Hello, I'm new to the forum but I've been using the 3.5 sheet for some time and found some problems recently with crit damage calculation. I'll try to make it as understandable as possible, from the problem, to my not-perfect-solution, to the solution that should be changed in the sheet for it to work properly. The problem: My players don't have the correct crit damage calculation in their attacks. The weapon damage in the "extra damage" from the crit is not the same as the weapon, but instead, a strange calculation of: [[ (@{weapon2critmult}-1) ]]d6 As per 3.5 rules, critical damage is: " A critical hit means that you roll your damage more than once, with all your usual bonuses, and add the rolls together. Unless otherwise specified, the threat range for a critical hit on an attack roll is 20, and the multiplier is ×2." I've played with a bit of my interpretation all my life and I know this might be wrong but this is how I do it. There "could" be 2-3 ways of calculating crit damage: -Roll damage OF WEAPON a number times equal to crit of the weapon, add bonuses. (bonuses added once) -Roll damage OF WEAPON, add bonuses, multiply by crit of the weapon. (bonuses added twice, by effect of multiplication) -Roll damage OF WEAPON, add bonuses, and repeat the roll with bonuses as per weapon crit. (bonuses added twice) In any case, no matter how you do it, the WEAPON DAMAGE is the same in the normal attack damage and the crit damage. But for some strange reason, the 3.5 sheet has this "[[ (@{weapon2critmult}-1) ]]d6" as weapon crit damage. This is an attribute without box in the sheet, only visible in the attribute section. Second problem: As you can see in the images above, the crit damage has a multiplicator of 2, being that you should make a normal damage and 1 times crit damage. BUT this multiplication is only applied the de bonuses to damage. In the case that this were a 3x crit weapon, the "roll" wouldn't calculate it right, as it would leave the weapon damage out of the "2 times multiplication" for the extra damage from the crit. (instead of "2 times [weapon damage + bonuses]"; it is doing "weapon damage + 2 times [bonus damage]" ) Hope this makes sense, image above to see example, but the image is a 2x weapon, so the multiplicator is of 1 How I fixed it: For example, in a character that uses a weapon with 2d6 damage, i had to put this line in the " weapon1crit " attribute: [[ (@{weapon1critmult})-1 ]] *(2d6 + ( @{weapon1damagestat}[Weapon Dmg Ability] +@{weapon1enh}[Weapon Enh] +@{weapon1specialize}[Weapon Spec] +?{Power Attack Bonus?|0}[Pwr Attk] +?{Additional Damage Bonus?|0}[Ad'l Dmg Bon])) This line makes 2 things: -Establish the weapon damage in the crit damage part of the calculation as 2d6, the correct ammount. -Allow for the correct multiplication of all the damage+bonuses in case of a >2x crit, with the [[ (@{weapon1critmult})-1 ]] *( at the start. Solution final: -Add a "weapon crit damage" box in the sheet, or make it "pre determined" that the crit damage calculation uses the correct weapon damage -Make sure that the crit calculation multiplies all the damage (or only the roll, as per the rules chosen), instead of only the bonuses to damage. So... yeah. I'm sorry if this is too much, but it's my first time reporting a "bug". Maybe the problem is mine and i would like to hear your opinions on it. UPDATE: I've edited the pages of all my players and results are.... good, but confusing. -Some of them didn't have the weapon1crit atribute in the atribute section. -Some of them had only the weapon1crit -One of them had weaponXcrit, being X the 1, 2, 3 and 4 of respective weapons. And this is being that, at least, each of them has 4-5 weapons.... I have no idea of what is happening anymore, but the fix I made works, so..... that's good?