)|0}*@{selected|class-0-level}/2)d6 ]][sneak damage] }} in your macro or include it in your notes(less the "{{}}").
True which is similar to what I have been doing and have let others know of. But not all of the people like that solution. They would also like it to be above the Type or other things so if they have iteratives or TWF it displays with the corresponding attack. Otherwise they go with something like this.
Sheet Author
All roll template properties have to be "defined", given formatting and roll logic. &nbsp;That works fine for very broad/common properties like attack, damage, description, etc. &nbsp;We would just need to define Sneak in pf_attack to give it a row and formatting on the output. &nbsp;All undefined properties/keys are added after the defined keys but before description.

Edited 1450402543
Sheet Author
Maybe we can add some additional rows for things like Sneak, Elemental damage, Precision...
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
i guess we should call it precision damage, and maybe make the description also a field, since sometimes it will be sneak attack, sometimes "fire", or something.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
Red Robin is calling... &nbsp;have fun
Another suggestion would be Crit failure range. This is primarily only for Gunslingers. With a Musket and paper shots you autofail on a 1-3. Would be nice to be able to set that up, if possible.

Edited 1450417124
Sheet Author
chris b. said: Changed "background skill" field in config to a radio to use either background skills or consolidated skills.&nbsp; Whoa that was a fast update. Thanks! This change will be problematic because consolidated skills and background skills are not mutually exclusive options. They can both be enabled at the same time. On the pfsrd's page for&nbsp; consolidated skills it reads: Always add 1/2 the character's Intelligence modifier to [half the class's skills per level], even if the modifier is negative. A character always gains a minimum of 1 skill rank per level. questions: 1. should favored class skillpoints also be divided by 2 for consolidated skills I am pretty sure that favored class skill points are added directly to the total as they are now. I cannot find anywhere on the pfsrd page as to whether they are or are not but in Hero Lab they are added without being halved.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
How can they both be used at the same time? They look exclusive to me, .. the background skills are just a bandaid of 2 extra points/lvl and a couple new skills, but consolidated is a totally different system.&nbsp; I also did the divide by 2 after totaling up skill points for all levels, so the fractions will add up and chars with odd modifiers will get the extra point every other level.&nbsp;
Awesome job! I checked up some of my games and almost everything is working, just the NPC Max HP is not. Probably because the merge was not done yet. I don't use the iteractive attack option, instead, I created a bunch of macros like #Attack_Weapon_0, #Attack_Weapon_X_less_5, #Attack_Weapon_X_less_10, and use the character Macro Abilities to "compound" my attacks. Since I created them before the iteractive attack appears, I'm to attached to my macros to just abandon them. However, they have some advantages.&nbsp;For instance, if I use two-weapons I can make my full attack with two diferent weapons. If I'm using a monster that have many different natural weapons (claw, claw, bite, gore, tail, etc.), I can combine the attacks in one "FullAttackMacro" like the one bellow.. (The !playDur is a script I made to play short sounds for battle effects). I have a lot of macros that fetch informations on the sheets, so I barelly have to open the sheet during gameplay. The only con of this is that it generates a long output on the text chat. I also put all kinds of sensitive damage in attack notes (sneak attack, elemental damage, etc.).
When I use the buffs, the ranged attack bonus seems not to be calculated correctly. If I manually change some boxes in the ranged attack, it will be correct. But with the buffs boxes unchecked, the value goes wrong again, just not refreshing.

Edited 1450454293
Vince said: Maybe we can add some additional rows for things like Sneak, Elemental damage, Precision... Perhaps an addition to the roll template for added_damage? tied to a field in the attack section? {{attack=}}{{damage=}}{{ added_damage= }}{{crit_confirm=}}{{crit_damage=}} Since, as far as I know precision/elemental/etc damage isn't multiplied on a crit; this could open a simple way to include things like Flaming enchants,&nbsp; Sneak Attack, Vital Strike, etc. I wouldn't necessarily have it on its own line in the output, though ( the results can already often take up most of the chat window if you have a lot of attacks and extras )
Some issues I have found. The Armor and Shield checkbox on Defenses tab are coming uncheck, so the shield and armror is being discarted on all sheets (including NPC). The Atk Mod and DMG Mod on repeating weapon section are not being considered on recalc. Need to change it manually. The DMG Ability are all reseted to NONE. If I change the DMG Ability to, say, STR, then change again to NONE,it sill uses the STR bonus. On the Defense tab, if the Max DEX is set to NONE, it still uses the Max DEX defined on the armor. (this can a issue with NPC, since we don't define this on NPC sheet)

Edited 1450466852
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I asked them to put the latest pull request in (the same one from last night) so hopefully that will be soon. This morning i added some more fixes to it: ranged buff change not forcing recalc of attack-ranged ensure repeating weapons would be updated on the recalc all. force recalc all on sheet open no matter what version (this will be temporary) so: Sean L this will be fixed on next release. Fallyrion this addresses your second and third items 4th item: change dmg mod in repeating weapon to something and back to none: Are you referring to the DMG Ability dropdown in a repeating weapon? cannot replicate, maybe it also got fixed in the update about to go out. I fixed some other issues with the dropdowns and ... just really odd stuff happening when the field is a repeating section. Nothing i can really explain, more like adding a few checks for NaN , and encapsulating some code in functions which forced the parameters to be cloned which fixed some issues&nbsp; Fixed in next release (0.14) version updated to 0.14 force recalc all on sheet open no matter what version (this will be temporary) Fix a bug in the macro text parser, now if you delete everything in the field, it will correctly evaluate to 0. (before it was just stopping so you had to actually type 0, now you can just delete) Changed "background skill" field in config to a radio to use either background skills or consolidated skills.&nbsp; If consolidated skills then set max skill points to Max(level,1/2*(class skills/lvl+ int mod/lvl))+ favored class skills + misc Separated racial and class HD for NPCs, and added a macro text field for NPC HP Changed some defaults from 0 or 10 back to "" - this was partly to look nicer, but also, I found the default was ignored by macros trying to use the field. This way, if the field is blank, the javascript can make sure to update it during the recalc. Also if a calculated field remains blank users are sure something is wrong. Fixed NPC HP calculation to round down after totalling Added the class HD and NPC macro text HP to "recalc all" Added on change for unchained_skill_show and BG-Skill-Use to call update max skills on check/uncheck. ranged buff change not forcing recalc of attack-ranged Added repeating weapons updates from other fields plus internal dropdowns to be updated on the recalc all. Removed Spell button bar Added PC-whisper to skill macro roll buttons Ensured most values are set if they are blank by recalc all, to ensure Attribute is created and error not thrown by macros that reference that attribute. Fixed display issues (version, many other places) Repeating button macro title updated to include "%{selected|" Updated Attention text. All repeating button roll macro names use "_roll". Only attacks use "-roll" I know... I could either change attacks or change all the others to use "-roll" but I thought it would cause more strife for anyone already using drag/drop or using the button names directly if I changed them. CURRENT STATUS known issues: dropdowns for ACP & Max Dex ignored (Fallyrion) cannot replicate in dev, probably fixed in new release: missing skill points (Jason H) changing dmg ability dropdown to something and back to none (Fallyrion) unknown: adding a repeating item causes many blank ones to appear. I have not been able to do this since tuesday, and i think it has been fixed by roll20 devs, is anyone still having this problem?

Edited 1450465047
Sheet Author
chris b. said: I asked them to put the latest pull request in (the same one from last night) so hopefully that will be soon. Tthis morning i added one more fix to it: to ensure repeating weapons would be updated on the recalculation. (this addresses your second and third items)&nbsp; 4th item: change dmg mod in repeating weapon to something and back to none: Are you referring to the DMG Ability dropdown in a repeating weapon? cannot replicate, maybe it also got fixed in the update about to go out. I fixed some other issues with the dropdowns and ... just really odd stuff happening when the field is a repeating section. Nothing i can really explain, more like adding a few checks for NaN , and encapsulating some code in functions which forced the parameters to be cloned, fixed some things. known issues: dropdowns for ACP & Max Dex ignored I noticed some other issues I thought needed to be included with the next merge. Manually merged and made a newer&nbsp; PR#1238 - @{PC-whisper} was added twice to skills. &nbsp;:-) - repeating button macro title needed to be changed to include "%{selected|" - updated Attention text. &nbsp;All repeating button roll macro names use "_roll". &nbsp;Only attacks use "-roll" &nbsp; &nbsp;I know... &nbsp;I could either change attacks or change all the others to use "-roll" &nbsp;but I thought it would cause more strife for anyone already using drag/drop or using the button names directly if I changed them.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I ninja edited my post :)
Sheet Author
Mark G. said: Vince said: Maybe we can add some additional rows for things like Sneak, Elemental damage, Precision... Perhaps an addition to the roll template for added_damage? tied to a field in the attack section? {{attack=}}{{damage=}}{{ added_damage= }}{{crit_confirm=}}{{crit_damage=}} Since, as far as I know precision/elemental/etc damage isn't multiplied on a crit; this could open a simple way to include things like Flaming enchants,&nbsp; Sneak Attack, Vital Strike, etc. I wouldn't necessarily have it on its own line in the output, though ( the results can already often take up most of the chat window if you have a lot of attacks and extras ) Good ideas Mark. &nbsp;PF has just too many options. &nbsp;;-) &nbsp;Might have to make the pf_attack roll template 3 or 4 columns to accommodate the additions.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
0.14 is live
chris b. said: 4th item: change dmg mod in repeating weapon to something and back to none: Are you referring to the DMG Ability dropdown in a repeating weapon? cannot replicate, maybe it also got fixed in the update about to go out. I fixed some other issues with the dropdowns and ... just really odd stuff happening when the field is a repeating section. Nothing i can really explain, more like adding a few checks for NaN , and encapsulating some code in functions which forced the parameters to be cloned which fixed some issues&nbsp; Just checked the 1.4 and it's really in good shape! The separation between class and racial dies on monster is great! About the&nbsp;DMG Ability dropdown, it was fixed on this version. It's still showing NONE, but its using the right bonus. Since it's using the right value, it's just cosmetic now =)

Edited 1450472570
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
hm that is weird. I opened it on one of my player's sheets and it stayed on the one it was set to after hitting recalc. If you change it to STR (or whatever) does it stay there when you close and open the sheet?
Sheet Author
Consolidated skills and background skills are usable together at the same time because none of the consolidated skills are marked as background skills and visa versa.

Edited 1450484916
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I beg to differ, almost all of the background skills fall under consolidated skills, according to Table 2-2 in Unchained.&nbsp; If a group is using Consolidated Skills, then players don't take the background skill Handle Animal anymore, they take Nature, they don't take Linguistics, they take Society, etc. Those background skills are not valid choices anymore. There are only a few skills from the old system not covered in Consolidated Skills:&nbsp;Appraise, Craft, Knowledge (Engineering), and Profession (and the two new ones, Artistry and Lore, are not even covered). Secondly, Background Skills uses the same Max Skills as before, plus 2 per level. Consolidated divides the old system in half. Points in Consolidated are worth twice as much due to the grouping. There's no way to adjudicate 2 more points of "background', they could go in only the 4 missing skills, or someone could argue they go in Nature, etc. The two systems use different skill points. There is no way to combine them, because they are different systems. Unless a GM wants to make something custom then they can, since all the tabs are visible (the radiobutton currently only uses it to calculate max skills), but then they'd have to add more in the additional max skillpoint field, so it's doable. &nbsp;But that would be a house rule
Sheet Author
Hmm... I suppose your right Chris, lame :)

Edited 1450493782
I just noticed a strange bug on one of my characters. Upon choosing Melee, Ranged, or CMB on the Attack drop down (For the individual attack), it creates a duplicate attack. All changes made to one affect the other. Edit: This also happens on changing the DMG Ability drop down. There are actually a lot of bugs with it. I clicked masterwork and it instantly made it a copy of another weapon. Sometime proficiency is not added. Using any of the drop downs causes a clone to appear. The calculations don't add up 0 + 17 =/= 18. This may be another bug similar to the one that was fixed by Riley. Sometimes the sheet just adds attacks randomly. Edit2(ish): Skills are bugged on first creation. They seem to show the entire equation. Also the radio button for choosing Consolidated or background skill's clickbox is too large on consolidated. So that when you click Background it does Consolidated.

Edited 1450504465
Whee, stealth works! I really like having size automatically accounted for. One problem: the Stealth macro looks like it's adding the smaller size modifier (+2) for small creatures when it should be adding the larger (+4) modifier for small creatures. Fly is the skill that uses the smaller modifier, and Fly is being calculated correctly. Edit I believe the updated macro should be: &{template:pf_generic} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_generic}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=Stealth}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Stealth} ]] + [[ @{size_skill_double} ]][size] ]]}}

Edited 1450516450
Sheet Author
I'm able to continuously reproduce the creation of additional attack entries now. I have a fresh character with the only values in "Attributes & Abilities" being:&nbsp;PFSheet_version, recalc1, tab, attention-show and all of the 0's for buffs. I have zero attack entries and no other repeating item entries elsewhere in the sheet. 1. Go to the Core tab. 2. Change Base STR from 10 to 20. 3. Change to Attacks tab. 4. Scroll through your new 15 attack entries. I hope that helps. I've been trying to find a way to repro this at will. Magik EDIT: Well, I created a fresh game and a fresh character there, but following the same steps doesn't repro the issue, so it may indeed be something with having had openend the sheet at some stage of the sheet java worker changes.

Edited 1450525636
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Awesome, thanks! Now we can hopefully figure it out. I only saw it happen once and could never repeat it. Edit: ugh 😁 hmm at least I can try your scenario on the sheet I saw it happen on.

Edited 1450534528
chris b. said: hm that is weird. I opened it on one of my player's sheets and it stayed on the one it was set to after hitting recalc. If you change it to STR (or whatever) does it stay there when you close and open the sheet? No. After I change it back on the sheet, it sticks&nbsp;with the new value. Really not a issue to me. Yesterday I had a lot or problems with duplicated attack. My observations show that everytime I make some modification that affect attacks (such as turning on/off buff or conditions), new empty entries were created for attacks. Also, in one particular sheet, some entries were partially duplicated instead. On this sheet, even marking as MWK duplicated the attack. One player reported problems with the repeating spells too, but since I don't use that section, I can't give more informations on how it's working right now. EDIT: Just notice this. Also, it seems that the Max Skill Ransk only considerer the field skill/lvl (from class tab) if I use the "up and bottom" buttons on the field.
Sheet Author
Courtney R. said: I just noticed a strange bug on one of my characters. Upon choosing Melee, Ranged, or CMB on the Attack drop down (For the individual attack), it creates a duplicate attack. All changes made to one affect the other. Edit: This also happens on changing the DMG Ability drop down. There are actually a lot of bugs with it. I clicked masterwork and it instantly made it a copy of another weapon. Sometime proficiency is not added. Using any of the drop downs causes a clone to appear. The calculations don't add up 0 + 17 =/= 18. This may be another bug similar to the one that was fixed by Riley. Sometimes the sheet just adds attacks randomly. Edit2(ish): Skills are bugged on first creation. They seem to show the entire equation. Also the radio button for choosing Consolidated or background skill's clickbox is too large on consolidated. So that when you click Background it does Consolidated. Thanks Courtney; 1. &nbsp;I can confirm that I have the same issue (only happens for me when changing the first repeating row though). &nbsp;I know Riley is still looking into this... 2. &nbsp;Not sure what you mean. &nbsp;"They seem to show the entire equation." &nbsp; Can you screen cap or explain a little?&nbsp; 3. &nbsp;The checkboxes. Easy fix.

Edited 1450552376
Sheet Author
Alex said: Whee, stealth works! I really like having size automatically accounted for. One problem: the Stealth macro looks like it's adding the smaller size modifier (+2) for small creatures when it should be adding the larger (+4) modifier for small creatures. Fly is the skill that uses the smaller modifier, and Fly is being calculated correctly. Edit I believe the updated macro should be: &{template:pf_generic} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_generic}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{subtitle}} {{name=Stealth}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Stealth} ]] + [[ @{size_skill_double} ]][size] ]]}} Will get that taken care of Alex. &nbsp;I left the old formula in there by mistake... ;-( In the meantime, everyone can update their macro-text for Stealth using your correct formula. &nbsp;Thank you.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I just messaged vince with an update to the skills page to use javascript to recalculate the values, for the beta site (the prod beta site we all were using). there are a few things left todo but also we need some feedback. AFAIK: known issues: dropdowns for ACP & Max Dex ignored (Fallyrion) consolidated/background radio buttons need more space between Arrow button for hiding wounds is missing (it's there but invisible, just above big black "wounds" ) vince will have to fix that i have no idea how those work. :)
Sheet Author
chris b. said: I just messaged vince with an update to the skills page to use javascript to recalculate the values, for the beta site (the prod beta site we all were using). there are a few things left todo but also we need some feedback. AFAIK: known issues: dropdowns for ACP & Max Dex ignored (Fallyrion) consolidated/background radio buttons need more space between Arrow button for hiding wounds is missing (it's there but invisible, just above big black "wounds" ) vince will have to fix that i have no idea how those work. :) I'll get a new PR up. &nbsp;I used a trick to completely hide wound thresholds unless you want to display it from the Config tab. &nbsp;I can add another show/hide option though for when it's displayed and you want to minimize it. &nbsp;Shouldn't be a problem.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Oh then the actual bug is wounds shows up when its not checked. I must have broken it, I moved wounds out of just a row and into a new sheet-sect due to column spaceing
I seem to having an issue with adding abilities and spells. Sometimes, when I add new abilities or spells, it makes a copy of one that already exists. If I delete the copy, it doesn't prevent this from happening.
Sheet Author
Daryl, we're still trying to determine the repeating section quirks. &nbsp;;-( &nbsp;Can you try to narrow down how to replicate the problem? &nbsp;Do you see anything in the console log (errors) when the problem happens? &nbsp;Thanks
Vince said: Thanks Courtney; 1. &nbsp;I can confirm that I have the same issue (only happens for me when changing the first repeating row though). &nbsp;I know Riley is still looking into this... 2. &nbsp;Not sure what you mean. &nbsp;"They seem to show the entire equation." &nbsp; Can you screen cap or explain a little?&nbsp; 3. &nbsp;The checkboxes. Easy fix. For #2, Fallyrion posted a good picture in his edit. EDIT: Just notice this. Also, it seems that the Max Skill Ransk only considerer the field skill/lvl (from class tab) if I use the "up and bottom" buttons on the field.

Edited 1450571566
Sheet Author
Update: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... fixed Stealth macro formula fixed consolidated/background radio buttons wound threshold displayed automatically added version info to footer small formatting fixes whisper fix (NPC rolls would stick on whisper even when toggled to public) defaults to consolidated skills on config allows skill rank formulas to resolve as normal
Not sure if it was mentioned here but the repeating sections problem is occurring in other character sheets.