If you're unsure of how to use the Roll20's roll out of the Monster Manual, please see our companion wiki page.
Paddywan said:
Ancient and Adult Dragons, at least the 3 I've checked are missing their normal actions. The same is true for many other monsters which have legendary actions, those are shown but their normal actions are not.
Mark P. said:
When I drag two of the same type of monster over on to the map from the MM, I get two tokens, but only a single Journal entry. Is that normal?
The 1st token I tried didnt have the correct DC saves on his lighting breath.(Adult Bronze Dragon)
Kristin C. said:
Known Issues
There is a known cosmetic issue in-app where monster entries that exist in both the SRD and in the Monster Manual won't show the correct source (They'll show up as SRD instead of MM1) and also not have their token thumbnail listed; however, the entries will still link to their Monster Manual counterparts and will not affect their drag and drop abilities in game.
Rob said:
Ogre Zombie - another that isn't properly done- says SRD, drag and drop works with token, but the token doesn't have stats
Nothic - missing speed in red bar
hook horror - missing speed in red bar
noticing pattern here- did you guys not keep the same formatting that Volos did (which had the red bar set as speed- at least for some of them)
Beholder - missing attacks and Anti-Magic cone listed in wrong spot (that is listed under attacks rather than above it)
Azer - token has no stats
Remorhaz & Young Remorhaz - token has no stats
Umberhulk - token has no stats
Loren S. said:
So far, every token that I have tried to make is missing stats (I am using the OGL sheet):This isn't the end of the world for me, as I use Tokenmod macros (thanks Aaron!!!) to set up each token I use exactly the way I want, but it would be handy if these came with stats on them. Either that or something is broken in my game and the tokens aren't coming in as intended.
- Giant Sea Horse
- Githzerai Zerth
- Githzerai Monk
- Githyanki Warrior
- Githyanki Knight
- Gnoll Pack Lord
- Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu
- Grell
- Grick Alpha
- Hook Horror
- Intellect Devourer
Bora A. said:
I think the sizing of the small and tiny monsters aren't preset? The tokens for 'small' monsters that I use are set as one unit and the 'tiny' tokens are half that size.
If I'm not mistaken small should be roughly half a unit and tiny a quarter?
This also seems to be the case with the Volo's tokens.
Steve K. said:
As in the response above this one, I'm not able to reproduce this problem. Can you provide more information.
Steve K. said:
Loren S. said:
So far, every token that I have tried to make is missing stats (I am using the OGL sheet):This isn't the end of the world for me, as I use Tokenmod macros (thanks Aaron!!!) to set up each token I use exactly the way I want, but it would be handy if these came with stats on them. Either that or something is broken in my game and the tokens aren't coming in as intended.
- Giant Sea Horse
- Githzerai Zerth
- Githzerai Monk
- Githyanki Warrior
- Githyanki Knight
- Gnoll Pack Lord
- Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu
- Grell
- Grick Alpha
- Hook Horror
- Intellect Devourer
As in the response above this one, I'm not able to reproduce this problem. Can you provide more information.
Franky H. said:
Could this be the same issue noted here: https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/4201884/volos-guide-to-monsters-official-bug-thread/?pageforid=4310963#post-4310963
Andrew said:
I'm also on Chrome and monsters I pull out do not have statted tokens. However, if I use Private Browsing, the problem goes away. Occasionally, I've found that using the LastPass Chrome Extension causes a myriad of problems in Roll20 (character sheet slowdown, script issues, etc). Last time this sort of thing happened, it eventually went away (I'm assuming LastPass pushed an update, not Roll20).
Miodziek said:
Multiple monsters are missing actions when I'm using 5e Shaped sheet. It seems to work only with OGL. I'm disappointed because I want to keep using Shaped.
Which monsters? I've tried several on a game with the shaped sheet and they've worked. Maybe I've been lucky.
Loren S. said:
Franky H. said:
Could this be the same issue noted here: https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/4201884/volos-guide-to-monsters-official-bug-thread/?pageforid=4310963#post-4310963
If so, it would be because of campaign size, and not because it is based on SKT. This campaign was begun over a year ago, so it is very large, but is not based on SKT.
Miodziek said:
Which monsters? I've tried several on a game with the shaped sheet and they've worked. Maybe I've been lucky.
Winged Kobold and Goblin Boss for example. Winged Kobold missing all attacks, Goblin Boss missing melee javelin and scimitar attacks. Both seem to work well when I'm using OGL.
Shaped converts monsters from the OGL format. If you believe there is a mistake please report it on my issue tracker with the monsters that didn't work specified. I'd highly recommend waiting until 9.0.1 is released by roll20 (roll20 pull requests on github)Miodziek said:
Multiple monsters are missing actions when I'm using 5e Shaped sheet. It seems to work only with OGL. I'm disappointed because I want to keep using Shaped.
Vince Dizzle said:
I'm having trouble just importing certain monsters onto my table top. I've tried multiple browsers, laptops, and certain ones still do not show up (e.g. aarakocra, acolyte, ankheg, etc.). Has anyone else had this problem? If so how did you fix it?
Steve K. said:
Rob said:
Ogre Zombie - another that isn't properly done- says SRD, drag and drop works with token, but the token doesn't have stats
Nothic - missing speed in red bar
hook horror - missing speed in red bar
noticing pattern here- did you guys not keep the same formatting that Volos did (which had the red bar set as speed- at least for some of them)
Beholder - missing attacks and Anti-Magic cone listed in wrong spot (that is listed under attacks rather than above it)
Azer - token has no stats
Remorhaz & Young Remorhaz - token has no stats
Umberhulk - token has no stats
The OGL 5E Sheet is set to have HP in bar 1 and AC in bar 2. I plan on adding additional logic to make this customizable in the future.
As for tokens not showing up with stats at all, I'm unable to recreate that problem. Can you give more information, including your OS, Browser, Version, and details about the game you're dropping these monsters into?
Does this problem happen in a fresh blank game?
Steve K. said:
Thank you to everyone who provided more information. It helped me track down the issues. Tokens should no longer be propagating without being filled out first and complicated monsters like the Beholder should have their sheets filled out with all of it's Actions and Traits. Let me know if you run into any trouble.
I just tested dragging and dropping monsters that aren't working in my older game into a new game and they worked. Is there any way to fix this problem so older games can use the full stats and character sheets? I have already put a lot of time into my campaign on roll20 and I don't want to start over from scratch.Adrian D. said:
So I've found that in newer games the tokens work fine and the sheets are fully statted. However, in an older game the tokens do not have stats and the character sheet is not filled out.
Legacy issue?
Agreed. It would be nice not to have to re-enter everything. I've tried copying my old game to see if a new copy would fix the problem. It does not.Vince Dizzle said:
I just tested dragging and dropping monsters that aren't working in my older game into a new game and they worked. Is there any way to fix this problem so older games can use the full stats and character sheets? I have already put a lot of time into my campaign on roll20 and I don't want to start over from scratch.Adrian D. said:
So I've found that in newer games the tokens work fine and the sheets are fully statted. However, in an older game the tokens do not have stats and the character sheet is not filled out.
Legacy issue?
Removing the monster that didn't import correctly and re-importing it is the only fix. We appologize for the inconvienence.Vince Dizzle said:
I just tested dragging and dropping monsters that aren't working in my older game into a new game and they worked. Is there any way to fix this problem so older games can use the full stats and character sheets? I have already put a lot of time into my campaign on roll20 and I don't want to start over from scratch.Adrian D. said:
So I've found that in newer games the tokens work fine and the sheets are fully statted. However, in an older game the tokens do not have stats and the character sheet is not filled out.
Legacy issue?
Steve K. said:
Removing the monster that didn't import correctly and re-importing it is the only fix. We appologize for the inconvienence.Vince Dizzle said:
I just tested dragging and dropping monsters that aren't working in my older game into a new game and they worked. Is there any way to fix this problem so older games can use the full stats and character sheets? I have already put a lot of time into my campaign on roll20 and I don't want to start over from scratch.Adrian D. said:
So I've found that in newer games the tokens work fine and the sheets are fully statted. However, in an older game the tokens do not have stats and the character sheet is not filled out.
Legacy issue?
Vince Dizzle said:
Steve K. said:
Removing the monster that didn't import correctly and re-importing it is the only fix. We appologize for the inconvienence.Vince Dizzle said:
I just tested dragging and dropping monsters that aren't working in my older game into a new game and they worked. Is there any way to fix this problem so older games can use the full stats and character sheets? I have already put a lot of time into my campaign on roll20 and I don't want to start over from scratch.Adrian D. said:
So I've found that in newer games the tokens work fine and the sheets are fully statted. However, in an older game the tokens do not have stats and the character sheet is not filled out.
Legacy issue?
How do I re-import the monsters that aren't working? Is there a help document for that process?
Oh I can't even do that because some of the creatures don't drag and drop from the compendium, therefore I can't import them at all.Steve K. said:
Vince Dizzle said:
Steve K. said:
Removing the monster that didn't import correctly and re-importing it is the only fix. We appologize for the inconvienence.Vince Dizzle said:
I just tested dragging and dropping monsters that aren't working in my older game into a new game and they worked. Is there any way to fix this problem so older games can use the full stats and character sheets? I have already put a lot of time into my campaign on roll20 and I don't want to start over from scratch.Adrian D. said:
So I've found that in newer games the tokens work fine and the sheets are fully statted. However, in an older game the tokens do not have stats and the character sheet is not filled out.
Legacy issue?
How do I re-import the monsters that aren't working? Is there a help document for that process?
If you delete the monster from your journal and then do the drag and drop from the compendium to the tabletop it will re-import the monster.
Steve K. said:
If you delete the monster from your journal and then do the drag and drop from the compendium to the tabletop it will re-import the monster.
Steve K. said:
If you delete the monster from your journal and then do the drag and drop from the compendium to the tabletop it will re-import the monster.
I've tried this. It does not work. Not only that, brand new monsters that I haven't imported before still show no stats in the character sheet.
Kristin C. said:
Adrian, can you share the name of the game that is giving you the drag and drop issues so we can take a look at it?
That did the trick! Thank you for the assistance.Kristin C. said:
When it comes to auto-generating a character journal from the Compendium (whether that's from Volo's, the Monster Manual, or the SRD), the entry is supplied to the journal once. If you try to drag and drop the creature again from the Compendium to the Tabletop, it'll check to see if a character journal entry already exists. If one does, it will only place a token (if the entry is from Volo's or the MM which comes with token art) on the Tabletop. The character journal isn't overwritten.
Therefore, if you're trying to pull in new monsters that weren't working before we ran a sheet patch fix, you'll need to delete the existing character journal for that monster and re-drag and drop the entry from the Compendium.
Mark P. said:
Orc - Has a Javelin attack for both Melee and Ranged. This does not match the hardback MM where the melee attack is a Greataxe. You can manually amend it but for a product which cost close to £50 there really shouldn't be this many issues with the monster stats and actions, particularly given this was the key selling point of the product (to prevent us having to manually edit things and make it quicker to set up). Disappointing.
Kristin C. said:
Thanks, Adrian. I made a copy of that game and dragged and dropped some monsters from the MM and they were able to transfer over without any issue. What this suggests is that something browser-side on your end is likely disrupting the Javascript running that allows the drag and drop to work completely.
If you haven't done so yet, I would try clearing your cache and disabling any extensions you might have running in the background to make sure that isn't causing additional problems with your game.
We're finding that old caches of character sheets can cause issues here since the drag and drop dunctionality is reliant on the character sheet's logic.
UPDATE: I dug through it again, it looks like all your journal entries are hidden from view in the journal tab. I can bring them up if I ALT+doubleclick on a token to pull the journal up, but it's not something you can locate under the journal tab. Was this an issue before or after you started testing bringing in MM creatures?