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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)

January 07 (5 years ago)

Edited March 10 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Greetings D&D enthusiast!

The thread for all things D&D 5E by Roll20 sheet related including both the sheet itself and the Charactermancers. This the place for to collect known issues, bug reports, and see recent changes. Q4Y2019.

Cassie Levett

User Collaboration Team Lead

Version 4.1


  • Move the images hosted on Imgur to an internal source
  • Refactor processDrop to use javascript classes
  • Additional image fixes


  • +1 Weapon drops do not work for NPCs
  • Charactermancer Lvl 1 - Backgrounds do not add gold
  • Charactermancer: "choose-a-feat" shows untranslated string

Feature Requests

  • “Honor” and “Sanity” Abilities support. These must be turned on in the Game Settings by the GM. It will then apply to all newly created sheets. If you wish to apply it to sheets already created you will need to use the experimental feature Apply Default Settings.
  • Reliability Talent Revision. We reworked this per the rules clarification brought to us by Keith. This removes the more complicated roll template and implements a clean solution.

Version 3.02

Feature Request

  • Update NPCs Reactions to work similar PC traits
  • Update NPC Traits to work similar PC traits
  • Add roll buttons to Global Modifiers Fields

Code Health

  • Refactor update_spell_slots
  • Refactor NPC sheet into PUG

Report Issue

Sheet Issues Template

Class(es) / Subclass:

Description of issue

Try being as detailed as possible when writing a description. Documenting the exact steps you've taken will let us follow the same path in trying to replicate & test the issue.


A picture is worth a 1,000 words and a Gif 10,000.

Mancer Issues Template





Description of issue

Documenting the exact steps you've taken & choices you've made will let us follow your path in our quest of troubleshooting. Screenshots are always welcome.

January 08 (5 years ago)

Edited January 08 (5 years ago)

I did put this in the last thread but it didn't get answered before the thread changed.

Class(es): Any two spellcasting classes.


Race: Every one I've tried with

Level(s): Any multiclass between spellcasting classes.

Description of issue

So, essentially, every time I attempt to multiclass a character, ever since the latest update with the spellcards, I have had an issue where whenever I try to multiclass spellcasting classes, it fails to allow any spells other than the ones I already possess to appear. Sometimes it will allow spells that would be added by an archetype to appear, but that's it.
Below, there is an instance of a ranger attempting to multiclass into Sorcerer

and then below, a level one shadow sorc levelling into one level of druid.

Any clues as to what's going on here?

Edit: The only other thing I did recently that may have caused it is that I acquired Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica.

January 08 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

This was reported but not acknowledged on the last thread, as well as other places on the forum. This issue started on the update which introduced the new spell view. The cantrip progression field is missing when editing a spell.



January 08 (5 years ago)

Edited January 09 (5 years ago)

Noticing a couple new things today that I'm unsure if they're intentional or not.

1. The text on certain things, including ability scores and personality traits/ideals/bonds/flaws, is now a shade of gray instead of the old black.

2. The global save/ability check/attack roll/damage roll modifier text is now centred instead of aligned left.

Both can be seen here:

January 08 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator


I've added that issue to our backlog for further review.


Cantrip progression is in QA and will be fixed next Tuesday.


I don't think we meant to turn any text gray instead of black. The Global Saves are centered to indicate they are buttons. You can click them now to roll them in case you forget to include them on your normal roll.

January 08 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Re: Cantrip progression


Re: Global mod entries are now buttons

That is sweet! Very handy!

I know I can press up arrow in chat to get the code, but are these also available as sheet macros? That would be really handy for building many useful macros.

January 08 (5 years ago)

Cassie said:


The Global Saves are centered to indicate they are buttons. You can click them now to roll them in case you forget to include them on your normal roll.

Ah, I see, that's handy. Thanks!

January 09 (5 years ago)

I also just noticed that the 'death saves' text is cut off halfway, as seen here (and in my previous screenshot):

January 09 (5 years ago)

Edited January 09 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

I'm seeing it too:

January 11 (5 years ago)

Not exactly sure if this is the right place to put this as its not a bug. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this put this looked like the best place.

Sorry If there is a way I missed, I tried looking around so if there is a solution I must have missed it.

Description of issue

Owning both the essentials kit and players handbook/other sources Is somewhat messy. Could there be a way to filter sources, order them differently, or stop a certain source from appearing.

For some of the games I run, the Essentials kit classes aren't needed so they cause needless clutter.


January 13 (5 years ago)

Edited January 14 (5 years ago)

Class(es) / Subclass: N/A ( possibly all? I'm not 100% sure )

Description of issue

There's a thick black box around Saving Throws and Skills, as well as it cutting some text off. All character sheets to my knowledge have this problem, including new sheets. I am aware of it being something minor and it doesn't affect anything other than visuals to my knowledge. I have checked around 10 sheets and a second campaign, both have the same issues. I thought it was worth mentioning, as it does make the text hard to read. 


January 13 (5 years ago)

Edited January 13 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator


What browser are you using? Are you using any browser extensions? This seems to be unique to your game or setup. 

January 13 (5 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Cassie said:

This seems to be unique to your game or setup.

One other user also had this happen. Those large black borders flashed for a split-second for me when I opened the live 5E sheet, so there might be something to this.

January 13 (5 years ago)

I'm using Chrome, I turned off my extensions and it's working, then turned them back on and it's fine. Not sure why they would affect it? Thank you, but now this is showing, it seems the icon is missing? ( wasn't sure whether to fill out the form but given this happened after fixing the other thing ):

Cassie said:


What browser are you using? Are you using any browser extensions? This seems to be unique to your game or setup. 

This started like an hour ago

January 13 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Confirming Anthony

January 13 (5 years ago)

Edited January 13 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

That one is on me! I'll get it fixed asap.
Edit: Should be fixed now.

January 14 (5 years ago)

would love to be able to turn on or off the weight calculation of coins for a character. As characters increase in level they mass a large amount of treasure which if you tracked using the proper tool the coin boxes it skews the real weight.

Gaffer said:

would love to be able to turn on or off the weight calculation of coins for a character. As characters increase in level they mass a large amount of treasure which if you tracked using the proper tool the coin boxes it skews the real weight.

You could make a Handout that is player editable that works as a bank, that is what I do for my players.

I noticed there is a new hit dice drop down to set your Hit Dice Die, however it defaults to d4 automatically no matter your class.

January 15 (5 years ago)

Edited January 15 (5 years ago)

I am also having the thick black line issue.

As you can see from the picture I have disabled all of my addons, in addition, I am multiclassed and it is showing and rolling my hit dice as a d4 where previously it would prompt me to choose between my 2 classes.

January 15 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

The black lines is odd and something to look into. For the new hit dice button just select the d4 and change it to your preferred hit die.

January 15 (5 years ago)
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator

Feature Request: Add Attack Type for NPCs

I know it is not used often, but sometimes NPC creatures have spell attacks instead of weapon attacks. For example, the will-'o-wisp has a melee spell attack instead of a melee weapon attack. The compendium has it listed correctly, but the character sheet does not have an option for this.

January 15 (5 years ago)
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator

NPC Attack Description is in the wrong area.

Attacks often have descriptions of effects that happen on a hit in addition to damage. When an attack with additional effects is clicked, it is placing the additional text with the attack bonus instead of the damage (or below it). This communicates that the extra text occurs on an attack rather than on a hit. The following image gives an example.

The ", and the target is grappled (escape DC 12)." text should be with the damage or in a separate box below it. As part of a stat block in a PDF or book, it would look like this:

BiteMelee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) piercing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 12).
January 15 (5 years ago)

I also have the black lines around my saves and skills


January 16 (5 years ago)

I'm having the same issue

January 16 (5 years ago)

same issue here with the black borders

Looks like the black borders show up as a fallback when the SVG border can't load (in the border-image-source CSS).

For those who are seeing that issue: Is it possible that an adblocker is active when you load the Roll20 tabletop, and is being overly aggressive about a file with the text saves in its name (i.e. /images/dndstyling/saves.svg)?

January 16 (5 years ago)

Edited January 16 (5 years ago)

Lady Victoria said:

Looks like the black borders show up as a fallback when the SVG border can't load (in the border-image-source CSS).

For those who are seeing that issue: Is it possible that an adblocker is active when you load the Roll20 tabletop, and is being overly aggressive about a file with the text saves in its name (i.e. /images/dndstyling/saves.svg)?

Interesting, will have to check and report back!

EDIT: How/where would I see this (e.g. in uBlock Origin)?

EDIT 2: Followup - I've tried accessing the image directly at (the direct URL) and it's simply not loading - it tries to load for a while, then gives me a Gateway Timeout error:

Gateway time-out

The web server reported a gateway time-out error.

Other page elements of that sort (e.g. ) seem to load the image fine, so I suspect this has nothing to do with adblockers and is indeed an issue on Roll20's end.

January 17 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Here's a data point:
From the links given in the above post, 5eBorders comes in with a title of "5eBorder" in the browser title bar, corresponding with the filename. Saves.svg comes in as "Asset22" in the title bar, even though the graphic is named "Saves.svg".

January 17 (5 years ago)
Sr. K
Sheet Author

Anthony V. said:

I noticed there is a new hit dice drop down to set your Hit Dice Die, however it defaults to d4 automatically no matter your class.

I noticed this too after my players decided to take a short rest last game.

January 17 (5 years ago)

Edited January 17 (5 years ago)

Sheet Issues Template

Class(es) / Subclass: None

Description of issue:  Genasi not in charactermancer as selectable race even though i own PoA

The Genasi are a race whose details are found in the PoA module and for some reason even though i own it on this site. it wont allow me to use the genasi in charactermancer. the spells from PoA  However upon review, the spells are added because they were added to Xandthar guide to everything. the Genasi wasn't added to XGE so i am guessing got overlooked.  

Is there anyway we can get them added into the charactermancer soon? 

January 17 (5 years ago)

Edited January 17 (5 years ago)
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator

 Joshua, the PoA module was made prior to the Charactermancer, and doesn't include Compendium integration (many of the older adventure modules are similar to this - I believe the first to offer integration was Ghosts of Saltmarsh). The devs have mentioned going back through and adding Compendium functionality to older modules, but I have never seen or heard any sort of timeframe that might happen in.

You can check to see if any product contains Compendium info on it's Marketplace page - you'll usually see a section that says something like "This bundle includes" and then a square box that says Compendium below that, and the text description will usually mention Compendium as one of the bullet points.

Sr. K said:

Anthony V. said:

I noticed there is a new hit dice drop down to set your Hit Dice Die, however it defaults to d4 automatically no matter your class.

I noticed this too after my players decided to take a short rest last game.

Why is this feature even needed? I didn't see anyone request it and it has now caused API scripts that used hit die to not work anymore. Very frustrating.

It also does not iterate the Hit Dice.  After selecting the correct Hit Die and rolling you still have the same number of Hit Die remaining and you have to manually decrease it.

Sr. K said:

Anthony V. said:

I noticed there is a new hit dice drop down to set your Hit Dice Die, however it defaults to d4 automatically no matter your class.

I noticed this too after my players decided to take a short rest last game.

Desecrator 7 said:

It also does not iterate the Hit Dice.  After selecting the correct Hit Die and rolling you still have the same number of Hit Die remaining and you have to manually decrease it.

Sr. K said:

Anthony V. said:

I noticed there is a new hit dice drop down to set your Hit Dice Die, however it defaults to d4 automatically no matter your class.

I noticed this too after my players decided to take a short rest last game.

Please Cassie just revert HD to the way it was before.

January 17 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

For what it's worth, the old macro still works correctly. The new macro does not.

The old macro is the one I use in my game with the character's name replaced by "selected" so that it can be run on any selected PC token.

The new macro uses the attribute "hitdieroll" instead of "hitdie_final", as well as a new field: "licensedsheet". Not sure what that does. It also uses "&{noerror}" which is probably a good addition in any case, to prevent error message when run on non-qualifying characters (ex.NPCs).

New Macro

@{Random|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{hit-dice-u}}} {{mod=D@{Random|hitdieroll}+[[@{Random|constitution_mod}[CON]]]}} {{r1=[[1d@{Random|hitdieroll}+[[@{Random|constitution_mod}]][CON]]]}} {{normal=1}} @{Random|charname_output} {{licensedsheet=@{Random|licensedsheet}}} &{noerror}

Old Macro

@{selected|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{hit-dice-u}}} {{mod=D@{selected|hitdie_final}+[[@{selected|constitution_mod}[CON]]]}} {{r1=[[1d@{selected|hitdie_final}+[[@{selected|constitution_mod}]][CON]]]}} {{normal=1}} @{selected|charname_output}

January 18 (5 years ago)

Class(es) / Subclass: Have only tried with my warlock

Description of issue

Cannot drag and drop anything from the compendium onto my character sheet, despite formerly being able to. This includes items, spells, proficiencies, everything.

I found a workaround that allows me to do it in a pinch, but it is horrendously clunky and clearly a bug!! Here is what I do (and you can see in the illustration below as well):

1) Open my character sheet to 'Attributes and Abilities' tab
2) Find the 'drop_category', 'drop_name', and 'drop_data' attributes at the bottom. (note: they will usually have the contents of the last drop e.g. prestidigitation, even if the drop was not successful ).
3) Delete those three drop attributes, and suddenly the next drag and drop works!
4) Repeat steps 1-3 for every single thing I need to add.

So it seems that the bug is caused by those three 'drop' attributes existing. If the drop attributes are not there, the drop will be successful. If they are there, it will simply overwrite the attributes and not actually add anything to the character sheet.

What I gather from this is: compendium drop works when it has to create new attributes e.g. the very first time, but when it has to edit existing attributes e.g. all subsequent times it will inevitably fail. This can be circumvented by following the process above in the meantime, but is tedious and clearly not intended.

Anyone else dealing with this?


January 18 (5 years ago)

Edited January 19 (5 years ago)

Class(es): Wizard

Subclass: War Magic

Race: Any

Level(s): Past level 9

Description of issue: Leveling any War magic wizard past level 9 seem to freeze the charactermancer during the loading bar at around 25% any other subclass/class seem to be fine.

Edit: I think its because of War magic's level 10 feature.

January 18 (5 years ago)

Jake W. said:

I also have the black lines around my saves and skills


For anyone wondering, this issue seems to have been fixed.

January 18 (5 years ago)
Roll20 Team

Moving report here:

Ziegrand said:

So, I am running a campaign over here the amazing Roll 20 and I have acquired Pretty much all the books with possible compendiums (PHB, XGE, Volo, Ravnica, Mordemurderkaiser Monsters manual which name I never remember)

So I pretty much have all the bells and whistles when creating characters. (There is a bug that sometimes the charactermancer does not fully load after making a level 1 character, but that's a small hitch)

But my biggest worry/annoyance/problem is that I have two multi classing players in my group a Level 1 Life Domain Cleric and then they went Druid, and a Grave Domain Cleric for a level and rest Bard.

So the problem emerges when they start leveling up their spell casters and they are missing spells they can allocate for their classes.

This happens also when I am trying to play a Warlock Hexblade, Paladin and as I level up I am not able to choose my Warlock spells/Paladin spells when I level up, forcing me to add them manually or drag them from the compendium.

Is this a common issue or am I just unlucky?

Also sorry if this issue has been reported before, I was trying to find a fix for this but I just could not.

Kind Regards 

- Ziegrand

January 19 (5 years ago)

With the new hit dice when I set it to anything not double digits I'm having it appear like this:

Double digits appear as I assume they should, like this:

I'm also experiencing the same problems as others with it being set to a d4 automatically for every class.


Hi, the character sheet for dungeon and dragon 5 has a dedicated page in the roll20 website that explains how it works and how to use it, but for ammo it's really not well explained at all. I can't get the arrows of my player character's longbow to count down when the weapon and ammo have been added from the compendium.

Another problem is that the Roll20 interface is still imperfectly translated into French, and the compendium is not translated at all, so it's not at all practical for French speakers, but fortunately your character sheet offers the French language, which is very appreciated. Cordially


Salut, la fiche de personnage pour donjon et dragon 5 as une page dédiée dans le site internet roll20 qui explique comment elle fonctionne et l'utiliser, mais pour les munitions c'est vraiment pas du tout bien expliqué. Je ne parviens pas à faire décompter les flèches de l'arc long de mon personnage joueur alors que l'arme et les munitions ont été ajouté depuis le compendium.

Autre soucis, l'interface de Roll20 est encore imparfaitement traduite en français, et le compendium ne l'est pas du tout donc cela n'est pas du tout pratique pour les francophones, mais heureusement votre fiche de personnage propose la langue français ce qui est très appréciable. Cordialement

January 19 (5 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Spell fields lack documentation

The wiki entry for the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet has very detailed instructions on filling in the fields for attacks, equipment and most of the rest, but it lacks anything but the most rudimentary references to the fields for filling out a spell. Some fields are obvious, ex: components. Others are less so. What for example is "type", the last entry?

Obviously, I could use it for anything (and do), but what is the intended use? Neither a compendium drag nor the Charactermancer fills out either of these fields.

January 19 (5 years ago)

Class(es) / Subclass: Warlock (Celestial if it matters)

Description of issue

Setting the spell slots mod (lvl1_slots_mod) to 1 (or anything) via the gear/cog settings or through the attributes page does not show up in the spells total field in the spells page. It used to, although I couldn't say for sure how long ago.

I've created a brand new game, new level 1 warlock celestial warlock using the charactermancer. Then set the lvl1_slots_mod to 1, via the spell slot modifiers section in the cog page of the sheet - verified shows up in the attributes page.

Using Chrome 79.0.3945.130 but problem replcated in Firefox.

Windows 10 home (latest), no extensions. Nothing has changed from my system from when it used to work.

Creating a wizard character does not show this problem - it starts with 2 lv1 spell slots total and if I add 1 to the slots mod it shows as 3.


The spell page;

The cog page;

The attributes page;

Could you please fix the Warlock for spell slots? And when casting a spell, it is annoying to have to select the level from all nine levels in a drop down. Please fix that too.

January 20 (5 years ago)

Unable to select spells when multiclassing

Sheet Issues Template

Class(es) / Subclass:

1 Cleric(Knowledge)/1 Wizard

Description of issue: 

Upon multiclassing the character won't be able to pick any spells. This is easily reproducible by going through the charactermancer and leveling up with a multiclass chosen.

In this case I created a Knowledge Cleric and proceeded to take a level in Wizard and noticed I was unable to select any spells once I reached that tab.


Mancer Issues Template


Cleric/Wizard (but any spellcasters work or rather don't work)




Vedalken but doesn't matter


2~5 I tried multiple and it doesn't make a difference

Description of issue: 

Unable to select spells through the charactermancer

Any known workarounds or fixes coming up for this one?

January 20 (5 years ago)
Sheet Author

se va traducir el compendio a español?¿

January 20 (5 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

keithcurtis said:

I'm seeing it too:

I tinkered around a bit, and these changes fixed the "Hit Dice" and "Death Save" visuals for me(on Linux Firefox & Chrome):

div.sheet-hdice-dsaves-container:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > button:nth-child(3) {
/* margin-top: 6px; */
margin-top: 0px;

/* Element | */

div.sheet-row-container:nth-child(1) {
margin-top: 2px;

/* Element | */

.sheet-roll-hitdie > select:nth-child(3) {
font-size: 13px;
width: 25px;

/* Element | */

div.sheet-row-container:nth-child(2) {
margin-top: 2px;

January 20 (5 years ago)

Hopefully this is the correct place for this . Is there any way, without amending them all, to get the character sheet macros to display character name, something similar  to what it does with npcs