Kryx, I have noticed the per recharge (e.g. on 5-6) isn't rolling and recharging uses anymore on a turn switch. I've added it to your tracker, but I wanted to put it here too, in case other users have seen this issue or can provide troubleshooting. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Create new sheet, e.g. Dragon. Link Sheet to Dragon token. Create new action that has limited uses (1/1) with (1) per use. e.g. Fire Breath Set recharge uses to Recharge 5-6 Pull another creature into map area, e.g. Hero. Hero and Dragon roll initiative, are on tracker. Dragon uses Fire Breath. API depletes use from sheet, showing (0/1) uses for Fire Breath. Dragon ends turn. Hero's turn comes. Hero ends turn. Dragon's turn comes. Expected result: GM prompt that ability has or has not recharged, and shows the d6 dice roll. Returned result: No prompt. No recharge of ability, nor readout of dice roll. API Output; "5eShapedScript 1518050162644 INFO : {\"name\":\"sheet_chat_output\",\"current\":\"\",\"max\":\"\",\"_id\":\"-L0cAR6h1SkJwjSVFuAG\",\"_type\":\"attribute\",\"_characterid\":\"-KyZEZAT6g4N7JqYrLtA\"}" Further turns display same result, and return above line in API Output. No other Recharge # setting appears to work. All recharge settings return above line. Other Script recharges and their prompts currently work without issue (e.g. short rest, long rest, arrow recovery) Using sheet v15.7.4 Using Script v11.5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^