I love the changes made in the last few months, and appreciate all the work y'all are putting into this sheet! Got some ideas I wanna throw your way, perhaps you'll want to implement them :)
Feature Requests
1. Option for Damage as Chat Buttons Only
I like the idea of the current option to have a button to roll critical damage, but would prefer to have both normal and critical damage be condensed into chat buttons, similar to the option in the 5E Official Sheet. The main difference would be both buttons are present at all times, since critical hits can occur without a nat 20. Even with rolling critical damage being optional, it can be discouraging for players in cases where the initial damage rolls higher than the critical.
2. Easier Method for Tracking Ammunition Inventory
Right now there isn't an accurate way to track both quantity and bulk for items like arrows, where a quantity of 10-19 equals 1 item of light bulk (L), a quantity of 20-29 is 2L, etc. Was thinking maybe a toggle could be added in Readied/Other items that treats the quantity as q/10 rounded down.
3. Toggle/Box in Other Items for Negating Bulk
Backpacks and bags of holding the main container items that essentially negate a certain amount of bulk up to a specified capacity (2 for backpacks, 25 to 150 for bags of holding). Could some sort of toggle or number field be added that applies only to Other items (and maybe to coins, since every 1000 coins automatically add 1 bulk), where it negates an amount of bulk in that section up to the specified limit? For example, say the number 25 is entered to represent the capacity of a type I bag of holding; if the total bulk in Other items is 16, then 16 bulk would be negated from the total on the sheet. If the total bulk in Other items is 30, only 25 bulk would be negated.
4. Traits Field on Player Sheet
The paper version of the sheet has this field next to Alignment. It'd be nice to have it in the Roll20 version as well!
Sheet Issues
- The expand button for ranged strikes is too far to the right, overlapping with skill buttons.
- In the neutral color scheme, the expand buttons for melee strikes are white against a white background, making them invisible (and seem to be absent completely for ranged strikes).