Bugs: Massive, unexplained attribute bonus Something is giving me a massive bonus to Dexterity (the attribute), which is affecting the modifier, AC, saves, attacks, etc. It isn't any of the normal attribute bonuses. Hovering shows the correct base attribute (20). Setting the "dexterity" character attribute sometimes fixes it, but it isn't consistent. Solved: Experimenting with my weapon attacks put a malformed modifier on the linked inventory item. Weapon attacks sometimes switch from dex to str Changing inventory item quantity resets the linked weapon attack. It usually happens to my net attack, but occasionally I'll find that my weapon attack stat has switched for no apparent reason. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has my character sheet open. If you switch a weapon attack from strength to dexterity, then change the quantity of the linked weapon in your inventory, the weapon attack will flip back to strength. This is most notable on thrown weapons. HP modifiers can't be deleted until they are named Clicking the red trash can does nothing. Closing the character sheet and re-opening auto-deletes the modifier, so it isn't a big deal. Feature Requests: A global critical range option (important for champions, hexblades, etc.) Current Workaround: Add a "crit_range" attribute to your character sheet and use "@{crit_range}" for the crit range on each attack. A "Remarkable Athlete" option similar to "Jack of All Trades" (important for champions) Current Workaround: Set skill and initiative bonuses manually. You'll have to update them at level 13 because ceil(@{pb}/2) doesn't work. Add custom skills for "STRENGTH", "DEXTERITY", and "CONSTITUTION" checks and set their proficiency bonuses to "JACK OF ALL TRADES" (don't turn on jack of all trades in settings). Unfortunately, Jack of All Trades rounds down while Remarkable Athlete rounds up, so you'll have to set the "jack" attribute in "Attributes & Abilities" to the correct bonus. If you don't want to edit "Attributes & Abilities", add a fixed modifier to each custom skill and adjust it at levels 9, 13, and 17. Alternatively, use attacks with no damage and update their modifiers at level 13. There's currently no way to set a bonus to Ability Checks. The bonuses in "Attribute Options" are applied to the attribute, so they affect the attribute modifier (and all calculations done with it, including saves, attacks, etc). An option to roll 3 times instead of twice (important for elven accuracy) Current Workaround: The only way I've found to actually display a 3rd roll and have it use the correct modifiers for each attack is to enable "DAMAGE2" and set the damage to something like: d20cs>20 + @{dexterity_mod}[DEX] + @{pb}[PROF] The green highlight and extra damage on crit don't work, but other than that it looks alright. I also set the damage type to "Elven Accuracy" and crit damage to "(0)" (it's impossible to turn off completely). I was bugged by having to roll another damage die when elven accuracy crit, so I actually set both crit damages to "(0)" and use: d20cs>@{crit_range} + @{dexterity_mod}[DEX] + @{pb}[PROF]]] | +[[d8 In the first example, I do 9 damage and the +6 doesn't matter. In the second, I crit (on a 19) for 8+2 damage. In the third, the elven accuracy roll crit, so I crit for 11+6 damage (assuming I had advantage).