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[AD&D 1E] update


Edited 1608256444
∇ince said: Chris A. said: Entering a negative modifier in the @{MentalSaveBonus} field (WIS) results in a "1" for all MentalSave-roll button presses; positive values for the Bonus field work as expected. Another field that was added onto the original sheet, but I’m not sure it’s really part of 1e raw (quick view of my PH and DMG)... Maybe for psionics? I know the attribute has “Bonus” in its name, but I think this is supposed to be a target number to beat, same as the standard saving throws. Thoughts? Hi Vince. Thanks for your detailed reply! I'm only going to comment on this one issue at the moment. I offer the following text from the 1e PHB (pg 11): Magical Attack Adjustment*  value ranges from -3 (3 WIS) to +4 (18 WIS) *This adjustment applies to the saving throw of the character in question, the penalty for low wisdom, or the bonus for high wisdom, being used to alter the result of the die roll accordingly. The adjustment applies only to mental attack forms involving will force, i.e. beguiling, charming, fear, hypnosis, illusion, magic jarring, mass charming, phantasmal forces, possession, rulership, suggestion, telepathic attack, etc. So the "Mental Save" button represents a valid roll for 1e. It, like other mechanics, probably wasn't used properly very often back in the day. Best regards, Chris

Edited 1608256776
Sheet Author
Chris A. said: ∇ince said: Chris A. said: Entering a negative modifier in the @{MentalSaveBonus} field (WIS) results in a "1" for all MentalSave-roll button presses; positive values for the Bonus field work as expected. Another field that was added onto the original sheet, but I’m not sure it’s really part of 1e raw (quick view of my PH and DMG)... Maybe for psionics? I know the attribute has “Bonus” in its name, but I think this is supposed to be a target number to beat, same as the standard saving throws. Thoughts? That took a while.  lol Hi Vince. Thank you for the detailed reply, I'm just going to address one issue here. I offer the following text from the 1e PHB (pg 11): Magical Attack Adjustment*  value ranges from -3 (3 WIS) to +4 (18 WIS) *This adjustment applies to the saving throw of the character in question, the penalty for low wisdom, or the bonus for high wisdom, being used to alter the result of the die roll accordingly. The adjustment applies only to mental attack forms involving will force, i.e. beguiling, charming, fear, hypnosis, illusion, magic jarring, mass charming, phantasmal forces, possession, rulership, suggestion, telepathic attack, etc. So the "Mental Save" button represents a valid roll for 1e. It, like other features, probably wasn't used properly very often back in the day. Best regards, Chris Thanks for that Chris.  There's always an asterisk/footnote in 1e, right?  LOL Given that the current Mental roll looks like this; {{Roll=[[1d20cs>@{MentalSaveBonus}cf<@{MentalSaveBonus}]]}} The @{MentalSaveBonus} attribute is really just the adjusted target threshold.  Meaning it's not actually being used as just a modifier in this particular macro... Maybe it would be better to add a base number attribute, ie "@{MentalSave}" and then adjust the roll using "@{MentalSaveBonus}" as the modifier.  The new Mental Save roll would look like; {{Roll=[[@{MentalSaveBonus}+1d20cs>@{MentalSave}cf<@{MentalSave}]]}} or, should Mental Save just be a straight modified roll?  Only the DM knows if it succeeds or fails. {{Roll=[[@{MentalSaveBonus}+1d20]] vs base}} or, leave @{MentalSaveBonus} as-is and add a prompt for the "Base/Target" value as provided by the DM? {{Roll=[[@{MentalSaveBonus}+1d20cs>?{Base/Target to beat?|0}cf<?{Base/Target to beat?|0}]]}} or, ...? Thoughts?

Edited 1608300369
Hi Vince,  The way I understand it, there should be a d20 roll with the MentalSaveBonus modifier applied, and that bonus value should be a +/0/- entry extracted from the Wisdom table. Based on the asterisk note of this Mental Attack Adjustment, the roll will be versus only specific instances covered by your Rod/Staff/Wand or Spell saving throw target values, or against a Psionic assault. The modifier won't always apply because many magical attacks are purely physical damage. That has me leaning towards: {{Roll=[[@{MentalSaveBonus}+1d20]] vs base}} so that the DM can adjudicate as the situation dictates. I would also be tempted to include the asterisk text in the default template's output when performing the roll, just so the rules reference is included with the action. regards, Chris

Edited 1608339606
Re: saves and resistance Several races get a CON-based bonus to certain saves (Poison/RSW/Spells), and the elfin brood get nn% resistance to sleep and charm. Should there be fields for either of these cases? The former for 0 to +5 modifier and the latter with a d% roll button? CA
I think my feelings align with Vince's when he says KISS. If there's a button, it should work as per RAW. If there's just a field, I'm usually fine with it doing nothing. And I don't need too many fields. For instance, with an elf I make an entry under Special Abilities and label it "Sleep and Charm Resistance," just as a reminder. When I play online, I'm pretty much just replicating a tabletop experience. Honestly the more interactivity and bells and whistles, the more I get uncomfortable. There are sheets for some games that I find a real ordeal. At that point I'm not having fun anymore.

Edited 1608336479
Re: Thieves & Assassins, THAC0 Q) Could there be two rows of fields for the DEX and Racial modifiers for Thieves' Skills? Q) Should the Assassinations Table from pg 75 of the DMG be incorporated in the character sheet? "To Hit A.C. 0" is a column heading in Appendix E of the DMG, so THAC0 was not-quite-but-sort-of referred to in 1e, though not expanded upon. The to-hit tables (as presented) didn't account for a linear progression of values. On that note, however, does anyone use the alternate table progression from pg 82 of the DMG? This references the to-hit tables with the six instances of the 20 value, but constrains the 2nd through 6th instances as requiring a Natural 20 to hit, with any value beyond the 6th (21, 22, 23, etc.) as requiring a Natural 20+bonuses. Will there be a row of fields to include Weapon Adjustment vs Armour values in each of the weapon entries? CA

Edited 1608340463
Baron Greystone said: I think my feelings align with Vince's when he says KISS. If there's a button, it should work as per RAW. If there's just a field, I'm usually fine with it doing nothing. And I don't need too many fields. For instance, with an elf I make an entry under Special Abilities and label it "Sleep and Charm Resistance," just as a reminder. When I play online, I'm pretty much just replicating a tabletop experience. Honestly the more interactivity and bells and whistles, the more I get uncomfortable. There are sheets for some games that I find a real ordeal. At that point I'm not having fun anymore. I totally get where you're coming from, Baron.  I've been wondering what the ultimate end goal of this update is. Given the current state of affairs worldwide, more people are playing online that ever before. Also, the interest level in older editions has increased significantly. These factors are bringing younger people to the game, and they are used to a higher level of automation than (most) people my age. Their familiarity with all the gory details of 1e will also (likely be) lower. I believe there is a case for either including as many of the core class & race functions as automated items as possible, or building in an area with a number of blank buttons, editable labels, and open macro fields for people to add their own. Don't know if the latter is feasible, though. CA

Edited 1608400695
Sheet Author
I'm shooting for somewhere in-between fully auto-calculated attributes/fields and manual entry/static fields, ( I know, total non-committal statement ) which is how the sheet was originally created.  The exact scope of which needs further discussion and that's why we're here... ;-) When I first revamped the sheet, I added the repeating sections and auto-calc for weight/encumbrance and costs/coins, and some other QoL additions.  At the time, these additions seemed to be well received.  I tried not to overstep the simplicity of the sheet.  Many of us "older" 1e players were happy to have anything beyond a static sheet.  I've added a few things here and there since, but again, these changes have been small and incremental.  In truth, I don't wish to completely automate the sheet.  Not even sure I have the programming skills to do so if that was my ultimate goal. lol  Unlike our paper sheets of yore, we have the ability to handle at least some of the calculations on-sheet and we should probably take advantage of that.  I will always try and error on the side of keeping a sheet as user friendly as possible.  Discussions are good.  Looking forward to here  hear more input.
∇ince said: I'm shooting for somewhere in-between fully auto-calculated attributes/fields and manual entry/static fields, ( I know, total non-committal statement ) which is how the sheet was originally created.  The exact scope of which needs further discussion and that's why we're here... ;-) When I first revamped the sheet, I added the repeating sections and auto-calc for weight/encumbrance and costs/coins, and some other QoL additions.  At the time, these additions seemed to be well received.  I tried not to overstep the simplicity of the sheet.  Many of us "older" 1e players were happy to have anything beyond a static sheet.  I've added a few things here and there since, but again, these changes have been small and incremental.  In truth, I don't wish to completely automate the sheet.  Not even sure I have the programming skills to do so if that was my ultimate goal. lol  Unlike our paper sheets of yore, we have the ability to handle at least some of the calculations on-sheet and we should probably take advantage of that.  I will always try and error on the side of keeping a sheet as user friendly as possible.  Discussions are good.  Looking forward to here more input. As always, thank you for all your hard work! If I could add to the Wishlist: 1. A cut down sheet for monsters 2. A cut down sheet for NPCs 3. A second spell list for multi-class characters 
Having a small Monster Sheet would be nice. If you can add token actions via the attributes to auto populate would be even better !!  If you could auto fill the first 3 or 4 attributes would be sweet !!  That way all we would need to do is add the weapon and damage or specials. Monster Token Action to hit First Weapon &{template:attacks} {{color=@{selected|color_option}}} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subtag=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_WeaponName}}} {{AC Hit=[[@{THAC00}-(1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_ToHitBonus}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_MagicBonus}[MAG] + ?{To Hit Modifier?|0}[MOD]) ]]}} {{Damage=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_DamageSmallMedium} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_AttackDmgBonus}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_MagicBonus}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]]}} {{WeaponNotes=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_WeaponNotes}}} @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0_whisper_to-hit} Monster Token Action to hit Second Weapon &{template:attacks} {{color=@{selected|color_option}}} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subtag=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$1_WeaponName}}} {{AC Hit=[[@{THAC00}-(1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$1_ToHitBonus}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$1_MagicBonus}[MAG] + ?{To Hit Modifier?|0}[MOD]) ]]}} {{Damage=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_$1_DamageSmallMedium} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$1_AttackDmgBonus}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$1_MagicBonus}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]]}} {{WeaponNotes=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$1_WeaponNotes}}} @{selected|repeating_weapon_$1_whisper_to-hit} Monster Token Action to hit Third Weapon &{template:attacks} {{color=@{selected|color_option}}} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subtag=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$2_WeaponName}}} {{AC Hit=[[@{THAC00}-(1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$2_ToHitBonus}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$2_MagicBonus}[MAG] + ?{To Hit Modifier?|0}[MOD]) ]]}} {{Damage=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_$2_DamageSmallMedium} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$2_AttackDmgBonus}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$2_MagicBonus}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]]}} {{WeaponNotes=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$2_WeaponNotes}}} @{selected|repeating_weapon_$2_whisper_to-hit} Monster Token Action to hit Fourth Weapon &{template:attacks} {{color=@{selected|color_option}}} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subtag=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$3_WeaponName}}} {{AC Hit=[[@{THAC00}-(1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$3_ToHitBonus}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$3_MagicBonus}[MAG] + ?{To Hit Modifier?|0}[MOD]) ]]}} {{Damage=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_$3_DamageSmallMedium} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$3_AttackDmgBonus}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_$3_MagicBonus}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]]}} {{WeaponNotes=@{selected|repeating_weapon_$3_WeaponNotes}}} @{selected|repeating_weapon_$3_whisper_to-hit}
Here's to hoping that a mount (or animal companion or familiar) section added to the sheet is still in the works
I applaud the idea of a section for a familiar and/or mount. Simplified sheets for Monsters & NPCs would be extremely useful. I've been using the default character sheet for monsters so far, and including the long-text descriptions in the DM section of the Bio Sheet. It's a bit cumbersome, but it works. Hadn't thought of a second section for multi-class spell casters; good idea. I can't recall a single instance back-in-the-day of anyone I played with using such a combination, but it's certainly possible to do so. Are there any missing fields required to record the important details of a 1e Bard? Maybe it would help to compile a single list of all the 'wish' items and outstanding issues? cheers Chris A.
Sheet Author
Chris A. said: Hi Vince,  The way I understand it, there should be a d20 roll with the MentalSaveBonus modifier applied, and that bonus value should be a +/0/- entry extracted from the Wisdom table. Based on the asterisk note of this Mental Attack Adjustment, the roll will be versus only specific instances covered by your Rod/Staff/Wand or Spell saving throw target values, or against a Psionic assault. The modifier won't always apply because many magical attacks are purely physical damage. That has me leaning towards: {{Roll=[[@{MentalSaveBonus}+1d20]] vs base}} so that the DM can adjudicate as the situation dictates. I would also be tempted to include the asterisk text in the default template's output when performing the roll, just so the rules reference is included with the action. regards, Chris Changing the "Mental Save" roll to just a d20+@{mentalsavebonus} seems to be the most straight forward answer.  No extra prompts.  The DM knows the "base/target" and can proceed with an outcome accordingly. I think a similar "Dex Save" roll would be beneficial as well (vs aoe-based spell effects, traps, etc...)  Again, just a straight roll d20+@{surprisebonus}. BTW; this brings up something else that may need attention on the sheet.  @{surprisebonus} and @{rangedbonus} are probably always the same value since they are based on the DEX table's "React/Attack Adj" column.  Some of these attributes stem from the original creation of the sheet and some I probably added after the fact, but IMO, they probably could have been named a little closer to better match their origin/source (Character Abilities Tables) in order to more easily apply to other niche attributes...  That really hasn't been an issue since the sheet doesn't really auto-calc any attributes based off of the characters abilities.  But, in order to add auto-calculated attributes (scope of which TBD), I'll probably need to create those origin/source attributes in order to calculate the corresponding "leaf" attributes.  This shouldn't effect sheet users other than you could tap a leaf attribute's source if you needed/wanted to do your own homebrew calculations and such.  Just something to be aware of.  I'll try and pass on any such additional attributes and/or changes done for any auto-calculated fields.  Chris, you mentioned that an ADnD 1st Edition Character sheet  guide would be beneficial and I totally agree. Done .  As soon as we get some of these changes implemented, I'll add an outline and toc and maybe others might want to contribute as well?  More info on contributing to the wiki here .

Edited 1608528370
Sheet Author
I'm generating a list of suggestions/topics that have been discussed here along with my thoughts on them.  I'll be sure to copy it to the top of thread once it's been fleshed out a little more...

Edited 1608576959
Sheet Author
Future Suggestions/Ideas for the AD&D 1e sheet These suggestions/ideas are given in no particular order and I make no guarantees if these suggestions can be, or will be, included in future updates.  That said, I always try to do my best at accommodating popular suggestions. ;-) Monster/NPC - Add a simplified "stat block" style NPC/Monster tab is on the list.  Named NPC's would probably still use the PC side of the sheet since they would probably be a little too complex.  I'll probably try and share many of the attributes between the PC page and NPC/Monster page to avoid conflicts with peoples existing "NPC/Monsters" they have already created.  That said, there may be some new attributes needed/added as well.  Won't know for sure until I get into that. QoL -  Add another section for an Animal Companion/Familiar/Mount seems beneficial.  Not sure if it warrants it's own tab/page as well... Thoughts? QoL - Auto-generated Token Abilities; auto creating token abilities  can be done  using class="tokenaction"... but there is no way to make them optional.  Meaning, they get added when you create a character and you cannot remove, reorder, or rename, because they have to be coded into the sheet. They show up for all characters regardless if the sheet is NPC/Monster, a Wizard, or whatever.  I feel forced token actions are more appropriate for someone's personal game/custom sheet.  There are api(pro perk) options as well. Spells - Add a Second Spell Caster section; on the list, but I haven't thought too much about the bets way to implement. Thief - Add racial mod to Thief Skills; Do you see this as adding a Racial mod field simply for reference (which should only be considered when manually entering the skills final value) or including multiple fields (ie base from table + racial mod + misc mod) that auto-calcs as a "Total" used for that skill roll?  What other adjustments/fields might apply? Thief - Assassinations Table;  Normally, I would just say make a percentage roll and consult the table... How do you see this being used on the sheet?  Maybe add an Assassination "table row" w/fields to enter % vs levels 0-18+? So, if an Assassin makes a successful surprise attack, they would then make an Assassination Roll that would, display the assassination row (given a DM may not want to give away the exact hd/lvl of the enemy)?  Too much fluff vs a simple roll % and table lookup? Attacks - Add To-hit vs Armor type to repeating attacks; Truth be told, our group opted not to use the weapon vs armor-type or speed factor rules in combat... (gasp) so I might need a refresher. These adjustments only apply vs a given armor-type (so, no dex adjustment, not sure if shields are factored in either) right?.  Maybe include a "to-hit vs armor-type row" within each repeating weapon-attack that could be used per weapon/attack to adjust the to-hit/thac0 matrix displayed?  But I don't think that actually works since you would need to know the enemy's armor rating (2-10) as well as the Dex reaction mod.  Am I overly-complicating this? How are people currently handling this...? hmm  @Baron posted how he  includes the table info  in each weapon's notes as reference. Saves - Add Racial mod to Saves and Resistance; seems beneficial, but again, do you see this as adding a Racial mod field simply for reference (which should only be considered when manually entering the final save's value) or including multiple fields (ie base from table + racial mod + misc mod) that auto-calcs as a "Total Save" used for that save roll? Initiative - Adding tokens to the tracker when rolling Initiative from the sheet;  Is it safe to assume that adding a linked pc/npc token to the turn tracker automatically from an initiative roll would be acceptable?  I can try and make this a sheet option.  Also, exposing the Init roll should help if anyone wants to handle initiative a certain way. QoL - Add a Notes section/field; self explanatory. QoL - Expose most sheet rolls for editing; this has already been done in many sections (ie macro-text fields).  This should allow for even more roll customizations. Code - Replace table layout in the sheet with flexbox/css-grid; part of conforming to  roll20's best practices . Code/Accessibility - Add localization/translation code; sheet can be used in other languages automatically. QoL - Toggle on/off all non 1e fields; I've wanted to do this for a while since I try to keep that sheet as close to by the book as possible, but I understand there was some cool options that came along soon after the PHB and DMG that are still technically "1e" material. QoL/Design - Add tabs to help navigate/filter sheet sections; pretty hard to build a feature-rich sheet without this... Misc - Wiki sheet guide; basic overview of the sheet by section, roll template info, user macros, etc. Spells - roll template options; add spell options to toggle which items are displayed with the roll. Attacks - Add Weapon Prof checkbox; add weapon prof vs ac and have it included with the attack and/or auto-adjust to-hit table output. QoL - Convert additional fields to textarea; should allow easier editing and line breaks. Design - update sheet fonts; add google fonts and allow users to choose which font to use. Thief - incorporate the backstab field; determine if there is a way to utilize the backstab attribute. Bug - item cost;  item cost isn’t included unless the “carried” box is checked. QoL - add condition/bluff fields; include a method to temp mods and penalties. ie Bless/Curse. QoL - add XP bonus; self explanatory. Design - increase size of damage input fields; should help to see longer macros ie 1d6+1. AC - flat-footed; include a non-Dex AC. AC - additional fields; add additional field(s) for non armor-based bonuses that add to AC. Spells - toggle memorized spells; use a checkbox/button to show only memorized spells. Spells - chat menu spellbook; post a whispered spellbook to chat. ...
Whoa, is that all black with faint lettering to anyone?  Or is it my PC?

Edited 1608577143
Sheet Author
Tim M said: Whoa, is that all black with faint lettering to anyone?  Or is it my PC? Oops.  I have a "homebrew" dark mode for roll20 and it sometimes has funky formatting when I post if I don't use the "remove font style" tool in the text editor when posting. ;-( How does that look now Tim?
∇ince said: Tim M said: Whoa, is that all black with faint lettering to anyone?  Or is it my PC? Oops.  I have a "homebrew" dark mode for roll20 and it sometimes has funky formatting when I post if I don't use the "remove font style" tool in the text editor when posting. ;-( How does that look now Tim? Parfait!
∇ince said: My $0.02 Monster/NPC tab -Yes! Yes! and thousand times Yes! Add another section for an Animal Companion/Familiar/Mount - I don't think it needs a separate tab. Just a section on the main sheet similar to equipment. Maybe make it so that you can add additional animals with the modify button. There's always that player that has to have more than one. Being able to designate, either in the animal section or the equipment section, gear that is on the animal rather than carried (and auto-calculate the weight) would be fantastic. Right now we have a separate character sheet for the party mule to do that, which works, but is somewhat cumbersome. Auto-generated Token Abilities - No opinion here. Spells - Add a Second Spell Caster section - Sounds useful but I have no suggestions on how to make it work. Thief - Add racial mod to Thief Skills - I'd be fine with just the reference field and manually calculating. Thief - Assassinations Table - I'm fine with making a percentage roll and consult the table...Assassins aren't much of a thing in my game. Attacks - Add To-hit vs Armor type to repeating attacks -  We don't use them. RAW they only apply to actual armor, not monster's AC (unless the monster wears armor) so it just seemed too finnicky to bother. Saves - Add Racial mod to Saves and Resistance - also fine with just a reference field as a reminder. Initiative - Adding tokens to the tracker when rolling Initiative from the sheet - Seems like a good thing. We use a custom macro for initiative that incorporates weapon speeds, DEX modifiers, etc. so it would be cool if the calculation were editable so I can replace the simple roll with my own monstrosity. QoL - Add a Notes - Isn't this already a thing at the bottom of the sheet? QoL - Expose most sheet rolls for editing  - I applaud and encourage this. Code - Replace table layout in the sheet with flexbox/css-grid - Sounds good.. Code/Accessibility - Add localization/translation code - Cool. QoL - Toggle on/off all non 1e fields - I'm ok with this either way. Using the little arrow to close a section and ignore it works for me (that's what we do with THACO). QoL/Design - Add tabs to help navigate/filter sheet sections - Cool. Misc - Wiki sheet guide -  Sounds good but I wouldn't miss it if didn't happen. Spells - roll template options  - I'm fine without this. Attacks - Add Weapon Prof checkbox  - I'm cool with this just being a reminder field. We use weapon specializations (just for fighters/rangers) so making it fillable with a NP, P, S would be even more helpful. Right now I just include those reminders in a parenthetical after the weapon name and then manually put the bonus (for specialization) or penalty (for non-proficiency) into the weapon info.  QoL - Convert additional fields to textarea  - sound fine. Design - update sheet fonts  - cool but not necessary as far as I'm concerned. Thief - incorporate the backstab field  - I'm fine with how this is now...a reminder field with the multiplier. I don't see a real need for automation. Bug - item cost  - I actually don't see a good reason/need for the item cost section at all. It's moderately helpful during character creation but quickly became unimportant and even in-the-way in my game. Item costs in my game fluctuate depending on region and other circumstances so knowing what a character paid for something months ago isn't really useful information now. I think that space should be reclaimed and used for something else. QoL - add condition/bluff fields  - we use token symbols/auras as reminders for these things so I don't see a need to have it on the sheet. Generally they're temporary anyway so putting it on the sheet just creates more record management. QoL - add XP bonus  - maybe just a reminder field. I use a separate spreadsheet for calculating experience after every session so I just have it noted there. Design - increase size of damage input fields  - cool. AC - flat-footed - a flat-footed (no shield, no DEX bonus) field in the AC area would be cool as a reminder.   AC - additional fields - Also cool. A simple field called "magic" or "special" would suffice for me. Spells - toggle memorized spells  - sounds cool. Spells - chat menu spellbook  - I'm not sure I understand the point of this so I'll refrain from a yea or a nay. Thanks for all of your hard work Vince!
Hi Vince, Just a couple of comments on your (massive) list. Sorry to see it balloon in size. Great work so far! Thief - Add racial mod to Thief Skills; Do you see this as adding a Racial mod field simply for reference (which should only be considered when manually entering the skills final value) or including multiple fields (ie base from table + racial mod + misc mod) that auto-calcs as a "Total" used for that skill roll?  What other adjustments/fields might apply? I see a row of fields (qty 5) for their DEX modifiers (PHB pg 12), and another row of fields (qty 8) for their racial modifiers (PHB pg 28). Those two sets of values will most likely be constants throughout the life of the character, but the level entries will change. It would be an expedient to not have to recalculate each chance at every level, merely transfer the updated Base Chance and have the target total calculated automatically. Of course, if the fields were large enough, each one could contain Base+Dex+Race as a mini-formula of its own. Saves - Add Racial mod to Saves and Resistance; seems beneficial, but again, do you see this as adding a Racial mod field simply for reference (which should only be considered when manually entering the final save's value) or including multiple fields (ie base from table + racial mod + misc mod) that auto-calcs as a "Total Save" used for that save roll? I split out Poison from Paralysis/Poison/Death so that I could add the explicit "+" value to the Poison, RSW, and Spells formulae within the menu-driven Saving Throw macro script. I'd like to see it as a field for entry with a variable name so that the script could be made more universal, rather than having edit it for each character. Initiative - Adding tokens to the tracker when rolling Initiative from the sheet;  Is it safe to assume that adding a linked pc/npc token to the turn tracker automatically from an initiative roll would be acceptable?  I can try and make this a sheet option.  Also, exposing the Init roll should help if anyone wants to handle initiative a certain way. This depends on whether the initiative method chosen is for the Party or by Individual, and if a new initiative is rolled each round. Certainly much easier if the Tracker were to be populated automatically in the latter two cases. QoL - Expose most sheet rolls for editing; this has already been done in many sections (ie macro-text fields).  This should allow for even more roll customizations. Yes, please. If the consensus falls in favour of less automation, please keep the sheet rolls open for customisation. Misc - Wiki sheet guide; basic overview of the sheet by section, roll template info, user macros, etc. Awesome, thank you. Again, I'll be happy to help with any data entry on that. Attacks - Add Weapon Prof checkbox; add weapon prof vs ac and have it included with the attack and/or auto-adjust to-hit table output. Needs a field for the penalty amount (varies by class). Design - update sheet fonts; add google fonts and allow users to choose which font to use. I think this may break page formatting due to the en/em/kerning variations in fonts. Don't know if Roll20 has better control over this than other software. Thief - incorporate the backstab field; determine if there is a way to utilize the backstab attribute. Backstab damage multiplication value increases every 4 levels. There's also the +4 to-hit bonus. Base damage will vary by weapon, of course. I don't know if there's a clean way to do this. An open formula field and a button to trigger the action might be the most flexible. Then people can drop in their own macro.  Spells - toggle memorized spells; use a checkbox/button to show only memorized spells. Awesome. That would make it much easier to quickly see what was prepped for the day. best regards, Chris
Maybe Spells can be moved to a tab? Or in reality two tabs. One for each list. 
I see that API Scripts seem to be tied to character sheets. Are there any API Scripts anyone can recommend for this sheet? Or any in general?

Edited 1609637225
Sheet Author
Hi Erik, great question.&nbsp; AFAIK, nothing has been written specifically for the 1e sheet.&nbsp; Some sheets do have a dedicated "companion" script to help with various sheet-specific features like tracking resources (ie ammo, spells/day, wand uses, etc.), auto token status markers (ie buffs and conditions), auto token ability macros (ie attacks, skills, initiative, etc.) and probably a ton of other cool stuff. While it's beneficial to have a dedicated companion script (usually less setup/confusion since it's already designed to work with a specific sheet and done with a single script vs multiple), you can probably leverage "generic" scripts to work just as well. Tokenmod could be used to handle all things related to token settings. Maybe use it to automatically apply damage/healing via a linked token's bars (HP) Ammo and/or ChatSetAttr could be used to track limited resources using the current/max fields. Spells and Special abilities come to mind.&nbsp; Arrows/bolts don't currently have a max, unless you use an Equipment row.&nbsp; I'll see about adding a max attribute to attacks to help with tracking ammo.&nbsp; ChatSetAttr can also be used to edit any attribute from a macro. Maybe make a pick pocket macro that reduces a number of coins or a complete equipment item from a character... ;-) Honestly, there are a TON of very useful scripts that you might want to peruse depending on your game's needs.&nbsp; There's been a lot of general api script recommendations on the forums.&nbsp; Here's a recent one that mentions some great scripts; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I do use a handful of scripts in my pathfinder games..., but I haven't set anything up specific to the 1e sheet.&nbsp; Maybe other's have something to add? Cheers

Edited 1609710674
First off - THANKS VINCE!!!!&nbsp; I am currently hacking a version of this sheet for my Oriental Adventures game. Added sections for Ninja/Monk/Yakuza skills, got rid of the exceptional stat stuff except for strength, changed the logo at the top and added a section for martial arts. Added an Honour Stat and a place for Family Honour.&nbsp; Also changed weapons to have a Proficiency Y/N field and a field for non-proficiency penalty. Still a work in progress and once I am happy with it I will see about getting it onto github.
Sheet Author
Brian said: First off - THANKS VINCE!!!!&nbsp; I am currently hacking a version of this sheet for my Oriental Adventures game. Added sections for Ninja/Monk/Yakuza skills, got rid of the exceptional stat stuff except for strength, changed the logo at the top and added a section for martial arts. Added an Honour Stat and a place for Family Honour.&nbsp; Also changed weapons to have a Proficiency Y/N field and a field for non-proficiency penalty. Still a work in progress and once I am happy with it I will see about getting it onto github. Sounds cool for OA fans.&nbsp; There might be a time down the road where some of this could be included in the 1e sheet with an option to show/hide...
Sheet Author
AD&amp;D1e Update #8002 &nbsp;pending this is "mostly" just adding an announcement to the top of the sheet for the upcoming repeating attribute migration that's been brought up in this thread. added an announcements section to show important information on upcoming sheet changes fix for Spells Known roll small adjustments to the sub-section hide/expand carrot/nav button changed non-repeating attribute names to lowercase as well as title text. Purely aesthetic and for attribute naming consistency.
Hi Vince - I am glad to see that you are continuing to work on updates to the AD&amp;D character sheets! We had a separate conversation going about adding a section for Magic Items that would allow for tracking of charges, and some rollable functions such as damage, healing, etc. Is this something that will be included in this update? Thanks for your work on this! Best, ~Max

Edited 1609825159
Sheet Author
Hi Max, absolutely.&nbsp; I did forget to add it. ;-( but it's been added to my list now. Thanks for the reminder.

Edited 1609979635
This is a fringe item. Charisma maximums for half-orcs and dwarves means that a character may have two attribute values, one for their own race and another for everyone else. Each value has its own bonuses/penalties. Do you see a simple way to permit a second Charisma entry in these cases?
Sheet Author
Chris A. said: This is a fringe item. Charisma maximums for half-orcs and dwarves means that a character may have two attribute values, one for their own race and another for everyone else. Each value has its own bonuses/penalties. Do you see a simple way to permit a second Charisma entry in these cases? Hi Chris, Funny, I can't recall this actually coming into play (but I do see the footnote under the charisma table)...&nbsp; How does one normally handle this on a paper sheet? A couple of ideas for the roll20 sheet; 1. add a "charisma_notes" field where you could include alternate stats for loyalty and reactions. ie "Dwarf Cha:18 (Max Hench: [[@{maximumhenchmen}+7[race]]] | Loyalty: +[[ @{loyaltybonus}[BON]+20[race] ]] % | Reaction: +[[ @{reactionbonus}[BON] +10[race] ]] % ) " 2. add an "alternate" charisma row with it's own rolls.&nbsp; Hidden normally, but reveal using a toggle in the sheet settings. While we are discussing the Charisma row;&nbsp; As I see it, the Loyalty and Reactions rolls on the sheet seem kind of pointless in their current state, rolling 1d100 and including the bonus/penalty provided. I'm thinking; 1. roll 1d100, and simply show the bonus/penalty that's applied to a circumstantial threshold (ie roll less than "X") as determined by the DM. or, 2. prompt for the target number (provided by the DM), then reverse the math so that a bonus subtracts from/penalty adds&nbsp;to the 1d100 roll. Must roll under the target #. Thoughts? Vince
I still vote for Simple. But if you're looking at variable Charisma, don't forget Comeliness has its own variations.
&nbsp;Hi Vince. This a wonderful sheet and I have a few small little requests, one of which you may be working on already. Can you expand the HP, AC, and Age boxes? On AC, the one it looks like it's already set to be worked on, I use the full AC/no shield/no dex or shield. For my cavalier it looks like -2/0/1. The HP box is where I track my armor's damage also as I have field plate. This looks like 50/12. And as I've been hit with a haste spell plus had years added do to a magical flame encounter, I like to keep my actual age and physical age identifiable from each other. This looks like 21(+3). If the boxes were sized so that four zeroes and two slashes fit into each, it should most likely cover anything I would need. &nbsp;I really thank you for all the work you've done on this sheet and truly appreciate how you keep working to make it better.

Edited 1610510326
Sheet Author
Hi Rique, Thank you and, increasing the width of the HP, AC, and Age fields(attack damage, ...) is now on the list. Cheers

Edited 1610593306
∇ince said: Chris A. said: This is a fringe item. Charisma maximums for half-orcs and dwarves means that a character may have two attribute values, one for their own race and another for everyone else. Each value has its own bonuses/penalties. Do you see a simple way to permit a second Charisma entry in these cases? Hi Chris, Funny, I can't recall this actually coming into play (but I do see the footnote under the charisma table)...&nbsp; How does one normally handle this on a paper sheet? A couple of ideas for the roll20 sheet; 1. add a "charisma_notes" field where you could include alternate stats for loyalty and reactions. ie "Dwarf Cha:18 (Max Hench: [[@{maximumhenchmen}+7[race]]] | Loyalty: +[[ @{loyaltybonus}[BON]+20[race] ]] % | Reaction: +[[ @{reactionbonus}[BON] +10[race] ]] % ) " 2. add an "alternate" charisma row with it's own rolls.&nbsp; Hidden normally, but reveal using a toggle in the sheet settings. While we are discussing the Charisma row;&nbsp; As I see it, the Loyalty and Reactions rolls on the sheet seem kind of pointless in their current state, rolling 1d100 and including the bonus/penalty provided. I'm thinking; 1. roll 1d100, and simply show the bonus/penalty that's applied to a circumstantial threshold (ie roll less than "X") as determined by the DM. or, 2. prompt for the target number (provided by the DM), then reverse the math so that a bonus subtracts from/penalty adds&nbsp;to the 1d100 roll. Must roll under the target #. Thoughts? Vince Sorry for the delay, I've been regrettably occupied with other things. I played Dwarf characters preferentially, so this was a common issue in games I was in. My opinion is that preparing for greater levels of automation going forward is better than not doing so. Therefore, I'd prefer to have the second row for Charisma that can be toggled on and off. But I am not fully representative of the target audience, I think. In the second case, I would leave the loyalty and reaction rolls as-is. The DM can evaluate the results vs. their target values easily enough. Players may not be aware what target they are supposed to beat, i.e. the encounter could result in someone pretending to react favourably after a failed roll. Cheers

Edited 1610676319
Sheet Author
Chris A. said: Questions/Wish List How difficult would it be to create a 1e Compendium for spells, magic items, and monsters? I presume the OGL allows for use of the content in this manner. Is the biggest hurdle to overcome "just" the physical data entry? I am a big proponent of this idea, but it's a challenge with Roll20's (completely understandable) reluctance to even come NEAR violating copyright, and with 1st Ed. not subject to OGL... tricky. That said, when I wrote the Dangerous Journeys MYTHUS character sheet, the thought certainly came up... that is an extremely stat-heavy game and it is entirely non-trivial to generate an NPC or even a monster in that system... seems as if there should be a solution which doesn't step on Roll20's rules but which allows folks to share the work done by others on data entry for standard monsters. What I came up with (but never implemented ) was to have Someone create a game called "Bestiary" or something similar, and the owner of the game could add any aspiring DMs that request it to the game.&nbsp; The Bestiary game could be filled with nothing except all the official creatures, created by essentially crowdsourcing (I for one would not want to type in all the stats for MM, MM2, and FF, not to mention DD/LL or any modules with unique monsters). Each DM would be able to export any monster they found in that Bestiary game to their own personal Compendium to transfer it thence to his/her own game, and the "owner" would keep a regularly backed up "master Compendium" in case of accidents or in case permissions to the Bestiary game were abused to modify/delete creatures which were already "done". Better still would be a way to use the Transmogrifier feature to directly transfer monsters from the Bestiary to one's own game, but I think that involved permissions in the Bestiary that you might not want to grant. Honestly, I did not get far in this thought process because DJ:M &nbsp;is such an obscure game that the demand was low, but I'm sure there are other ideas which could be leveraged. I will not lie... I have switched game systems in the past (from D&amp;D3.5 to Pathfinder) in Roll20 because the convenience of dragging/dropping a creature from the Compendium was such a DM timesaver that I could not resist.&nbsp; Having something even vaguely equivalent for AD&amp;D1E could turn a week of evening data entry for Against the Giants into a matter for a couple of hours and you could focus on dynamic lighting for the maps instead. Thanks,&nbsp; ∇ ince, for working on this.&nbsp; Having done it before, I know how much effort you're putting into it, and my players will appreciate it once my current Pathfinder campaign is over and they hit the 1E Village of Hommlet.&nbsp; ;)

Edited 1610677003
Sheet Author
Alternatively, the 1st Ed sheet could be designed with an Import field coupled with a importer script as I did with DJ:M ,&nbsp;and that importer could accept monster data in a predefined text format and proliferate it into the proper fields in the monster sheet (it sounds more complicated than it actually is).&nbsp; Then, someone (multiple someones, really) could maintain a master Excel spreadsheet with all the appropriately formatted text for each monster and a DM could just find that monster, copy the appropriate text from Excel, and paste it into the importer and click Import and watch their monster show up. I did this with items (magic or otherwise), and "castings" (which are what spells are called in DJ) and even entire characters.&nbsp; Compared to some of the other horrifying scripts I had to write for that system, this one was kind of trivial. Let me know if you want some ideas on how to do that,&nbsp; ∇ ince.&nbsp; I had imagined it would be a nightmare and take me months, but it wasn't as bad as I'd thought.

Edited 1610687814
Sheet Author
Hi Archibael, I like your idea. Anyone think this might conflict with WotC ip?&nbsp; I believe a parser could be built into the sheet to handle the import of a properly formatted statblock for monsters without requiring an additional api script... I'll add it to the suggestions, but will wait until I work out how best to handle adding a monster's page/tab for the sheet.&nbsp; And more specifically, deciding if it's best to create new "monster-specific" attributes or try and use the existing ones.&nbsp; I have a modicum of js skills/knowledge, so any help you can offer will be much appreciated. ;-) Cheers
Sheet Author
Chris A. said: Sorry for the delay, I've been regrettably occupied with other things. I played Dwarf characters preferentially, so this was a common issue in games I was in. My opinion is that preparing for greater levels of automation going forward is better than not doing so. Therefore, I'd prefer to have the second row for Charisma that can be toggled on and off. But I am not fully representative of the target audience, I think. In the second case, I would leave the loyalty and reaction rolls as-is. The DM can evaluate the results vs. their target values easily enough. Players may not be aware what target they are supposed to beat, i.e. the encounter could result in someone pretending to react favourably after a failed roll. Cheers I'll probably add an optional row of Charisma then, hidden by default since it only applies to dwarf and half-orc characters. Loyalty and Reaction rolls; keep the current rolls. ie "total = roll+modifier", but maybe show the modifier as well.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
∇ince said: I like your idea. Anyone think this might conflict with WotC ip?&nbsp; If youre building a way to just parse inputted data, but not creating the data yourself, you're fine.&nbsp;

Edited 1610732083
Sheet Author
∇ince said: Hi Archibael, I like your idea. Anyone think this might conflict with WotC ip?&nbsp; I believe a parser could be built into the sheet to handle the import of a properly formatted statblock for monsters without requiring an additional api script... I'll add it to the suggestions, but will wait until I work out how best to handle adding a monster's page/tab for the sheet.&nbsp; And more specifically, deciding if it's best to create new "monster-specific" attributes or try and use the existing ones.&nbsp; I have a modicum of js skills/knowledge, so any help you can offer will be much appreciated. ;-) Cheers Here's how I did it in Mythus... (my CSS sucks, I'm much better at JS... which sucks too, but I can get by...) I made the Importer hideable so it didn't clutter up the sheet, but when revealed it was just a plain boring text box with a button next to it labeled "Import critter": &lt;input type="checkbox" class="toggle-show-subs" name="attr_critterimportshowcheck" value="1" checked="false" title="@{critterimportshowcheck}" /&gt;&lt;span style="font-family:Benguiat" class="lbl"&gt;Import New Critter&lt;/span&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;div class="hideable-subs"&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;textarea spellcheck="false" class="weapontext" type="text" placeholder="Paste critter details here" name="attr_critterimport" value="" title="@{critterimport}"&gt;&lt;/textarea&gt;&lt;button type="action" name="act_importcritter" &gt;Import critter&lt;/button&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;/div&gt; Then, in the "scripts" part of the html page, I defined the action the button referred to: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; const configbuttonlist10 = ["importcritter"]; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; configbuttonlist10.forEach(button =&gt; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; on(`clicked:${button}`, function() { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; characterimport("critter"); &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }); &nbsp; &nbsp; }); Then in the scripts part of the html page, I created a javascript code at the end to parse the incoming string and populate the stat blocks: &nbsp; &nbsp; const characterimport = (section) =&gt; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; getAttrs([`${section}import`], v =&gt; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; newrowattrs = {}; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; multiweap = v[`${section}import`]; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; multiweaparray = multiweap.split("}"); &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; multiweaparray.forEach ( (weap) =&gt; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; weaparray=weap.split("|"); &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; weapobj = {}; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; weaparray.forEach( (item) =&gt; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; if (item=="") { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; throwaway = ""; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; } else { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; var pair=item.split("^"); &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; if (pair[0]=="merccoms"||pair[0]=="languages"||pair[0]=="signlanguages"||pair[0]=="florentineweaps"||pair[0]=="fastdrawweaps"||pair[0]=="specifictargetweaps"||pair[0]=="blindfightingweaps"||pair[0]=="streetwisesubs") { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; if (pair[0]=="languages") { [a bunch of stuff to deal with special cases where the parsing needs to be more complicated than one variable, one value, such as repeating sections]] }; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; } else { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; weapobj[pair[0]]=pair[1]; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; newrowattrs[`${pair[0]}`] = weapobj[pair[0]]; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; });&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }); &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; setAttrs(newrowattrs); &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; }); &nbsp; &nbsp; }; (A lot of this is needlessly complex for monsters, as usually they don't have a bunch of special cases you have to deal with like repeating blocks for languages, but I made this code to do dual duty for monsters and characters, so there's extra you can ignore.) The Excel sheet then needs to format the plain text someone types into it into something parseable by the Importer: personahide^0|character_name^Smartypants Hottieface|attractiveness^18|beautyugly^-2|ap^2|joss^3|size^1|sizedetail^6'T,2'W|numberappearing^3d6|invuln^Fire|suscept^Silver (Insinuation x2)|senses^|avgarmor^3|mentalcunning^0|mmcapatt^19|mmpowatt^14|mmspdatt^18|mrcapatt^15|mrpowatt^12|mrspdatt^11|pmcapatt^20|pmpowatt^19|pmspdatt^15|pncapatt^19|pnpowatt^18|pnspdatt^17|smcapatt^16|smpowatt^12|smspdatt^11|spcapatt^15|sppowatt^12|spspdatt^13|traithekamental_toggle^0|traithekaphysical_toggle^1|traithekaspiritual_toggle^0|fpdweomer^0|fppriest^0|dweomerschool^|priestethos^|vowpact^|vowpact_mult^1|race^Faerie|personality^Savage|quirks^|residence^Arizona||agriculture_kstoggle^1|agriculture_steep^21|architecture_kstoggle^1|architecture_steep^43||astronomy_kstoggle^1|astronomy_steep^24||cryptography_kstoggle^1|cryptography_steep^24||economicsfinanceinvesting_kstoggle^1|economicsfinanceinvesting_steep^30||foreignlanguage_kstoggle^1|foreignlanguage_steep^34||hypnotism_kstoggle^1|hypnotism_steep^14||journalism_kstoggle^1|journalism_steep^18||lipreadingsignlanguage_kstoggle^1|lipreadingsignlanguage_steep^42||nativetongue_kstoggle^1|nativetongue_steep^37||tradelanguage_kstoggle^1|tradelanguage_steep^24||combathandweapons_kstoggle^1|combathandweapons_steep^24||culturedpalate_kstoggle^1|culturedpalate_steep^52||hekaforging_kstoggle^1|hekaforging_steep^32||music_kstoggle^1|music_steep^23||perceptionphysical_kstoggle^1|perceptionphysical_steep^53||sports_kstoggle^1|sports_steep^34||weaponsspecialskill_kstoggle^1|weaponsspecialskill_steep^57||philosophy_kstoggle^1|philosophy_steep^20||streetwise_kstoggle^1|streetwise_steep^32||animalhusbandry_has^1|floraculture_has^1|economics_has^1|mercantilism_has^1|axe_has^1|onehandedswords_has^1|beverages_has^1|wineswinemaking_has^1|beersbrewing_has^1|spirits_has^1|perfumes_has^1|gourmetmealpreparation_has^1|enhancedobjectquality_has^1|enchantedmechanisms_has^1|hekareservoirs_has^1|keyboards_has^1|stringedbowed_has^1|noticingp_has^1|hearing_has^1|searching_has^1|tracking_has^1|individualnonviolentsports_has^1|florentine_has^1|fastdraw_has^1|specifictarget_has^1|blindfighting_has^1|merccoms^Furs,Silver|languages^French:34,Deutsch:58|signlanguages^Romani,Tramps,Thieves|nativetongue_language^Atlantlan|tradelanguage_language^Trade Phoenecian|florentineweaps^axe,onehandedswords|fastdrawweaps^whipflail,axe|specifictargetweaps^axe|blindfightingweaps^poleaxe|streetwisesubs^Merchants,Artists,Gangs| What I have here is&nbsp; stat1^value1|stat2^value2|stat3^value3|... and for stats which have nested values, like languages, I go one delimiter further with comma and colon (":"): |merccoms^Furs,Silver|languages^French:34,Deutsch:58|signlanguages^Romani,Tramps,Thieves|nativetongue_language^Atlantlan| When you copy that big mess of crazy text gobbledgook into the Import box and click import critter, it parses each stat and stuffs it into the character sheet where it's supposed to go.&nbsp; I have other variations which create repeating blocks for multiple weapons/attacks if appropriate.&nbsp; You need a good delimiter; comma and semicolon are traditional, but Gygax and company used commas and semicolons in the middle of their stat blocks sometimes, and certainly in the description text.&nbsp; I used both pipe ("|") and carat ("^") so I could nest multiple weapons or multiple spells into the general stat block, but you can use whatever makes you comfortable. The beauty of it: since the import format is just YOUR variable names and the values assigned to them, it's on the Excel spreadsheet writer to make sure those are right in the spreadsheet, not on you to do any error checking.&nbsp; &gt;:)&nbsp; And if you come up with a new stat, you just have to give the name to the community and they can add it to their Excel sheet... or not... optional stats don't need to be included, so if I decide I don't like Comeliness or I'm not playing OA and don't need honor or nonweapon proficiencies... I don't need to include them in my import string, and the parser won't try to fill those stats in the sheet.&nbsp; And ordering doesn't matter: you can import stats in any order, skip stats (they'll be blank or at least some default value in the sheet), etc.&nbsp; If I recall correctly, it's incremental, too.&nbsp; You can pull in the hobgoblin stats, and then if you want to add some custom hobgoblin serjeant stats on top of it, you don't have to have an entire stat block dedicated to "hobgoblin serjeant" (although you can if you want to) you can just paste in the stats which change for the serjeant and the rest remain the same. I don't pretend my method is in any way elegant-- real coders would call it clumsy AF... but it works.&nbsp; I can certainly help you with it when you're ready for it, as well as giving you an Excel sheet to give away to people as a sample. I don't see any reason you should have to rename any of your stats for the monster version of the sheet... I think of it as just two different views into the same stats.&nbsp; Of course, there are some cases where that's not the case, such as when Intelligence is an actual stat for PCs but for monsters it's a range of stats.&nbsp; I definitely did some things differently for beasties than for PCs, but unless there's a good reason to, I wouldn't bother.

Edited 1610694990
Sheet Author
GiGs said: ∇ince said: I like your idea. Anyone think this might conflict with WotC ip?&nbsp; If youre building a way to just parse inputted data, but not creating the data yourself, you're fine.&nbsp; He might have been referring to my custom, invitation-only Bestiary game/repository idea, which might sit in more questionable space.&nbsp; I am not a lawyer, but it seems like I'm just inviting a hundred of my closest friends to play my game, which happens to contain lots of stats for monsters which I typed in by hand from some unnamed source which may or may not have been published in the 1980s.&nbsp; This does not seem different from when I type in all the data from a paper module I bought in 1986 so I can use it for my personal game, but the definitions of "fair use" may blur somewhere between 8 players and 300. Certainly GiGs is absolutely correct in that the parser is kosher by Roll20 rules-- Roll20 views us (sheet creators) as crossing the line when we incorporate the rules of character creation, which is why Charactermancers are essentially outlawed in community-generated sheets, even though the infrastructure for them is available. The keeper of an Excel spreadsheet with all those stats might be violating a copyright of some sort, but a person who writes a parser to read and parse an arbitrarily-defined import format is not responsible for any nefarious purposes for which that format is used.&nbsp; (In other words, you can create the JPG image format without being responsible for everyone's illicit pr0n collection).&nbsp; Roll20 makes the distinction that it's okay to import, just not to incorporate character creation rules from copyrighted systems, and won't let you create a repository of rules or stats which links directly into their system (a compendium). And given the historical litigiousness of the gaming industry, I don't blame them in any way.
Pie in the sky questions: 1) Can you write and link to your own Compendium? 2) How hard is it to write a Compendium?

Edited 1610745742
Sheet Author
Short answer... no, not and remain within Roll20s terms of service (and you kinda need their cooperation to get it in place).&nbsp; That's kind of what we're trying to puzzle out how to do here in the thread: stay within the rules so Roll20 isn't liable, but still have the utility of being able to drag and drop or at least cut and paste monsters, spells, and magic items. Longer answer: There are clever ways around this (some SW5e users do it by hosting an app on their web browser on their local PC so the pseudo-compendium doesn't actually exist as part of Roll20 but at the client/end user side-- Roll20 can't be held legally responsible for such an activity), and it occurs to me as we chat here that if we do get a parser in the sheet there are probably ways to create collections of handouts which might serve a similar purpose.

Edited 1610747800
Hi Vince. I am using my own version of this sheet copied from the repository. I have amended the code to auto-calculate all the secondary ability values (i.e. STR, DEX, CON, CHA, WIS &amp; INT) abilities such as Encumbrance bonus, Henchmen, Max spells, reaction adjustment etc. Would you like that code? It is set up for 1st Edition only as per the Players handbook Ahhh...just read your previous comments regarding not wanting to automate the sheet too much...disregard :)
Sheet Author
Ray said: Hi Vince. I am using my own version of this sheet copied from the repository. I have amended the code to auto-calculate all the secondary ability values (i.e. STR, DEX, CON, CHA, WIS &amp; INT) abilities such as Encumbrance bonus, Henchmen, Max spells, reaction adjustment etc. Would you like that code? It is set up for 1st Edition only as per the Players handbook Ahhh...just read your previous comments regarding not wanting to automate the sheet too much...disregard :) Hi Ray, "Too much" is a relative term...&nbsp; While some have expressed they would welcome more automation, other's have mentioned they like the sheet's simplicity.&nbsp; I'm trying to strike a balance.&nbsp; I would definitely be interested in looking at your custom code/sheet. ;-) Cheers

Edited 1610824763
Sheet Author
∇ ince, I want to make sure I'm not stepping on toes.&nbsp; This thread is, first and foremost, meant for people to offer you suggestions and feedback on the AD&amp;D1E sheet, and I don't want to get in the way of that. If you want me to spawn a new thread for the whole "compendium-that-is-not-a-compendium" discussion, I will do so.&nbsp; I have been toying with some stuff in the background for how to make a repository of creatures, spells, and magic items (once you've defined the variables) if you choose to incorporate a parser in the sheet (spoiler alert: all of the options suck, but they're better than nothing), but the last thing I want to do is mess with the success of your list of improvements, which is very long and has much more than just the things I'm excited about on it.

Edited 1610865330
Sheet Author
@archibael No worries.&nbsp; IMO, compendium alternatives/options are better suited for it's own thread and you'll probably capture a much broader audience. Making the suggestion to add an import method to the 1e sheet and discussing it are absolutely fine. ;-)
∇ince &nbsp;: is there anyway to add modifies to this Token action macro?? thx for any help !! &amp;{template:general} {{color=@{selected|color_option}}} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subtag=Saving Throw}}{{?{Role Well !!:|Paralysis/Poison/Death,Paralysis/Poison/Death = [[1d20cs&gt;@{Selected|SaveParalysisPoisonDeath}cf&lt;@{Selected|SaveParalysisPoisonDeath}]]|Petrification/Polymorph,Petrification/Polymorph = [[1d20cs&gt;@{Selected|SavePetrificationPolymorph}cf&lt;@{Selected|SavePetrificationPolymorph}]]|Rods/Staves/Wands,Rods/Staves/Wands=[[1d20cs&gt;@{Selected|SaveRodsStavesWands}cf&lt;@{Selected|SaveRodsStavesWands}]]|Breath Weapons,Breath Weapons=[[1d20cs&gt;@{Selected|SaveBreathWeapons}cf&lt;@{Selected|SaveBreathWeapons}]]|Spells,Spells=[[1d20cs&gt;@{Selected|SaveSpells}cf&lt;@{Selected|SaveSpells}]]}}}

Edited 1610920878
Sheet Author
@khruc In order to include a modifier you'll need to nest a query. ;-( Nested queries need to use some special character substitutions and you cannot edit the macro once saved since roll20 will convert them which breaks your macro. example with character substations; &amp;{template:general} {{color=@{selected|color_option}}} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subtag=Saving Throw}}{{?{Role Well !!:|Paralysis/Poison/Death,Paralysis/Poison/Death = [[?{Modify roll?&amp;#124;0&amp;#125;[mod]+1d20cs&gt;@{Selected|SaveParalysisPoisonDeath}cf&lt;@{Selected|SaveParalysisPoisonDeath}]]|Petrification/Polymorph,Petrification/Polymorph = [[?{Modify roll?&amp;#124;0&amp;#125;[mod]+1d20cs&gt;@{Selected|SavePetrificationPolymorph}cf&lt;@{Selected|SavePetrificationPolymorph}]]|Rods/Staves/Wands,Rods/Staves/Wands=[[?{Modify roll?&amp;#124;0&amp;#125;[mod]+1d20cs&gt;@{Selected|SaveRodsStavesWands}cf&lt;@{Selected|SaveRodsStavesWands}]]|Breath Weapons,Breath Weapons=[[?{Modify roll?&amp;#124;0&amp;#125;[mod]+1d20cs&gt;@{Selected|SaveBreathWeapons}cf&lt;@{Selected|SaveBreathWeapons}]]|Spells,Spells=[[?{Modify roll?&amp;#124;0&amp;#125;[mod]+1d20cs&gt;@{Selected|SaveSpells}cf&lt;@{Selected|SaveSpells}]]}}} Probably a better option is to either create a " macro mule "&nbsp;character or a&nbsp; chat menu . chat menu example (this macro uses the sheet's own save rolls/macros) ; /w @{selected|character_name} &amp;{template:general} {{color=@{selected|color_option}}} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subtag=Saving Throws}}{{ [Paralysis/Poison/Death](~selected|saveparalysispoisondeath) [Petrification/Polymorph](~selected|savepetrificationpolymorph) [Rods/Staves/Wands](~selected|saverodsstaveswands) [Breath Weapons](~selected|savebreathweapons) [Spells](~selected|savespells) }}

Edited 1610998138
Sheet Author
∇ince said: @archibael No worries.&nbsp; IMO, compendium alternatives/options are better suited for it's own thread and you'll probably capture a much broader audience. Making the suggestion to add an import method to the 1e sheet and discussing it are absolutely fine. ;-) Okay.&nbsp; At this point I am designing the compendium-that-is-not-a-compendium as a Google document, with the standard Monster Manual stat block plus one more field, which I'll call here "description" but which will essentially be the text entry as written.&nbsp; I will also include the optional stats as seen in unique deity-type entities like Cat Lord, etc.&nbsp; I don't know how you'll want to handle those, but we can figure it out. Spells will be the standard PHB fields.&nbsp; Magic items will be the text description, XP, and GP value; I could include other things, too, like magic bonus for weapons, but I'm not sure how to make that clean-- we'll table that for now. I'll be going quiet now, but,&nbsp; ∇ince , do&nbsp;let me know when/if you decide what you want your monster format to look like.&nbsp; You can do it all on your own, but if you want to partner, I will make the time to help-- honestly, if you don't I'm just going to do it anyway for my own campaign... might as well share with the rest of the class!&nbsp; ;) EDIT: I lied.&nbsp; I'm also putting in THAC0 and saving throws, as well as average hit points for quick drag-and-drop convenience.&nbsp; I have fond memories of DMG pg. 75 and 79, and my copy of the book falls naturally open to that section after years of use, but if I'm running a combat, having that stuff already ready for use is going to be critical.