Hello everyone, I am really close to finish my attack macro but I am stuck in the crit part. I am using warhammer second edition and here is a short description of how the crit works on it.
When the player rolls a 10 on the die. Roll to hit again, using all the same modifiers as for the initial roll. If this second roll is successful, the player can roll an additional 1d10 and add the result to the Damage Total. This process continues until the player rolls less than a 10
I tough first about using an exploding dice in the macro, but that just roll automatic everytime I get a 10 in the dice and not takes into account that the second roll must also be sucessful for the crit to appy. I wonder if you guys know a way I can do something similar on my macro. Down I add the powercard macro I am using at the moment with the exploding dices and i Also add the macro that comes with the character sheet for warhammer. I mark in bold the part that I think are important Any tips?
!power {{
--emote| **@{selected|character_name}** Attacks **@{target|character_name}**
--Target Number|~R [[ [$Target] 0d0 + [[@{Selected|meleetohit1}+?{Modifier|0}]] ]] ~R
--Attack Roll|~R [[ [$ARoll] 1d100 ]] ~R
--?? $ARoll > $Target ?? Outcome|~R **Miss!** ~R
--?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll <= 15 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Head** ~R
--?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 16 AND $ARoll <= 35 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Right Arm** ~R
--?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 36 AND $ARoll <= 55 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Left Arm** ~R
--?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 56 AND $ARoll <= 80 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Body** ~R
--?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 81 AND $ARoll <= 90 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Right Leg** ~R
--?? $ARoll <= $Target AND $ARoll >= 91 ?? Outcome|~R **Hit Left Leg** ~R
--?? $ARoll <= $Target ?? Damage| ~R
[[1d10! + @{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] |
[[1d10! + @{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]] ~R
&{template:whfrp2e} {{title=@{Selected|meleeweaponname1}}}{{character_name=@{selected|token_name} attacks @{target|token_name}}} {{target=[[@{Selected|meleetohit1}+?{Modifier|0}]]}} {{attacktest=[[1d100]]}} {{qualities=@{Selected|meleequalities1}}}{{damage=[[1d10+@{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]]}}{{impact=[[@{Selected|meleeimpact1}]]}} {{impactdamage=[[1d10+@{Selected|StrengthBonus}+@{Selected|meleedmg1}]]}}
{{furytest=[[1d100]]}}{{furytarget=[[@{Selected|meleetohit1}]]}} {{furydamage=[[1d10!]]}} {{impactfurydamage=[[1d10!]]}}I am aware that is API script, but i wonder if you guys would think of something that would be able to simulate the same on the powercard