Arioch1973 said: Nice change with the talents line. Something I would like to do is to change the "Roll" for weapons. I have not looked at it yet, but I would like it to work as this; On group you select which weapon group it is, and it automatically links the correct skill for the weapon. When you click roll for weapons, it should output it as "Rolling XX" "against XX" "Weapon Name" "Damage" "Qualities". I've got a bit of a list:- Calculate armour encumbrance Calculate weapon encumbrance Calculate trappings encumbrance Total should already calculate Max encumbrance is usually SB+TB for PC's, but the sheet needs to work for NPCs and creatures, some of which have a fixed Max Enc I'd like to see with the roll output, to show something like success or fail, in green or red After that, to show how many success levels (SL) And if it's a crit or fumble (roll a double - 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 00) And something else if it's 01-05 or 96-00 as those are also crits and fumbles As a GM, I'd like the option to maybe change the range for that last type of crit/fumble Agree, having an attack button linked to weapon type which then rolls the appropriate melee specialisation skill - or WS only if there isn't one Damage is Attack SL + SB + weapon damage Range works the same way, with a specialisation for each Range(x) skill, except it's advanced, so in theory you can only use that weapon type if you have the skill, but it doesn't appear to work that way in the combat section, and the description of the skill implies there would be a penalty, but no such penalty exists in the ranged penalties. We are however currently working off the preview edition of the rulebook though, so this could change some kind of button for a melee defense, if you have a shield, or it includes dodge skill, so you only need to have one I would like a drop/down choice box for armour locations when listing the armour and encumbrance, and the diagram of hit-locations should auto calculate armour points in that location I haven't tried it out yet on tabletop, but it looks like spells, blessings and invoking miracles all work differently so that section will probably need adjusting Possibly also change something in the style sheet so that the buttons - i.e the bits that make the rolls are little more obvious to see By no means is this a comprehensive list, nor am I suggesting trying to do all of these in one go, nor do I really have any experience in R20 sheet making to know how difficult any of these are to do