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A better way to organize pages.

March 26 (5 years ago)

I'm just adding my $.02 to the mix. It only occurred to me recently to seek out this suggestion and add my vote. This is a real interruption in to my game. My players have to wait while I find the right map. I try to organize them before the session, but I can't always know where the players will want to go. No need for a reply from anyone ... just adding my vote and my comments.

March 27 (5 years ago)
Just wanted to add my vote for this.

This and pop out pages not working with drag and drop are the two most frustrating aspects of using roll20.

In terms of how you prioritise. Putting custom tokens and the other features you mention before this is a huge mistake. You are frustrating your GM customers and they drive your usage. Fancy new features pull in new customers but frustration and instability will drive them away again.
March 27 (5 years ago)

"Custom tokens and other features" are flashy and eye candy.  Great for for attracting new customers but do nothing to help existing customers who need improvements not new features.

Hi, I would like to add all votes that I have available for this. My current campaign has about 80+ pages in it and it is the biggest pain to add new pages and move players around. I have several town pages or overview map pages at the start of the list, so if I want to bring my players from a new page to an old page there is an absurd amount of scrolling involved. Then again to bring them back to a current page. With so many pages it can be hard to find the right battle-map that I wish to display and is simply not a best practice design for UX.

What I would like to see is:

- Ability to structure pages into folders that are collapsible 

- Ability to move players to a page without having to move that "players" icon all over the place

- Pages in a side bar that I can scroll up and down on, rather than side to side. Essentially like how the journal is structured.

-- If anything, implement pages exactly like the journal

- Ability to 'autosize' pages to fit the content that is uploaded

I want to be able to quickly navigate through a list of categories, select the most appropriate, and then move my players there without having to drag things around, do excessive scrolling, etc.

As someone who has held a pro member subscription for the past several years, I cannot understate how pages are the single most frustrating thing for me to navigate around. I love roll20, I hate the current page organization system. 

March 29 (5 years ago)

Roll20 already has your money and improving page handling does not not generate additional revenue the way new "eye candy" features do.  'Screw existing customers just bring in new ones' is Roll20's unofficial business plan.


Re-opening the request for map folders or a better way to organize the Maps. My list is very steady for a current game and in some cases my maps are linked to other maps. I am working my own catalog system but if there were folders and ways extract my maps from a game with all overlays in order to be reused in another game would also be great. A map vault, similar to the character Vault would be great. Both of them need folders in order to better categorize them by game type. 


I remember looking at this like a year ago and thinking "cool the roll20 team is working on it, should see it soon". There is already a separate category called "archived" with a drop down menu. How hard can it be to add more?

this has my vote too because if i make a new page it creates the new page at the far right of the order. and then i have to bring it all the way to the left in slow increments. its really time consuming. and then not being able to organise them or not having the ability to make it vertical instead of horizontal is such a pain. 

April 11 (4 years ago)

Definitely +1

April 12 (4 years ago)

I'm really new to GM with Roll20, and even after prepping for a couple of sessions, this feels like a definite +1 from me. 

+1 for sure.

Especially considering I'm barely 3/4 sessions into my own campaign and I have to scroll and search for maps.

+1 for Map organisation folders

This is seriously the most taxing thing about this service. It slows down my ability to create and manage my maps, it slows down moving my players from one area to another on the fly, and it makes me wonder if I should just be making less maps. I think the final point is the worst, because a service that tells us it is by tabletop gamers, for tabletop gamers should really be geared towards making sure I can play the game exactly how I would like to. 

Please please please please please address this.

Adding my +1. I did try several .css solutions that add more rows, but moving the pages then doesn't work as you would expect. I can move pages down the list, but not up.

+1 I'm brand new to Roll20 and my thought was "why can't I make folders and sub folders for pages"

+1 : To handle a campaign it will be great to improve this part of Roll20 ... 

I just discover Roll20 (thx Covid19 ..) to handle our games, all the product is great, except this part .... 

+1 here as well, this would make life so much easier.

April 26 (4 years ago)

+1 . This needs to be done. One of the biggest drawbacks of Roll20 for me at the moment.

Five years in and my suggestion keeps racking up the votes. Hope it comes true someday. :-)


+1, yet again. It's pretty embarrassing for Roll20 that users are still clamoring for a basic piece of functionality like this.

April 28 (4 years ago)

You might think that making it easier to use many maps would encourage GMs to buy more maps.  But then given who is in charge of Roll20 and the things they have done during the past two years to drive customers away maybe it shouldn't be that much of a surprise that they ignore requested features in favor of "fixing" features that aren't broken.




How is this utility 5+ years old and this obvious flaw not yet fixed.  I have a dozen pages already after 3 play sessions.

May 02 (4 years ago)

Edited May 02 (4 years ago)

The fact that the roll20 team aren't capable of doing it at this point is insane, their responses are few and far between but the worst part is they generally only respond to the one of dozens of questions that have been left since. 

Much needed, long Campaigns are so hard to organize!

+1 for me, but using VTT Enhancement as a workaround.

The VTT Enhancement module is a great addition but it only goes so far.  Real folders are needed and we hear nothing from the Roll20 team except silence.

May 06 (4 years ago)

Edited May 06 (4 years ago)

Tim H. said:

+1 for me, but using VTT Enhancement as a workaround.

Archadious said:

The VTT Enhancement module is a great addition but it only goes so far.

Yeah, as I have said and agreed repeatedly in this thread,  the VTT Enhancement is nice for many other reasons but really doesn't address the real problem here.

May 10 (4 years ago)

Edited May 10 (4 years ago)

+1 -- even the fact that generating a new page sends it to the very end and i have to scroll through in-use tabs and drag it back every time, is such a pain. that there is not a simple to use duplicate page feature to duplicate a page perfectly and instantly. that there is no quick command to open up a current page's settings. sorting pages into files, a better way to organize them. it is quite a time drain and frustration.

and no way to search a page by name? it's just painful

+1 I am starting to get to the point where this is becoming a necessity. 

A search function would be nice too! We have search on the image library tab seems like we can provide that functionality on the page bar. If we can't have folders, at least a search function!

Dungeon Master Klink said:

+1 -- even the fact that generating a new page sends it to the very end and i have to scroll through in-use tabs and drag it back every time, is such a pain. that there is not a simple to use duplicate page feature to duplicate a page perfectly and instantly. that there is no quick command to open up a current page's settings. sorting pages into files, a better way to organize them. it is quite a time drain and frustration.

and no way to search a page by name? it's just painful

May 12 (4 years ago)

Dungeon Master Klink said:

+1 -- even the fact that generating a new page sends it to the very end and i have to scroll through in-use tabs and drag it back every time, is such a pain. 

Agree! Honestly, once I have the 5-6 most relevant maps near the left, it's okay in game play. But during map creation and setup, having to scroll all the way to the right then drag a new map all the way back to the left, that might be the worst. Also the worst: if you close the drop-down, it defaults back to the left side -- so annoying! 

Oh, and the duplicate map feature doesn't actually duplicate a map, it just creates a blank one the same size. SMH

I know I'm mostly repeating what DMK said, but you know what? These problems keep repeating, too, so it's only fair.

May 13 (4 years ago)

Edited May 13 (4 years ago)


Somewhat astonished this didn't come with the first WOTC D&D releases (which presumably have significant revenue attached). The absence of an improved map selection/change interface has a non-trivial effect on the use of fairly expensive purchases.

Considering we're 5 years in... any chance of at least a stop-gap (i.e. like the larger bar workaround also allowing maps to be moved)?

May 13 (4 years ago)

Edited May 13 (4 years ago)

Francesco said:

Considering we're 5 years in... any chance of at least a stop-gap (i.e. like the larger bar workaround also allowing maps to be moved)?

The VTT Enhancement Suite from GitHub might address that but, as you say, it's only a work around.

+1, I hadnt wondered about this until i started Rise of the Runelords (licensed), but now that i am running games with the intent to keep the maps for other breakthroughs, i am starting to run into problems in my home games as well.

So a quick Google of 'roll20 pages folders' to see how to do it shows that it's been a noticed issue for at least 7 years and this thread shows it's still not been dealt with. That is absolutely appalling, frankly. In a battle between Roll20, Fantasy Grounds and Tabletop Simulator, this is a big blow against Roll20 that they would ignore such an issue for 7 years.

The sad thing is, they've got SOME form of a mechanism already built in (archived maps) to do THIS EXACT THING

Pages folder or an extra Journal folder many different options..This would be really handy and surely not that hard. 

I just purchased Ghosts of Saltmarsh, and added a few of my own maps for extra adventures, and I feel like the pages are all over the place.
I also found it hard to move the players to a page that needed to be scrolled to, and I had to move the page to that start first - but that could just be me.

A bit sad that this request is 5 years old.....

Roll20 competitors have picked up on the lack of progress on this issue.  A number of them specifically state that they allow maps to be stored in folders.

Yeah, kind of unbelievable this is still a thing.

+1, please fix.

Unfortunately, competitors usually require everyone to subscribe, and most of my players are kids. Also, up and coming vtts have their own issues and flakiness. This one is so freaking obvious, and give years old. Really needs to get fixed...

May 22 (4 years ago)

Adding my +1 to this, was going to make my own post before doing a quick search.

Out of curiosity, because I haven't scanned the whole thread, is there some sort of integral part of the coding that makes introducing this feature difficult?  Kind of like how in the good ol' days of World of Warcraft, they couldn't make the initial backpack space more than 16 slots because for 'sum raisen' it would cause the entire game to explode? 


I've been using Roll20 for a few months now and this is definitely the most frustrating issue I've had with this site. Came here looking for answers/workarounds, and it seems this has been an issue for 5+ years ??? Thinking of moving myself and my players to a different platform if this doesn't get changed...

+1 and then some.  New to the app and I understand that you hit a point in code where you have to rewrite the framework (which takes time!).  Perhaps more insight as to where we stand on the framework might help myself and others to understand where this enhancement and others will take place.

May 22 (4 years ago)

+1. The lack of this basic feature is nuts. It's something that should at least be offered to paying subscribers. 

+1 : it's really hard to manage all pages with a long campaign ... 

Do you have any info about the estimate arrival time of this feature? 


I would love this feature and i think it would be so valued in long term campaigns, which are the once that are more likely to buy art pack and book. mixing a page organization and a paid art pack organization would be a great mix making the art pack feel like they have more worth, if only a little.