Arioch1973 said:
I am working on a version of the roll template that outputs hit locations as well. But for now it straight up uses the result of the D100 roll, since I have not figured out on how to reverse the value of a D100 and feed it to the roll template.
If you have the roll as a single entry {{roll=[[1d100]] }} you cant reverse it within a rolltemplate,n but you can brute force it with having many repeated rolltotal comparisons: {{rollTotal roll 11}} {{rollTotal roll 21}} {{rollTotal roll 31}} etc.
You end up with a huge amount of duplication, since you probably need to have 100 entries, but it is doable.
Then you can also compare {{roll}} to the skill roll {{roll=[[Skill + ?{Modifier|0} ]] }} to calculate success or fail, and you can add in the roll macro a lot of redundant elements to account for degrees of success: {{rollplus10=[[Skill + ?{Modifier|0} +10]] }} {{rollplus-10=[[Skill + ?{Modifier|0} -10]] }} {{rollplus-20=[[Skill + ?{Modifier|0} -20]] }} and so on.
Then you can use nested comparisons to find degree of success with a vast chain of nest logical comparisons (checking if roll is under rollplus10 but also not under rollplus20, etc).
So what you want does seem do-able, but its really painful to create.