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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)

So do the game settings before you launch a game not set a baseline for all these settings? I can manually change specific NPCs or monsters but I'd rather not have to change all of them individually.
Sheet Author
Those game settings set the default for everything created from then on.  It doesn't change already existing maps, tokens, or character sheet values.  If you go in game (after changing game defaults), and scroll down to the bottom of the settings, there should be a place to apply game defaults that is marked as experimental.
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Hit Dice macro is returning errors when triggered by chat or macro bar buttons. To reproduce: Click the " Hit Dice " roll button on the sheet. A hit die is rolled, which is expected and proper. Drag that button to the macro bar. The macro still runs, but produces the error: No attribute was found for @{<character_name>|licensedsheet} Run %{selected|hit_dice} or %{<character_name>|hit_dice} The macro still runs, but produces the error: No attribute was found for @{<character_name>|licensedsheet} The macro runs, but delivers an error if run in any way other than clicking the button directly on the sheet.

Edited 1588145640
Dakota H. said: Gʀᴇʏ A. said: Found some bugs with the Global Damage Modifier section when using Variables and interacting with Critical damage calculations. I managed to figure out some workarounds for in the meantime. (As of v4.21) BUG1: Variables are treated as dice rolls when critting, even if the variable is a number, and is not attached to a d# value. I found this out while trying to set up Hexblade's curse, and was going to simply add @{pb} (proficiency bonus) to the last modifier field for the weapon I'd be using it with (which also handles the increased crit range) but unless that field has an actual number in it, it gets ignored. Instead I created a Global Damage modifier and set it to @{PB} but I found out that when I rolled a crit, the Hexblade bonus was being added to the crit damage as well, even though it's not a dice value This does NOT happen if the value in the Global Damage Modifier Field is set to an actual numeric value. What I do for that is just manually set the crit damage in those attack entries so it will only roll what I tell it to roll. So for the regular damage field for a longsword I have 1d8+@{pb} and then in the crit field I put 1d8. That overrides the automatic assumption of the sheet to copy everything in the damage field. That's not really beneficial for a situation where I may switch between leveraging sneak attack AND/OR Booming blade AND/OR Curse AND/OR Hex AND/OR whichever attack I'm actually making, multiple times throughout the course of a battle, and I don't want to have to create a custom attack for every single combination. The whole purpose of using the variables was so I WOULDN'T need to go to the effort of doing everything manually, hence why I included all the tips that let you bypass those issues. If I was going to have to set that field manually, I might as well just skip the @{pb} variable and plug in the number instead.

Edited 1588163046
The equipment "packs" you can get during character creation with the charactermancer do not have the right amounts (esp. torches and rations), but always an amount of "1".
Please forgive if this is the wrong place or has been addresses elsewhere... (I am still a novice) When building a first level character with charactermancer (great tool) sometimes the character never completes.  The red bar gets to about 95% done and then it just hangs.   I am building on a macbook if that makes a difference.   Be Well, Bryan
I can't seem to find a certain spell in the 5e Compendium, 'Aura of Vitality'.  It's in my physical book at home, but why is it not searchable in game?  Can I add custom spells to my compendium?  Must I use the open source user based one from Roll20?
If you click the + symbol under the spell level you can manually add a spell.
JP E. if you do not have the book on roll20 you will only have the SRD in your compendium.  Not sure if this is the case.

Edited 1588213799
Aura of vitality is not included in the free SRD that Wizards of the Coast has released. The free SRD is not the entirety of the Player's Handbook , only part of it. If you purchase the PHB here on Roll20, that spell (and the rest of the non-SRD content in the PHB) will be in your Compendium. You can even share this with other players in games you create (see the wiki: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). If you do not wish to purchase the PHB, you can still enter the non-SRD material manually on the sheet.

Edited 1588308097
Bug Report The global damage modifier field used to work for the 5e OGL sheet. But today I have not been able to get it to work at all. I could have sworn I was able to apply multiple damage modifiers in the past but now I can only see one. On one of my other sheets, I tried to add a global damage modifier, and cannot get any to apply at all. Edit : I didn't want to try this since i was in the middle of a session, but reloading roll20 seems to have fixed it? Very strange. Example: Roll output: Another example: Which outputs:
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Bryan W. said: Please forgive if this is the wrong place or has been addresses elsewhere... (I am still a novice) When building a first level character with charactermancer (great tool) sometimes the character never completes.&nbsp; The red bar gets to about 95% done and then it just hangs.&nbsp;&nbsp; I am building on a macbook if that makes a difference.&nbsp;&nbsp; Be Well, Bryan Hi Bryan, The most common cause of this is trying to use the charactermancer while the sheet is popped out: Character Sheet in a separate window It's possible to have the character sheet "popped out" in a separate browser window from Roll20, but while in this mode, a number of things does work quite as well as when it's viewed inside the VTT. The popping out feature is more of a convenience during play to keep the window uncluttered, but if you want to make lots of changes to the sheet, it's generally a good idea to not have it "popped out". Things that doesn't work when sheet is in a separate window: Charactermancer doesn't work. &nbsp;- You might be open it, but the final step to finish building doesn't work. Can't drag-n-drop &nbsp;- you can't drag-n-drop from the compendium to the sheet when it's in it's own window Can't re-order things in repeating sections &nbsp;- You can check/uncheck the "lock" and delete entries, but not re-order them Edit "Bio &amp; Info"-tab &nbsp;- when you press on the edit button, Roll20 opens the sheet inside the main Roll20 application on the "Bio &amp; Info" page for the sheet Nothing in the "Attributes &amp; Abilities"-tab can be re-ordered &nbsp;- you can add &amp; delete Attributes and add Abilities, but not re-order them
Tony R.
Sheet Author
Class(es) /&nbsp; Subclass : All Description of issue : Minor visual bug; image for weight symbol in inventory is not loading. The character sheet settings include variant encumbrance rules and compendium compatible inventory. Screenshots: Link . (Header of third column in inventory)

Edited 1588450145
Class(es) /&nbsp; Subclass : NPC Description of issue : "ac" value does not pull from Armor Class field on the NPC sheet, but rather bases this off 10+dex which makes no sense for an NPC, why have a input field for Armor Class and not use it? Screenshots: When building the NPC I fill out "Armor Class" manually: I then create a token and link bar 2 to "ac" but it is not pulling from the Armor Class value, rather seems to be 10+Dex as if it were unarmored: Now I know that I can manually set Bar 2, or go into the attributes tab and change the ac value, but I shouldn't have to. on NPC sheets we should be able to just pull from the Armor Class field.

Edited 1588449473
Hi all, I saw this mentioned a bit ago but it was never further addressed save the only fix.&nbsp; Class(es) /&nbsp; Subclass : literally every PC caster (does not seem to happen to NPCs) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; Odd thing I just noticed in testing: &nbsp;happens with vicious mockery, but NOT eldritch blast. I also don't think it's happening with firebolt. Granted, I've always noticed some weirdness with how roll20 is with vicious mockery, so that may not be relevant.&nbsp; Description of issue : Spells with attacks, every time the game is reloaded, reset to spellcard output rather than attack. Yes, you are able to fix this by manually resetting it in the spell's settings (using the dropdown menu to set as "spellcard" output, then back to "attack" output), but my current game has a PC warlock, PC wizard, PC bard, and PC cleric. This also affected a game I play in, where it affected our sorc and bard. As you can imagine, constantly forgetting to reset almost every &nbsp; attack and healing spell they have until they cast a spell in combat is not ideal. (And I'm not talking about spells that usually default to a spellcard, like Phantasmal Force or something. We're talking about things like Inflict Wounds, Cure Wounds, Scorching Ray, etc.) This is a brand new issue as of about a month or a month and a half ago, so something had to have changed recently. Is this a known bug and being examined? I know the staff is probably stretched thin because of the pandemic but it'd be lovely to have one less thing to think about as the DM. It's to the point where I'm close to logging in an hour earlier than usual (which is already about 5 hours before start time) and resetting everything on the player sheets because otherwise we'll all forget. Thanks yall
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Hi DM Joe, For precisely the reasons you note (NPC ACs don't always follow standard rules regarding armor type and dex), NPCs have a different attribute: npc_ac. The reason that the attribute exists on the sheet at all is that all characters in a game are served by the same sheet. It may look like you have an NPC sheet and a PC sheet, but that's a display trick. The attributes are still there. So if you link NPC tokens to npc_ac, they should display correctly.

Edited 1588542127
Forum Champion
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Multiple Issues with Reliable Talent 1. It is not mentioned in the documentation for sheet settings , either in wiki or Help Center. 2. It is not calculated properly when Auto Roll Advantage is in use . Currently if Auto Roll Advantage is turned off, it produces a "Blue" roll if the die roll is under 10. If Auto Roll Advantage is turned on, it will only show the reliable roll if both rolls are under 10. This is incorrect. The stated purpose for Always roll advantage is: It is commonly agreed upon that a gaming group uses the left roll result when advantage is not being used for a check. When advantage or disadvantage is in play, simply choose the higher or lower result among the two per usual.&nbsp; If a player rolls a 2 and a 19, reliable talent will not kick in. The choice is between a 2 (failure) and a 19 (high success). This is advantage , not reliable talent . There is no "minimum 10 option". If the DC requires a natural roll of a 15, the player will succeed, where they should have failed, since the choice of results should have been between 2 and 10. If Advantage is not in play, the result has to be between the left hand roll and the Reliable Talent roll of 10. If advantage is in play then both rolls should be affected by reliable talent. The feature states: Whenever you make an ability check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. The feature as implemented on the sheet is incorrect, and results in artificially inflated rolls. In the screen shot below, assuming the player does not have advantage, the top roll should have given me a blue 16. The bottom roll works, but ideally&nbsp;every roll where either roll is under 10 should have a reliable talent report. This would include the middle roll below, if the character were rolling with Disadvantage. This will work correctly with the sheet's stated reason for "Always Roll Advantage"
keithcurtis said: Hi DM Joe, For precisely the reasons you note (NPC ACs don't always follow standard rules regarding armor type and dex), NPCs have a different attribute: npc_ac. The reason that the attribute exists on the sheet at all is that all characters in a game are served by the same sheet. It may look like you have an NPC sheet and a PC sheet, but that's a display trick. The attributes are still there. So if you link NPC tokens to npc_ac, they should display correctly. Thank you keithcurtis !! This helped me tremendously!

Edited 1588595430
Is there a simple way, using a macro, gobal attack modifier... to make a crit damage roll at will? That would be nice if using something like Hold Person/Monster to paralyze someone, since every attack that hits a paralyzed target will do critical damage. Of course I can just spam my attack until I get that nat 20 roll, roll damage manually or edit the attack and set the crit range to a 1 before rolling, but it would be much easier (and visually more appealing) if I could simply use a macro or something :) Also, some terms/names/macros are too long, especially in the attacks section of the sheet, they get cut off at the right side. That's fine if you can memorize what was what and you know that the macro does what you want it to do, but why doesn't it display a field's full entry on a mouseover?
Sheet Author
Semako said: Is there a simple way, using a macro, gobal attack modifier... to make a crit damage roll at will? . . . You could use a Query. Drawback is you have to answer the question every time you roll, when I do this I set up the most common answer as the first one and just hit the enter key to roll the attack. For Example: ?{Critical Range|Normal,20|Automatic,1}
Broken Spells All spells with extra damage with higher level cast are broken if they have Spell Attack = Melee or Ranged . This affects compendium as well as custom made spells. Replication steps: - Grab Witch Bolt or Inflict Wounds from the compendium. - Note they are correctly listed as doing extra damage when cast at higher levels, including in spell settings. - Note they don't ask for higher levels when casting. - Change the Spell Attack type to None in the spell settings. - Note they now work.
Wes said: Semako said: Is there a simple way, using a macro, gobal attack modifier... to make a crit damage roll at will? . . . You could use a Query. Drawback is you have to answer the question every time you roll, when I do this I set up the most common answer as the first one and just hit the enter key to roll the attack. Thanks, that works for me :) Another question: Is there a way to force specific roll templates onto rolls made from the attack section of the sheet? I am just sometimes a bit of a perfectionist ;), and I don't like that rolls that don't include attack rolls or saving throws just look so... "incomplete", because they only use the bottom half of the usual attack roll template, such as the storm sorcerer's Heart of the Storm AoE:
Hi I am new to the community and couldn't find&nbsp; a search tool! My question is about the Charactermancer, Class Monk, Monastic Tradition, only Way of The Open Hand is showing. All the other traditions are missing? Sorry if this has been asked, couldn't find any way to search?
Phillip N. said: Hi I am new to the community and couldn't find&nbsp; a search tool! My question is about the Charactermancer, Class Monk, Monastic Tradition, only Way of The Open Hand is showing. All the other traditions are missing? Sorry if this has been asked, couldn't find any way to search? If you haven't bought any books on Roll20 yet, you can only access the classes from the free, public SRD (System Reference Document) via the charactermancer. The only monastic tradition in there is the Way of the Open Hand. You can, however, buy the PHB, Xanathar's and some other DnD sourcebooks (and campaign modules as well) at the Roll20 marketplace, then you will have access to their content via the compendium and the charactermancer.
Quick question, In our game a critical dit does maximum damage. Is there a way to set this up in the weapons to output the maximum on crit?
Semako said: Phillip N. said: Hi I am new to the community and couldn't find&nbsp; a search tool! My question is about the Charactermancer, Class Monk, Monastic Tradition, only Way of The Open Hand is showing. All the other traditions are missing? Sorry if this has been asked, couldn't find any way to search? If you haven't bought any books on Roll20 yet, you can only access the classes from the free, public SRD (System Reference Document) via the charactermancer. The only monastic tradition in there is the Way of the Open Hand. You can, however, buy the PHB, Xanathar's and some other DnD sourcebooks (and campaign modules as well) at the Roll20 marketplace, then you will have access to their content via the compendium and the charactermancer. Thank you for your reply, I had a hunch that was the issue. Many thanks.

Edited 1588773850
Bug report/Issue: If you drop a quarterstaff from the compendium into the inventory of the character sheet, 2 entries get created in the "Attacks" section: 1 for using the quarterstaff 1-handed, and one for using it 2-handed.&nbsp; &nbsp;But, if you drop a quarterstaff +1 into the sheet, it only creates 1 entry and when you roll the damage, it rolls both the 1-handed and 2-handed damage.&nbsp; This appears to be true for any weapon with a "+" that can be wielded 1-handed or 2-handed such as a battleaxe.&nbsp; It should be consistent - either two entries should be created in the "Attacks" section OR the system should roll both damages for all "versatile" weapons.
I have been looking for, but unable to find, an update or workaround to the CM level-up multiclass issue that seems to have been reported multiple times over the past year and a half. Trying to multiclass Cleric/Wizard, but it does not me to pick select spells for my new class. In this case my level 1 Cleric selected to multiclass into Wizard, but cannot select new Cantrips or Level 1 spells from within the CM. It appears to be still broken, but are there any known workarounds?
FEATURE REQUEST Please consider adding SHORT REST / LONG REST buttons. If the API is required, that's fine. For features, traits, and additional resources, add a pulldown to choose short rest / long rest. Then when the rest buttons are used, it would refresh the uses attached to that kind of rest. It could work for hit points, hit dice, resource counters, spell slots, etc. Thank you!
Hi everyone, Why, even with the character sheet translated in french for DD5, is some english words are still there ? Like on an NPC sheet, "Melee weapon Attack" and "Ranged weapon attack" are still here instead of "Attaque de corps à corps" and "Attaque à distance". Same thing in the chat, it's "Attack" and "Damage" instead of "Attaque" and "Dommages" ... Is there a way to translate that please ?&nbsp; I can help if needed (and I'm already on crowdin, but I'm not sure I did what was needed (translate some words in the .json and save my translations), and I didn't get any answer when I asked if it was ok) Regards.
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Sheets contain a translation file. All of the tags, the labels, get translated. The content, however, is based on the WotC books, which Roll20 is only licensed to provide in English.

Edited 1588861520
keithcurtis said: Sheets contain a translation file. All of the tags, the labels, get translated. The content, however, is based on the WotC books, which Roll20 is only licensed to provide in English. So you tell me the yellow highlighted lines can't be translated ? (and "reach" for "allonge", etc.) That's -very- disappointing, but thanks a lot for your answer...
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I would have thought the Roll Template could be translated, that's part of the sheet code. But the contents of the action I wouldn't expect so. However, "Une cible Dégâts" and "Cimeterre" come from the sheet without your editing? Maybe more can be translated than I was aware of.
keithcurtis said: I would have thought the Roll Template could be translated, that's part of the sheet code. But the contents of the action I wouldn't expect so. However, "Une cible Dégâts" and "Cimeterre" come from the sheet without your editing? Maybe more can be translated than I was aware of. "Cimeterre" is french for&nbsp;Scimitar. I put it. Same as "une cible", I updated the default value "one target", and same as "1.5m" it was "5 feet" by default. In the dropdown list I selected the french value "corps à corps". Here is a picture with my edition, and the automatic display, with 2 types of weapons : So in edition mode, there is french value, but when I quit the edition mode, some displayed labels go back to english : "Melee Weapon attack" / "Reach" / "Range" / "damage" ... That's weird, no ? And yes, in the chat : If you think something can be done, tell me if I need to talk to someone else...&nbsp; Thanks anyway !
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You've definitely posted in the right place. Hopefully you can get a more authoritative answer from a dev or a sheet translator.
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Kariaudhanaur and&nbsp;keithcurtis, The Roll Templates which are used to generate the roll outputs in the chat slide currently do not support translation. I've already added to my todo list to take a look at this issue.
keithcurtis said: You've definitely posted in the right place. Hopefully you can get a more authoritative answer from a dev or a sheet translator. Ok good, thanks again Keith. Miguel said: Kariaudhanaur and&nbsp;keithcurtis, The Roll Templates which are used to generate the roll outputs in the chat slide currently do not support translation. I've already added to my todo list to take a look at this issue. Ok good, that's at least that Miguel, thanks... It will remain the partial translation on the sheet (see images above : untranslated in display mode, but correctly translated in edition mode...) I know this is the easy part (compared to the dev updates), but for the actual translation of these words I can help !
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Thanks Miguel!

Edited 1589054240
Anyone else having issues with altering the stats on NPC entries? I decided to rearrange the basic guard import stats but when I do, the sheet shows the changes in the manual entry part of the sheet, but still displays the old stats in both the preview pane and when you finally close the manual entry portion out. I opened the guard import and edited its stats to boost STR &amp; CON some as well as adjust the skills, like so: But when I close it out and scroll down to see the preview pane, I have the old stuff still: I've tried refreshing, moving the entry out of its folder and back in, etc. but nothing seems to work on getting it to display right. I'm curious if this might be something that's also affecting you guys and gals as well. Thanks!
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Jason said: Hello, not sure if this is the right place for it, but when searching the Compendium for a Sentinel Shield, I was surprised to not get any results. It's a standard DMG item, and I could've sworn it was there a few months ago. I've purchased the PHB, DMG, XGtE, VGM, and Eberron. Thanks! Nothing in the Compendium. Note though, that the DMG is not yet available on Roll20, though it is slated for later in the year.
Class(es) /&nbsp; Subclass : Spellcasters Description of issue :&nbsp; Two out my three players have been reporting issues with their sheet "resetting" after leveling up. One of my players has reported that a cantrip they removed long ago (Chill Touch) will repeatedly come back upon level up. That same player also experienced a bug where if they moved a spell to a higher spells slot (say 2nd level to 3rd level) because they had initially misplaced it, the sheet would revert it back to its original position.&nbsp; My second player has reported that the information written within the description box for the following spells consistently gets removed upon level up: Ray of Frost, Chaos Bolt, Shatter, Mirror Image (when turned into an attack card and filling in a description). This has been happening for months now, and it seems to repeatedly happen without fail.
Class(es) /&nbsp; Subclass : any Description of issue :&nbsp; Adding "+@{wisdom_mod}" to the damage roll of an "Attacks &amp; Spellcasting" entry sets the wisdom score to a strange value in blue with an asterisk. Happens with all ability score mods. Steps to reproduce: create new character and go to character sheet select "Edit sheet directly" drag and drop a Glaive from the compendium onto the sheet (any weapon that has a damage die works, I think) add "+@{wisdom_mod}" to the damage roll of the Glaive so it reads "1d10+@{wisdom_mod}" change wisdom score to 11 observe the blue number that is shown instead of 11 wisdom Screenshots:

Edited 1589251712
That is, uh, that is one weird bug. :-/ Edit: It actually seems to be any ability modifier added to a weapon damage die, not just Wisdom.
Hi, the Charactermancer has an error concerning Changelings. It doesn't allow you to choose Charisma from the dropdown, even though Jeremy Crawford has confirmed the working is 100% different to other choice ability scores and omits the word 'other'. allowing you to choose +3 Charisma. Please can you ensure when you edit the charactermancer you don't assume things and follow the actual printed wording, not what you think it should say?
Phill said: Hi, the Charactermancer has an error concerning Changelings. It doesn't allow you to choose Charisma from the dropdown, even though Jeremy Crawford has confirmed the working is 100% different to other choice ability scores and omits the word 'other'. allowing you to choose +3 Charisma. Please can you ensure when you edit the charactermancer you don't assume things and follow the actual printed wording, not what you think it should say? Jeremy Crawford needs to print official errata and not just make comments on his twitter feed. I'm sure when he actually prints something official in a book, the roll20 team will adjust accordingly.
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Overlord said: Phill said: Hi, the Charactermancer has an error concerning Changelings. It doesn't allow you to choose Charisma from the dropdown, even though Jeremy Crawford has confirmed the working is 100% different to other choice ability scores and omits the word 'other'. allowing you to choose +3 Charisma. Please can you ensure when you edit the charactermancer you don't assume things and follow the actual printed wording, not what you think it should say? Jeremy Crawford needs to print official errata and not just make comments on his twitter feed. I'm sure when he actually prints something official in a book, the roll20 team will adjust accordingly. It's not as much an errata as it is just a confirmation that the race does exactly as it reads, and there is no implied restriction left out from the description.

Edited 1589328282
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator
Phill &nbsp;said: Hi, the Charactermancer has an error concerning Changelings. It doesn't allow you to choose Charisma from the dropdown, even though Jeremy Crawford has confirmed the working is 100% different to other choice ability scores and omits the word 'other'. allowing you to choose +3 Charisma. Please can you ensure when you edit the charactermancer you don't assume things and follow the actual printed wording, not what you think it should say? This was reported (it was me! I reported it!) back when Eberron was released and put in the known bug list:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; At the time Ashton said: "I've added this to the known issues section for now as we will have to add Charactermancer functionality to support changelings' unique ability to add +3 to Charisma."&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> That said, I'm not sure what happened with the known bug list once that thread closed, and where development stands on fixing those items. For reference, this is what was in the list at the time of closing: Known Issues While using the Charactermancer to create a new level 1 Artificer, players will be able to choose/prepare Intelligence + 1 spells instead of Intelligence + half artificer level, rounded down (minimum of one). Levels 2 - 20 should be working as expected. Infuse Items, a level 2 Artificer feature, does not prompt players with the ability to exchange one of their current Infusions for a new one with each level. The details that explain the feature are included in the Infuse Item feature text on the character sheet and players who opt to take part will need to create their own entry and manually remove the Infusion they are choosing to forget. Changelings cannot currently select Charisma as their additional +1 ability score choice, but should be allowed to. A player creating a changeling will need to manually update their ability scores should they choose to add their +1 to Charisma. Expanded critical ranges are not supported for monsters.
Hello all, This is my first post and I am not sure if this is the right place for this (please forgive me if it's not), but I have a request on the 5e Character Sheet: Next to the spells, you can put a red dot: It would be nice if we could more than one color.&nbsp; For instance, something like this: Click - Red Shift + Click - Black Ctrl (Option) + Click - Blue Alt (Command) + Click - Yellow They, obviously don't need to be that color, but this would help with some organization for faster gameplay... Thanks, and if this isn't the right place, please point me in the correct direction so that I can get it right. P.S. - Love this app and the character sheet!