Thank you guys SO MUCH for the replies. Regarding the 1st issue of the available "Free Subscription" sheet not working: Can this not simply be replaced with the one that does work? As I stated, I went ahead and subscribed to a Pro account so it is no longer an issue for me, but I wanted to ward off any future issues with folks that are just starting like myself. I copied and pasted the HTML and CSS and the sheet works fine now, (Amazing and comprehensive sheet btw). Incidentally, it is the sole reason I am here and subscribed to a Pro account. I was using "the other guys" until the developer of that systems sheet abandoned it. So the guys here at Roll20 should offer a little shout out to the dev of this sheet. It landed them another subscriber. Regarding the Combat Tracker: You both need to please forgive me. I am NOT the "coder". (I spent nearly 20min the other day just trying to find where a screenshot I took was saved) Diving into the code and altering it scares the hell out of me. hehe. That being said I believe I am on the down slope of the "learning curve" as I am finding things easier and easier to do/learn. While there are still TONS of things I don't know, understanding what all the Youtube guys are talking about has become more and more familiar. That being said; So as I understand it, the existing code already takes into account that the Attribute for Initiative is an "I" and is already "translating" it? So your "InitiativeStart,InitiativeTalents,InitiativeAdv,InitiativeMod" is already in there? If so (and I hate to be the "needy" noob) could you possibly explain the steps to "make it work". I.e., [open tracker, click all tokens included in the combat, tell players to click their initiative macro, wait for results, select descending order] Or something to that affect? Thanks again guys,. Really enjoying all this new learning and Super Excited to put on a GREAT campaign with all these new tools! :)