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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)

I apologize if this has been asked before (couldn't find a definitive answer/searched forums): Is the 'D&D 5E by Roll20' sheet open source/editable with Pro version? I am thinking of switching from Plus to Pro to edit the sheet to suite my (homebrew) needs, but i don't see this sheet listed in the GitHub repository The  Character Sheet FAQ & Thread Repository  says the following: All of the sheets on Roll20 are open-source, so you can just jump right in! The source code is located on our  Character Sheet GitHub .
Miguel... I like the way the description output is working... but I just tried casting Misty Step (by clicking on the spell name itself), and the spell slot doesn't decrement.

Edited 1603344497
Oosh said: It shouldn't be possible to apply a negative with JoaT unless you have a negative Proficiency Bonus. You could try changing your character level temporarily, that should trigger a bunch of sheetworkers including anything related to PB. But no, JoaT is not broken normally - I think this is either a random error or related to the module class. If you select your token, what do you get back from the chat log if you type in @{selected|pb} and @{selected|jack} ? I'm a bit lost as to how the custom class could be messing this up, but we'll need Miguel's wisdom on that since he knows what the relevant sheetworkers do. Does the Epic Poetry subclass level up through Charactermancer? The results I get are 3 and 1, respectively. The Epic Poetry subclass does level through Charactermancer. I rebuilt the character in a fresh character sheet and am still receiving the -1 malus, so I doubt an error crept in during leveling.

Edited 1603372975
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Craig, could you give me more details? Is this a misty step only thing? does it affect all your spells or just some? What is the character class? What script are you using to track the slots? The more details you give me, the easier it will be to try to reproduce it on my side. The following is using the Companion for 5e OGL and live character sheet (click to play):
Have a two requested if upgrades are being made. If possible I would like to see the following: Death saves toggle advantage and add global mods. (As they are saving throws and can be effected by anything that effects saving throws) A toggle to roll or do average damage on NPCs? 
Roll20 Production Team
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Dear Arkham618,could you share the link for the table where you playing your bard?
Forum Champion
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Reminder, don't post a join link openly in forum. This can lead to abuse or vandalism.
Miguel said: Craig, could you give me more details? I can! Here is the most important detail! I'm dumb. :) I was mistakenly checking in Safari, which has all sorts of limitations, instead of Opera, which I use for Roll20. The new setup works perfectly now, with reporting, slot tracking and the Concentration API. Bravo!
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
It happens. Glad it was just a browser issue ;) Craig M. said: Miguel said: Craig, could you give me more details? I can! Here is the most important detail! I'm dumb. :) I was mistakenly checking in Safari, which has all sorts of limitations, instead of Opera, which I use for Roll20. The new setup works perfectly now, with reporting, slot tracking and the Concentration API. Bravo!

Edited 1603485439
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
I know this is something that has bothered folks for a while and now we have an opportunity to improve it. My idea was to have something that allows people to track the individual pool of dice by type and allows rolling with a single click. Possible addons: - Decrease dice pool on roll (not so useful without a long rest button); - Ask how many dice you want to roll 1 -> pool size. Would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Click to play:
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
That would be cool. An up down spinner control like the spell slots have would allow the player to increment each die size on a long rest without needing the API. Clicking the hyperlink could allow the player to roll 1 to X dice where X is the current number of dice of that type. Allowing a player to roll multiple dice at time and see one result (and hover over the result to see the individual rolls) would be a boon to my players. At level 20, the dice come fast and furious on a short rest.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Brian, how about clicking the Hit Dice (total) to reset the whole pool? Could you picture an use care where the player would recover just a part of the pool?

Edited 1603492788
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
A PC only recovers a number of expended hit dice up to half of its level on a long rest (rounded down, minimum 1 recovered). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> As an example, a 9th-level PC that had expended 7 hit dice would recover 4 and end up at 6 (9-7+4=6). A multiclassed PC would want to recover bigger hit dice first. Which makes me wonder, does the 5e companion script correctly recover hit dice, or does it recover all hit dice on a !longrest? My preference would be for the spinners to adjust the number of hit dice as necessary and keep automation to the companion script. If the sheet were to gain functionality to recover hit dice outside of the companion script, I think it should be a separate link so as not to confuse against the existing functionality, something like: Hit Dice ( Long Rest ) I think several alternatives might need to be analyzed to see which best communicates the functionality from a UI/UX standpoint. Given your previous example, something like this might work: 0d10 max 3d10 3d6 max 9d6 Hit Dice With a spinner next to the 0d10 and 3d6. Clicking the 3d6 would pop up a modal dialogue (like a macro parameter) that would let you spend 1 to 3 d6. Another possibility would be to click "Hit Dice" (preserving the existing entry point) and have it pop up a drop down for each die size that still has dice. It then rolls all the dice and adds the Con bonus. Rolling 3d6 in the above example might give out put like 19 (1 + 4 + 5 + 9)&nbsp; the 9 being the Con bonus for all dice rolled. Another possibility for format would be 0 of 3d10 3 of 9d6 Hit Dice With spinners next to the 0 and 3.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Yes, of course. Do you know if there was ever a clarification released by the sage in regards to multiclassing and hit dice recovery? I mean do you get to pick the the dice you want or is it always half per class. I mean, lv4 fighter, lv4 mage. Spends all his dice, can the player opt to recover all the the d10s or does it have to be 2d10 and 2d6? I tried looking for this but had no luck. If there is such case I could automate it, otherwise what you suggested above would be the only way. I mean, I could show a dialog on clicking Hit Dice (total) so people dont have to mess up with very small arrow controls next to each other.

Edited 1603493755
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
No, I am not aware of any Sage Advice on that, and Sage Advice is theoretically only binding for Adventurer's League anyway. I would suggest any automated solution start by recovering the largest hit dice first. That does the best job of favoring the player. I don't think the spinners would be such a problem. There is one there already, and the hit dice entries do not need to be smaller because the Hit Dice box can expand downward and push the attacks and inventories boxes downards. As it is, it looks like you could squeeze 2 lines without needing to expand to cover most multiclassed characters and expand the box downward if they happen to have more hit dice sizes than 2. And multiple class types that use the same hit die can all be expressed on 1 line (i.e. Fighter 4, Paladin 4 is just 8d10). Looking at it more, I think I still prefer clicking "Hit Dice" to expend hit dice rather than recover them.

Edited 1603496883
Miguel said: I know this is something that has bothered folks for a while and now we have an opportunity to improve it. My idea was to have something that allows people to track the individual pool of dice by type and allows rolling with a single click. Possible addons: - Decrease dice pool on roll (not so useful without a long rest button); - Ask how many dice you want to roll 1 -&gt; pool size. Would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Click to play: Long and Short Rest Buttons ... Please (Itemized accountability - use resources for things like potions, arrows, etc - but rechargeable items should recharge at their description: Spells, Traits, etc. based on the Short or Long Rest button for API users.&nbsp; For NPCs You should also have recharge on turn with the recharge options 6 on d6, 5-6 on d6, etc.&nbsp; I don't believe PCs have any Class Abilities that Recharge on Turns - I may be wrong.) In this regard directly (referring to Hit Dice) What you have there is really good.

Edited 1603505908
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Brian C. said: My preference would be for the spinners to adjust the number of hit dice as necessary and keep automation to the companion script I'd second that. Unless the sheet is ever at a point where it can do an automated short/long rest recovery without API, I think automating a couple of specific aspects could be extremely confusing. By the way - why is @{hitdie_final} not currently used at all by the sheet? It appears to set up correctly.... though I've never messed with it properly, but I've used it via macro with every mutliclassed character I've used. Was it causing issues somewhere?
Miguel said: Dear&nbsp;Arkham618,could you share the link for the table where you playing your bard? Do you require an invite link, or just the campaign URL?
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Dear&nbsp;Arkham618, please send me a invite link in private. It would also make my life easier if you could setup the affected character to be controlled by any player. Dear&nbsp;Oosh, I don't have an answer for that but I will try to find one. Dear Wolf, I am gonna discuss your suggestions with the rest of the team.
Miguel said: Yes, of course. Do you know if there was ever a clarification released by the sage in regards to multiclassing and hit dice recovery? I mean do you get to pick the the dice you want or is it always half per class. I mean, lv4 fighter, lv4 mage. Spends all his dice, can the player opt to recover all the the d10s or does it have to be 2d10 and 2d6? I tried looking for this but had no luck. If there is such case I could automate it, otherwise what you suggested above would be the only way. I mean, I could show a dialog on clicking Hit Dice (total) so people dont have to mess up with very small arrow controls next to each other. Since the rules say that you can spend the dice in any order you want, then I would say you can recover them in any order you want.

Edited 1603576879
Miguel said: Dear&nbsp;Arkham618, please send me a invite link in private. It would also make my life easier if you could setup the affected character to be controlled by any player. Dear&nbsp;Oosh, I don't have an answer for that but I will try to find one. Dear Wolf, I am gonna discuss your suggestions with the rest of the team. It would just require the following to be added to the required templates: {{uses=###}}{{max_uses=###}}{{per_use=##(default 1)##}}{{recharge_on=Srest/Lrest/Turn_6/Turn_5_6/Turn_4_6/Turn_3_6/Turn_2_6/Turn_All/Manual}} examples using repeating_attack_$0 @{repeating_attack_$0_uses} = Current uses @{repeating_attack_$0_uses|max} = Maximum uses @{repeating_attack_$0_per_use} = Current uses per click @{repeating_attack_$0_recharge_on_term} = Which term it resets to maximum (manual not resetting at all) @{repeating_attack_$0_recharge_on_roll} = Causes it to roll the recharge
I'am new on roll20 and i want to buy some books. But first there is one thing i need to know. Only the master can share the book or any player who has can share with others?
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
The creator of the game (who doesn't have to also be the gm) is the one who can share their compendium purchase. Players in the game have access to the creator's shares, plus whatever else they might have individually purchased, but they cannot share those purchases with others unless they create their own game.
Roll20 Production Team
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Compendium Curator
Hey Folks, just wanted to pass this through the community for some final feedback and to make sure it wont break anyone's experience. A few questions: - Is it enough to decrement the hit dice pool on roll or would you still need the 'minus' button? - When the dialog is open, rolling the button should automatically close it or would you rather have to click the 'close' icon? Click to play:
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
I like. :) My input: 1. Decrementing is enough. No need for a minus button to clutter things 2. Rolling the button should close. Fewer clicks and buttons are nearly always better This looks like an elegant solution, but I have two questions: 1. Does the formatting hold up for a max of 4 classes (max the sheet handles). 2. Will the new way of displaying totals continue to work with the Long rest feature of the Companion script?

Edited 1603755181
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Hey Keith, yes it does support 4 classes on both the sheet and in the modal. About the companion script, it wont work out of the box. Mainly because the companion script was coded based in a single attribute holding the total of hit dice independently of your class combination. That means, when you invoke a long rest it basically sums half of the character level to the current hit dice pool up to the character's maximum. Once the hit dice are split per die size, it wont work anymore and it will be hard, to no say impossible to automate it, because the way hit dice are spent and recovered are up to the player (see discussion above about multiclassing.) The maximum I could do on my side would be to trigger a modal with the available dice sizes for a character and some points to distribute among those. So an Mage 3, fighter 7, on longrest script would set te hitdice_total to current + 5. When that happened I could display the modal showing D6 and D10 and allow the player to distribute 5 points among them. However, this maybe an overkill.
Looks good. My only complaint is the tiny font in that massive box
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Hey Alan, I have tried to stick with the sheet's font sizes. By massive box you mean the hit dice one to the right of the death save or the modal?
When you talk about the companion script, are you talking about the 5th edition OGL Companion Script, or the 5e Resting in Style script? I use the second one in my game, and while it's not perfect, it still functions well most of the time.&nbsp; I think your change will break that one too. I think what you propose will make it easier for players who want to spend hit dice on short rest.&nbsp; However, I also know, from experience, that having an easy way to reset the hit dice on long rest is also desirable. I've seen people get that wrong - mistakenly believing that they get back all spent hit dice. I'm not sure what the right thing to do here is.&nbsp; I think no matter what you do, someone won't like it and it will break something. :-)&nbsp; The current method, IMO, is a decent compromise. Miguel said: Hey Keith, yes it does support 4 classes on both the sheet and in the modal. About the companion script, it wont work out of the box. Mainly because the companion script was coded based in a single attribute holding the total of hit dice independently of your class combination. That means, when you invoke a long rest it basically sums half of the character level to the current hit dice pool up to the character's maximum. Once the hit dice are split per die size, it wont work anymore and it will be hard, to no say impossible to automate it, because the way hit dice are spent and recovered are up to the player (see discussion above about multiclassing.) The maximum I could do on my side would be to trigger a modal with the available dice sizes for a character and some points to distribute among those. So an Mage 3, fighter 7, on longrest script would set te hitdice_total to current + 5. When that happened I could display the modal showing D6 and D10 and allow the player to distribute 5 points among them. However, this maybe an overkill.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I think the added functionality of being able to spend hit dice correctly outweighs the current automation, since the Companion script is really supporting something that is essentially broken, or at least not working correctly. I'm sure that one of the three authors of current Rest scripts can come up with a clever solution.
I don't know.&nbsp; I kind of feel the opposite to some extent.&nbsp; You can already spend hit dice correctly - you just have to remember how many hit dice of each type you have and do it manually.&nbsp; That is, you can already change the type of dice you're rolling.&nbsp; And the automation scripts, while maybe not working correctly, certainly help especially for new people who may not know the rules.&nbsp; I'm not saying that what Miguel is proposing is bad.&nbsp; I'm just not convinced that it's the *right* solution.&nbsp; It helps with one side of things, while breaking the other side more than it already is.&nbsp;&nbsp; How about this: how about having two fields for each hit die type: the number available, and the number used.&nbsp; That way when you "spend" a hit die, the number used of that type is incremented by one, while the number available is decremented by one.&nbsp; Then, scripts that handle long rest might have options for "recovery highest die type first" or "recover equally" and reset the numbers appropriately based on the option set by the DM.&nbsp; I know this is possibly way more complicated than Miguel was thinking but might help resolve both parts of the problem equally. keithcurtis said: I think the added functionality of being able to spend hit dice correctly outweighs the current automation, since the Companion script is really supporting something that is essentially broken, or at least not working correctly. I'm sure that one of the three authors of current Rest scripts can come up with a clever solution.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Miguel said: Hey Folks, just wanted to pass this through the community for some final feedback and to make sure it wont break anyone's experience. A few questions: - Is it enough to decrement the hit dice pool on roll or would you still need the 'minus' button? - When the dialog is open, rolling the button should automatically close it or would you rather have to click the 'close' icon? Click to play: This looks like a good start. A few thoughts: It is not clear from the animation if changing the levels in a class increases/decreases the amount of hit dice by the change in levels or sets it to the same number of hit dice as the level. In your example, if a character had 0d6 and went from level 5 wizard to a level 6 wizard, would going up a level change the number of hit dice to 1d6 or 6d6? It should be 1d6 in this case, because going up a level does not recover hit dice, it just gives you a new one. Going down a level should reduce the maximum by 1, but it should only reduce the current number of hit dice if it exceeds the maximum. The user should see their maximum number of hit dice somewhere in the Hit Dice box. Either the hit dice should be organized in a list instead of a grid, with entries saying something like "X of Yd6", or the text on the bottom could say "Hit Dice (3d10, 6d6)". If a list was used, extra entries could push the attacks and equipment sections down. I really like the ability to quickly spend hit dice one at a time or roll a bunch in bulk. It will greatly benefit high-level play while not introducing a burden on lower-level PCs that only need to spend 1 hit die. My preference is to keep the spinner control that the hit dice already have versus the plus button. Sometimes people accidentally add to many back, and it would be nice to be able to decrement without rolling. It is not clear from the animation how the sheet will handle two classes with the same hit die. It should accumulate and store hit dice of the same size together. So a player with a fighter 2, paladin 8 should see 10d10 rather than 2d10 and 8 d10. Given your comment on the difficulties the companion API would have the with change as it lies currently, I would propose storing hit dice in the backend of the sheet differently. Have the sheet maintain a list of current and max hit dice of all sizes, in order from biggest to smallest. When the player gains a level, it increments the current and maximum for the correct hit die size. Internally, your example would have hit dice maximums be stored as 0d12, 3d10, 0d8, 6d6, and the current hit dice count would be stored in a similarly descending order. The sheet then only displays the hit dice that have a maximum that is greater than 0. By keeping these in order, the companion API can then iterate through the list of current hit dice in order, restore hit dice from largest to smallest, and stop when the hit dice are all recovered or it runs out of hit dice. While a player can &nbsp;recover hit dice in any order they want, it generally only makes sense to recover the largest ones first, so I feel that is a fairly safe default. While the new automation is nice, and the layout is much more clear to the user compared to what is available currently, there is a piece of functionality that is lost. Right now, a player can set the maximum number of hit dice if they have a magic item, feat, or something else that grants a bonus hit die. The settings page should have a section where the player can add an additional number of d12s, d10s, d8s, or d6s. I like that the modal has you choose all the hit dice at once instead of having to choose the number of one size to roll, click OK, choose the number of the next size to roll, click OK, etc. The modal should close when the hit dice are rolled. I am sure this just has not been implemented in time for the demo, but the Constitution bonus should be added to the rolls.

Edited 1603804954
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Thanks for joining me on this journey folks. So let me try to go over the suggestions and critics made here, please forgive me if I forget something: Saul and Keith: Script compatibility: In order to make it compatible with the rest and companion script I will automatically recover dices from the highest to the lowest. This is not a rule, I mean a player could recover a d6 instead of a d12, but I would say this is 0.000000001% of the use cases. This automation would keep the current scripts working while benefiting new players. Unhappy people: We try our best but some folks will always prefer things like they used to be. For this specific feature, I will try something that I have been looking to do for a while, a feature flag. So a player may go into the settings and Switch between "Use single hit dice pool" or "Use hit dice pool per size." Or something among those lines. In that way people may play in the way they want to while also giving API scripters some time to think if they want to rethink the system for the alternate method or not. If we reach a point that everyone migrated to the new system we may turn the old one off and remove it from the sheet for good. Brian: Yep, my bad. I use the optional rule in my game where you need to take a downtime training action in order to level up so people always get full recovered once that is done. Forgot that is optional, will fix it to increase just the number of hit dice gained from the level up. Will fix it while looking at 1. Will think about it, was trying to squeeze it into the box to help people that are used to the place where the hit dice are located, but maybe having a section that takes the full column width is a good idea. That would allow for extra information. That was exactly what I was thinking, lower levels may just click over the hit die button while higher levels may invoke the modal. Also I like the idea of being able to roll one at a time because "The player can decide to spend an additional Hit Die after each roll." In my game folks will always roll one at a time until they are satisfied. So I just wanted to have both use cases covered. Unfortunately I cant have the spinner and being able to decrement the pool on a roll unless I make it into two separate controls, which maybe fine if Item 3 is done. I agree with you about the doing something by mistake and having to decrement it, that is why I asked if auto decrement would be enough a few posts above. I was hoping to hear something among those lines ;) It already accumulates dice types (figther 6, paladin 4 = 10d10) They are already stored in a different place, they are actually a repeating section filled only with hit dice you character has access to. Also, see the comment I made to Keith and Saul. Hummmm, makes sense. I wonder if a simple text field where people could enter a comma delimited value (1d4, 2d6, etc.) would be enough. Ops ;) Please bear with me while we make the final touches on this feature. Participative design takes a tittle bit more of time but I am sure we will have a better feature, less bugs and way less unhappy folks. Thanks to everyone who joined the discussion.
Miguel, I like the changes I see for the hit dice rolls. Will that be available to all, or is that an API only change? My real question is if we could get some kind of extra description box in attacks for when crits occur. The Feats UA (which is rumored to be included finalized versions of them in Tasha's) has several feats which produce specific effects when a crit is scored with a weapon (the Crusher, Piercer, and Slasher feats, specifically). It would be nice to be able to have a separate message that only shows up on a critical roll. I know I can do it manually through Macros, but it would be easier if it could be done through the normal attack entry.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Miguel said: Please bear with me while we make the final touches on this feature. Participative design takes a tittle bit more of time but I am sure we will have a better feature, less bugs and way less unhappy folks. Thanks to everyone who joined the discussion. You have displayed excellent agile software development. You listen to the customers' use cases make working software. I have generally found that people are okay waiting for new features as long as what they have works and they have confidence that new features will work once they are released. You have cultivated that culture in this little corner of Roll20. If I had to ding something, sometimes the edge cases sneak past. Feel free to take your time and make sure you are really trying to break things in QA, and do what you are doing right now: bringing people in to take a look for UAT.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Good points. Here are my thoughts. 2. Is a valid concern, but low priority. The game does not have a mechanic for level loss, nor does Charactermancer. Although a character revision could require dropping a level in a given class, there is so much that would need to be done manually, that I think spending effort on this one thing is not particularly important. Any time saved by an automatic reduction would probably be taken up by the amount of time a player would use to check while going through their sheet to remove spells, feats, features or ASIs they received during a previous level up. 8. Although I am not opposed to this idea in principle, I would vote to implement it only if it does not significantly break the design. Off the top of my head, there is no mechanic in the game that grants a bonus hit die. Even if there is, it sounds like a very edge case that I would not want present if it were to cause a clunkier design. This sort of case could be tracked with a Resource.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
2. As long as the sheet handles a reduction in the maximum, that is good enough. 8. Good idea about the resource.
keithcurtis said: Off the top of my head, there is no mechanic in the game that grants a bonus hit die. The Sidekick UA (soon to be finalized in Tassha's) could result in a character having more Hit Dice than their levels without affecting their proficiency bonus, so it's not like we could just give them levels in a custom class to account for their inherent hit dice
To echo something that Keith said: I don't believe there is any mechanic in 5E for losing levels.&nbsp; Any of the old things that used to cause level loss, like Wraiths, now cause a loss of maximum HP.&nbsp; Note that it's HP, and not HD.&nbsp; That is, a wraith could drain a 5th level fighter down to maximum HP of 1 point, but the fighter would still have 5HD to spend on a short rest.&nbsp; Anything that causes level loss, I believe, is homebrew.&nbsp; While I have no objection to accommodating homebrew and making the sheet flexible enough to accommodate it, I don't think it should be a priority. Question to Miguel and everyone else involved in this discussion: would it be reasonable to wait on implementing this until we see exactly what ends up in Tasha's?&nbsp; If, as has been pointed out already, there are things in there that affect how many HD there are, and possibly how they are used or recovered, wouldn't it be prudent to wait a month and see what is actually in there rather than maybe have to do it all again?&nbsp; I mean, we've waited this long for the problem to be fixed we could probably wait another couple of weeks.&nbsp; Just a thought...&nbsp;&nbsp;
Miguel said: Hey Alan, I have tried to stick with the sheet's font sizes. By massive box you mean the hit dice one to the right of the death save or the modal? I mean the hit die box to the left of the death saves.&nbsp; Well it's not massive per se, it just has a lot of wasted whitespace compared the to font size. While I'm talking about wasted space, why are the hit points and temporary hit points boxes so gigantic?!&nbsp; I feel that could be put side by side to free up some space.&nbsp; Also, it would be nice to have a field to track temporary increases to your hit point maximum.&nbsp; Some spells (e.g. Heroes' Feast) temporarily increase your Hit Point Maximum, which is different to temporary hit points.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
There is not a mechanism for losing levels, but sometimes people just type in the wrong number. Sometimes they accidentally add 2 levels in a class when they should only have added one, or they might change their mind halfway through adding a level and decide to take a level in a different class. This is not about handling a portion of the rules but is instead about handling an important edge case that comes up in normal usage of character sheets. The need for this has been created by the automation of the maximum number of hit dice rather than having a manually entered field. The calculation of maximum hit dice needs to account for the number of levels in a class going down because a user can change the number of levels in a class to a smaller number. When the number of levels in a class changes, the maximum and current hit dice need to change by the same amount. If the number of levels in a class goes down, the current and max hit dice for the class should decrement by the same amount (different than my initial suggestion). Bounds checking needs to make sure the current hit dice is not reduced below 0.
keithcurtis said: I think the added functionality of being able to spend hit dice correctly outweighs the current automation, since the Companion script is really supporting something that is essentially broken, or at least not working correctly. I'm sure that one of the three authors of current Rest scripts can come up with a clever solution. So - while the sheet is being worked on, the Companion Script isn't?&nbsp; Can we get an API scripter to work in tandem?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Wolf Thunderspirit said: keithcurtis said: I think the added functionality of being able to spend hit dice correctly outweighs the current automation, since the Companion script is really supporting something that is essentially broken, or at least not working correctly. I'm sure that one of the three authors of current Rest scripts can come up with a clever solution. So - while the sheet is being worked on, the Companion Script isn't?&nbsp; Can we get an API scripter to work in tandem? See Miguel's answer here . I think it will be covered in this case.
Not sure where to ask this here or whether to start a dedicated thread so I'll try the short version: My generous DM has given my Sorcerer 9 a Staff of the Magi . Dragging it from the compendium to my character sheet did a lot less than I was hoping for. It's a complex item with many issues. What is the best way to make having/using it as painless as possible? As a minimum I would like to just click its spells to cast them without mixing them up with my normal spells and spell slots. It's complex enough to (almost?) deserve its own pc/npc spellcaster sheet. Is that the way to go or are there other suggestions? PS: Minor compendium bugs: the staffs spells: web, enlarge/reduce and light aren't clickable links like the other spells.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I would say setting up a sheet for it is the best way to go. I would probably also set up a Chat Menu for it, but that's personal preference. The resource section is probably the best place to keep track of charges, it'll be a bit of a pain without API though... that's a lot of separate charges.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Well, it might be worth keeping track of the staff's spells on a separate sheet but keeping track of the charges on the main character's sheet. That way, the charges can be in a resource linked to a token bubble and be easy to increment/decrement.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
t00tie said: PS: Minor compendium bugs: the staffs spells: web, enlarge/reduce and light aren't clickable links like the other spells. I'd put that into a&nbsp; Help Center Request . The Compendium is going through a lot of tidying, partially in preparation for the DMG. This sounds like an issue that should be caught.
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Hey Folks, I think I managed to incorporate most of the community feedback into this iteration. You may notice that when opening the multiple dice type modal, the total is not appearing. I forgot to add the span in there. It is already fixed but I did not want to go through the process of recording the thing again. Please let me know if there anything really bad in between now and sending this to QA next week. Click over the link below to watch it over YouTube: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Miguel said: Hey Folks, I think I managed to incorporate most of the community feedback into this iteration. You may notice that when opening the multiple dice type modal, the total is not appearing. I forgot to add the span in there. It is already fixed but I did not want to go through the process of recording the thing again. Please let me know if there anything really bad in between now and sending this to QA next week. Click over the link below to watch it over YouTube: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Top notch work. Any luck going forward with short rest/ long rest/ turn itemized recharging?&nbsp; And putting the buttons on the sheet somewhere (dead for non api users, ofc)? The hit die looks good though.&nbsp; Definitely an improvement from the drop down menu.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
That looks amazing, Miguel! I assume the last sequence was to demonstrate that !long-rest is correctly returning only half the available hit dice?