Hey team, trying to bust out the character portrait & name first when the skill (or whatever) generates on the sidebar for the M&M character sheet. My current macro is:
!power {{
--name|Test of Skill
^^?{Use Skill|Acrobatics, **Acrobatics:** [[1d20+@{selected|Acrobatics}]]|Athletics, **Athletics:** [[1d20+@{selected|Athletics}]]|Deception, **Deception:** [[1d20+@{selected|Deception}]]|Expertise, **Expertise:** [[1d20+@{selected|Expertise-1}]]|Insight, **Insight:** [[1d20+@{selected|Insight}]]|Intimidation, **Intimidation:** [[1d20+@{selected|Intimidation}]]|Investigation, **Investigation:** [[1d20+@{selected|Investigation}]]|Perception, **Perception:** [[1d20+@{selected|Perception}]]|Persuasion, **Persuasion:** [[1d20+@{selected|Persuasion}]]|Sleight of Hand, **Sleight of Hand:** [[1d20+@{selected|Sleight-of-hand}]]|Stealth, **Stealth:** [[1d20+@{selected|Stealth}]]|Technology, **Technology:** [[1d20+@{selected|Technology}]]|Treatment, **Treatment:** [[1d20+@{selected|Treatment}]]|Vehicles, **Vehicles:** [[1d20+@{selected|Vehicles}]]}
(Sorry, I don't know how to do that cool gray background that can scroll that you guys do).
I assume I need to place the command in between
!power {{ and
--name|, but not sure how to go about it. I thought it was
--charid|, but doesn't seem to be working. Also, I would like to give them the option to change the output color to make it unique to their characters (right now they are all purple). A quick and dirty command line for that would be appreciated if it is possible. (Apologies if this is redundant and I have overlooked it. Just getting my bearings in the Powercard department).