Hi, Drespar, welcome back!
Drespar said:
From Brian's Post:
I apologize. The majority of my testing is done with tokens that do not emit light. I did experiment with a light-emitting token with the AFoW view distance not set, and the token's light does clear the fog of war (including the dim light portion when the page option is set), but any other light-emitting tokens not owned by the player are still ignored. So resolved issue 13 is partially fixed in that it only works for light from the player's token rather than all light sources.
Add to that the removal of other light sources' ability to clear fog of war for a player, and this has been a debilitating update.
I believe this is mentioned in Known Issue 14. Does the description there adequately describe what you are mentioning? To that end, the issue is very high on the priority list along with Z-ordering and Ctrl+L functionality
KI14 says:
Tokens without a light source but with sight do not continue to see revealed areas after the light source is gone or if they move away from the light source. The greyed-out revealed AFoW area does not stay revealed, and instead reverts to being opaque black. (Added Mar 8)
It is possible that is what I am referring to, but it is difficult to test right now because KI 17 is potentially blocking us seeing the lights in the first place.
Let's set up a player token with sight that does not emit light and place other light sources on the map as well. One light will be tied to a character sheet to avoid KI 15 "Tokens that are not assigned to a character sheet do not emit light when AFoW is on. (Added Mar 20, high priority)", but I also included a light source that does not have a character sheet just for fun.
The green light on the left is attached to a character sheet not controlled by any player. The blue light on the right is not attached to a character sheet. The player token in the middle is controlled by "All Players" so that I can use it when I rejoin as a player. The lights are on the token layer so that we can easily see them from the player side of things. There are some DL-blocking lines to the right of what we are looking at. They do not come into play until the last image though.

Here are the token and page settings. The bottom-left and bottom-right settings are for the left and right lights, respectively. The upper-right token settings are for the player token. The page settings are in the middle.

Now, rejoining as player, this is our first view of the world. This is what I am referring to in the previous post (and what you are asking for clarification): the other light sources are ignored for the purposes of clearing fog of war. This is not correct behavior. I was not testing without a token's AFoW reveal distance off before, but this problem may have been introduced with the May 19 patch. That is when AFoW blocked any squares a player token could not see the middle of with its own illumination. This incorrect behavior could be entirely from KI 17 "Advanced Fog of War Cells obstruct token Dynamic Lighting Vision (Added April 12)".

Now, because of a workaround introduced by Roll20 (KI 19.2), the player token will still clear 1 square of fog of war even though we cannot see anything. So we can rake the token around until we clear the fog of war and are finally able to see the lights. The player token is not hiding behind a wall at the bottom of the screen, I just ended up moving the token along that path. You can see both lights, and the revealed fog of war around it. Now, since we can see both lights, one attached to a character sheet and 1 not attached to a character sheet, I am not sure how to replicate KI 15. Either it is no longer a problem, or the text does not fully describe the issue. Because of its timing right after the Mar 19 update, it is possible that KI 15 and KI 17 are actually describing the same issue. Since we can see the blue light that lacks a character sheet when the fog of war is cleared, it is possible KI 15 was not fully described correctly.

Finally, we move the token partially behind the DL-blocking lines to see the interaction for an area that has been revealed previously. The vision line cuts the blue light's illumination in half. The bottom right portion of the blue token's light, blocked by the DL lines, instead shows the desaturated map of revealed fog of war.

KI 14 is sort of impossible to test at this point, at least from the user end. Since the Mar 19 patch blocked vision of other light sources if the player token has not cleared the fog of war, an area cannot be revealed by the other light sources, so it does not get the opportunity to be hidden again. In this example, the player token cleared the fog of war, so the fog of war grey stays after the player token moves behind a DL line. So is the light failing to clear fog of war, or is KI 17 blocking fog of war from being revealed by the other light sources?
KI 15 seems to not actually be an issue, or it seems like a different interpretation of KI 17. Based on that, it seems like KIs 14, 17, and possibly 18 "AFoW View Distance invisibly and automatically defaults to 0 (Added April 13)" are actually where the highest priority should be to get AFoW fully working again (ignoring for a moment all the non-lighting things this series of updates has broken).
- KI 14 would allow other light sources to clear fog of war.
- KI 17 would allow vision of illuminated areas all the way up to the DL-blocking lines.
- KI 18 may be artificially blocking vision by invisibly setting a token's blank AFoW view distance to 0.
...snip... Previously, AFoW view distance had to be set for DL-illuminated squares within range to clear the fog of war. If AFoW view distance was not set, DL did not clear fog of war at all. Now the AFoW view distance clears everything in range regardless of illumination. This might be less of an issue for people with ongoing games. It is a larger issue for existing adventures on the marketplace with tokens that provide sight to players (such as my example above or pre-gen characters).
For this section are you speaking to before the initial update or during an interim period?
This refers to before the Jan 29 update. In this image from last year (that I showed previously in this thread), the player token is a 1x1 image hidden in the corner of the map. The character token is not controlled by any player and is set to all players see light. As the GM moves the character token, it clears the fog of war. The AFoW view distance on the player token had to be set to cover the entire map for this scenario to work. Blank meant the players could see the character token and its light, but fog of war was not cleared. An AFoW view distance of half the length of the map meant that the players could always see the character token and its light, but it stopped clearing fog of war roughly halfway across the map.

This is the correct behavior that has been lost. Pre Jan-29, all illuminated squares visible by a player token cleared fog of war. It is possible that KI 14 actually does describe this, but the change of behavior in AFoW view distance, coupled with KI 17 (and possibly KI 14) makes it difficult to test. The exact same settings post Jan 29 now gives this picture because of the change to AFoW view distance while DL is also active. Post Jan 29, AFoW view distance clears the fog of war up to the view distance regardless of whether a player-controlled token has seen an illuminated square.

This introduces a question of how to fix KI 18. If the default for a token's blank AFoW view distance changes from 0 to infinite for example, does that mean that a blank AFoW view distance will reveal the entire map if no DL lines are in the way since AFoW view distance now clears the map regardless of light? What is the correct set of page and token settings going to be to get the pre Jan 29 behavior back? This example may seem a bit weird, but if the pre Jan 29 behavior can be replicated, than it will cover a lot of scenarios with 5e human adventures in poorly-lit dungeons.