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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)

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Miguel said: Dear Al Pacino and StéphaneD, I haven't forgotten about your request. In fact, being a non-native english speaker myself I know how those small things are important for our gaming experience. The good news is that I just finished taking a look at this and hopefully it makes into production this week:    Hey Miguel, Apparently the change did not make it to production yet. Any ETA ? TIA

Edited 1592327715
Forum Champion
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From today's update: Character Sheets D&D 5e by Roll20: Roll templates now user translatable strings What does that mean? That roll templates can now appear in multiple languages?
I can't get the sheet to add the +5 bonus from the Observant feat to my character's Passive Perception.  I looked all around it and even clicked on the gear but couldn't see anything to make it work.  Please advise, thanks.
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Assuming you are using the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet, look on the settings tab of your character sheet. The modifier is at the bottom of the skill options section:
Roll20 Production Team
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Dear StéphaneD, this is currently under QA (testing). I believe it will make into the build of Jun, 23. Keith, this mainly fixes the issue presented here . It should work automatically without any further translation work as it makes use of strings that were already translated:
Hi, I was leveling up a sorcerer from level 11 to level 12 and didn't get any speel options even thou I understand the sorcerer can stil switch one of his/her spells. thanks, CX.
César S. said: I was leveling up a sorcerer from level 11 to level 12 and didn't get any speel options even thou I understand the sorcerer can stil switch one of his/her spells. thanks, I'm going to assume you meant that you were using the Charactermancer to level up. I've noticed that the Charactermancer falls short for "maintenance" type tasks. Going from level 11 to 12 in Sorcerer you no longer get an additional spell (previously you gained one more spell each level up). And since you're not getting a new spell, the wizard just bypasses the whole spell thing. I noted the same, and with no workaround, issue for Warlocks. At level 2, they gain 2 Invocations with you can choose. But at level 3, when you choose a Pact, new options become available and the character is allowed to switch them out. But because you don't get a new Invocation 'slot' it doesn't show up in the wizard. It's doubly bad because you also can't drag Invocations in from the compendium. They exist, but there is no drag and drop. So you cannot easily delete an old Invocation and drop in a new. It has to be done by hand. At least with spells, they are easy to drag and remove as needed.
Scott M. said: César S. said: I was leveling up a sorcerer from level 11 to level 12 and didn't get any speel options even thou I understand the sorcerer can stil switch one of his/her spells. thanks, I'm going to assume you meant that you were using the Charactermancer to level up. I've noticed that the Charactermancer falls short for "maintenance" type tasks. Going from level 11 to 12 in Sorcerer you no longer get an additional spell (previously you gained one more spell each level up). And since you're not getting a new spell, the wizard just bypasses the whole spell thing. I noted the same, and with no workaround, issue for Warlocks. At level 2, they gain 2 Invocations with you can choose. But at level 3, when you choose a Pact, new options become available and the character is allowed to switch them out. But because you don't get a new Invocation 'slot' it doesn't show up in the wizard. It's doubly bad because you also can't drag Invocations in from the compendium. They exist, but there is no drag and drop. So you cannot easily delete an old Invocation and drop in a new. It has to be done by hand. At least with spells, they are easy to drag and remove as needed. That's what I meant. Thanks!
Sheet Author
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Miguel said: Dear StéphaneD, this is currently under QA (testing). I believe it will make into the build of Jun, 23. Keith, this mainly fixes the issue presented here . It should work automatically without any further translation work as it makes use of strings that were already translated: Hi Miguel Good news ! Thanks again :)
Hopefully this is the right place for this. For a future campaign, I'm looking at using Sanity as the spellcasting ability for Warlock. Is there any way to set this on the character sheet, a sthe dropdown only has the six base stats? I've set Sanity on the character sheet, but that hasn't fixed it.
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After about 20 minutes of testing, this does not appear to be possible. You can change it manually on the Attributes and Abilities tab, but this does not seem to change the behavior.
Roll20 Production Team
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Dear Alex and Keith, I will take a look at this issue.
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Thanks Miguel. Hopefully it's not a tough fix. Mostly it looks like no one ever considered doing this.
I'm running a game using the OGL sheets. I'm currently making custom macros under the Attributes & Abilities tab to allow for specifying targets.  For instance (added text in Bold): @{Azaka Stormfang|wtype}&{template:atk} {{mod=+5}} {{rname=[Claw attack at @{target|foe|token_name} ](~-KnSfwFULkuwHojprj3Y|repeating_attack_-M6wAGv9CubNDq2rqaHt_attack_dmg)}} {{rnamec=[Claw](~-KnSfwFULkuwHojprj3Y|repeating_attack_-M6wAGv9CubNDq2rqaHt_attack_crit)}} {{r1=[[@{Azaka Stormfang|d20}cs>20 + 3[STR] + 2[PROF]]]}} @{Azaka Stormfang|rtype}cs>20 + 3[STR] + 2[PROF]]]}} {{range=}} {{desc=}} {{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{Azaka Stormfang|global_attack_mod}}} ammo= @{Azaka Stormfang|charname_output} This works.  I'm having trouble with some other abilities.  How do I find/alter this?  %{-KnpC49taajdj4CanxoR|repeating_attack_-KuzqtM43X7fAaKoZPXt_attack} And also, I append numbers to tokens for monsters to help keep them straight and not roll twice for the same monster.  How do I alter this: @{Yuan-ti Broodguard|wtype}&{template:npcatk} {{attack=1}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}}  @{Yuan-ti Broodguard|npc_name_flag} {{rname=[Bite](~-KnBXMasE3INF_in31xG|repeating_npcaction_-KnBXMpbY0nJJy6Q1w94_npc_dmg)}} {{rnamec=[Bite](~-KnBXMasE3INF_in31xG|repeating_npcaction_-KnBXMpbY0nJJy6Q1w94_npc_crit)}} {{type=[^{attack-u}](~-KnBXMasE3INF_in31xG|repeating_npcaction_-KnBXMpbY0nJJy6Q1w94_npc_dmg)}} {{typec=[^{attack-u}](~-KnBXMasE3INF_in31xG|repeating_npcaction_-KnBXMpbY0nJJy6Q1w94_npc_crit)}} {{r1=[[@{Yuan-ti Broodguard|d20}+(4+0)]]}} @{Yuan-ti Broodguard|rtype}+(4+0)]]}} {{description=}} @{Yuan-ti Broodguard|charname_output} to use @{selected|token_name} instead?  Everywhere that I've tried it, it breaks the macro and the row disappears. Thanks! Ron

Edited 1592906398
Magnar S.
API Scripter
We need the ability to add external modifiers to stats WITHOUT changing the base value. 1. Equipment provides this functionality, unless I am misunderstanding the issue. How does this work? I can do: Strength: 21 which will set it to 21, but I can't do: Strength: + 1 which is interpreted as Strength:1  and then ignored because it's below the real character Strength score. Is there some way to achieve this? And is there some more documentation about what can be changed here? I'm secretly hoping that they are working on an item overhaul, and that's why we're not yet seeing the DMG in the store.
Forum Champion
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Use Strength +1 The colon is apparently only used to set an absolute value.
Im currently trying to learn to GM.  I just purchased Lost mines content the other day and was testing it out.  Today I was doing more testing, but none of my PCs or monsters can roll initiative.  I thought it might have been a problem with the Group Initiative api but even when i removed all API scripts I still cant roll init when clicking on the character sheet.  Is something broken or is it just me?
Magnar S.
API Scripter
Mac said: Im currently trying to learn to GM.  I just purchased Lost mines content the other day and was testing it out.  Today I was doing more testing, but none of my PCs or monsters can roll initiative.  I thought it might have been a problem with the Group Initiative api but even when i removed all API scripts I still cant roll init when clicking on the character sheet.  Is something broken or is it just me? Are you selecting the token on the map before rolling?
Magnar S.
API Scripter
keithcurtis said: Use Strength +1 The colon is apparently only used to set an absolute value. That works! Thanks. :) Is there any comprehensive documentation for these? Or is the trick to check out all the magic items? 
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Documentation? Yes Comprehensive? No I found the correct syntax for a Ring of Protection.

Edited 1592936250
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
ISSUE: Help Center Documentation for Equipment is incomplete Currently the Mod section says: The format for a stat modification is stat name:n where n is the stat bonus (ex. Strength:21) It should say: The format for a stat modification that replaces a stat is stat name:n where n is the stat bonus (ex. Strength:21) The format for a stat modification that modifies a stat is  stat name +n  where n is the stat bonus (ex.  Strength +1 )

Edited 1592940497
Did Roll20 break something with saving throws from player characters? They don't add the modifiers anymore, it happens in all of my games and for all players. For NPCs, saving throws still work, as do skill checks and attack rolls for player characters.

Edited 1592945516
Sheet Author
API Scripter
BUG: Saving Throws calling wrong Attribute after update 23/06 (inline labels also missing) As per Semako's report above and the posts below Another thread here Another one here also Semako said: Did Roll20 break something with saving throws from player characters? Yes, they did! @{wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{dexterity-save-u}}} {{mod= @{dexterity_bonus} }} {{r1=[[@{d20}+ @{dexterity_bonus} @{pbd_safe}]]}} {{query=1}} ?{Advantage?|Normal Roll,&#123&#123normal=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[0d20|Advantage,&#123&#123advantage=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[@{d20}|Disadvantage,&#123&#123disadvantage=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[@{d20}}+ @{dexterity_bonus} @{pbd_safe}]]}} {{global=@{global_save_mod}}} @{charname_output} The old dexterity_save called on dexterity_save_bonus . This new dexterity_save_roll calls on dexterity_bonus , which appears to be 0. I don't actually know what these _bonus Attributes are for, I've noticed them before but they've always been zero (not to be confused with dexterity_mod ). A temporary fix may be to change the value of the Attribute: dexterity_bonus = @{dexterity_save_bonus} and the same for the other 5 stats. Whether or not these changes mean the _save_bonus stats will no longer be calculated properly on level up any more, I have no idea. At least the rolls will work straight off the sheet and it's easy to undo. Stone of Good Luck still affects the _save_bonus stats, so I'm going to assume the _bonus calls in the new rolls are a typo. Skill rolls have also changed name, though they don't appear to be broken. The old calls still seem to work from a chat menu for now. This doesn't seem to have affected everyone at this stage, not really sure why that would be. EDIT - Also, there's no labels for mouseover roll info. Did they used to be there? I'm sure they did. [DEX SAVE] and so forth? Am I on drugs? Nah... they definitely had labels before.... right?

Edited 1592946901
Thank you for your response - that's what I already suspected. I fixed it on my sheets by changing the attribute names: dexterity_savev_bonus = 5 to dexterity_bonus = 5

Edited 1592944575
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That'll obviously work fine as long as your stats don't change, but linking the _bonus stats to the _save_bonus stats does have the advantage of still reacting to any saving ability changes that happen. Picking up a Ring of Protection, for example, will modify the _save_bonus stats but not the _bonus stats. Hopefully it's fixed quickly enough that this is irrelevant!
Forum Champion
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Since there is no Help Center category for the sheets, it would probably be a good idea to make a formal Bug Post here, in big letters.
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Saving Throws are not including bonuses for Ability Scores or Proficiency Bonuses. This is a breaking change that needs to be resolved ASAP as it affects every character and every game using this sheet. See threads above for details.
I realize the next thing is pretty minor compared to the multi-class spell caster bug that started plaguing roll20 almost half a year ago but on character creation the monk gets 2 skills and the following: Tools: Choose one type of artisan’s tools or one musical instrument (it's still missing) I went and did a search and noticed that it was reported exactly 1 year ago as of June 24th. It's such a minor thing and probably very easy to add to the charactermancer. Monks aren't popular as it is just making it worse with even flavor things missing.
Forum Champion
A bug was introduced with the release this morning that caused Saving Throws to roll without modifiers. After the issue was reported here and other places, a fix was made and pushed. We've confirmed the solution resolved the issue. 
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Thanks, Kenton!
Time for a new thread? Or at least a new name? We are nearly at the end of Q2 of 2020 now...

Edited 1592974872
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kenton said:  We've confirmed the solution resolved the issue. Thanks Kenton! These aren't major issues, but a few things with the new rolls: - the Save & Skill rolls buttons are no longer giving up their secrets when pushing the up arrow from chat log. This information is still available by inspecting the page, but this is significantly harder to explain to someone trying to learn how to use macros. I'm assuming this is because they've been moved to an @ Attribute instead of % Ability ? Is this permanent? - we now have @{strength_save_roll} instead of %{strength_save} , and @{acrobatics_roll} instead of %{acrobatics }. Currently both work, but if the older version is going to be deprecated, some warning would be nice - there's loads of Chat Menu advice around the place that will break if this is changed, people might want to start changing their macros. - no labels on mouse-over. While this isn't the end of the world, if all the core rolls are getting a makeover, is there any chance of more of a breakdown in the labels? Example: a level 8 character with expertise in Persuasion and 20 Charisma has a +11 to their roll: Current roll: [[@{d20}+@{persuasion_bonus}@{pbd_safe}]] - even with the label added back in would only show +11[PROF] Potential roll: [[@{d20} + @{charisma_mod}[CHA] + @{persuasion_prof}@{pbd_safe}[PROF]]] -  would give a (d20) +5[CHA} +(2*3)[PROF] tooltip Presumably this is how all of the x_bonus Attributes are calculated anyway so the values should always match, it just gives the GM and other players a bit more information on the roll tooltip, more in line with an attack roll as generated by the sheet. Seems to play nice with variant PBD as well. Thanks!
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Oosh said: - we now have @{strength_save_roll} instead of %{strength_save} , and @{acrobatics_roll} instead of %{acrobatics }. Currently both work, but if the older version is going to be deprecated, some warning would be nice - there's loads of Chat Menu advice around the place that will break if this is changed, people might want to start changing their macros. I doubt Roll20 would change the name of %{strength_save} as it's a core button name(and follows the naming convention of using full words Roll20 seems to move towards) , even if they did a migration of it's output. Considering the problems caused by migrating the npc "desc" to "description", I would hope they are much more careful about any similar changes. Do note that they did change the name to be in line with the rest of the attribute/button names, so anything with a fully spelled out name is unlikely to change. - no labels on mouse-over. While this isn't the end of the world, if all the core rolls are getting a makeover, is there any chance of more of a breakdown in the labels? Example: a level 8 character with expertise in Persuasion and 20 Charisma has a +11 to their roll: Current roll: [[@{d20}+@{persuasion_bonus}@{pbd_safe}]] - even with the label added back in would only show +11[PROF] Potential roll: [[@{d20} + @{charisma_mod}[CHA] + @{persuasion_prof}@{pbd_safe}[PROF]]] -  would give a (d20) +5[CHA} +(2*3)[PROF] tooltip Yeah, this would be great.

Edited 1592993950
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Hey folks, regarding the saving rolls problem: The update notes do not include these changes yet, however, a change was introduced to fix 3D dices rolling extra dice when using advantage, disadvantage, reliable talent, etc. It also fixes some problems with reliable talent not being applied correctly when rolling with advantage/disadvantage.  In order to do that, skill and Saving rolls, that used to be hardcoded into the sheet, are now being dynamically generated by Sheetworkers. In the case of the Saving rolls, the code that is used to calculate it had a malformed string which I am still investigating the origin. I am sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused on your gaming sessions. I will take a look at adding some tooltip explanation, this should be easy now that the rolls are being generated on a single line of code.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Nice one! Thanks for the update Miguel. Andreas J. said: I doubt Roll20 would change the name of %{strength_save} as it's a core button name(and follows the naming convention of using full words Roll20 seems to move towards) , even if they did a migration of it's output. Yeah I would kinda hope not... but I got a bit panicky since my chat menu buttons had stopped working when I was checking on the bugged rolls. Once a new saving throw had been clicked at least once on each character sheet, the %{strength_save} links started working again. Also it was 6am, I probably should have been in bed :)

Edited 1593105883
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Miguel said: ...It also fixes some problems with reliable talent not being applied correctly when rolling with advantage/disadvantage. That feature seems to be working great now. Thanks, Miguel!
I was having issues with halfling luck working correctly.&nbsp; Turns out, another user found a workaround here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The problem is still persistent for now so I thought to bring it back to somebody's attention.&nbsp; Character sheets made with charactermancer have 'halfling luck' correctly marked, but the actual 'ro&lt;1' code to appropriate dice rolls is not called correctly.&nbsp; Unchecking halfling luck, making a basic roll from the character sheet, and then rechecking halfling luck back on appears to reset whatever variable in the character sheet to the correct position so it uses 'ro&lt;1' correctly. Making a character sheet by using the 'edit sheet directly' option does not appear to have this problem.

Edited 1593213596
Whatever they did to fix it, didn't. When I click my saving throws they don't roll a d20 with hit. I'm just seeing the ability and it's score listed. There's no dice being rolled for it for some reason when clicking the&nbsp; saving throw on the character sheet. edit: NOTHING except Initiative is rolling a d20 from clicking the character sheet anymore. I just tried to roll and attack and got the same problem.&nbsp;
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Check your sheet settings tab. There is a field for setting the core die rolling mechanic. Has that become blanked?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The roll fields will fail to output if Advantage is not set... maybe your @{rytpe} has become messed up. This would make sense since the sheet doesn't roll {r1} and {r2} advantage on Initiative, which would explain why it still works. Try changing your Advantage setting to recalculate the @{rtype} field.
The way skill rolls are done has changed, with Variant Proficiency Die. With 'Normal' proficiency, the roll shows as: (the d20 roll plus the static attribute bonus on the left) + (plus sign in the middle) + (the proficiency die roll on the right).&nbsp; It doesn't just add them anymore.&nbsp; This isn't the end of the world, but.... With 'Expertise' in proficiency, it's actually wrong. The roll shows as: (the d20 roll plus the static attribute bonus plus 2 proficiency dice on the left-all added) + (plus sign in the middle) + ( another single proficiency die roll on the right ). That makes a total of 3 proficiency dice....which is wrong. If it was consistently like the Expertise case, you could just ignore the extra die roll, but as it stands it is confusing and you have to double check the results regularly.&nbsp; I'm sure this isn't working as intended. Also the left roll is showing as a Crit (in Green) when either of the Expertise proficiency dice are rolling their max, or a Crit Miss (in Red) when rolling a 1 on either. This is in addition to showing Green/Red when the D20 rolls 20/1 respectively. Hopefully I'm not the only one having this problem...AFAIK I didn't change anything. Noticed this for the first time last night, but haven't played since last Friday (June 19) either.
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Skill checks just recently changed in how they are structured and created, so it is not likely to be anything you have done.

Edited 1593291867
Roll20 Production Team
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Compendium Curator
Dear Anthony, let me try to explain this: before the update and when using prof die, you would happen to row multiple prof dice and due to the way the roll was set. Behind the curtains, a second roll (for advantage/disadvantage) was always being made and just being hidden by the roll templates. Which was fine if you were not using 3d dices, if you were, you would end up with a bunch of extra dice on the table. Also, when using prof die and adv/disad, you would roll a prof die for for each d20, which is not accurate. You should just run 1 prof die and sum it to all d20s when using advantage, disadvantage, elven accuracy, etc. Unfortunately roll templates cant process math operations yet, so we had to show the result split from the d20s, like it happens with global modifiers. I will try to reproduce the expertise issue you've mentioned on my side, if there is a problem I will patch it. Dear Joe , besides changing rtype, as pointed out by Oosh, could you try giving you char a bunch of levels (enough to change the proficiency score) and than back to its original level, or, setting prof to use prof die rule and back to default? Please let me know if that if that makes any difference on your side. Otherwise, I can take a look at your table.
Before the 6/23 update, these commands (and all save/skills like it) worked for BOTH pc and npc tokens: %{selected|strength_save} %{selected|acrobatics} Now for NPCs it just chats a blank line but works for PCs. Reading the above thread it seems related to recent changes but I don't see it specifically mentioned. Is there a new command I should be using instead? I know I can use this for example %{selected|npc_str_save} and such but it's very nice to have one button/macro for ALL my tokens, player and NPC alike. thanks!
Roll20 Production Team
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Compendium Curator
Shawn , the last update affected only the PC sheets, I am afraid your problem may be related to something else. I am opening a ticket to investigate this issue.

Edited 1593296040
Thanks Miguel, much appreciated! If it helps, here is an example of one of my macros. /w @{selected|character_name} @{selected|character_name} &amp;{template:npcaction} {{rname=Saving Throws}} {{description= [Strength](~selected|strength_save) [Dexterity](~selected|dexterity_save) [Constitution](~selected|constitution_save) [Intelligence](~selected|intelligence_save) [Wisdom](~selected|wisdom_save) [Charisma](~selected|charisma_save) }}

Edited 1593308864
Roll20 Production Team
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Compendium Curator
Dear Anthony , I was able to reproduce the issue you've mentioned and already produced a patch for it. I will see if I can squeeze it in the next build. Thanks for reporting.
When I create a Rogue and use the charactermancer to advance to Level 3 choosing arcane trickster, when it completes, the spell slots are 0 on the spell tab (although it has successfully added the chosen spells there).&nbsp; Is there a way to fix this and not break continued use of the charactermancer for this sheet?
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Correcting the spell slots should not break charactermancer. You can test on a duplicate of the character to make sure.