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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)

My problem right now is that I don't know how to get a character sheet.
Sheet Author
Character sheets only exist inside a game.  You need to join a game, or create one of your own.  When a game is created there is a place to choose the character sheet from a drop down list, or it can be chosen from the game settings after the game has been created.
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There is a bug with spell slots on the latest version of the sheet, in regards to multiclassed characters. I had a Lore Bard 8/Arcane Trickster 7 with the correctly calculated slots of 4-3-3-3-2 After adding a level of Arcane Trickster through Charactermancer, my slots became 4-3-3-2-0 To verify (and reproduce you can follow these steps, all using Charactermancer: Create a level 1 Bard. Save. Use Level Up to level the bard to 8th level. Save. Use Level Up to add 8 levels of Rogue:Arcane Trickster. Save. Level progression is incorrect as per the screen shot below. As a stopgap measure, I have added slot modifiers on the settings page, so at least the sheet is playable. However, this is a pretty basic calculation that affects many characters. I have only tested this on Chrome, but have duplicated on Mac and Chromebook.
keithcurtis said: There is a bug with spell slots on the latest version of the sheet, in regards to multiclassed characters. I had a Lore Bard 8/Arcane Trickster 7 with the correctly calculated slots of 4-3-3-3-2 After adding a level of Arcane Trickster through Charactermancer, my slots became 4-3-3-2-0 To verify (and reproduce you can follow these steps, all using Charactermancer: Create a level 1 Bard. Save. Use Level Up to level the bard to 8th level. Save. Use Level Up to add 8 levels of Rogue:Arcane Trickster. Save. Level progression is incorrect as per the screen shot below. As a stopgap measure, I have added slot modifiers on the settings page, so at least the sheet is playable. However, this is a pretty basic calculation that affects many characters. I have only tested this on Chrome, but have duplicated on Mac and Chromebook. But are you also getting your FULL spell list choices while multiclassing, if so. How?! Tell me your secret of great one, I carve for this information so much
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Not sure. I just followed the steps I laid out, and since ti was a test character, randomly clicked whatever spells were available. I didn't really look at what they were. Are there spells there unavailable to a trickster (keep in mind Mage Hand is a hard wired choice).

Edited 1584387709
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NPC sheet gives crit damage on non-crit specific circumstances. From this thread . To reproduce: Create NPC monster (I used Animated Armor, but the referenced thread demonstrates with other monsters. Use the following settings: Toggle Disadvantage Don't auto roll damage Don't whisper results Every once in a while, without rolling a crit, the damage link in the roll template will send: %{-M2YjLKi13AubCdNNO9u|repeating_npcaction_-M2YjLu69OA8BRUluvv-_npc_crit} instead of: %{-M2YjLKi13AubCdNNO9u|repeating_npcaction_-M2YjLu69OA8BRUluvv-_npc_dmg} In the screen shot below, I am repeatedly hitting the "damage" button on the roll template to verify. To hit rolls are highlighted to show that neither is a critical hit. Please view referenced thread for multiple other screen shots.
Rogues levelled up through the Charactermancer aren't getting Evasion at 7th level. I have tested with both pure-class and multiclass rogues. Replication steps are as follows: Create a level 1 character using the Charactermancer and save them. If this character is a rogue, use the Level+ Charactermancer to increase their level to 7. Otherwise, use the Level+ Charactermancer to multiclass them to rogue, adding 7 levels. Check the Class Features list to see if it includes Evasion.
I'm getting a weird visual quirk where the Wisdom 'box' doesn't show up. Nothing gamebreaking, but it is a little distracting.
Is there a way to see / edit the code for the 5e sheet? I can't find it on github...
Sheet Author
Guillaume said: Is there a way to see / edit the code for the 5e sheet? I can't find it on github... You probably overlooked it.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Is there a list somewhere of all the attributes in repeating sections? Especially interested in the attributes for the Attack toggle and ability drop-down
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Kraynic said: Guillaume said: Is there a way to see / edit the code for the 5e sheet? I can't find it on github... You probably overlooked it.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Note that that is the last public &nbsp;code, not the code used on the most current sheet. The live sheet is now on a proprietary git.
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Persephone said: Is there a list somewhere of all the attributes in repeating sections? Especially interested in the attributes for the Attack toggle and ability drop-down This is the most complete list of attributes and macros on&nbsp;the D&amp;D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet, that I know of.
That's perfect, thank you!
Minor Bug Report Getting this error in chat when rolling hit dice using the ability call format, as %{Anaashi|hit_dice} . The roll is otherwise behaving properly

Edited 1584599436
I've just created my character in Roll20 for an ongoing 5e game that has moved from in-person to virtual for the time being (for obvious reasons). I didn't use the Charactermancer since I'm using a homebrew race and subclass of Ranger. Most things are working fine - ability checks, spells, saves - but when I click on my weapons it shows the attack rolls (always 2, so I guess you take the first if normal, and the highest/lowest if adv/disadv) but no damage. I've got the damage part checked off, and put in the 1d6, 1d10, etc, depending on the weapon, and put "piercing" but although it shows up fine in my "Attacks" box, when I click on it to attack I only get the attack roll and no damage roll.&nbsp; Am I doing something wrong, or is this a part of the sheet that doesn't work properly? We used Roll20 years ago and I remember it used to give the weapon damage just fine under those old sheets.&nbsp;

Edited 1584600992
Hi Heather, and welcome back! If it's just doing something like this clicking the word Scimitar (or whatever weapon name it shows) should roll the damage. Check this part of your sheet's settings If you want the damage to automatically show, change the setting for Auto Damage Roll here. You can also change how you want to determine Advantage/Disadvantage with the Roll Queries setting.
Is the Charactermancer down? A friend and I can't seem to get it to launch when clicking it
Ryan W. said: Is the Charactermancer down? A friend and I can't seem to get it to launch when clicking it i'm having the exact same problem .
I Third that. &nbsp; enter n. said: Ryan W. said: Is the Charactermancer down? A friend and I can't seem to get it to launch when clicking it i'm having the exact same problem .
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Should be fixed now: Bug Thread: Copying games, missing marketplace tokens, modules, add-ons
Persephone said: Hi Heather, and welcome back! If it's just doing something like this clicking the word Scimitar (or whatever weapon name it shows) should roll the damage. Check this part of your sheet's settings If you want the damage to automatically show, change the setting for Auto Damage Roll here. You can also change how you want to determine Advantage/Disadvantage with the Roll Queries setting. That was it exactly! Thanks, Persephone. The sheet has change a LOT since the last time I played D&amp;D on Roll20. I had made the assumption that everything under the NPC checkbox only applied if the character was an NPC, so I didn't even read that section too carefully. I've now got my sheet set up to toggle adv/disadv, and to always roll damage.&nbsp; Cheers!&nbsp;
Nice job ! It we be usefull for my table.
Is there a way to display the target of an attack or spell?&nbsp; I like to hold my players accountable to their chosen target.&nbsp; I know how to use @target, but I can't get it to display in the chat.
Hi... haven't set up a game yet, but it looks like my face to face DnD group will be moving to Roll20.. as DM am i able to set up their character sheets from the info i have.. or is it a case of them joining Roll20 and then setting up their character sheets themselves? Silly question i'm sure, but i'm a Roll20 noob..
So when trying to use the Charactermancer I only have "custom" available for Ability Score assignments and the only background is "Acolyte." Am I doing something wrong?
Andreas J.
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Sheet Author
Cris said: So when trying to use the Charactermancer I only have "custom" available for Ability Score assignments and the only background is "Acolyte." Am I doing something wrong? If you don't own the PHB or other supplements, it doesn't sound like anything is wrong. The free 5e content is limited to what exists in the SRD or the Basic Rules.
For some reason, spells don't output as attacks for me any more. Even when the spell is set to output an attack, it only spits out the spellcard. If it's selected _as_ an attack then it's fine, but there are no rolls if the player clicks it from their spellbook. Is this an intentional change or is something buggy?
Krzysztof A. said: For some reason, spells don't output as attacks for me any more. Even when the spell is set to output an attack, it only spits out the spellcard. If it's selected _as_ an attack then it's fine, but there are no rolls if the player clicks it from their spellbook. Is this an intentional change or is something buggy? Also had this happen if you switch it a spell card than back to attack it works fine.
Class(es) :Cleric Subclass : All Race :All Level(s) :1 Description of issue :&nbsp; I am unable to select a Domain for my cleric using the charactermancer.&nbsp; The drop-down is not present
Sheet Author
That is really strange.&nbsp; In a quick test for me, the drop down exists, but that is only using SRD content.&nbsp; Maybe the combination of books you own is related to the missing domain choice?
Kraynic said: That is really strange.&nbsp; In a quick test for me, the drop down exists, but that is only using SRD content.&nbsp; Maybe the combination of books you own is related to the missing domain choice? I own the PHB and Volo's guide&nbsp; Other classes have been working fine.&nbsp; I have not tested them all.
I am getting the same error with Sorcerer.&nbsp; I was able to add a sorcerous origin a couple of days ago, but the option is no longer showing up.&nbsp; I am using Chrome.
It's working now, no idea what has changed
I can't reference abilities in the Featues and Traits section on the Core page. Things like&nbsp;@{wisdom} don't work. Is this intentional?
Sheet Author
Same happening for Warlock. Drop-down for Otherworldly Patron is not showing up. Ken M. said: Class(es) :Cleric Subclass : All Race :All Level(s) :1 Description of issue :&nbsp; I am unable to select a Domain for my cleric using the charactermancer.&nbsp; The drop-down is not present
Sheet Author
I was able to get it to show by quitting the charactermancer and restarting again from scratch. Not sure what happened. Chad said: Same happening for Warlock. Drop-down for Otherworldly Patron is not showing up.
When creating a Warlock, (using the Tales of Old Margreve), I was able to select The Old Wood patron, but the Nature's Armor Eldritch Invocation isn't showing up as an option for me to choose.
Kraynic said: Character sheets only exist inside a game.&nbsp; You need to join a game, or create one of your own.&nbsp; When a game is created there is a place to choose the character sheet from a drop down list, or it can be chosen from the game settings after the game has been created. Yes, I see all of that but how do I access it in order to make one.
Sheet Author
Easton S. said: Kraynic said: Character sheets only exist inside a game.&nbsp; You need to join a game, or create one of your own.&nbsp; When a game is created there is a place to choose the character sheet from a drop down list, or it can be chosen from the game settings after the game has been created. Yes, I see all of that but how do I access it in order to make one. Log into the game you just created.&nbsp; Look at the pane on the right with different tabs.&nbsp; Click on the journal tab.&nbsp; Click the add button and select character. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
Now intermittently getting this error:&nbsp;&nbsp; Dalli::RingError: No server available
Chad said: Same happening for Warlock. Drop-down for Otherworldly Patron is not showing up. So it seems that if you change the tab before selecting a subclass, it disappears when you go back. at least that seems to be the behavior I am seeing.

Edited 1585065673
Charactermancer Class(es) :Warlock&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Subclass : The Great Old One Patron Race :Aasimar Level(s) :2-14 Description of issue :&nbsp; Even though I have Eldritch Blast selected as a cantrip, I get an error saying I have not met the prerequisite for the Invocations that require it.

Edited 1585100555
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Question about Repeating Trait Update So the update to traits has broken macros for some users. For anyone who cannot understand why some macros are now reporting missing attributes, this used to work on new compendium drops: @{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_desc} but now it needs to be this: @{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_description} Either one apparently works on existing NPCs, but people who have built macros that work on the previous method must now re-write to account for future characters. Can a dev speak as to why&nbsp; the name of the existing attribute was changed?
When using charactermancer today, no classes show up in the drop down list. I have purchased the PHB. Any Help?
I am getting this strange text error on all my character sheets.&nbsp;
Roll20 Production Team
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MaxKalibur, I am trying to reproduce your problem without success. I would really appreciate if you could give me a few insights on your setup: - What is your Operational System? - What Browser are you using. How about the version? - Does it happen when creating a blank sheet, opening an existing sheet or both? - If the problem happens when creating a blank sheet, does using Charmancer vs Manual input makes any difference? - Does it affect only a specific kind of character, like spellcasters, or all of your characters?
Evening, I created a game to create a character to then export to another game. The game I created has no drop-down menu with character sheets. Do I need to import a sheet on my own?