Token Bar Redesign
We've done a bit of a redesign of the token bars after Get a New Look came out. There were some changes to the token bars that weren't user-friendly and after listening to your feedback on them, we've made the following changes:
- The token bars are no longer spread far apart. They stack one on top of the next.
- They now appear in the previous order (Bar 1 on top, Bar 2 in the middle, and Bar 3 on bottom).
- The bottom-most token bar overlaps the top of the token.
- You can include values over the max and below 0 in the radial menus, and the information will display without overlapping to the left or right of the token (see below). We've set the bars to ignore information that's in parentheses.
- Token bars no longer overlap status icons when the status icons are positioned on top.
How It Works
As before, you can set the values of the bars to have a current and max value, or to pull those values from a character sheet. You can set the current value to more than the maximum, and you can set the current value to a negative value. When you do this, a "+" or "-" icon will display in the bar:
You can now also include information in parentheses or text, and can include decimal points:
Finally, by default, the current and max values for your bars will display as text on the bar:
That might end up looking a bit cluttered, so we added options to turn them off.
In the Advanced tab on the Edit Token options, you can select a value for the Text Overlay:
- Hidden: Nobody sees it, including you.
- Visible to Editors: Only players who can control the token (and GMs) see the text.
- Visible to Everyone: All players can see the text overlay.
These are also now available in the Game Default Settings in your campaign's Game Settings page under Player Permissions.