Rather than a manual updating system through pastebin, it would be more sensible for someone to set up a github, add each of arioch, havoc, and richard as contributors* and then when you make changes just update the github. Then everyone is always working on the same sheet, and versioning is handled automatically.
*Since Victors sheet is a completely different beast, it makes sense to keep that separate, unless some compatibility scripting is added to facilitate switching between them. But arioch, havoc, and richard are each working on a branch of the same sheet, so it makes sense to make it easier to collaborate in this way.
Then when changes are made, and you're happy with them, someone can copy the sheet over to the official roll20 repository. So you'd have one github reporository for shared building the sheet, and the official one for submitting whenever it seems worthwhile. i know of at least two sheets in roll20 that have used this approach.