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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)


Edited 1579555085
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Edit: I just saw that your question was not how to do it, but how to do it for all . On your game settings page (outside the game) there is a setting for the sheet. Set it there, and then go into the game to the Experimental Features section, go the in-game settings tab and update all characters there. I'll leave my original answer below, for those who just need to know how. Original Answer: It is a setting on the settings tab of each sheet:
I'm not sure if this is intentional or a bug, but recently I've noticed a change to the 'innate' field in the spells, which previously would appear beside the spell name. It now appears under the spell. The formatting itself, after this change, is strange, which is what lead me to think it's a bug. Cantrips simply place the innate line below the spell name, whereas 1st level spells and above place a comma floating before the entered text, which seems unnecessary and awkward formatting if this change is intentional.  While it is still somewhat functional as it is, in my opinion it makes longer spell lists with these tags much less readable since you have to scroll down to see all the options much more often (I often use these tags on multiclassed spellcasters to tell their spells apart; on clerics and/or wizards that can be a lot of spells). 
That's happening in both chrome and firefox.

Edited 1579621153
Mancer Issues and probably sheet? Class(es) : All (For this failure used Paladin/Warlock)  Subclass : All Oath of Vengeance/Hexblade Race : All  (Thiefling ) Level(s) : 6/6 Description of issue :  Charactermancer fails at fully loading the character from level 1. Personality traits not loading. class and race skill profiencies not inputing.  When leveling, the spells from multiclass choices not showing. (NO Warlock spells if you start with Paladin and vice versa) Sorry if it looks bit jumbled, it had problems uploading the screens. The Game is called "The Flamasin Chronicles" if the Devs need that kind of info  Edit: I use Chrome
Ziegrand said: Mancer Issues and probably sheet? Class(es) : All (For this failure used Paladin/Warlock)  Subclass : All Oath of Vengeance/Hexblade Race : All  (Thiefling ) Level(s) : 6/6 Description of issue :  Charactermancer fails at fully loading the character from level 1. Personality traits not loading. class and race skill profiencies not inputing.  When leveling, the spells from multiclass choices not showing. (NO Warlock spells if you start with Paladin and vice versa) Sorry if it looks bit jumbled, it had problems uploading the screens. The Game is called "The Flamasin Chronicles" if the Devs need that kind of info  Edit: I use Chrome Charactermancer does not work when you have it in a pop out window you have to do it in the same window.

Edited 1579624172
Ooh! Really? I did not know that, thank you so much! How do I make it not be a pop-up? It seems I have bumbled it up somehow then Nevermind. I figured out that, so the first part of my problem has been fixed!  Thank you!
Ziegrand said: Ooh! Really? I did not know that, thank you so much! How do I make it not be a pop-up? It seems I have bumbled it up somehow then Nevermind. I figured out that, so the first part of my problem has been fixed!  Thank you! No problem, glad I could help! :)

Edited 1579666988
I wonder if CSS can detect when the window is popped out and then display a message banner that says "Some features of the Charactermancer will not function correctly in a popped out window." Even if CSS can't display the message conditionally, it might be worth adding the warning that shows all the time, as this problem seems to crop up often...
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
I don't know if that's possible either, but if it were, it would also reduce the number of folks who try to drag and drop from the compendium to a popped out window.
Maybe just put a warning next to the pop-out button.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Most sheets won't have charactermancer or compendium features. It should go on the sheet to avoid confusion. But this is probably veering into Suggestion territory.
I was thinking in the charactermancer just below the pop-out button or just a blurb added to the start page. I'm not a "pop-out guy", also I didn't realize sheets don't have access to that bar. Sorry for being vague.
Roll20 Production Team
Moving report here: Stéphane D  said: Not sure where to post this, so here it is : There is an issue with the french translation of the "Tool proficiency" and "Custom skills" texts The translated text is too long and does not display below the repeating section buttons but at the same level as the buttons, with the following issues : - When there is no entry in the repeating section, you must hover and click a little above the + button for it to behave as expected and add an item to the section - When there is one entry in the repeating section, neither the + nor the lock buttons work anymore Either the Tool proficiency text must be changed to simply "Outils" or the Custom skills text to something like "Spécialités" -- whatever is chosen, the whole text must be displayed below the buttons for them to work correctly Thanks in advance
Been having trouble in recent game. I reached level 3 for rogue archetype but unable to pick one . I think it might be because my race is eladrin the level  up allowed me to pick the eladrin ferry step changes
I don't know but hopefully, this is the place to post. (Saw another post with a similar issue) I have bought a lot of the 5e books here but since some of them have the same races it makes the race dropdown menu rather large and tedious to sift through. So I wondered if these races could be placed in subraces instead to make it easier to find the base race I want to use.
Roll20 Production Team
Moving report here:  Perian  said: I don't know if it is a recent feature, but we noticed that on D&D 5E Character Sheet you can change type of your hit dice by clicking on the type in parenthises, as pictured here. The issue is, if you set russian as your language in profile, the translation of "Hit dice" turns out to be too long, pushing dice type out of bounds and dice type can no longer be changed.  
Evening, embarrassed to ask's tough to translate 5th edition when 2nd/Hackmaster has been the way to go for 33 1/2 years.... Do 5E fighters have some kind of equivalent thaco matrix in 5E, i.e. do their attack rolls go up/down 1 per level?  From the way we read these rules, it looks like fighters have the same class to hit rolls as all other classes and don't progress one per level???  oof.  Have fighters been dumbed down even further than 1st/2nd?  Thanks & happy new year.  Jason Magnus Edgar, CCP
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Unfortunately, this really isn't the place to ask rules questions. The forum Code of Conduct restricts conversation to things directly relating to Roll20, either the app, the marketplace, compendiums and techniques. If you have a rules question, or rpg.stackexchange would be a better place to have such a discussion.

Edited 1580216349
Hello, I've noticed a few things about the new way spell are displayed.   There are missing spaces between the school of the spell and its level (evocation_cantrip). There are also missing spaces between the colon and the first letter of the input text for 'Casting Time', 'Range', and 'Target'.  Also a missing space after the 'At Higher Levels' field. On the other hand, there is a space too many after the first component (V) and the comma before the next. Aside from that, when putting a cantrip in manually, I've received a prompt to input the spell level, even though that isn't necessary. I can also report the text for the 'Innate' field being under the name of the spell now. I've tested both Chrome and Firefox, and the problems are the same in each. Thank you in advance!
Sorry to bother if this is a simple question, but i think not. Just got the CoS campaing here, created it, and a lot of sheets came with a 'Spells' section and a deprecation warner. Any you guys know what is this? I can see that it's a separeted field from the spells below, but i'm afraid to lose all the spells in the characters.
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator
Sergio P. said: Sorry to bother if this is a simple question, but i think not. Just got the CoS campaing here, created it, and a lot of sheets came with a 'Spells' section and a deprecation warner. Any you guys know what is this? I can see that it's a separeted field from the spells below, but i'm afraid to lose all the spells in the characters. Just use the section below the red text (where Acid Splash is). The red text area was for the previous version of spells, which was deprecated and in process of being removed. As you can see, there is a + button and a lock button that technically allows you to still use that area. Just ignore it, and use the much nicer area below the red text, as is already being done.
Roll20 Production Team
Crossposting report here: Lilianae  said: I have a player who's making a Druid in D&D 5e. He's using the charactermancer to help make his PC at level 1 so it autofills all his information so he doesn't have to type everything. When he finished making his character he noticed that on his main page of his character sheet it says his hit die is a d6, but everywhere else on his sheet that references hit die it says d8.
Clonkeror said: I did put this in the last thread but it didn't get answered before the thread changed. Class(es) : Any two spellcasting classes. Subclass :  Race : Every one I've tried with Level(s) : Any multiclass between spellcasting classes. Description of issue :  So, essentially, every time I attempt to multiclass a character, ever since the latest update with the spellcards, I have had an issue where whenever I try to multiclass spellcasting classes, it fails to allow any spells other than the ones I already possess to appear. Sometimes it will allow spells that would be added by an archetype to appear, but that's it. It is broken for any multi-classing into caster. I have a player who multiclassed Fighter 5 and added Cleric 1. It added the domain spells, but didn't assign: - Spellcasting ability - Spell save DC - Specllcasting modifier It also wouldn't accept the relevant changes in the cog page of the sheet. So basically: MULTICLASSING CASTERS IS COMPLETELY BROKEN!
Nicholas said: Crossposting report here: Lilianae  said: I have a player who's making a Druid in D&D 5e. He's using the charactermancer to help make his PC at level 1 so it autofills all his information so he doesn't have to type everything. When he finished making his character he noticed that on his main page of his character sheet it says his hit die is a d6, but everywhere else on his sheet that references hit die it says d8. Any updates on Hit Dice getting fixed? Would love for them to be tracked like ammo again.
Is it possible to get access to the HTML, CSS, and Javascript for this sheet?  I wanted to try enhancing it for my custom games, but it seems to not be in the github.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Niv said: Is it possible to get access to the HTML, CSS, and Javascript for this sheet?&nbsp; I wanted to try enhancing it for my custom games, but it seems to not be in the github. It is on github, just in a folder with a hard-to-spot name: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Not sure if this is the right place just wanted to ask because I haven't found it, but is there an automatic way to get proficiency dice variant applied on npc sheets and if not then would that be easy to make possible. Recently started using the variant rule and really enjoy it, however it does put a lot of load on me when I have to manually change it for every single character and every ability.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Yes, this is entirely possible. Go to the settings page of your game, scroll down until you find this setting.: Set it for Proficiency Die and save changes. Now go into your game to the settings tab. Scroll all the way down until you see this: Click "Apply Default Settings". Find the setting for Proficiency Die (there may be more than one updatable setting, but we're concentrating on this one), and tell it to update all characters. Done. :)

Edited 1580583100
Andreas J. said: It is on github, just in a folder with a hard-to-spot name: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thank you so much!&nbsp; Should I make pull requests against it if I have something that would be significantly valuable to include? Also, how do I compile it?

Edited 1580583806
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Niv said: Andreas J. said: It is on github, just in a folder with a hard-to-spot name: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thank you so much!&nbsp; Should I make pull requests against it if I have something that would be significantly valuable to include? Also, how do I compile it? I'm pretty sure you can use the HTML/CSS file right away, and doubt Roll20 will accept any changes to the sheet as it's intened to remain some kind of legacy sheet. However if you want to start developing your own changes to it, fork the github repository and then do as you please. Roll20 have clearly rewritten the sheet to be modular and to use PUG &amp; SCSS in development, but that's not something you need to learn/do, as you can just edit the html/css by yourself.
Ah hah. PUG is not a bit I'd heard of before. That's what I was missing. Thanks.
keithcurtis said: Yes, this is entirely possible. Go to the settings page of your game, scroll down until you find this setting.: Set it for Proficiency Die and save changes. Now go into your game to the settings tab. Scroll all the way down until you see this: Click "Apply Default Settings". Find the setting for Proficiency Die (there may be more than one updatable setting, but we're concentrating on this one), and tell it to update all characters. Done. :) I tried it, but unfortunately it does not seem to apply to NPC sheets at all. My guess is that because there is no proficiency options on NPC sheets there isn't an automatic calculation being applied to them at all. Would be nice to see something like this in the future as that would make using custom options or dmg variant for NPC characters easier.&nbsp;
i was making a triple class fighter/artificer/mage...when i was leveling in the charactermancer and got to add spells. No mage spells would show up to clik so i could not take any new spells i had to add them manually.
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Kapten Sjöberg said: I tried it, but unfortunately it does not seem to apply to NPC sheets at all. My guess is that because there is no proficiency options on NPC sheets there isn't an automatic calculation being applied to them at all. Would be nice to see something like this in the future as that would make using custom options or dmg variant for NPC characters easier.&nbsp; I see what you mean. Although the proficiency bonuses of NPCs were taken into account when the game was written, they are nowhere explicitly stated, even in the source material. I don't know if this is doable, even if you were playing just with the books or any other online play environment I am aware of.
keithcurtis said: Kapten Sjöberg said: I tried it, but unfortunately it does not seem to apply to NPC sheets at all. My guess is that because there is no proficiency options on NPC sheets there isn't an automatic calculation being applied to them at all. Would be nice to see something like this in the future as that would make using custom options or dmg variant for NPC characters easier.&nbsp; I see what you mean. Although the proficiency bonuses of NPCs were taken into account when the game was written, they are nowhere explicitly stated, even in the source material. I don't know if this is doable, even if you were playing just with the books or any other online play environment I am aware of. It's there in monster manual at the very beginning where they detail creating them, there is a large chart that tells you based on CR what proficiency bonus a monster should be. So it should be more than doable as a further improvement to the already very good 5th edition sheet and would probably also make customizing NPC statistics a bit easier with a global modifier you can adjust as you please.
Forum Champion
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Thanks for the tip on the Monster Manual chart, I had forgotten that existed. Still not sure it's possible due to the way the data is structured. It might be doable with an API script, something that intercepts an attack macro, subtracts the PB and adds a die roll, but I have a feeling that it would require a major change to the sheet's innards.
Class(es) : Warlock Subclass : The Hunter in Darkness ( Tales of the old margreve Module ) Race : N/A Level(s) : N/A Description of issue : The lvl one mancer wont let me add spells or click apply changes, and when i pick a normal subclass it still won't let me click apply changes at the end.
keithcurtis said: Thanks for the tip on the Monster Manual chart, I had forgotten that existed. Still not sure it's possible due to the way the data is structured. It might be doable with an API script, something that intercepts an attack macro, subtracts the PB and adds a die roll, but I have a feeling that it would require a major change to the sheet's innards. Yeah probably a lot of work, still would be nice to see it as the player side of things already has this option. Guess I should make a suggestion thread or something so maybe it will get noticed and picked up depending on the workload. Additionally I thank you for the help Keith didnt even know that the apply default settings option existed until you told me, the more you know :D
Hi, dont know if this is the right place to ask this, but somehow all of my PC Character Sheets changed their Hit Dice to a D4. In the Attributes &amp; Abilities Page they all have their correct hit die type but when i click on Hit Dice on the Character Sheet, it rolls a D4 + Con.

Edited 1580788555
Bugs: Massive, unexplained attribute bonus Something is giving me a massive bonus to Dexterity (the attribute), which is affecting the modifier, AC, saves, attacks, etc. It isn't any of the normal attribute bonuses. Hovering shows the correct base attribute (20). Setting the "dexterity" character attribute sometimes fixes it, but it isn't consistent. Solved: Experimenting with my weapon attacks put a malformed modifier on the linked inventory item. Weapon attacks sometimes switch from dex to str &nbsp;Changing inventory item quantity resets the linked weapon attack. It usually happens to my net attack, but occasionally I'll find that my weapon attack stat has switched for no apparent reason. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who has my character sheet open. If you switch a weapon attack from strength to dexterity, then change the quantity of the linked weapon in your inventory, the weapon attack will flip back to strength. This is most notable on thrown weapons. HP modifiers can't be deleted until they are named Clicking the red trash can does nothing. Closing the character sheet and re-opening auto-deletes the modifier, so it isn't a big deal. Feature Requests: A global critical range option (important for champions, hexblades, etc.) Current Workaround: Add a "crit_range" attribute to your character sheet and use "@{crit_range}" for the crit range on each attack. A "Remarkable Athlete" option similar to "Jack of All Trades" (important for champions) Current Workaround: Set skill and initiative bonuses manually. You'll have to update them at level 13 because ceil(@{pb}/2) doesn't work. Add custom skills for "STRENGTH", "DEXTERITY", and "CONSTITUTION" checks and set their proficiency bonuses to "JACK OF ALL TRADES" (don't turn on jack of all trades in settings). Unfortunately, Jack of All Trades rounds down while Remarkable Athlete rounds up, so you'll have to set the "jack" attribute in "Attributes &amp; Abilities" to the correct bonus. If you don't want to edit "Attributes &amp; Abilities", add a fixed modifier to each custom skill and adjust it at levels 9, 13, and 17. Alternatively, use attacks with no damage and update their modifiers at level 13. There's currently no way to set a bonus to Ability Checks. The bonuses in "Attribute Options" are applied to the attribute, so they affect the attribute modifier (and all calculations done with it, including saves, attacks, etc). An option to roll 3 times instead of twice (important for elven accuracy) Current Workaround: The only way I've found to actually display a 3rd roll and have it use the correct modifiers for each attack is to enable "DAMAGE2" and set the damage to something like: d20cs&gt;20 + @{dexterity_mod}[DEX] + @{pb}[PROF] The green highlight and extra damage on crit don't work, but other than that it looks alright. I also set the damage type to "Elven Accuracy" and crit damage to "(0)" (it's impossible to turn off completely). I was bugged by having to roll another damage die when elven accuracy crit, so I actually set both crit damages to "(0)" and use: d20cs&gt;@{crit_range} + @{dexterity_mod}[DEX] + @{pb}[PROF]]] | +[[d8 In the first example, I do 9 damage and the +6 doesn't matter. In the second, I crit (on a 19) for 8+2 damage. In the third, the elven accuracy roll crit, so I crit for 11+6 damage (assuming I had advantage).
Forum Champion
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For the attribute bonus, check to see if you have an ill-formed piece of equipment with a huge Dex bonus.
keithcurtis said: For the attribute bonus, check to see if you have an ill-formed piece of equipment with a huge Dex bonus. Thanks! That did it. I didn't realize some of my attacks were linked to my equipment. Experimenting with elven accuracy messed it up quite a bit. That's probably what was causing the switch from dex to str on my weapon attacks. Changing the quantity of nets in my inventory was resetting the linked attack. I'm not sure if it's related, but all my weapons had the same mod "Attacks: 2," repeated over and over again (like 20 times on a single item). Might be good to check for duplicates in whatever logic is causing that.
for the "HP Modifiers can't be deleted", this is how all repeating lists in roll20 work. When you click the + you are not adding a new data field, the data is only created when one of the empty fields is filled in. because all the fields are blank, there is nothing for the delete button to remove. What you see on the screen is only the product of the plus button exposing the input fields, and since the delete macro will never run (because theres no data to delete), the code to hide the fields never executes.
For Paladin lay on hands, the formula reads as &amp;{template:default} {{name=Lay On Hands}} {{@{target|character_name} recovers=[[?{How Much HP?|5}]] HP}} Which outputs into the chat as below. Did my player accidentally hose the formula? If so, can you please help me correct it? Else, it's a bug I'm reporting. Thanks.

Edited 1580829525
Feature enhancement request: Can we please get a tooltip on hover, or an explicit icon for opening/closing the window shade for features &amp; traits? My players consistently have trouble remembering they can do that, or will accidentally hit the chat or settings icon. Also&nbsp; the chat / settings icons aren't aligned with the feature or trait's heading, so they can be mistaken as belonging to the item above. It would be nice to align them and move them down next to the item to which they belong. Thank you.
I am running the Rise of Tiamat purchased on the roll20 marketplace. I am using the roll20 5e character sheet. I can't seem to change the names of the class resource and other resource section. are there any guides on how to do so?
Hola, he leido por arriba que hay un problema con la traduccion de las "competencias con herramientas y habilidades personalizadas", en caso de la pagina en español, hace lo mismo, el texto se queda encima de los botones de + y el candado y ya no te deja añadir mas herramientas. Teneis alguna solucion?
Forum Champion
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Simon D. said: I am running the Rise of Tiamat purchased on the roll20 marketplace. I am using the roll20 5e character sheet. I can't seem to change the names of the class resource and other resource section. are there any guides on how to do so? You should be able to just click on the name of the resource and start typing. What happens when you try that?
Any chance of the skills section (as a optional/settings set thing) to get query attribute in addition of being defaulted to the PHB suggested ability score (to not clutter custom skills section)?
I found something very weird. When you have a coin and an item that weighs 0.1 pounds in your inventory, your total inventory weight should be 0.12. It instead is 0.12000000000000001 Different amounts of coins bug it out differently and with different amounts of regular inventory items.