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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)

The fact that you're getting strange results that others aren't getting, and the fact that you get JS error messages leads me to believe that something is not up-to-date on your system.&nbsp; Others with more Roll20 experience might have a different opinion though.&nbsp; But, as a former programmer, when I hear that someone is getting "a lot of JS error messages" the first thing that comes to my mind is that your computer is not up-to-date.&nbsp; The first thing I would do would be to make sure that you have the latest OS for your machine and make sure you have the latest runtime interpreter for Javascript. You can read&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;for more information. You can also try switching to Firefox. If you get the same JS errors there, then I would say that definitely you need to update. Pusikas said: Okay, tried it a few times, and most of the time it works now. The sheet still behaves a little erratic for me. I use the 5e OGL sheet and latest Vanilla Chrome without extensions (or rather, with only the pre-installed Google extensions like Sheets and Docs). Going back a step in the Charactermancer often breaks things for me. Sometimes I can not cancel then. Pressing the red cancel buttons just has no visible effect. And sometimes it works just fime. It looks like I get the Sacred Oath at lvl4 or lvl5 whenever the sheet bugs on lvl3. Half the time, when I choose the oath, continue and then go back a step, I can change thew chosen oath. But when I click the "next" button, the oath I chose the first time still is displayed as the one I chose. I also get a lot of JS error messages in the console. Even when everything seems to work fine. But if no one else has these problems, there is probably no point in reporting the errors, as the problems is with me in some way. I just can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong.
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It's also true that Charactermancer is quirky. It doesn't always handle backtracking well. I would describe it as more of a character building aid that a character builder. It saves me typing and lookup, but I always double-check its choices.
Hi, I don't know if the question as been already written but... Is it a mean tu use metric system for weight and encumbrance values ?
Yeah, I check it too. But, I've never had problems backtracking, nor have I had the kinds of problems the OP had. When one of my players has similar problems, the problems went away when he updated his system.&nbsp;&nbsp; The only time I have serious problems with the Charactermacner is with multiclassing or with warlock characters. keithcurtis said: It's also true that Charactermancer is quirky. It doesn't always handle backtracking well. I would describe it as more of a character building aid that a character builder. It saves me typing and lookup, but I always double-check its choices.
Looks like Spell Points when turned on give the wrong cost for each level. Looks like each spell level has the cost for the level above it. Level 1 spells has the cost for level 2 spells, Level 2 has the cost for level 3 spells, etc
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Saul J. said: Yeah, I check it too. But, I've never had problems backtracking, nor have I had the kinds of problems the OP had. When one of my players has similar problems, the problems went away when he updated his system.&nbsp;&nbsp; The only time I have serious problems with the Charactermacner is with multiclassing or with warlock characters. keithcurtis said: It's also true that Charactermancer is quirky. It doesn't always handle backtracking well. I would describe it as more of a character building aid that a character builder. It saves me typing and lookup, but I always double-check its choices. I've mostly had problems with assigned equipment or background features. And you should always check your spell slots.
Darkryss . said: One question.... again.&nbsp; It is possible to link some variable on a sheet with an other ( Pet's stat with owner prof )&nbsp; ?&nbsp; This is a perfect reason I've been suggesting a freeform section, something that would have no encoded parts ( things within {{ and }} brackets) to it but simply be parsed as written, at the bottom/ last point in all repeating sections (repeating_traits, for example).&nbsp; This way you could simply add whatever you wish (as long as both sheets have the same player's permissions) to anything and overwrite it.&nbsp; For Example, you could do this: NORMAL parts output by a Hexblade Scimitar, Dueling Fighting Style from Paladin, slightly modified from a game I play in @{Amarissa Coppernick|wtype}&amp;{template:atkdmg} {{mod=+7}} {{rname=Scimitar (Pact Weapon)}} {{r1=[[@{Amarissa Coppernick|d20}cs&gt;20 + 3[CHA] + 4[PROF]]]}} {{attack=1}} {{range=5' (Melee)}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[1d6[weapon]&nbsp; + 3[CHA]]]}} {{dmg1type=Slashing}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=[[2]]}} {{dmg2type=(Dueling Fighting Style) Slashing}} {{crit1=[[6 + 6[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[0d0[CRIT]]]}} 0 {{desc}} {{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{Amarissa Coppernick|global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[1d6]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[1*6]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{Amarissa Coppernick|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= @{Amarissa Coppernick|charname_output} W FREEFORM SECTION @{Amarissa Coppernick|wtype}&amp;{template:atkdmg} {{mod=+7}} {{rname=Scimitar (Pact Weapon)}} {{r1=[[@{Amarissa Coppernick|d20}cs&gt;20 + 3[CHA] + 4[PROF]]]}} {{attack=1}} {{range=5' (Melee)}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[1d6[weapon]&nbsp; + 3[CHA]]]}} {{dmg1type=Slashing}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=[[2]]}} {{dmg2type=(Dueling Fighting Style) Slashing}} {{crit1=[[6 + 6[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[0d0[CRIT]]]}} 0 {{desc}} {{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{Amarissa Coppernick|global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[1d6]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[1*6]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{Amarissa Coppernick|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= @{Amarissa Coppernick|charname_output} {{r1=[[@{Some Other Player|d20}cs&gt;20 + @{Some Other Player|charisma_mod} [CHA] + @{Some Other Player|pb} [PROF]]]}} What you would see is the final roll, never the roll the sheet had already setup, which uses the attack of "Some Other Player".&nbsp; This isn't a real world example, because, obviously you can't borrow another's abilities to swing your scimitar, but more a programming example.&nbsp; In your case, you would just steal the prof bonus ( @{Other Sheet|pb} ) or maybe the spell save dc ( @{Other Sheet|spell_save_dc} ).&nbsp; But adding a freeform section would also help in triggering API's, macros, and other programming tricks.&nbsp; This should be in play for PC sheets and NPC.&nbsp; This would be an easy add, as all it takes is just putting it in there with no content.&nbsp; The trick is making sure it appears at the very final end of the code.&nbsp; Traits, for example, do this very well.&nbsp; The last part of them is the descriptive text.&nbsp; So you can always do your description, then interrupt it with something like this: ...As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool. Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool of healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for each one. This feature has no effect on undead and constructs. **~~~~~~~~~~** **@{target|token_name}** has Received **?{How much of pool? Curing Diseases or Poisons costs 5 per.}** (of @{other_resource|max} in pool) ?{HP or Cure?|Healing,HP of **Healing**|Cure Disease or Poison,to **Cure Disease**(s) or **Cure Poison**(s) affecting them} }} !modbattr {{ --name Amarissa Coppernick --other_resource|-?{How much of pool? Curing Diseases or Poisons costs 5 per.} }} ! To get ChatSetAttr to deduct your pool of LoH points directly from clicking the trait.&nbsp; But, sadly, Attacks and Spells add more behind the description, and are much more tricksy to work with, especially for API and macro calls.&nbsp; Because the description has more after it. An alternative to adding a freeform section could simply take place by making sure all repeating items have the descriptive content in the very end of the process instead of the middle: ... {{desc=...}} {{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{Amarissa Coppernick|global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{Amarissa Coppernick|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= @{Amarissa Coppernick|charname_output} Would be better serving us this way to meet that objective: ... {{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{Amarissa Coppernick|global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{Amarissa Coppernick|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= @{Amarissa Coppernick|charname_output} {{desc=...}}
Is "The way of the cobalt soul" getting added to Roll20?
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MrLinford said: Is "The way of the cobalt soul" getting added to Roll20? That's up to Critical Role/Green Ronin, the IP holders.
Roll20 Team
TheWebCoder said: It's been a month since I asked this without a reply, so I figured I'd check in again. Is there any way of knowing a request has been heard? Is there anywhere I can look to see the roadmap for this sheet? That would help me know status without having to check in. Thanks. Is there anything on the roadmap for a general update on spell outputs? Currently neither way of outputting spells gives me all of the information I need to resolve spells. If you can add casting time, range, target, components, duration to the attack output that would do it. Or, add the rest of the attack information below the spell card. For example, if a spell card like that for Eldritch Blast had the attack / damage, that would also get the job done. Bonus points if you added a "cast again" text link that simply outputting attack/damage. Then my player could hit Eldritch Blast, I'd see all of the info I need to resolve the spell, and if they're higher level, they could hit "cast again" as needed to resolve the rest of their blasts. Given how casting spells is such a key thing in 5e for PCs and NPCs, I encounter this in every single game that I run or play in. In fact, if you can complete the spell outputs, everything else at that point becomes a quality of life update, at least for me. Hey TheWebCoder, I appreciate your diligence in trying to get the answers to the things you are interested in. While we don't have a public roadmap for the dnd5e character sheet, I can talk about our current list of known bugs that we're working through as well as something related specifically to your other question. Miguel is hard at work implementing a change to how the spell roll templates work. The change will allow you to click a spell from your character sheet and see the same roll template as you do now, but it'll also include a link that can be hovered over to see the full spell details. Clicking that link will send that full details to chat. We wanted to find a balance between offering players a way to display the full spell text vs. keeping your chat log readable. I don't have an exact release date, but I am looking forward to hearing feedback once we can get it into your hands. As far as making sure your opinions and reports are heard, I can't stress enough how important it is to send in bug tickets via the Help Center . While our sheet authors monitor these threads and bring your concerns internal, the Reporting a Bug feature is a surefire way to make sure we see your reports. And now our list of known issues! These are listed in no particular order of importance or progress: Incorrect amount of warlock cantrips while multiclassing Mobile feat overwriting speed Item Modifier Automation Issues (Belt of Hill Giant Strength, Robe of the Archmagi, Stone of Good Luck) Arcana Domain Clerics Selecting Wizard Cantrips UDL Settings for Monsters As a final note, we're also going to be looking at starting a new dnd5e thread in the near future, where we'll be trying a few new things. Such as Miguel posting updates on the things he is working on that week (or possibly bi-weekly).

Edited 1615039267
Variant Option: Skills with Different Abilities Recently started using this Variant option (it's in chapter 7 PHB). This allows you to make a skill check with a specific skill, using the ability score that seems the most fitting and not the one usually associated with it. Here is the text from the PHB: Normally, your proficiency in a skill applies only to a specific kind of ability check. Proficiency in Athletics, for example, usually applies to Strength Checks. In some situations, though, your proficiency might reasonably apply to a different kind of check. In such cases, the DM might ask for a check using an unusual combination of ability and skill, or you might ask your DM if you can apply a proficiency to a different check. For example, if you have to swim from an offshore island to the mainland, your DM might call for a Constitution check to see if you have the stamina to make it that far. In this case, your DM might allow you to apply your proficiency in Athletics and ask for a Constitution (Athletics) check. So if you’re proficient in Athletics, you apply your Proficiency Bonus to the Constitution check just as you would normally do for a Strength (Athletics) check. Similarly, when your Half-Orc Barbarian uses a display of raw Strength to intimidate an enemy, your DM might ask for a Strength (Intimidation) check, even though Intimidation is normally associated with Charisma. So what I'm suggesting is adding an option to make skill checks query what ability score to use with it, or any other system that would allow easy application of this rule. EDIT: And for now, is there an API script or some workaround for me to use before an official implementation?
Roll20 Production Team
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Thanks, Gary. I will take a look at this issue. Gary A. said: Looks like Spell Points when turned on give the wrong cost for each level. Looks like each spell level has the cost for the level above it. Level 1 spells has the cost for level 2 spells, Level 2 has the cost for level 3 spells, etc

Edited 1615225339
Todd &nbsp;said: As far as making sure your opinions and reports are heard, I can't stress enough how important it is to send in bug tickets via the&nbsp; Help Center . While our sheet authors monitor these threads and bring your concerns internal, the Reporting a Bug feature is a surefire way to make sure we see your reports. Thank you for the info. Very helpful, and I mean that. However, I couldn't help but notice your language emphasized that this was "my opinion". And I truly get that; I am one person (of surely what is many) reporting issues, so it is an opinion. However, the way Roll20 is displaying spell outputs from an attack is not the way that 5e has ever displayed spell information in any product they've ever made. I would imagine the reason not many other people bring it up is because it is easy to lookup full spell descriptions in various resources that are available online, however those resources are not always, shall we say, "official". So while this might add a tiny bit of vertical real estate to the spell outputs, it would solve the issue for&nbsp; everyone &nbsp;who uses the 5e sheet having to look in multiple places to resolve each spell that's cast.&nbsp; All of that being said, I greatly appreciate the updates and the insight into your process. I look forward to seeing what you come up with for a happy medium. Please consider full outputs as a sheet setting, if nothing else! Original Request For Context When you cast a spell from the attack panel of the 5e character sheet, with maximum info enabled, the spell description is missing the following: casting time components duration Also, for some odd reason "range" is down at the bottom by the damage output, and then the character's name is way at the bottom. So basically the current layout of the spell output from an attack is some crunch / some fluff / more crunch / more fluff. Instead of that, why not do: CHARACTER NAME SPELL NAME CRUNCH: DC, Damage, etc. (all of the stuff roll20 calculates) FLUFF: casting time, range, components, duration, spell description, i.e. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> You could even make it settings, and the settings should move from "per spell" to the global settings panel: SPELLS SETTINGS Include character name? yes / no How much fluff do you want?: none / simple (everything but the spell description) / full (also include the spell description) EXAMPLE

Edited 1615803660
I think I posted this to the wrong thread before so am putting here as it seems more appropriate ((unfortunately I don't know how to search just this thread - if anyone knows how, feel free to PM me). Feature Request Additional Whisper only to GM Settings: GM Only | GM Only Toggle Is it feasible to add a variant to the "Whisper rolls to DM" functionality that whispers results to the DM but does not show the roll to the player making the roll (ideally with a toggle option)? A few side notes: The use case is to allow players to maintain agency on rolls for their characters while removing meta game information they might gain when making extreme (i.e. very low or very high) rolls. We understand the work-around is to have the DM roll for characters, however this removes a level of player agency.
How do I get to add the correct entry to an NPC so that the list of attacks says Ranged spell attack? The Coldlight Walker in ROTFM has the Cold Ray as a ranged weapon attack, but it is definitely a ranged spell attack. The reason it needs to say SPELL is so that the attack won't be allowed through a Tiny Hut and in areas of anti-magic.
Olivia W. said: Description of issue :&nbsp; Another issue I've had repeatedly is having text disappear from descriptions that I add to spells on the Core page of the character sheet, under "Attacks &amp; Spellcasting". If I add a new ability here, I have no problems. If I alter an existing spell's description on this page however, the text that I input there and under the Save Effect can disappear, seemingly at random. On the Spells page, "Include spell description in attack" is set Off because there is more text than necessary for every use, and this doesn't stop me from adding descriptions on the Core page. I thought maybe that was causing the problem, but there are plenty of times where an alteration will save without issue. Occasionally the text doesn't reset to being blank, but reverts to an older version of what I wrote. Screenshots: I've noticed this same behavior (disappearing descriptive/save text on spells), but it's not random.&nbsp; It happens every time I use the Charactermancer to level up.&nbsp; I have to maintain a "spell tweaks" document to copy them back in after each level up.&nbsp; It might happen at other times, but it always happens for this case.

Edited 1615448775
Brian C.
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Bruce H. said: I've noticed this same behavior (disappearing descriptive/save text on spells), but it's not random.&nbsp; It happens every time I use the Charactermancer to level up.&nbsp; I have to maintain a "spell tweaks" document to copy them back in after each level up.&nbsp; It might happen at other times, but it always happens for this case. If you rename any spells you adjust, the Charactermancer will not match the spell to overwrite it. Even adding a single character to the end of the name is sufficient.
Great workaround, but I still think it's a problem that could be fixed. Thanks for the quick answer!
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The most unobtrusive change would be to add a period after the name.
This is just an idea, idk how possible it is at all, but would you be able to add a custom school for spells or like one that you can type in/fill out the school yourself? I literally have no idea have difficult this is or isn't.
Brian C.
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42 Screaming Goats said: This is just an idea, idk how possible it is at all, but would you be able to add a custom school for spells or like one that you can type in/fill out the school yourself? I literally have no idea have difficult this is or isn't. You can expand a spell (click the "i", then click the cog) and set the spell's school to whatever you want.
Hola. No se si este es el lugar adecuado. Es la primera vez q me meto en el foro. Tengo una pregunta. Se va poder adquirir en el mercado el libro LOS MITOS DE CTHULHU DE SANDY PETERSEN? &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Gracias
I can be pretty vocal when there’s an issue, so thought it was only fair to say the sheets ran beautifully during last night’s game. Thanks for the hard work!

Edited 1615888684
Mancer Issue Class : Rogue Race : Human (Variant) Level : 1 Description of issue :&nbsp; When clicking Apply changes, the character sheet would get stuck on building character. I tried many times to build the character with new sheets, and a friend tried on their pc also. Always same result. Made different types of characters and they all worked fine. So after going through the one character build that was getting stuck, I found out it was the Feat called "Fey Touched" that was causing the problem. I tried other feat and it would build but when I tried "Fey Touched" it would not build. I hope this info helps.
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Although the report will probably be seen here, it might be good to file a&nbsp; Help Center Request .
I have this issue as well and filed a Help Center Request. After some time they got back to me asking for more info. I sent them the requested info. Since this happened at the end of January and I haven't heard anything since I feel that they have abandoned me. Yes file the&nbsp; Help Center Request and good luck, maybe it will finally be resolved.
I've noticed some issues on 5e characters sheets this morning: In red, there are large (and typeable) blank spaces that cannot be reduced in size. Additionally, marked in blue, many of the optional features of the character sheet (piety, hero points, etc.) are stuck "on," regardless of their status in the options. I assume this probably has to do with the new Sheet Enhancements that went live recently. Are these known issues?
Same thing! And some of my macros don't work anymore.
Scott Y. said: I've noticed some issues on 5e characters sheets this morning: In red, there are large (and typeable) blank spaces that cannot be reduced in size. Additionally, marked in blue, many of the optional features of the character sheet (piety, hero points, etc.) are stuck "on," regardless of their status in the options. I assume this probably has to do with the new Sheet Enhancements that went live recently. Are these known issues? I just discovered the same behaviour. It seems like software testing before deployment is widely considered as being old-fashioned.
me and my group noticed some changes in the character sheets -there's now a deity part, which is cool bit should be an optional option due to the amount of space it takes up -a hit dice table is as well viewable, should be an option to hide that - the spell lit is now very spread out, it is annoying to scroll through my spell list compared to what it use to be I hope these things can be fixed and changed soon
Hey folks! We briefly had some issues this morning with the D&amp;D 5e sheet, but they should be resolved at this point. Please let us know if you run into any other problems. Thanks!
Nicholas said: Hey folks! We briefly had some issues this morning with the D&amp;D 5e sheet, but they should be resolved at this point. Please let us know if you run into any other problems. Thanks! Hey, thanks for the quick update! :)
My sheets have extra (useless and unnecessary) vertical and horizontal scroll bars.&nbsp; Here you can see them on a brand new blank sheet:

Edited 1616092078
Mine as well.&nbsp; I noticed that it goes away if you have pop-out windows enabled.&nbsp; The scroll bars are visible when you 'minimize' the sheet as well: My sheets have extra (useless and unnecessary) vertical and horizontal scroll bars.&nbsp; Here you can see them on a brand new blank sheet:
Are NPC Trait roll outputs broken suddenly? %{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_-npc_roll_output} is just giving me an error, whereas before it would give me an NPC's first trait?
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Confirmed. This looks like something was misplaced in the code. %{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_oll_output} works, not&nbsp; %{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_-npc_roll_output}&nbsp; I wouldn't bother re-wrinting any macros. This is something that will likely be handled in a hotfix.
Thanks keithcurtis, glad I'm not just being an idiot!
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No worries. I've reported the issue. I think there were a lot of little things going wrong with the redeploy this morning, so crossing my fingers it'll get fixed soon.
Those useless scroll bars also show up on the token setting screen.&nbsp;&nbsp; While I'm screenshotting that, I'll point out that the Token Bars part of this screen is messed up too.&nbsp;&nbsp;
They're here on the Confirm Deletion dialog box.&nbsp;&nbsp; I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they're on every popup.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Hey folks! We're aware of some styling issues with the VTT and especially the macro bar. We'll be working on getting this fixed as soon as possible. Thank you for the reports!
Also, we're looking into the issues that were reported here and here regarding macros. I'll keep you posted as soon as we have additional information or a potential fix!
Hey everyone! The styling issues with the macro bar and other VTT elements should be fixed now. Please make sure to refresh your browser and clear your cache if you still experience problems. If you continue to have any issues after that, please don't hesitate to let us know. Thanks!
Appreciate the quick/hard work!
Hello, all the names on NPC sheets seem to be centered now instead of left-aligned, is this intended?
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I've reported this as well. It looks accidental, since the intent is to mimic the WotC style.
Hi, there's been a recent update with the 5e sheet, a change to the way currency is tracked. Is this the new format for 5e sheets because it doesn't allow anything above 3-digit values before it just gets really messy. Plus, it looks a bit lower quality compared to the way it looked before. Is there a way to revert this or is this the new norm? Thanks.
Seconded. The currency values are in a much larger font now and no longer vertically centered.
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Thirded. I can easily change them for my own viewing with Stylus, but it needs to be fixed for everyone.