I am in the same boat Aaron. It is a holiday weekend so I would not expect anything new on this until mid week.
I am in the same boat Aaron. It is a holiday weekend so I would not expect anything new on this until mid week.
I am pretty sure it isn't the sheet. My 5th edition game does it and even a game without a sheet has the same issue.
라브 said:
All the sheet specific dice roll results disappear when you view chat log through "View all chat entries for this game »"
Here is an example with Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition) sheet (I've also checked Paranoia (Mongoose Edition) and inSANe sheets and they disappear as well)
Having the same issue. All sheet rolls using roll templates are missing... Also, "some" API generated chat text shows, but some doesn't.
Hi Brandon!
Are you using an API script to achieve this behavior? If so, double check the API section to make sure everything is still running as expected. We are aware of various issues affecting API scripts that causes then not to run.
Brandon G. said:
Haven't had a chance to read everything, but previously when a token's hp bar dropped to 0 it would auto X the token, however this functionality no longer appears to be working? Is this a known issue or did something change regarding this functionality in the last update?
Hi GiGs,
Could you elaborate on how you are deleting the token? Are you simply removing the default token from the sheet or are you taking additional steps that contribute to this behavior? Thanks!
GiGs said:
I also have, and still had another weird error:
If I delete the default token, and add a new one, the game stops responding. In the console I see these messages flowing by constantly:
If I refresh the browser page, it keeps going. If I exit the campaign, and launch again, it has stopped and behaves properly. As long as i dont change a default token.
Campaign ID: 4663505
I wasn't deleting the token from the map. I was opening the character, clicking Edit to get at the settings, and deleting the default token from the Token section, and then adding the currently selected token back in: The basic process you follow to update a character's default token.
Still being logged out about every 24 hours, across multiple devices, despite clearing cache and cookies.
reporting an issue with the notification for games and forums, where we cannotr interact with them either by going to see them or to go and delete them. i was told to come here to say this is also happening to me
@Anon, that is a known issue and only occurs while you are on the main page of the site. Pop over to the forums or your profile page, for example, and you can interact with the Notifications as normal until they get it fixed.
Gotcha! Is this something you can reproduce with uploaded token art to your game? I was able to reproduce this on my end but only with the default "blue guy" token that is automatic upon character sheet creation.
GiGs said:
I wasn't deleting the token from the map. I was opening the character, clicking Edit to get at the settings, and deleting the default token from the Token section, and then adding the currently selected token back in: The basic process you follow to update a character's default token.
Drespar said:
Gotcha! Is this something you can reproduce with uploaded token art to your game? I was able to reproduce this on my end but only with the default "blue guy" token that is automatic upon character sheet creation.
GiGs said:
I wasn't deleting the token from the map. I was opening the character, clicking Edit to get at the settings, and deleting the default token from the Token section, and then adding the currently selected token back in: The basic process you follow to update a character's default token.
Ahh that's interesting. Yes, it only happened when i used the default blue guy.
Jesse R. said:
@Anon, that is a known issue and only occurs while you are on the main page of the site. Pop over to the forums or your profile page, for example, and you can interact with the Notifications as normal until they get it fixed.
That was the case but for some reason its not doing it on any page for me anymore.
I can't clear the notifications from the home page or any other page right now.
@Kreeg That is new behavior and I can confirm it's happening to me as well. I am unable to view or dismiss any notifications from this page.
Hi everyone!
We just put out an update which should address the API issues users were describing. Let me know if you are still running into issues! :)
@Drespar, The update hasn't fixed either of my games (2955463, 3647430). Both are using Diana P's D&D 3.5 character sheets. I tried removing all scripts and just adding a script from Roll20 API Script Library (like Ammo).... but I still get this:
Your scripts are currently disabled due to an error that was detected. Please make appropriate changes to your scripts and click the "Save Script" button and we'll attempt to start running them again. More info...
For reference, the error message generated was: Error downloading scripts (probably no scripts exist for campaign.)
okay, so let me run down my games:
3766084 ( D&D 3.5E sheet ) - No API,
4677235 (no sheet) - no API,
4310961 (5ed Sheet) - no API,
611545 (D&D 3.5E sheet) - no API,
4000499 (Burn Bryte sheet) - No API,
601683 (D&D 3.5E sheet) - no API.
I have not had access to API on any of my games since the 21st.
I have cleared my cookies twice (the last time after today's update).
Just to be thorough, I use chrome and it is updated to the latest version. I have also tried all of these games in the latest version of firefox.
Thank you for that info! Sorry to hear that the issue has not been fully resolved! I have passed the above info along (again in some cases) to get some additional eyes on it.
Moving thread here for multiple reports of issues with Dice Rolls and the Chat Log.
Link to thread: https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/7479861/
Starting report:
키츠 said:
I'm using Chrome in Window 7, but this also happens to some other people as well.
The chat log doesn't display dice rolls.
I've tried clearing chat archive as a GM and web browser cache as it was suggested on the forum.
Is there any way to fix it?
Z and Shift-Z are currently not working in my games to show art/tokens full screen to players. Here is a link to my complete console log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/200xy9a09h5d5cu/Bug%20Report%20Console%20Log.txt?dl=0
I think the pertinent info is the errors that popped up first after pressing Z and then Shift-Z.
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Thanks Loren,
I am seeing this behavior as well-- I have submitted a bug report to the devs to get things sorted out.
skepickle said:
The "Release Notes for May 28, 2019" post in Announcements states that the API has been fixed for 3.5 character sheets. This is not true. To test, I just now created a brand-new game (4703063) using Diana P's character sheet and it exhibits the same symptoms as my existing 3.5e games... Did something change in the backend that makes certain character sheet syntax illegal or something? If so, can this be rolled back somehow?
Still seeing the same as well. API still broke with the 3.5 sheets.
Update: Did another restart of the API sandbox and now all of the scripts are working for my D&D3.5 game (4085057)
Hi Skepickle and Aaron,
We just put a second hotfix for API scripts, could you give it another go?
To everyone!
Notifications should now function properly from the home page again :)
Either the latest hotfix or some change in the last 40 hours appears to have broken the wrapping of player avatars displayed in the VTT, at least when it's set to show in the bottom portion. Specifically, the avatars are now extending across the area the chat/utility panel and displayed as only single row instead of wrapping. It makes it difficult to use the lower portion of that panel, depending on the avatar display type set.
Sample showing overlaping avater names with text-only option:
(This is for an LWC with at least 9 connected, but all after "Lucky" truncated off the right edge)
And regarding the rolls not appearing in chat archive, I've definitely noticed that for at least the last 7 months when using Firefox, but had experienced it well over a year at least temporarily as well. I'd just assumed it was related to one of my privacy/blocking settings.
Drespar said:
Hi Skepickle and Aaron,
We just put a second hotfix for API scripts, could you give it another go?
To everyone!
Notifications should now function properly from the home page again :)
Is there something that I need to do on my end? My games still fail to load the API, no matter what sheet I am using if any.
Hi John,
I would recommend the course of action that skepickle took and see if that resolves the issue for you :)
Drespar said:
Hi John,
I would recommend the course of action that skepickle took and see if that resolves the issue for you :)
I tried that with the games I only have 1 or 2 scripts with and it did not help. I will do it with my main game and see. Also. I have at least two marketplace addons that I have not checked to see if they were installing.
I was able to reproduce the avatar issue you mention on my end as well-- a bug ticket has been submitted so the devs can have a look.
Thanks for the screen cap!
John F. said:
Drespar said:
Hi John,
I would recommend the course of action that skepickle took and see if that resolves the issue for you :)
I tried that with the games I only have 1 or 2 scripts with and it did not help. I will do it with my main game and see. Also. I have at least two marketplace addons that I have not checked to see if they were installing.
I deleted all my scripts, the character sheet, and the addons. and I still can not get the API to restart. I'm not getting an error anymore it simply fails to reload.
Well, after I first posted this I went back and checked on random games. When I tried my main game it started the API with the single script I had reinstalled. With it running I began to reinstall my other scripts, one at a time. I had just about reached the bottom of the list when the API failed again. I removed all the scripts again, turned off the sheet and addons and tried starting again. The API is down again.
Drespar said:
Hi John,
I would recommend the course of action that skepickle took and see if that resolves the issue for you :)
I tried complete wipes of my API a couple times last night. The last one I started my game after adding each script and when I was about 80% through my list the API quit loading. When I checked in game my scripts ARE working. It looks like the API is loading correctly for me after all but the output window is only displaying the first 2 lines of output then locking up. This was leading me to believe it was not loading at all.
To be clear, my API IS loading and working but the output window is not working correctly and led me to believe it was crashing on load.
hi im not sure if this is related but ive been playing this game for a few weeks but now whenever i load the game it says im not connecting to the server and i cant open any character sheets, help?
Does this only occur when resizing the chat window?
Leslie D. said:
Getting this problem with the 5e OGL template. Specifically only happens with attack boxes, not spell cards. Persists across Firefox and Chrome.
Drespar said:
Does this only occur when resizing the chat window?
No, this happens when it is at minimum size as well, to a lesser degree. Even basic text boxes have their text off center.
I'm having an error downloading API scripts. I get a message that says what's below, even though I have scripts saved for the campaign, that were working the day before.
Your scripts are currently disabled due to an error that was detected. Please make appropriate changes to your scripts and click the "Save Script" button and we'll attempt to start running them again. More info...
For reference, the error message generated was: Error downloading scripts (probably no scripts exist for campaign.)
This is a known and tracked issue. Reports are being consolidated here if you want to follow the progress.
keithcurtis said:
This is a known and tracked issue. Reports are being consolidated here if you want to follow the progress.
Thanks! Will do.
On Samsung phone, I was searching LFGs, and noticed the ampersand in a title is still not resolved properly when I'm in the listing, even though it's ok in the search list.
Dunno if you even need any more info on that 'template rolls not show in chat archive issue' but heres my console outputs from a test with the Strahd module loaded (Note: this is doing this on other games i am in, including a pathfinder game i play in(and that is the pathfinder community sheet not the roll20 one)). I did as a note follow the route of clearing the chat archive and deleting cache/cookies.
When i launch the game:
Did a few rolls, exited out, went to chat archive to check for rolls and look at its console:
I heard they are working on a fix; as for now, there is no way to view sheet specific dice rolls.
Iris said:
It seems like this issue has been mentioned several times already but just wanna make sure.
The chat log doesn't show dice rolls.
Is there any way to fix this?
Moving reports here:
James A. said:
Detailed description of the problem
I tried loading my campaign's chat log but the 'charsheethtml' file fails to load due to strict MIME type checking:
Refused to execute script from 'https://app.roll20.net/editor/charsheethtml' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.All custom roll templates in the chat fail to load and produce further errors.
Didn't find a roll template called 'traits'
Didn't find a roll template called 'atk'
Didn't find a roll template called 'dmg'
Didn't find a roll template called 'atk'
Didn't find a roll template called 'dmg'
Didn't find a roll template called 'atk'
Didn't find a roll template called 'spell'Minimum number of steps to reproduce the problem
Load chat log, see that custom roll templates fail to load content.
The content of charsheethtml does load with a 200 but it returns:
content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8Let me know if there's any other info you need from me to debug.Description of setup
- Chrome 75.0.3770.80, Safari 12.03, Firefox 67.0
- None
- OSX 10.14.3
Ric said:
Yes I'm seeing this on Firefox 67 and macOS 10.14.5.
Moving report here:
Twitch said:
Chat archive for my current game "Baby's First RPG" has ceased functioning. It will display manually input things from the chat, but anything rolled from sheets is lost to the void as a blank window. Attempted to purge the archive in hopes that would resolve the issue, but it has not.
I did both, the active chat first then the archive after just to eliminate variables.
Attempted all the above steps and the issue persists.
All users in my game experience this issue so we don't believe it is on our end, but the services end. Just in case I went through the following steps.
Attempted to use several browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and IE.Did so with add-ons enabled and disabled
Cleared browser cache and attempted all three again.
As far as I am aware all users involved use windows operating systems of varying releases, I myself have an up to date windows 10.
These issues persist on the mobile app.
I do not know what caused this so I am unable to reproduce whatever caused the break in the first place. The broken chat archive is still active, so the fallout is readily visibly to anyone in our game.
As mentioned above we have already tried to wiped the achieve to no avail on our end, if doing it on some manner of administrator level would restore functionality we are fine with that.