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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)


Edited 1590750395
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Dresdon said: Wands have a flat DC of 15, but I couldn't find a way to either make an attack which scales by level cast (i.e. number of charges expended) or a spell where I could set a flat DC. Any one have any bright ideas for this or do I just need to suck it up and do it manually? If you edit the spell in the Attacks & Spellcasting section on the Core tab of your sheet you can select FLAT as a save DC option. If you rename it to Burning Hands (Wand), then drag another vanilla Burning Hands into your Spells tab (if you have it on your spell list) then you should be good! Tracking the wand charges automatically is beyond my kennin', I'm just a scrubby Plus subscriber.
Cool that works, I'd made myself a macro to do it, but that's a nice easy way. Oosh said: Dresdon said: Wands have a flat DC of 15, but I couldn't find a way to either make an attack which scales by level cast (i.e. number of charges expended) or a spell where I could set a flat DC. Any one have any bright ideas for this or do I just need to suck it up and do it manually? If you edit the spell in the Attacks & Spellcasting section on the Core tab of your sheet you can select FLAT as a save DC option. If you rename it to Burning Hands (Wand), then drag another vanilla Burning Hands into your Spells tab (if you have it on your spell list) then you should be good! Tracking the wand charges automatically is beyond my kennin', I'm just a scrubby Plus subscriber.
How does a DM who has purchased the PHB on the marketplace, allow all the options beyond just SRD on the Character Sheets for players?  I believe this is the issue we ran into where players only see options from SRD.  For example, the DM looking at Elf Subraces sees High Elf, Wood Elf, Drow and Custom.  But players only see High Elf.  Does this mean that all the players have to also purchase the PHB on the marketplace, not just the DM?

Edited 1590785491
In the game settings, there is a spot for compendium sharing. You need to enable it for the game.
Forum Champion
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You are allowed to share your compendium purchases in-game with a number of players/games set by subscriber level. Compendium Sharing
Is charactermancer broken? at the end the progress bar won't fill. stuck at "building your character..." for 5 mins
If the character sheet is poped out it will not finish.
QUESTION WITH CHARACTERMANCER: If I buy the Xanathar book, could my players have access to the elements (Sub Classe, Feats, Spells ...) of this book in the Charactermancer ?
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So long as you are the creator of the game, yes. See Compendium Sharing .
Night Hag entry in the SRD (possibly all hags) - Innate Spellcasting not connected to CHA. - Coven spells listed, but not connected to INT.
keithcurtis said: So long as you are the creator of the game, yes. See Compendium Sharing . Ok Thanks !!
Archmage entry in the SRD forgets to import the spells marked with the asterisk into the spell list - due to the asterisk. You have to add those by hand.  
Hello, I'm having issues with a handful of enemies in the MM not creating a sheet in the journal when I drag and drop them into my game. Some examples are, Cult Fanatic, Berserker, Bandit Captain, Bandit. Let me know if this is an ongoing issue or an easy way to fix please. Thank you :)

Edited 1591069398
You probably already have sheets in your Journal by those names. Look carefully, they might be included in an adventure module that you purchased and added to the game, or even in your Archived Characters. The Compendium will not overwrite existing sheets as a protection for you.
Feature Request: Please have it so that if I unequip an item and it grays out, that the weight of that object is subtracted from total encumbrance. It would serve as a way to have equipment on a horse, a boat, in a bank, carried by a friend, etc.
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Unequipped doesn't mean not carried, though. Just not held/worn.
How do I create an NPC attack that required a DC save instead of an attack roll that is NOT a spell.
You have advantage on saving throws against illusions and against being "charmed" or paralyzed
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DjSeaghost said: How do I create an NPC attack that required a DC save instead of an attack roll that is NOT a spell. Click off the button that says "attack" in the Action description. Then just write in the ability. Use something like the Horrifying visage" action of a Ghost as a model.
FYI. Tonight we noticed that Icon for the Charactermancer appears to be broken when my players went to level up.
Game Settings set to "Encumbrance: Variant" New Characters have setting "Encumbrance: Simple"
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Miguel said: I will see what can be done about that. Hey there A friendly reminder to let you know that french players using the D&D5e character sheet would like to get their skill list sorted by translated name, like it was before some unexpected change... TIA 
keithcurtis said: Unequipped doesn't mean not carried, though. Just not held/worn. Good point. Well then perhaps a checkbox on the item to not calculate weight? Really, I'd leave the UI to the sheet designer, and just leave it as a request for some means by which to have an item on the sheet, but not count towards encumbrance. Thank you! 
StéphaneD said: Miguel said: I will see what can be done about that. Hey there A friendly reminder to let you know that french players using the D&D5e character sheet would like to get their skill list sorted by translated name, like it was before some unexpected change... TIA  +1
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Currently, I use the notes field for stuff like that. If weight is important (like a bag of holding), our party uses a second sheet named "[Bob's] Bag of Holding".
TheWebCoder said: keithcurtis said: Unequipped doesn't mean not carried, though. Just not held/worn. Good point. Well then perhaps a checkbox on the item to not calculate weight? Really, I'd leave the UI to the sheet designer, and just leave it as a request for some means by which to have an item on the sheet, but not count towards encumbrance. Thank you!  I would love a way to note items aren't being carried by the PC or don't need weight to be calculated. Would be helpful for using a bag of holding, or items you may have on your mount, or the ability to put a mount on your character sheet and not BECOME your mount.

Edited 1591546214
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I just came up with a nice workaround for the whole problem. Just put any non-numeric character in front of the weight of the item and it will not calculate. Is that great sword strapped to your horse? Change the weight from "6" to "h6". When you strap it to your back like a true movie hero, just get rid of the "h". Is that hempen rope in your bag of holding? Change the weight to "b10". If you want a bit more order, you can create a dummy item called "HORSE_______" or  "BAG OF HOLDING_____" with no weight, and arrange all of the horse or bag gear below that entry. EDIT: aaand posted to Stupid Tricks

Edited 1591564979
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Dear Al Pacino and StéphaneD, I haven't forgotten about your request. In fact, being a non-native english speaker myself I know how those small things are important for our gaming experience. The good news is that I just finished taking a look at this and hopefully it makes into production this week:   
keithcurtis said: I just came up with a nice workaround for the whole problem. Just put any non-numeric character in front of the weight of the item and it will not calculate. Is that great sword strapped to your horse? Change the weight from "6" to "h6". When you strap it to your back like a true movie hero, just get rid of the "h". Is that hempen rope in your bag of holding? Change the weight to "b10". If you want a bit more order, you can create a dummy item called "HORSE_______" or  "BAG OF HOLDING_____" with no weight, and arrange all of the horse or bag gear below that entry. EDIT: aaand posted to Stupid Tricks That's pretty sweet. Thanks KC! (Would still like a feature to do this though)
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> As a DM it would be really helpful if this output included the spell name and other info for the spell like components, casting time, etc. Otherwise I have to ask my player what ability it was they just used, keep a mechanics reference handy, and cross reference. In the true spirit of 5e, please include all info that's needed for each entry so that it is self sufficient and independent. Thank you!
Sheet Issues Template Class(es) /&nbsp; Subclass : All Description of issue :&nbsp; Clicking the character name, then clicking out of it removes the options to show character sheet to players/edit the character sheet/magnifying glass button thing. I am able to replicate this in different campaigns. It happens on multiple classes. I get this bug both on chrome and on firefox. Screenshots: Gif with sound .

Edited 1591570094
Sheet Author
Tony R. said: Sheet Issues Template Class(es) /&nbsp; Subclass : All Description of issue :&nbsp; Clicking the character name, then clicking out of it removes the options to show character sheet to players/edit the character sheet/magnifying glass button thing. I am able to replicate this in different campaigns. It happens on multiple classes. I get this bug both on chrome and on firefox. Screenshots: Gif with sound . This happens on other system's sheets as well. ;-(
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Agreed. The ability to see the complete spell write up and the rolls would seem to be the desired way to cast a spell.

Edited 1591585504
When will the Warlocks get any love? A&nbsp; Warlock should be able to change their Eldritch Invocations every time they level, but there is no method for changing them out via the Charactermancer like you would for spells. This is always a hang up because they get two E.I. at level 2, but at level 3, after choosing their pact, a whole bunch of new options open up but they cannot be easily swapped. Speaking of Invocations, they also cannot be dragged from the Compendium. So there isn't even a work around of getting two E.I at second level, then at third level, delete one and drag over a new Invocation. I basically have to skip leveling my Warlocks from 1 to 2, then wait until I can go straight to 3. I am also curious about how people have made Hexblade Warlocks and added all the various bonuses to combat. Do you have a (Normal Weapon), a (Weapon as Hex Warrior), and a (Attack with Hexblade's Curse) version of all their weapons?
Forum Champion
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I did not realize invocations could not be switched out or dragged. Warlocks are not very well-supported. As for the bonuses for melee, you can use global modifier fields. If they aren't showing on your sheet, you can activate them on the character's settings tab.
Miguel said: Dear Al Pacino and&nbsp;StéphaneD, I haven't forgotten about your request. In fact, being a non-native english speaker myself I know how those small things are important for our gaming experience. The good news is that I just finished taking a look at this and hopefully it makes into production this week: &nbsp;&nbsp; Très jolie !!!&nbsp; Big THANKS !!!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Miguel said: Dear Al Pacino and&nbsp;StéphaneD, I haven't forgotten about your request. In fact, being a non-native english speaker myself I know how those small things are important for our gaming experience. The good news is that I just finished taking a look at this and hopefully it makes into production this week: &nbsp;&nbsp; Hey Miguel, You're a champion ! Thanks a ton :)&nbsp;
Just a couple things. 1. Stat blocks need to be more modular. Currently, if you acquire an item that boosts a stat, you must override the BASE VALUE and then REMEMBER that you have done this. If you are subjected to an effect that reduces a stat, you must override the BASE VALUE and then REMEMBER that you have done this. Gods forbid if you ever forget to write anything down, you can lose the info forever. We need the ability to add external modifiers to stats WITHOUT changing the base value. 2. Global Modifiers already exist for PC sheets, which makes things like Bane and Bless very easy. Why can't we also use them on NPC sheets?
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Duncan H. said: Just a couple things. 1. Stat blocks need to be more modular. Currently, if you acquire an item that boosts a stat, you must override the BASE VALUE and then REMEMBER that you have done this. If you are subjected to an effect that reduces a stat, you must override the BASE VALUE and then REMEMBER that you have done this. Gods forbid if you ever forget to write anything down, you can lose the info forever. We need the ability to add external modifiers to stats WITHOUT changing the base value. 2. Global Modifiers already exist for PC sheets, which makes things like Bane and Bless very easy. Why can't we also use them on NPC sheets? 1. Equipment provides this functionality, unless I am misunderstanding the issue. 2. Probably an attempt to keep them streamlined, but I agree that some more options would be very helpful.
Would be awesome to be able to swap Honor for Piety with MOT out.
Hello, I hope this is the right place to post this. I noticed that when creating a monk, one is supposed to get an artisan tool or musical instrument, but it does not show up in the charactermancer as an option when creating a monk.
Gary A. said: Would be awesome to be able to swap Honor for Piety with MOT out. Adding that option would be cool, but removing Honor for it not so much. I use Honor. :P
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Gary A. said: Would be awesome to be able to swap Honor for Piety with MOT out. Should not be a lot of effort to add Piety on top of Honor and Sanity, Gary. I will add that to the backlog.
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Duncan H. said: Just a couple things. 1. Stat blocks need to be more modular. Currently, if you acquire an item that boosts a stat, you must override the BASE VALUE and then REMEMBER that you have done this. If you are subjected to an effect that reduces a stat, you must override the BASE VALUE and then REMEMBER that you have done this. Gods forbid if you ever forget to write anything down, you can lose the info forever. We need the ability to add external modifiers to stats WITHOUT changing the base value. 2. Global Modifiers already exist for PC sheets, which makes things like Bane and Bless very easy. Why can't we also use them on NPC sheets? Makes sense, Duncan. I will discuss this with the rest of the team.
Forum Champion
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There is currently no way of knowing if a bug report has been seen or logged unless a dev specifically responds in-thread. Therefore, I would like to repeat this report and ask for verification if this is being worked on or not. I could come up with a manual solution, but would rather not go to the work if I know it is due to be fixed. keithcurtis &nbsp;said: Multiple Issues with Reliable Talent 1. It is not mentioned in the documentation for sheet settings , either in wiki or Help Center. 2. It is not calculated properly when Auto Roll Advantage is in use . Currently if Auto Roll Advantage is turned off, it produces a "Blue" roll if the die roll is under 10. If Auto Roll Advantage is turned on, it will only show the reliable roll if&nbsp; both &nbsp;rolls are under 10. This is incorrect. The stated purpose for Always roll advantage is: It is commonly agreed upon that a gaming group uses the left roll result when advantage is not being used for a check. When advantage or disadvantage is in play, simply choose the higher or lower result among the two per usual.&nbsp; If a player rolls a 2 and a 19, reliable talent will not kick in. The choice is between a 2 (failure) and a 19 (high success). This is&nbsp; advantage , not&nbsp; reliable talent . There is no "minimum 10 option". If the DC requires a natural roll of a 15, the player will succeed, where they should have failed, since the choice of results should have been between 2 and 10. If Advantage is not in play, the result has to be between the left hand roll and the Reliable Talent roll of 10. If advantage is in play then both rolls should be affected by reliable talent. The feature states: Whenever you make an ability check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. The feature as implemented on the sheet is incorrect, and results in artificially inflated rolls. In the screen shot below, assuming the player does not have advantage, the top roll should have given me a blue 16. The bottom roll works, but ideally&nbsp;every roll where&nbsp; either &nbsp;roll is under 10 should have a reliable talent report. This would include the middle roll below, if the character were rolling with Disadvantage. This will work correctly with the sheet's stated reason for "Always Roll Advantage"
Probably has been asked and answered, but I'll foolishly dive in: Clerics, druids, and Eberron artificers automatically have access to all spells of a level they can cast. However, the Roll20 D&amp;D 5E sheet does not automatically include all of those spells--SRD, PHB, or otherwise--onto the character sheet. I add them manually. Is there any way that is or can be automated?&nbsp;
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Koop said: Probably has been asked and answered, but I'll foolishly dive in: Clerics, druids, and Eberron artificers automatically have access to all spells of a level they can cast. However, the Roll20 D&amp;D 5E sheet does not automatically include all of those spells--SRD, PHB, or otherwise--onto the character sheet. I add them manually. Is there any way that is or can be automated?&nbsp; No, there isn't really a way to automate this. It's also discouraged, as adding all possible spells to a sheet will slow down the sheet, which is also why this isn't done automatically. It's a good idea to add all the spells you switch between often, but maybe not everything.

Edited 1592005182
Sheet Issue Classes/Subclasses: &nbsp;N/A; issue with spells Description: Whenever I drag and drop a new spell into a PC sheet, the spell seems to have the correct spell school applied: "Transmutation" (uppercase) for example. However, clicking the spell to put the card in chat always results in the spell showing as "abjuration" (lowercase). Going into the editor for the spell, once you click another school, it then shows in the chara sheet and spell card as the one you clicked: ex. "transmuation" (lowercase). I mention the cases because it's completely consistent: the spells that have their spell school capitalized in the character sheet always improperly show as abjuration when put in chat, and the ones that are lowercase in the character sheet don't have this issue. And dragging and dropping a spell ALWAYS results in its school showing as capitalized in the character sheet until you edit it. So, SHIT'S WEIRD. Not unfixable by any means, but very, VERY weird. GIF:
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Well that is odd ... @{selected|repeating_spell-1_$0_spellschool} seems to grab the correct school name, despite the abjuration output exactly as you describe. Is there a deprecated spellschool repeating field that's being called by default maybe?

Edited 1592051575
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Oosh said: Well that is odd ... @{selected|repeating_spell-1_$0_spellschool} seems to grab the correct school name, despite the abjuration output exactly as you describe. Is there a deprecated spellschool repeating field that's being called by default maybe? Unlikely. I suspect that the HTML/CSS code for how the spellschool is or isn't capitalized in different places have different rules for some reason. The text-transform CSS property can decide if a block of text is displayed with any changes to it capitalization. It can be set to "none", "uppercase", "lowercase" and "capitalize"(of first letter). So a single attribute called "spellschool" could be displayed in four different ways, without requiring a separate attribute for the different capitalization. For example, if we somehow decide to name a spellschool as "ArItHmAnCy", it would likely be showed as it is in most places, but some places using text-transform would change it to be all uppercase/lowercase or only have the first letter capitalized. Woops that didn't seem to be the issue, but could have been. I think the character sheet's sheetworkers does some editing of things that results in them changing to be lowercase, while the only way spells can "start" with capitalized spell school names is when their name is populated from the compendium.