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[Script] PowerCards 3 (Thread 4)

That's an issue with the roll20 parser and not being able to mix addition and rolls and such. Try adding 0d0 + @{Stamina} etc.
that worked.. thank you.
Xargun said: that worked.. thank you. Well I was incorrect. It got rid of the error but is not processing the dice correctly. My modified macro is: --Consumption of the Soul|[[ 0d0 + ((@{Stamina} + @{PumpSta} + @{Empathy} + @{WP})d10)>(12 - @{target|PathoE})f1]] And now instead of processing each die versus a difficulty it is simply adding them up. I'm sure its something simple but I've been pounding my head against this for a while and cannot see it. Anyone?
On a different topic - is there any way to do a roll and then use the results of the first roll in a second roll? I know you can do conditionals, but this would not be a conditional. Basically you would take the number of successes on the first roll and use that number in a secondary roll.
Xargun said: Xargun said: that worked.. thank you. Well I was incorrect. It got rid of the error but is not processing the dice correctly. My modified macro is: --Consumption of the Soul|[[ 0d0 + ((@{Stamina} + @{PumpSta} + @{Empathy} + @{WP})d10)>(12 - @{target|PathoE})f1]] And now instead of processing each die versus a difficulty it is simply adding them up. I'm sure its something simple but I've been pounding my head against this for a while and cannot see it. Anyone? Nevermind - finally got it to work. Not an easy way but am able to do what I want via the conditional statements.

Edited 1495916119
Xargun said: instead of processing each die versus a difficulty it is simply adding them up. [[ 0d0 + ( (@{Stamina} + @{PumpSta} + @{Empathy} + @{WP})d10 ) > ( 12 - @{target|PathoE} ) f1]] I bolded two sets of (parentheses) within your inline roll, quoted above. The first set, enclosing the dice roll, should either be deleted or replaced with {curly brackets}. The second set, enclosing the target number, should be replaced with [[inline roll brackets]]. Also, you should remove the 0d0 from your roll because Sum rolls and success rolls cannot be mixed together (without using [[ [[nested]] inline rolls]]). It's not necessary to add it, as you already have a roll present within your [[inline roll]].

Edited 1495916370
Xargun said: On a different topic - is there any way to do a roll and then use the results of the first roll in a second roll? I know you can do conditionals, but this would not be a conditional. Basically you would take the number of successes on the first roll and use that number in a secondary roll. Not really. The closest you can get, without using conditionals, is combining /rolls and [[inline rolls]] like this: /r [Damage Roll:] (1 + [[ [Attack Roll:] 1d20>19f<12 ]])d8
Silvyre said: Xargun said: instead of processing each die versus a difficulty it is simply adding them up. [[ 0d0 + ( (@{Stamina} + @{PumpSta} + @{Empathy} + @{WP})d10 ) > ( 12 - @{target|PathoE} ) f1]] I bolded two sets of (parentheses) within your inline roll, quoted above. The first set, enclosing the dice roll, should either be deleted or replaced with {curly brackets}. The second set, enclosing the target number, should be replaced with [[inline roll brackets]]. Also, you should remove the 0d0 from your roll because Sum rolls and success rolls cannot be mixed together (without using [[ [[nested]] inline rolls]]). It's not necessary to add it, as you already have a roll present within your [[inline roll]]. Thank you. I tried your changes and it works how I originally wanted it and much cleaner than using a bunch of conditionals.
Hey all, just one quick powerCard question: I'm trying to configure PC for use with a homebrew version of WH40k's Dark Heresy 2.0 setting, and as part of this I need to macro rolls that roll, for example 3d10, take the highest two (so like a /roll 3d10d1), sum the total, and still check if a 10 occurred in the roll (any 10s on damage dice mean a crit). The ^Roll.ones functionality (below) is similar to what I need, except I need 10s, not 1s -- is there a way to do this with PC? [[ [$Roll] 3d10d1 ]] [^Roll.ones]
No, but I can add it. For the low low fee of $5. :D  Just kidding. Testing it now.
June 16th, 2017 ~ 9:40 pm eastern Version: 3.5.0 Link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Update: Added a .tens option to count the number of tens rolled in a single RollID. Example: [[ [$Roll] 3d10d1 ]] [^Roll.tens]
Sky said: June 16th, 2017 ~ 9:40 pm eastern Version: 3.5.0 Link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Update: Added a .tens option to count the number of tens rolled in a single RollID. Example: [[ [$Roll] 3d10d1 ]] [^Roll.tens] Holy **** that was fast, thanks!
The work was already done really. Just copied what I did for .ones and changed it all to .tens basically. I should probably have just added .max or something similar, but my hydrocodone addled brain isn't up for dealing with that right now. Had a cracked, infected wisdom tooth extracted today.
Sky said: Had a cracked, infected wisdom tooth extracted today. Yeouch! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Silvyre said: Sky said: Had a cracked, infected wisdom tooth extracted today. Yeouch! Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Thanks. Not the first one out... and got one more that will eventually need to go. My recovery is always speedy. After the first day I don't hurt any more.
Sheet Author
I'm trying to figure out a way to have the roll calculate number of successes based on roll vs target number. The game gives you 1 success for rolling equal or greater than the target number, and another success for every 5 over the target number you get. So far I have: --?? $ &lt; @{target|PD}?? !Miss:|Fail. --?? $ &gt;= @{target|PD}?? !Hit:|[[ ($ - @{target|PD})/5]] Successes
Here's the current workaround: --Result|[! [^Result] !] --?? $Result &lt; @{target|PD} ?? !Miss:|Fail. --?? $Result &gt;= @{target|PD} ?? !Hit:|[[ ceil(([$Result]{1d20 + 0} - @{target|PD}) / 5) ]] Successes
I used --whisper|@{selected|token_name} and its not work for my players. Is this formatted right. What are the other formats I can used other then GM i know that works.
You can't whisper to token names. You have to use character_name.

Edited 1498441320
Here's a puzzle for you - This is the code in a macro.&nbsp; Should be a standard button, right?&nbsp; Except this is what shows up: And the big kicker was that that was cut and pasted from another character sheet, where it's working as-written (though pointing at a different ability).&nbsp; The one difference is that the source sheet is for a PC, while this is for a sheet marked for an NPC.&nbsp; OGL 1.6 sheet. Any ideas?
...Annnnd having made the post, I see the error, missing a ) at the end. Never mind.&nbsp; ^^
When you cut and pasted it might have replaced the html entities.

Edited 1498545824
I haven't used PowerCards in a long while and I was baffled as to why my cards were looking like this for a good few hours until I realized font shadows were implemented.&nbsp; Poor implementation, it seems like the shadows are either completely black or completely white and it's just the same text adjusted a pixel in each direction, not smoothed out or anything pretty.&nbsp; I thought some sort of font outline was added at first before I realized these were supposed to be shadows. I just removed lines 91 and 94 and it's back to being legible.

Edited 1498555105
There is an option in formatting to disable it without removing anything from the script. And that's how CSS text shadows are done. You're probably missing the blur or something for them to look that way.
Yeah I noticed it to. I hate it because at some point even the formatting option won't remove that darned shadow.
--titlefontshadow|none gets rid of them.
I have that in my PC and they still show.
Jerry F. said: I have that in my PC and they still show. I have notice some times the -- will change to a solid -- which I can't show here and that was messing with my options. Just a thought not sure if its the case but its easy to over look.
Jerry F. said: I have that in my PC and they still show. Then you have a text shadow set somewhere else in a --format or the card themselves, because text-shadow only appears once in the entire script and using --titlefontshadow|none will get rid of it. Double check your format settings, your actual macros... cause I can't recreate any instance in which the text shadow still happens despite the above setting.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Craven said: Jerry F. said: I have that in my PC and they still show. I have notice some times the -- will change to a solid -- which I can't show here and that was messing with my options. Just a thought not sure if its the case but its easy to over look. I found that happened when i used a text editor that 'helpfully' automatically replaced characters for me, often turning a -- into a – and thereby breaking my hard earned work. Turn off the auto replacement and life will make sense again :)

Edited 1498766284
Heya, it's me again :) I'm working on my macros for my homebrew Dark Heresy 2.0 game still, and have discovered that I need* the following functionality for every digit 1-10, if possible: [[ [$Roll] 3d10d1 ]] [^Roll.ones] Ones and tens are already implemented, but two-nine aren't. Some of the weapon attributes in my system require them, alas. *I think I have a kludge-y workaround if this can't be implemented in PC directly, but if y'all have any workaround ideas (to retrieve the number of each digit rolled from a past roll) I'd love to hear it!
Two nine what rule?
I'm looking for something like: [^Roll.twos] [^Roll.threes] ... [^Roll.nines] to go with [^Roll.ones] and [^Roll.tens]
Hi Guys, I'm loving making use of the powercards, but I am having an issue in one of my games. really it's a usage question. How do I get the power card to use a rollable table? for instance I have a game I'm running where the players have to make use of two buttons to determine what happens in their kingdom. one table randomly selects a province and the second table randomly selects an event to happen. I'd love to place these on a single power card for them as it would make things run smoother and better. I cannot locate what the command would be though in the powercards to reference a table.
[[1t[TableName]]] should work.
Also, if anyone wants to take over management of PowerCards... please do so. I don't even use it anymore and haven't for the past couple years.
I can safely say that I couldn't my games without powercards, so I find exceptional value in them. &nbsp;I hope someone keeps them alive, and thank you for all the work Sky. &nbsp;:D
It's just hard to find motivation to work on the script when I don't use it. Glad people still find it useful though.
Thanks guys! and thank you for all the hard work Sky!! If I knew more about scripting I would but my knowledge is rudimentary at best....
Adras said: Thanks guys! and thank you for all the hard work Sky!! If I knew more about scripting I would but my knowledge is rudimentary at best.... So was mine when I started. This and my other scripts are the result of months of self-teaching, searching stackexchange, and bugging TheAaron and others for help on tough bits to crack. :D
Sheet Author
and... we wouldn't of had roll templates without your powercards script pushing the devs. &nbsp;Cheers
The Aaron
API Scripter
For the record, I never feel bugged. =D
The Aaron said: For the record, I never feel bugged. =D Excellent, the listening device is in pla... &nbsp;Nevermind! &nbsp;;) Sky said: It's just hard to find motivation to work on the script when I don't use it. Glad people still find it useful though. What do you use instead, if you don't mind me asking? &nbsp;
I just use the OGL character sheets. The roll templates suit my needs for that system quite well. Were I to run a 4e game, I probably would delve back into powercards and my importer scripts.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Powercards are ESSENTIAL for a 3.5e dinosaur like me... thanks for ALL your work Sky :)
I love power cards they make thing look so much better. Thanks for creating this.
I use powercards even in 5e I use them for all the things that can't be displayed by the sheet. Like a nice way of displaying table rolls and whatnot.&nbsp;
Jerry F. said: I use powercards even in 5e I use them for all the things that can't be displayed by the sheet. Like a nice way of displaying table rolls and whatnot.&nbsp; Can you give me an example of displaying a table roll?
This is actually rolling on 2 tables.
Jerry F. said: This is actually rolling on 2 tables. Try adding [TXT] to your inline table rolls. I think it will get rid of the inline roll background. Like this: [[ [TXT] 1t[TableName]]]