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A better way to organize pages.

+1  100% would love this in my currently campaigns, would make things easier!
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Marketplace Creator
Add me as a +1 too. In the meanwhile...maybe linking to pages would help? That way we can at least set up an index handout to find stuff.
I would love this!~
Over 6 years and only just now queued? Anyway, adding my vote!
Yes! This.
This would be awesome +1
Just gave my +6 for this feature, sure would be nice to not have to wait 6 more years...
this post is 6 years old, and still not implemented. +1 please.
800+ votes and nothing, nice
David M.
API Scripter
FYI the latest roundtable on Twitch revealed that page folders are in the "design" stage (they teased a screenshot of a possible layout). Also, another highly anticipated feature shown in that screenshot was dark mode. No release date, but it's encouraging!

Edited 1635848754
Sheet Author
Hosts of the show said that this was just a tease of something in the very early stages of development...
David M.
API Scripter
Good point, Vince, I should have made that more clear.
Sheet Author
David M. said: Good point, Vince, I should have made that more clear. I was really just wanting to give everyone some hope (but not TOO much).&nbsp; lol ;-P

Edited 1636489641
vÍnce said: Hosts of the show said that this was just a tease of something in the very early stages of development... David M. said: FYI the latest roundtable on Twitch revealed that page folders are in the "design" stage (they teased a screenshot of a possible layout). Also, another highly anticipated feature shown in that screenshot was dark mode. No release date, but it's encouraging! Well, good! Some progress at least. Here's hoping we see it on the Dev Server soon!
this would be 100% better, instead of me grouping a bunch of small maps on one huge page and lagging the game a ton i could organize smaller maps together. +1
Level 20 Studios
Marketplace Creator
100% this should be at the top of the list for tweaks!&nbsp; Would make things waay easier for homebrew guru's!
📖 Chuck
Marketplace Creator
Been 4 years since this was posted... I was going to make a topic for this myself but then I decided to search the forums and found this here. I beg Roll20 to do this please! I have too many cities and towns that I have to throw into archives, but I still want to make them available to players later on.
Would definitely be nice to have this implemented. Organization would be a lot less of a nightmare!
+1 from me. I cannot even begin to comprehend how much easier this would make my life and game management tasks so much simpler.
Just throwing my support behind map organization. I'm running an admittedly large campaign and it is getting quite difficult to keep things neat and accessible. I've taken to coding maps of a certain group with a similar prefix so they alphabetize together, but it is still quite messy in the end of the day.
As quoted from another, but still related thread: Gold said: Roll20's staff announced at Roll20CON last weekend, a version of what you're asking is coming, on the horizon. It will be called "Page Categories" and will have functionality matching both tags-tagging, and Folders. It's been a popular suggestion over the years, so there are other Threads for this topic too, but the good news is Roll20 Dev are working on it actively. I hope so, I'll believe it when I see it on the Dev server.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
+1 I'm really struggling with my 5E campaign maps now. I try to delete maps I don't need but even so I end up having to scroll around to find the one I want to be on, and sometimes put the players on the wrong map! Yes, ok, I suck :) Quality of life will always take a back seat, unfortunately: a. how much money do Roll20 make if they implement this change? zero b. How much money do Roll20 make if they release a new book? greater than zero Great to hear this is "on the way" though, looking-forward to it.
Manny L. said: +1 I'm really struggling with my 5E campaign maps now. I try to delete maps I don't need but even so I end up having to scroll around to find the one I want to be on, and sometimes put the players on the wrong map! Yes, ok, I suck :) Quality of life will always take a back seat, unfortunately: a. how much money do Roll20 make if they implement this change? zero b. How much money do Roll20 make if they release a new book? greater than zero Great to hear this is "on the way" though, looking-forward to it. You forgot c. How much do Roll20 loose by people getting fed up with lack of feature improvements and move to other VTT's that have had this feature from the start? greater then zero.
I have never made a post in the forums before, but I knew this topic was the first thing I needed to look for. &nbsp;I have been paying and playing for close to a year now and I have found that the need for folders is at the top of my list for improvements for GMs. &nbsp;It would nice to have a place to put past maps in the event someone goes back there. &nbsp;It would be nice to have folders for organizing multi map plots. &nbsp;I do not know how hard it would be to implement, but I do know that it would be a massive quality of life improvement for people who not only like to keep things organized, but to keep track of things once the stories get longer and longer.
+1 folder for maps needed!! Roll20 kindly step up their organizational abilities&nbsp;
+1 How is this not done already? Six years to add such basic needed functionality?
Following up on this, being able to put my maps into folders would be very useful. Or being able to move my maps into folders with character sheets would make life easier.&nbsp; Then I can put all the stuff for an evening in one place.
Organizing maps into folders along with other relevant assets to that module or map would be very useful... and common sense.&nbsp; Running a good campaign is all about having organised and categorised material.
This is sorely needed Roll20!
+1 for the suggestion.
+1 This is a basic function that should've already been implemented years ago
Still waiting. . .
Throwing my support behind this, especially since some of the add ons that come with DnD 5e books include maps.&nbsp; Fizban's comes with like 16 of 'em that don't have a name to indicate the source.
I didn't see this and I just started a forum of my own
Allowing you to create folders for the maps is so obvious, and so useful, and so ... well ... universal in other map managing tools I've seen, I can't understand why it's been in development on R20 for years but has never arrived.&nbsp; (Did the programmer working on it quit, maybe?) PLEASE just DO IT!&nbsp; We're hurting out here under the burden of too-many-pages! Setting up the code to load the pages incrementally, with pages buried in folders loaded only when needed, would be a mere matter of programming.&nbsp; So, arguments that keeping the map dropdown tight discourages GMs from creating too many maps really don't seem convincing. The dropdown improved a lot when it went to two rows with vertical scrolling but oh man it desperately needs folders.
Roll20 pls
They should take advantage since they are getting a better way to save the maps, create the Folder for the Rollable Tables and the Folder for Macros at once to better organize those 2 areas and not accumulate them.
So Roll20's Technical Officer says we may see "UI and Ease of Use improvements such as a full revamp of the Page Menu..." I hope this is what I think it is and isn't folderol.
Dear God, please do this. It must be simple to do. We always have premium, But I can't put a map inside a folder.&nbsp; it would make life so much easier.&nbsp;
This would be awesome +1
I vote yea!&nbsp; This is the first post I've done, as it's the first time I've seen a need.&nbsp; I see I'm far from the first in asking for this though...
this would save so much time please do it. surely it cant be that hard +1
+1 Yes, please!
So I got a little polling widget that popped up just as I logged out of my game last week. It asked me what I thought was the most important new feature/function to add to the tool: map page organization was listed among a set of radio buttoned options. Of course I clicked it. Here's hoping we see an implementation on the Dev Server soon!
+1 for this.