Dear Anthony, let me try to explain this: before the update and when using prof die, you would happen to row multiple prof dice and due to the way the roll was set. Behind the curtains, a second roll (for advantage/disadvantage) was always being made and just being hidden by the roll templates. Which was fine if you were not using 3d dices, if you were, you would end up with a bunch of extra dice on the table. Also, when using prof die and adv/disad, you would roll a prof die for for each d20, which is not accurate. You should just run 1 prof die and sum it to all d20s when using advantage, disadvantage, elven accuracy, etc. Unfortunately roll templates cant process math operations yet, so we had to show the result split from the d20s, like it happens with global modifiers. I will try to reproduce the expertise issue you've mentioned on my side, if there is a problem I will patch it. Dear Joe , besides changing rtype, as pointed out by Oosh, could you try giving you char a bunch of levels (enough to change the proficiency score) and than back to its original level, or, setting prof to use prof die rule and back to default? Please let me know if that if that makes any difference on your side. Otherwise, I can take a look at your table.