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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)

couple of quick questions (sorry still new to roll20), tried to search for answer and couldn't find anything. 1.) I notice and appreciate that the character sheet can be modified on many levels. This is great for me to adjust for Items and such, but is there a way to lock it so players can accidentally modify values? Especially the setting (gear) page? 2.) I've noticed I can pull item out of the compendium and drop it on the sheet. Nice. But there doesn't seem to be any info attached to it aside from name. Example if I put a potion of extra healing on a character. it doesn't tell them what it does or even roll for healing. to use it, it would appear they would have to look it up. Am I missing something to make its description appear from the sheet? Thanks
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Ryan said: Charactermancer bug: I just made a new Monk character using Charactermancer. Gave him the spear as monk weapon. The attack modifier in the character sheet uses Strength, but for the monk weapon, the modifier should use Dexterity.  Don't know if Roll20 is supposed to change that automatically, but you can open up the weapon's "Cog"-icon and manually set the attack & damage modifier to be DEX.
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These are great fixes. Thanks to whomever updated this! D&D 5e by Roll20 bug fixes: Adjusting XP now triggers level up Charactermancer Level Up now shows correct ability scores when an item changes your ability scores When innate and at-will spells are collapsed, they now show their frequency Hit dice set to 1d4 no longer roll "1dd4" in error The Charactermancer icons and lock/weight icons in the equipment section are back The NPC gear settings icon now works Dragging in a spell that already exists no longer changes the existing spell to display as a spell card.
The Feat Observant adds passive Intelligence (Investigation) to your character. How do you add this to the standard character sheet?

Edited 1587176863
So when I go to cast a spell from the spell part of the 5e Character Sheet, it pops up as a spellcard rather than a roll. I even checked the settings. I can the spells work normally when I click them from the stat part of the sheet. It only started happening today. 
I changed my game from Always roll Advantage to Query.  I did not like the extra add, so I changed it back in settings.  In game, no matter how many times I restart, it now only queries.  It won't roll Always Advantage.  Suggestions?
I can see that the bug with NPCs rolling crits when their attacks are toggled to 'advantage or 'disadvantage' was put down as fixed here <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> "NPCs no longer roll crit damage on non-critical hits" However it seems that this hotfix only partially patched the bug as now it's not rolling false crits when the damage step is calculated by clicking the attacks name such as 'mace' but it's still rolling false crits during the damage step when clicking 'attack' while using 'advantage' or 'disadvantage'.
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Den G. said: I changed my game from Always roll Advantage to Query.&nbsp; I did not like the extra add, so I changed it back in settings.&nbsp; In game, no matter how many times I restart, it now only queries.&nbsp; It won't roll Always Advantage.&nbsp; Suggestions? The game level setting only affects new characters and compendium drops. To apply it to existing in-game content, load the game, and go to the settings tab. At the bottom, you will find a button for applying the defaults to existing content.
Roll20 Production Team
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Compendium Curator
I will investigate this. Are the steps to reproduce it the same as the previous bug? Big Boss said: I can see that the bug with NPCs rolling crits when their attacks are toggled to 'advantage or 'disadvantage' was put down as fixed here <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> "NPCs no longer roll crit damage on non-critical hits" However it seems that this hotfix only partially patched the bug as now it's not rolling false crits when the damage step is calculated by clicking the attacks name such as 'mace' but it's still rolling false crits during the damage step when clicking 'attack' while using 'advantage' or 'disadvantage'.
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Just in case, there may be more info in this thread: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1587338353
Yes the steps to reproduce are the same as the previous bug and thread linked above by Keith just click 'attack' for the damage step instead of the attacks name. It's a minor issue I just happen to click 'attack' for the damage roll and I'd love to see it fixed if possible. If it's needed I can replicate and put up some screenshots just let me know.

Edited 1587386439
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
I really appreciate both you, Big Boss, and Keith taking the time to report these problems in such a detailed manner. I will take a look at this today.
I am not able to use the feat feature when leveling up in Charactermancer, except at first level when using Human Variant.&nbsp; Is their a bug? or something else I am missing?
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Den G. said: I am not able to use the feat feature when leveling up in Charactermancer, except at first level when using Human Variant.&nbsp; Is their a bug? or something else I am missing? Not a bug, it's how things are currently. No idea why, even though it been asked more than once.

Edited 1587476668
Where can I find the most recent update from the team regarding being able to add custom items to the compendium? It seems like discussion suddenly cut off at around 7 months ago.
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Actually, it gets brought up quite often. If you are interested in hearing immediate feedback though, you should tune into the&nbsp; Community Roundtable: April 23 @ 5pm - 6pm PT &nbsp;and ask your question live.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Dylan M. said: Where can I find the most recent update from the team regarding being able to add custom items to the compendium? It seems like discussion suddenly cut off at around 7 months ago. There is no real update on the subject, but Kenton gave a comment on this 2 months ago . You could check on youtube/twitch the December,January or February Community Roundtable, might have been mentioned offhand or noncommittally. It exists as an eventual longterm plan, but it will be a good while before this becomes reality. The current tools for creating compendium content are under constant development, and there are concerns about implementing it in a way that doesn't lead to piracy of existing compendiums, so there are a good bunch of things that need to be done/considered before it would be available. This is a general suggestion and have nothing to do with the D&amp;D5E sheet, but you could follow the Custom Compendium -suggestion thread to keep you updated on the matter.
Cool, big thanks guys. I understand the need to prevent piracy, people are needing to make a profit off of their own hard work. Still hoping they find the work-around for it, because putting in Homebrew spells or modified versions of existing spells *cough* healing spirit *cough* would be really neat for use later.
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As a specific instance, that spell was just "erratad" and the new version is on Roll20.
Hello everybody, in Spanish version when you assign more than two tools or abilities, the box doesn't work, you can't put new ones or delete. Tool Proficiencies
Sr. K
Sheet Author
Joaquín H. said: Hello everybody, in Spanish version when you assign more than two tools or abilities, the box doesn't work, you can't put new ones or delete. Tool Proficiencies Hola Joaquín, aquí tienes un pequeño parche por si te sirve de ayuda:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Requiere de la instalación de una extensión, las instrucciones a seguir se encuentran al inicio del hilo.
Andreas J. said: Den G. said: I am not able to use the feat feature when leveling up in Charactermancer, except at first level when using Human Variant.&nbsp; Is their a bug? or something else I am missing? Not a bug, it's how things are currently. No idea why, even though it been asked more than once. Guess will have to enter manually. Ugh.
Hi everyone! Is there a way I could help with the character sheet translation to Spanish? Im totally free of time, so I could spend a lot of hour working in it. I dont want any reward or mention, Im just doing because this character sheet is awesome and I love it, and want my players to play with it. Most of them dont speak english.
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Contact <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and be sure to put Something like "Translation services offered" in the subject.
Hi, I've been looking through the forum and I can get how to make my player's Rogue Arcane trickster PC to show the proper spell slots. I used the "magic caster level" option, but I want to be sure that it is compatible with charactermancer level up. I tried custom class before and charactermancer wouldn't work on that.
Class(es) /&nbsp; Subclass : Wizard/School of Illusion 2nd Level Description of issue :&nbsp; I've chose my character to be a Human, Variant subrace, and also picked up the Magic Initiate feat, but it didn't added the extra cantrips, extra spell, it didn't let me choose the class for the feat also. Screenshots: - 4 cantrips : 3 from 1st level wizard, 1 from 2nd level school&nbsp;of illusion, missing 2 cantrips from the feat and 1 1st level spell
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Feats as they stand are text additions only. They do not monkey with any of the mechanics of the sheet. There are way too many exceptions to catch. For this reason, they are not allowed to be chosen during level up, and must be dragged and dropped manually. Why you are allowed to do this at character creation, but not level up is anyone's guess.
César S. said: Hi, I've been looking through the forum and I can get how to make my player's Rogue Arcane trickster PC to show the proper spell slots. I used the "magic caster level" option, but I want to be sure that it is compatible with charactermancer level up. I tried custom class before and charactermancer wouldn't work on that. Same.

Edited 1587670180
Found some bugs with the Global Damage Modifier section when using Variables and interacting with Critical damage calculations. I managed to figure out some workarounds for in the meantime. (As of v4.21) BUG1: Variables are treated as dice rolls when critting, even if the variable is a number, and is not attached to a d# value. I found this out while trying to set up Hexblade's curse, and was going to simply add @{pb} (proficiency bonus) to the last modifier field for the weapon I'd be using it with (which also handles the increased crit range) but unless that field has an actual number in it, it gets ignored. Instead I created a Global Damage modifier and set it to @{PB} but I found out that when I rolled a crit, the Hexblade bonus was being added to the crit damage as well, even though it's not a dice value This does NOT happen if the value in the Global Damage Modifier Field is set to an actual numeric value. BUG2: Variables are stripped of all math when calculating crit damage field. I found this out while trying to set up Booming Blade, Greenflame Blade, and Sneak Attack to scale with level, putting them into the Global Damage Modifier section so that they would be included in the dice crit calculations Sneak attack should be simple to do; (@{level}/2)d6, (the ceil() operation will clean it up, but it's not necessary for function due to rounding) plug it in once and never need to touch it as you level. The problem is that a level 7 rogue would normally roll 4d6 sneak attack regularly, and an additional 4d6 on a crit for 8d6 total. Instead, roll20 ignores the math for the crit damage field, and treats the variable as the only value. As a result a level 7 rogue that does 4d6 normally, will now do 7d6 additional, for a total of 11d6 sneak attack damage on a crit. TEMPORARY PATCH FOR BUG1: (using Bug2, so please fix Bug1 before fixing Bug2) If we set up Hexblade's Curse to reference @{pb}, we'll wind up with that damage also getting doubled, even though it's not a dice value. A workaround for those who want to be able to set a variable as a non-dice value in the GDM field is to use Bug2 to our advantage; math isn't recognized by crits. With this in mind, we will set up an equation where the math will prevent the equation from nullifying itself, so that when the math is removed by the crit it will nullify itself; @{pb}-floor(@{pb}/1000) regular attack rolls will treat this as @{pb} - 0, which will allow the value to be added to damage properly for regular rolls. crits will do the same thing for the regular dice calculations, but for the crit calculations, it will only see @{pb}-@{pb} which will result in 0, thus preventing it from being added a second time. TEMPORARY PATCH FOR BUG2: Since Bug2 means that crit damage will only recognize the unmodified variable value, the bypass for this is pretty straightforward; just create a new variable that will not need to be modified. I created 2 variables, C_level for cantrips, and SA_level for Sneak attacks C_level = (ceil((@{level}+2)/6)-1) //1-4=0, 5-10=1, 11-16=2, 17-22=3 SA_level = (ceil(@{level}/2) //alternatively use @{base_level} or @{multiclass#_lvl} if you are a multiclass rogue) from there it's just a matter of setting the GDM fields to Sneak Attack = [[@{SA_level}]]d6 Booming Blade/Greenflame Blade = [[@{C_level}]]d8 This way the math is already done before the crit ever checks the GDM for the variable. for the secondary damage for Greenflame Blade, just create another attack that does [[@{C_level}]]d8 + SPELL for the secondary damage for Booming Blade, just create another attack that does [[@{C_level}+1}d8 //crit doesn't apply to this damage, so you don't need to worry about it ignoring the crit calculations.
Spellcasting with attack rolls is currently broken (unless its a cantrip where it doesnt matter), as it makes the request for spell level AFTER the attack roll has already been made instead of before, thus not locking in the spell level/damage dice count to the attack roll.
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Turn on auto damage. If you do damage after the attack roll, that's two different queries. To-hit is not level dependent, but damage is. So make it all one action by turning on Auto Damage (It's on the character's settings tab), and can be set campaign-wide if you would like. Campaign-wide instructions below: Here's how to set up Auto Damage Go to the&nbsp;Campaign Settings Page Choose "Auto Roll Damage &amp; Crits" under the Default Sheet Settings Save Load your game Go to the settings tab on the right and scroll to the bottom where you will find a button that says Apply Default Settings. Press it. Choose to update the Auto Damage Roll settings. Wait a minute or two for it to resolve. Have fun!

Edited 1587682463
keithcurtis said: Turn on auto damage. If you do damage after the attack roll, that's two different queries. To-hit is not level dependent, but damage is. So make it all one action by turning on Auto Damage (It's on the character's settings tab), and can be set campaign-wide if you would like. Campaign-wide instructions below: Here's how to set up Auto Damage Go to the&nbsp;Campaign Settings Page Choose "Auto Roll Damage &amp; Crits" under the Default Sheet Settings Save Load your game Go to the settings tab on the right and scroll to the bottom where you will find a button that says Apply Default Settings. Press it. Choose to update the Auto Damage Roll settings. Wait a minute or two for it to resolve. Have fun! Stop trolling, thats auto damage revealed. Its not locking in the spell level to the attack roll which was broken with the last OLG sheet update.

Edited 1587685815
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"Trolling?" Please refrain from personal attacks, per the CoC. I believe everything I said was correct and said in good faith. I just verified with Spiritual Weapon . If you turn auto damage off, it rolls to hit, then asks you the casting level after you click on the damage link, for the reasons above. If you turn auto damage on, it is all rolled at once and asks you the level before displaying attack or damage. Since the damage is level-query dependent, and is a separate roll entirely, I don't know how it could work otherwise. Perhaps I am not understanding the issue you are having. If these steps are not solving the issue, or the issue is something else, please describe in more detail, with reproduction steps.

Edited 1587687630
keithcurtis said: "Trolling?" Please refrain from personal attacks, per the CoC. I believe everything I said was correct and said in good faith. I just verified with Spiritual Weapon . If you turn auto damage off, it rolls to hit, then asks you the casting level after you click on the damage link, for the reasons above. If you turn auto damage on, it is all rolled at once and asks you the level before displaying attack or damage. Since the damage is level-query dependent, and is a separate roll entirely, I don't know how it could work otherwise. Perhaps I am not understanding the issue you are having. If these steps are not solving the issue, or the issue is something else, please describe in more detail, with reproduction steps. Ok, if it was ignorance instead of malice/acting as if there is no bug, here is a detailed explanation: for circa 3 years at least, the OLG sheet asked for the spell level first on any spellcasting in its order of operations to lock it in any upcasting going off it (as the nice note on old wiki even says, it sure as hell still acted that way at least last friday), so clicking on e.g. guiding bolt cast at 2th will cause the chat text macro/name click to always roll 5d6 since its locked in with the attack roll. Now it is reverse, causing the attack roll first and only then asking for spell level if you click for damage, relevant not only for not cluttering the chat, but also for any form of spell tracking outside of the paid-api and for plain clarity/intent backlog during speed of combat as to not require slowing down combat by having to pause and ask for intended spell level/demand players say it before clicking on their A&amp;S options.
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Looking closer at the wiki, it does say that the damage was rolled but is hidden. This is not born out by testing. You can click the damage link multiple times and get different results. If it were rolled but held, it would yield the same results with every click. I have made a legacy sheet game and it does ask for the damage after you click the damage link. That sheet version is many months old. My solution above will solve the problem and was offered in that spirit.
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Also in regards to malice/ignorance, I do not work for Roll20, and frequently critically comment on what I consider to be bugs and flaws with the sheet (I have a list). I wouldn't pretend something doesn't exist.
keithcurtis said: Looking closer at the wiki, it does say that the damage was rolled but is hidden. This is not born out by testing. You can click the damage link multiple times and get different results. If it were rolled but held, it would yield the same results with every click. I have made a legacy sheet game and it does ask for the damage after you click the damage link. That sheet version is many months old. My solution above will solve the problem and was offered in that spirit. It doesnt matter if the dice damage themselves were rolled or not, but that the spell level was locked in with the attack roll, not damage roll. And on the last note, i can equally say please refrain from unrelated posts, per the CoC when it comes to non-solutions and acting as if something isnt bugged.
Sheet Issues Template Class(es) /&nbsp; Subclass : All Description of issue :&nbsp; Generated a copy of a game using the D&amp;D 5E (community contributed) character sheet, and changed the default to the 5e (roll 20) sheet.&nbsp;&nbsp; Transition options do not appear.&nbsp; Given that the documentation is spotty, it's not clear to me where they're supposed to appear, but they're not in the character sheet anywhere I can see. (As a sidenote, it would be nice if the documentation for 'transition options' had a screenshot of where to find them.) Screenshots:

Edited 1587754059
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There are no transition options. Roll20 allows the creation of Community sheets, and vets them, but does not support them. Was there documentation somewhere that led you to the understanding there was a migration assistant of some kind? Edit: Full sheet documentation is here .
Literally from the page you linked:&nbsp; Transition Options If your campaign previously used the&nbsp;Community Contributed&nbsp;or&nbsp;Shaped Legacy&nbsp;5th Edition Character Sheets and you are swapping over to this one, we have an automated conversion tool that will clear or merge elements leftover from those two sheets. This procedure can only be done&nbsp; once &nbsp;and can not be undone. It is recommended that you make a copy of your campaign first before attempting a sheet transition. There is also a checkbox that hides this feature entirely from the sheet. If you hide this by mistake, you can gain access to it again by creating a new character journal.

Edited 1587825060
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Devin S. said: Literally from the page you linked: Transition Options It could be that the feature have been removed and the documentation remains. Can't say I remember this feature, and clearly Keith didn't either, nor have we noticed that segment in the documentation. Looking back, this was added to the documentation way back in 2016 , but it's possible it have been hidden/removed at some point, when differences with the original Shaped &amp; Community sheet started to be too large. Unless the function have been updated regularly, it wouldn't be able to migrate newer versions of either sheet without producing tons of errors. But it is curious that also the HelpDesk version of the documentation still mentions this feature.

Edited 1587833303
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Devin S. said: Literally from the page you linked:&nbsp; Transition Options If your campaign previously used the&nbsp;Community Contributed&nbsp;or&nbsp;Shaped Legacy&nbsp;5th Edition Character Sheets and you are swapping over to this one, we have an automated conversion tool that will clear or merge elements leftover from those two sheets. This procedure can only be done&nbsp; once &nbsp;and can not be undone. It is recommended that you make a copy of your campaign first before attempting a sheet transition. There is also a checkbox that hides this feature entirely from the sheet. If you hide this by mistake, you can gain access to it again by creating a new character journal. Wow, I had either forgotten completely or never knew that feature existed. My apologies. I've certainly never noticed the checkbox it describes. I agree with Andreas' appraisal of the situation in any case. Neither of the other two sheets mentioned is in active development, and I haven't seen any mention of that feature&nbsp;in the D&amp;D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet updates. Even if it still exists somewhere, I wouldn't trust it.
Then,&nbsp; if it's no longer supported may I suggest please removing the documentation?&nbsp; It's... unhelpful.&nbsp;&nbsp; Also, half-working would be better than not-working, given that my alternative is to transition them by hand.&nbsp; I decided to try the CC sheet because &nbsp;I knew from this documentation that I could switch to the roll20 sheet but not back.&nbsp; AIUI the roll20 sheets aren't on the Git or I'd just have a look myself at fixing up the aforementioned code .
Hoping I'm posting this in the right place, as I'm very new to roll20 - I bought the PHB and Xanathar's this morning and starting making up character sheets for my players and found two issues: Alchemy Jug is missing from the Items list. Light Hammer +3 is all the way at the bottom of the list and listed as "light hammer +3"
keithcurtis said: I came across that the other day. Is there any piece of equipment in 5e that gives a bonus to an Ability score rather than an alteration? Ioun Stones
Gʀᴇʏ A. said: Found some bugs with the Global Damage Modifier section when using Variables and interacting with Critical damage calculations. I managed to figure out some workarounds for in the meantime. (As of v4.21) BUG1: Variables are treated as dice rolls when critting, even if the variable is a number, and is not attached to a d# value. I found this out while trying to set up Hexblade's curse, and was going to simply add @{pb} (proficiency bonus) to the last modifier field for the weapon I'd be using it with (which also handles the increased crit range) but unless that field has an actual number in it, it gets ignored. Instead I created a Global Damage modifier and set it to @{PB} but I found out that when I rolled a crit, the Hexblade bonus was being added to the crit damage as well, even though it's not a dice value This does NOT happen if the value in the Global Damage Modifier Field is set to an actual numeric value. What I do for that is just manually set the crit damage in those attack entries so it will only roll what I tell it to roll. So for the regular damage field for a longsword I have 1d8+@{pb} and then in the crit field I put 1d8. That overrides the automatic assumption of the sheet to copy everything in the damage field.
Overlord said: couple of quick questions (sorry still new to roll20), tried to search for answer and couldn't find anything. 1.) I notice and appreciate that the character sheet can be modified on many levels. This is great for me to adjust for Items and such, but is there a way to lock it so players can accidentally modify values? Especially the setting (gear) page? 2.) I've noticed I can pull item out of the compendium and drop it on the sheet. Nice. But there doesn't seem to be any info attached to it aside from name. Example if I put a potion of extra healing on a character. it doesn't tell them what it does or even roll for healing. to use it, it would appear they would have to look it up. Am I missing something to make its description appear from the sheet? Thanks So does anyone have any answer to this or should it be in a different thread?
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I don't think either of these is possible, or at least easy. 1) Characters either have full access to their sheets or no access. There is no partial access. 2) There is no built in solution. AP script exist that could do this, and it could be handled in a limited fashion by a macro.
Greetings. After creating a new D&amp;D 5E game and selecting the 5th Edition Character Sheet by Roll20 I'm having two issues: The Public/To GM and Advantage options are not showing up at the top of sheet (with red icons). I only see the Core/Bio/Spells selector. In my game settings I selected several options some of which I see in game but not the tie-breaker. I am not getting decimals added to initiative rolls. I can manually set up a character to do it but this would get tedious having to do this for all NPCs/monsters as well. I did trying toggling off/on with game reloads.
Hi Johnny, Goto the Gear Icon. 1.) in the far top right hand side of sheet, on the top (under NPC checkbox), there is "Roll Queries". Click field to "Advantage Toggle". 2b.) Directly under that is "Whisper Rolls to GM", click field to "Whisper Toggle" 2.)(Also in Gear Icon Page), Top Middle column. there is a check box called "Add Dex Tiebreaker to initiative" click this box. that should do what you need.