Sure, I can add that in, expect the following changes to show up a bit later than the usual schedule, since its x-mas next Tuesday which is when commits are reviewed. :
For links, I've made it a slightly brighter yellow
- Brightened up the success/failure colors for visibility.
- I've corrected the (Ag) issue under characteristics, it was a minor oversight in the translations .json
To Do:
- I'm going to wait a week till the commit comes through on uploading images so I can get the URLs from github, not going to guess at those and break all the images for a week.
Wish-list:(Probably would do these if I was running a game/there was a great demand for them)
- Rearranging the sections to make skill checks higher up and easily accessible as soon as you open up the character sheet.
- Make collapsible the weapon-group skills.
- Make collapsible the character description and details.
- Put wealth and trapping sections together
- Give Ambitions something bigger than two inches of text-box.
- Make the cool check-marks that's currently in the sheet make sense with the styling of the rest of the sheet.