Richard said: If someone asked me to implement Roll20 folder management for pages in a quick and low-risk manner I would probably add a new Pages section to the Collections tab (i.e. the GM-only tab with Macros, Decks, etc.). I'd reuse the folder creation/dragging/organization code as used in the Journal for handouts. The existing Page Toolbar would stay the same (i.e. no folders in the Page Toolbar), so there would be no issues with the player ribbon and splitting the party. Each page would have a check-box "Show in Page Toolbar" — so the Page Toolbar is now functionally a set of "favorite" pages that are added from the Pages section of the Collections tab and arranged in the Page Toolbar in a manner independent of their arrangement in the Collections tab. Y ou could right-click on a Page folder in the Collections tab to delete groups of pages, remove all the pages in the folder from the Page Toolbar, or add all of the pages in the folder to the Page Toolbar, etc. This sounds like such a good solution and I'm shocked that the Roll20 devs overhauled the lighting system before doing this. Also as a developer myself, I concur with Duncan that this could be done in a single day. Edit: Oh goodie, I get to start the next page.