We've upgraded a significant code library, which may cause unexpected issues. These may affect out-of-game pages, rather than the VTT, and are mainly related to raw HTML appearing in unusual places.
Please report here if you find any issues in the forum, wiki, LFG, campaign forums, your profile, campaign settings page, or marketplace pages outside of the VTT. We will be hotfixing throughout the week as these minor issues show up.
Known Issues (updated 5/29):
- The date picker previous/next buttons are missing (used for previous/next games). There is still a link you can click, but the buttons are invisible.
- The External Journal link returns a Page Not Found
The personal notifications cannot be cleared from the Home page, but can be cleared elsewhere on the site.(Fixed May 29)- For some users, personal notifications cannot be clicked on.
API scripts are returning an error for some users.(Fixed May 28, Additional Hotfix May 29)- Raw HTML or unescaped symbols appearing in:
Source filters in the compendium(Fixed May 24)Game description on the game details page(Fixed May 24)Patch notes when patching a module/addon(Fixed May 24)Notification emails from Roll20(Fixed May 24)Add-Ons dropdown and list in the Game Details pageLFG game listing descriptionAPI descriptionsThe button at the bottom of the Add New Game page has turned into a standard hyperlink. Workaround: Use the button at the top of the page.(Fixed May 24)When you visit the wiki, you are logged out of Roll20. Logging back in from the wiki will not persist.(Fixed May 23)When the GM has shared their compendium in a game, the PHB content is not available to users who don't own the PHB. (This happens inside the VTT and is high priority to fix)(Fixed May 23)Some users are reporting an error trying to login ("NoMethodError"). The workaround is to use the login from another page, such as the forum. This is a high priority to fix.(fixed May 22)The Pickup Games list is not updatingAll topics view in forum has unescaped charactersCopying games with tags does not completeWeb-based compendium does not load searchable sections such as spells, creatures, etc.
May 23 Hotfix:
- Users are no longer logged out when going to the wiki. Please note that you may have been logged out this morning during the code push, but your login should persist now.
- Users who have access to the PHB through compendium sharing can now access PHB content.
May 24 Hotfix:
Fixed the following issues
- The End-of-page "I'm Ready, Create Game!" Button in creating/copying a new game was non-functional
- The Compendium Source had unescaped "&" symbols
- The game tags had unescaped characters and did not search on the full tag
- The Game Details page had unescaped HTML in Description
- The Patch notes for modules and addons displayed raw HTML
- The "Your Roll20 Notifications" emails contained raw HTML
May 24 Hotfix:
- API Broke when using certain character sheets (such as D&D 3.5)
May 29 Hotfix:
- API scripts failed for character sheets that were improperly UTF-8 encoded
- Personal notifications could not be dismissed from the home page, but were still working on other pages.