Here are my biggest gripes... How do you do Interface rolls as a Netrunner? It seems those have to be handled manually...I'm assuming this would be part of the Role support mentioned by TheWebCoder, but just to state it explicitly. I mean, net running is a standard trope in Cyberpunk. Why no Drag and Drop for Roles...again, I think this could be covered by TheWebCoder's comments above. The sheet is extremely hard to use in a game. The design looks good, but is not very functional for actually playing the game. Skills are are hidden until you click the appropriate button, and when you're just starting out, learning the game, there's a lot of hide and seek with skill buttons. To update ammo, money, or just about anything else, you need to put that particular section into Edit mode; I'm to the point where I wonder why I even take the sheet out of Edit much clicking. Missing information in the Compendium. If you search for "Dual Wield", the compendium doesn't return anything. If I search for "Dual Wield" in the PDF, I find the information I'm looking for on page 169. It makes me wonder what other sidebar information may be missing? (Granted the book itself has poor layout, so that could be a contributing factor, but it would be nice to be able to find this information in the compendium, too) EDIT: I had the idea to search the out-of-game compendium and found it, but still couldn't find it via a search; I had to search for another term on the same page in the PDF, then I scrolled up and found it: Still not very user-friendly if I have to search in the PDF first to find some important information that is likely to come up...I haven't met a group yet who doesn't want to attack with a weapon in each hand and know what they can do with that set up...