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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam

Sheet Author
Max Kadmus said: Not sure if it was mentioned here but the repeating sections problem is occurring in other character sheets. Correct.  I think the Devs are trying to figure out what's going on.
Sheet Author
Courtney R. said: Vince said: Thanks Courtney; 1.  I can confirm that I have the same issue (only happens for me when changing the first repeating row though).  I know Riley is still looking into this... 2.  Not sure what you mean.  "They seem to show the entire equation."   Can you screen cap or explain a little?  3.  The checkboxes. Easy fix. For #2, Fallyrion posted a good picture in his edit. EDIT: Just notice this. Also, it seems that the Max Skill Ransk only considerer the field skill/lvl (from class tab) if I use the "up and bottom" buttons on the field. Place a checkmark on "Use Consolidated Skills".  Unless you also display/use Unchained Skills it will not affect the math for Skill ranks.  This will be done automatically in the next pull.
About the copying issue. I notice that it's not a simple copy, it's more like a "mirroring". It creates a new repeating weapon entry with the same values of the original. If I change the values from one of the copies, the other one is changed as well.
Sheet Author
Riley just made a change to roll20 that may have solved these issues. &nbsp;Follow and post about it here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Hey, I was away for a bit (finals etc.) - and I return to many more changes! Awesome! Much faster, too. Opening it still takes forever, but working in it is now fast enough that I don't need a macro for basically everything that I might want to do in the session. Having the sheet open and rolling from there is now much more viable! :)
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Awesome, great to hear people say it is faster, that was the point of the update. For me as well GMing was becoming crazy since everything was grinding to a halt as soon as I opened a sheet. My first session is tonight so we'll see. Soon on the sheet opening we will checks the version number and only updates when it needs to, but since we've been making so many updates it has been safer to always recalculate the sheet.
Hello there First off thanks Chris and Vince for all the work you have put in. Think I may found a bug. In the NPC section , Armour or shield. are not being added to the AC Total. Deflect, dodge, Natural, and Misc are working. Cheers Frank

Edited 1450636159
Sheet Author
Thanks Frank. &nbsp;Try toggling the Armor and Shield to "Equipped" on the defenses tab. &nbsp;I'll make sure this gets set to checked for the next update. &nbsp;I may have "unchecked" them at some point not realizing it would affect NPC AC's...
Thanks Vince that done the trick.

Edited 1450640383
Sheet Author
Added checkboxes to NPC armor and shield. &nbsp;Note that these represent equipping Armor 1 and Shield 1 from the Defenses tab and will be equipped by default. &nbsp; on main server beta:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
Once we get over our latest bugs... I think we can finally start tracking weights and encumbrance. Not sure if this will help Chris, but here's some old API script that Sam (sheet's creator) had written to work with the PF attributes to tally weights. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... I assume this can all be done within sheet workers now.
I think that there is a bug in the stealth skill macro when applying the stealth size modifier - It should be +/- 4 per size category below/above normal yet I only get a +/- 2. From&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>: Size Creatures gain a bonus or penalty on Stealth checks based on their size: Fine +16, Diminutive +12, Tiny +8, Small +4, Medium +0, Large –4, Huge –8, Gargantuan –12, Colossal –16. The macro is using @{size_skill}, should it be @{size_skill_double} instead? Thanks for the awesome work!
Sheet Author
Magik said: I'm able to continuously reproduce the creation of additional attack entries now. I have a fresh character with the only values in "Attributes & Abilities" being:&nbsp;PFSheet_version, recalc1, tab, attention-show and all of the 0's for buffs. I have zero attack entries and no other repeating item entries elsewhere in the sheet. 1. Go to the Core tab. 2. Change Base STR from 10 to 20. 3. Change to Attacks tab. 4. Scroll through your new 15 attack entries. I hope that helps. I've been trying to find a way to repro this at will. Magik EDIT: Well, I created a fresh game and a fresh character there, but following the same steps doesn't repro the issue, so it may indeed be something with having had openend the sheet at some stage of the sheet java worker changes. I'm no longer able to reproduce this issue, so it looks like Riley's code change fixed the issue. Well done! Magik
Sheet Author
I'm still having the issue where when a new Attack entry is added that after I make the first change to the entry (which is my case is the "Enh" value and hit the tab key) that it reorders the entry in the list of entries and it copies the values from one of the entries. I'm only able to reproduce this for a pre-existing character that has old entries where $X is 0, 1, 2, etc. So this problem may go away if I recreate all old entries. That is a bit of work since I have 16 old entries and the java worker update doesn't seem to have much of a character sheet performance enhancement for attack entries. It may be the more entries that you have, the longer the delay between changes. Magik
Sheet Author
In the Attack entries, what do people normally do for characters that take the Weapon Finesse feat? There isn't a drop-down for which ability to use for your attack, so do you change the Melee drop-down to Ranged? Is it possible to save the coordinates and the size of the sheet that you configured before it was closed and when opened the next time have it be in the same location and size? Thanks! Magik

Edited 1450711255
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Magik Weapon Finesse: &nbsp;if you are only going to use your one weapon it's probably easier to just change the melee attack at top.&nbsp; Position on screen: no sorry, I think the API might be able to move things, but not the SheetWorkers. The sheet only has access to the fields in the sheet. Heck I'm not sure the API can even set the size & position of popup browser windows. Please make sure to put comments on the repeating item bugs in this thread:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> since &nbsp;that is the "official" thread the devs are watching,&nbsp; (Obviously not bugs specific to the sheet like something not calculating correctly) But regarding speed; yes, updating a field is slower now than it was with disabled autocalculated fields. Now that the sheet is almost stable we can start working on speed, though I might need help from some JavaScript gurus for that. But what's faster is the ability to have sheets open without slowing down the system, or to have many tokens on the map linked to sheets. I finally ran a session last night and couldn't believe it was just as fast as when we first started playing.&nbsp; But i can look into maybe making a button that copies existing repeating weapons to new entries.&nbsp;
Hey gang, where can I get the most up to date code for the sheet? I want to upgrade my homebrew ruleset to use the cool stuff you guys have been working on.

Edited 1450719338
Sheet Author
@Encartrus You can always get the code off of github. &nbsp;The last&nbsp; PR will have the latest version. &nbsp;I would encourage you to wait a little longer since we are still making some important changes to the sheet and you may find yourself scrambling to keep up to date. Of course you're welcome to mod away... have fun. @Tal Stealth fix was in yesterday's PR. &nbsp;It's been merged and we're just waiting for it to go live. &nbsp;You can modify all skill macro text BTW if you don't want to wait. &nbsp;;-)
chris b. said: CURRENT STATUS known issues: dropdowns for ACP & Max Dex ignored (Fallyrion) cannot replicate in dev, probably fixed in new release: missing skill points (Jason H) ... Confirmed fixed, awesome!
Suggestion? &nbsp;Could you turn the Class Information list in the Classes tab into a repeating item? &nbsp;I have a weird Dragon Disciple build I call MaxSTR Fighter 2 / Brawler 1 / Barbarian 1 / Arcanist 3 / Dragon Disciple 4 / Eldritch Knight 9 that would benefit from being able to add another class to that list.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Adding a couple more rows isn't so hard. (Easier than converting to repeating, for now)&nbsp; they also support decimals now, if you use fractional advancement when multiclassing.

Edited 1450759485
Jason H.
KS Backer
Cool! Thanks, Chris.

Edited 1450759610
Sheet Author
I like the flexibility of converting the classes tab to a repeating section, but I wouldn't look forward to doing the code work... &nbsp;How long till you pick another class Jason? &nbsp;;-)
Another suggestion for you guys. Would it possible to get a Vision section in Core or Details? I know it can be places under Racial Traits, but a consistent place to make it easier for GMs that run more than just a handful of characters. This does not need to roll into anything, be added to a token, or etc. I would just like a quick way to check someone's vision.
Sheet Author
I think we can find a home for that. &nbsp;Have a place in mind... the Details page perhaps?
I was thinking Core, kind of like movement is.

Edited 1450842749
Sheet Author
Courtney R. said: I was thinking Core, kind of like movement is. Would Special Defenses work? &nbsp;;-) &nbsp;As a bonus I also put it in the Details tab next to "Eyes"

Edited 1450844757
Sheet Author
Courtney R. said: I was thinking Core, kind of like movement is. You may already do this, but you can also target a token to learn a stat as the gm so it wouldn't really matter where the attribute is located. &nbsp;Vision should be a set and forget... normally. very simple example; /w gm Vision: @{target|vision} or even pull a whole statblock of info.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I have thought details and core should be combined :) Vince and I put a new beta out on the prod beta site, it has extra classes, AC Penalty and Max Dex dropdowns work, skills are updated, other fixes. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...

Edited 1450889209
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Proposed Buff Checks: Add the following columns: Touch, CMD, Ability Check Skill Check Caster Level The Touch and CMD are to allow you to properly add buffs that apply differently ,&nbsp;C buff breakdown: AC:&nbsp;Armor, Shield, Enhancement, Natural plus Circumstance, Deflection, Dodge, Insight, Luck, Morale, Profane/Sacred Touch: Deflection, Dodge, Armor (if Force) CMD:&nbsp;Circumstance, Deflection, Dodge, Insight, Luck, Morale, Profane/Sacred (see&nbsp; Pathfinder PRD &nbsp;) Ability and Skill Checks are for all the spells that affect these 2. Caster level, requested, a few things affect this Please let us know what you think of the above, or give other suggestions. I already moved notes to the left under buff Name, to make more room. And we will have to add this bug fix:&nbsp;Minimum 0 for Ability score buff entries. (since they should be put in the penalty column) Long Term: We could have bonus types, so that we could calculate proper stacking.&nbsp;, We would then need a separate row of totals for penalties, since penalties&nbsp;always stack, while buffs might not stack I mapped out the possibilities and the only problem is we couldn't have one bonus type per row, different columns in the buff grid are affected by different abilities. So either some buffs (such as bard song) would have to be split up into different rows, or, we would need multiple dropdowns per buff row. Or, just create a new repeatable item list for buffs, that would incorporate those rules more cleanly. Since that would require a long time to create, perhaps the above changes are good for the next few months.
Wow. Been busy in here the last couple weeks. I'm messing around with the new sheet, and trying to set up a new character. Trying to get the max-calculation for a repeating class ability to auto-calc correctly. It's a 1/2 level (min 1) + ability mod type ability, and while I can get it to calculate floor(class-level/2) + Ability-Mod correctly, I can't figure out how to get the minimum 1 to work. Anytime I try to introduce any variation of {1,math}kh1, I wind up with a blank result. This is what I have: =floor(@{class-0-level}/2)+@{INT-mod} which works fine. This is what I want: =({1,floor(@{class-0-level}/2)}kh1)+@{INT-mod} which doesn't.

Edited 1450900124
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
edit: yeah something is odd.. i will look at that, they should still be working since they were not changed to the new sheetparser

Edited 1450978278
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Pathfinder sheet new versions for your perusal and testing: 0.15 Beta Stable asof: 12/22/15 campaign:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... code:&nbsp; gist Skills page updated to use SheetWorkers Removed size dropdowns to Fly and Stealth Conditions affect Skills Extra class row in class grid Fix ACP, MaxDex dropdowns Removed double whisper and add subtitle to skills Added Vision&nbsp;to Special Defense and Details Fix to buff_DMG-total Fix to show/hide Unchained Skills 0.16 Beta asof: 12/24/15 Campaign:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Code (both html and css):&nbsp; github repo Added Touch, CMD, Checks, Casterlevel to buffs (note asof 12/24 casterlevel does not affect anything) Add auto-appearing horizontal scrollbar to buff section Removed number input spinners from readonly fields Added @{check-cond} to use in ability checks and added to pc and npc ability roll buttons. (no need to add to skill, attack, saves as it's added to condition mod via javascript) It is total of buff_Check-total and all condition modifiers to ability checks. Fix to macro parser bug introduced in 1.5 Updated buff grid to show placeholder "0" in the input boxes, and blank for buff boxes (players kept trying to enter in readonly rows)
So i recently found out that sheets now recalculate everything when opened? Any chance this could be reverted for users with worse computers? And what is that "recalc" box for? Was there some big change that made it necessary?
LOVE the work y'all are doing but... Isn't it about time for a new forum page?
Sheet Author
Kristi said: So i recently found out that sheets now recalculate everything when opened? Any chance this could be reverted for users with worse computers? And what is that "recalc" box for? Was there some big change that made it necessary? Large sheets like Pathfinder were becoming very taxing on system resources. Sheet workers(javascript) removes the burden of auto-calculated attributes&nbsp;that would normally run the entire time&nbsp;and enables them to only be "re-calculated" when triggered by a change in the calculation. &nbsp;In theory this improves the sheet's performance. &nbsp;The recalc button can be used to force a sheet-wide recalculation of auto-calculated attributes which can be necessary when a field doesn't appear to be auto-calculating correctly. &nbsp;The "big change" was introducing javascript and improving the repeating section/row functionality of Roll20's character sheets. &nbsp;We're still working the "bugs" out and the need to manually trigger the recalc button will diminish.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
Phnord Prephect said: LOVE the work y'all are doing but... Isn't it about time for a new forum page? Since roll20 started indexing the forums, it's not as necessary as it once was. &nbsp;But, yes, I think it's time. &nbsp;I named this thread in the hopes Sam would come back and visit... I guess it's time to move on. &nbsp;How about a new thread for the new year?

Edited 1451143899
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kristi said: So i recently found out that sheets now recalculate everything when opened? Any chance this could be reverted for users with worse computers? And what is that "recalc" box for? Was there some big change that made it necessary? Starting with 0.16 it will go back to only updating on sheet open if your version number of the character is behind the current version. In addition to what Vince wrote, you can read about it here:&nbsp; Roll20 Blog on December 2015 Update
1. Me (GM) and one of my players have this weird issue with his character sheet.. Every time we enter it shows "Defenses" tab by default, and as soon as the tab is switched to any other tab, it jumps back straight to "defenses".. after that, it's possible to witch to different tab again..but when you switch again, it again jumps to defenses ...It's not game breaking but really annoying.. :) Is creating his character sheet from scratch the only way to solve this? 2. And it seems that Acrobatics skill is not working. It seems that no matter how much I recalc or add new ranks or remove them..the multiplier stays the same as before the update.. basically - it does not change when roll is made...:/ Anyway.. we are having a lot of fun with this and the character sheet is awesome :) Thanks
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Postmodern, For #1, what browser and OS are you using? For #2, try toggling the "class skill" check box on and off a fewtimes, does that fix it ? Also make sure no conditions are on, thought I doubt its conditions Thanks
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
0.16 (and 0.15) pull request 1265: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... after this goes live, known issues: 1. on Firefox you have to hit ENTER after changing a field, not tab or clicking. 2. class ability repeating section "max" field not interpreting macro correctly
Sheet Author
Postmodern said: 1. Me (GM) and one of my players have this weird issue with his character sheet.. Every time we enter ... Look on the Attributes & Abilities tab and delete any Attributes named "tab". &nbsp;There may be more than one. &nbsp;It's a known roll20 bug. &nbsp;Not sure if it will solve your particular problem. &nbsp;I'm hopeful though.
Sheet Author
chris b. said: 0.16 (and 0.15) pull request 1265: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... after this goes live, known issues: 1. on Firefox you have to hit ENTER after changing a field, not tab or clicking. 2. class ability repeating section "max" field not interpreting macro correctly I'll get a new PR up today Chris. &nbsp;My gist was current, so you were fine using that. &nbsp;I'll have to look into the FF (just hit ENTER issue)
Hi guys, I believe I may have found a bug in the Pathfinder sheet. &nbsp;Unless I'm crazy and there is something somewhere that I'm unaware of, the Touch AC is not calculating properly. &nbsp;It should be 10 + Dex Mod. &nbsp;In the below ss, you can see how my Dex Mod is +2, and the Touch AC shows 11. &nbsp;If I'm terribly wrong, please let me know. :)
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
What is the max dex below the defenses grid?
Thanks, I could have sworn I set that to three, but I must have made a mistake. &nbsp;My apologies! -_-;
chris b. said: Postmodern, For #1, what browser and OS are you using? For #2, try toggling the "class skill" check box on and off a fewtimes, does that fix it ? Also make sure no conditions are on, thought I doubt its conditions Thanks I've used Mozilla and Chrome, and my pal is using Safari... But no worries, we just re-made the character from scratch and so far - it's ok. And I tried to check/uncheck the box - didn't work.
Sheet Author
Are you saying it's working fine now with a new character Postmodern?
Vince said: Kristi said: So i recently found out that sheets now recalculate everything when opened? Any chance this could be reverted for users with worse computers? And what is that "recalc" box for? Was there some big change that made it necessary? Large sheets like Pathfinder were becoming very taxing on system resources. Sheet workers(javascript) removes the burden of auto-calculated attributes&nbsp;that would normally run the entire time&nbsp;and enables them to only be "re-calculated" when triggered by a change in the calculation. &nbsp;In theory this improves the sheet's performance. &nbsp;The recalc button can be used to force a sheet-wide recalculation of auto-calculated attributes which can be necessary when a field doesn't appear to be auto-calculating correctly. &nbsp;The "big change" was introducing javascript and improving the repeating section/row functionality of Roll20's character sheets. &nbsp;We're still working the "bugs" out and the need to manually trigger the recalc button will diminish.&nbsp; Is there any chance you could provide the ability to use older versions of the sheets to users, at least?