Hi, I would like to add all votes that I have available for this. My current campaign has about 80+ pages in it and it is the biggest pain to add new pages and move players around. I have several town pages or overview map pages at the start of the list, so if I want to bring my players from a new page to an old page there is an absurd amount of scrolling involved. Then again to bring them back to a current page. With so many pages it can be hard to find the right battle-map that I wish to display and is simply not a best practice design for UX.
What I would like to see is:
- Ability to structure pages into folders that are collapsible
- Ability to move players to a page without having to move that "players" icon all over the place
- Pages in a side bar that I can scroll up and down on, rather than side to side. Essentially like how the journal is structured.
-- If anything, implement pages exactly like the journal
- Ability to 'autosize' pages to fit the content that is uploaded
I want to be able to quickly navigate through a list of categories, select the most appropriate, and then move my players there without having to drag things around, do excessive scrolling, etc.
As someone who has held a pro member subscription for the past several years, I cannot understate how pages are the single most frustrating thing for me to navigate around. I love roll20, I hate the current page organization system.