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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)

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Thanks, Miguel!
I believe there is a bug in the Global Damage Modifier section, specifically the crit damage for a Global Damage Modifier. The crit damage is calculated incorrectly by rolling the damage *again* again and then adding it to whatever is in the Critical Damage field.   You can test this with just a simple Global Damage Modifier with 1d6 damage and 1d6 for Critical Damage and you can see the duplication in the critical damage calculation. I found this while working on a Green Flame Blade damage modifier, but the error is present regardless of what type of Global Damage Modifier you set up.

Edited 1597183205
Roll20 Production Team
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Compendium Curator
Dear Matt, This is a new feature that allows triggering extra damage on a critical hit (see the example below.) You don't need to fill the critical damage field unless you want extra damage on crit.

Edited 1597198455
Miguel said: Dear Matt, This is a new feature that allows triggering extra damage on a critical hit (see the example below.) You don't need to fill the critical damage field unless you want extra damage on crit. You can already modify the critical damage in the weapon attack.  You don't need to use the Global Damage Modifier for this, you can just change the critical damage in the weapon attack to 2d12.    How I found this was trying to set up Green Flame Blade as a Global Damage Modifier so I could turn on GFB for any weapon attack.  And if the critical damage was an additional 1d6, this could work by leaving the critical damage field blank in the Global Damage Modifier.  Putting 1d6 in the critical damage field, results in 2d6 critical damage (also confusing). But we use the max critical damage rule, meaning the additional critical damage should be 6, not 1d6.  The Global Damage Modifier automatically assumes another damage roll + anything in the critical damage field.  This means that you cannot use a fixed number for the critical damage of a Global Damage Modifier.  This is the part I'd suggest changing.  I suggest changing the critical damage for a Global Damage Modifier to only use whatever is in the critical damage field, not another damage roll plus what is in the critical damage field. 1 - 1d6 for GFB damage 2 - 1d6 + 6 critical damage for GFB - should just be 6 3 - 1d6 damage for shortsword 4 - 6 critical damage for shortsword Last, I would suggest that the Global Damage Modifier be listed after the main attack instead of before, but this is purely aesthetics. EDIT: Green Flame Blade should be 1d8, but you get the point. Here is how it works if you add the Green Flame Blade as Damage2 to each weapon.  The Critical Damage piece can be calculated or maximized correctly.  You just have to add this to the Damage 2 for every weapon, then open the weapon and select/unselect damage 2.  It would be much easier if the critical damage of the Global Damage Modifier worked like the critical damage of the weapon and didn't automatically add an additional damage roll and instead used what was in the field.

Edited 1597218919
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Miguel said: Dear Matt, This is a new feature that allows triggering extra damage on a critical hit (see the example below.) You don't need to fill the critical damage field unless you want extra damage on crit. What is the use case for the extra critical damage? It isn't Savage Attacks, because the die for that changes based on the weapon. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Roll20 Production Team
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Brian, I am aware about Savage attack. I believe this feature is aimed for power playing / use with non canon material (not from wizards). With that said, I think what Matt suggested, just using whatever is in there, is a better fit as it allows for both overwriting and adding extra damage.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
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Okay, I was just curious. As for what Matt was referring to, I wonder if the 0d1 + Constant that works with kh1 would work here as well. In other words, placing 0d1 + 6 would render the desired value, or did I miss something in translation?
Brian C. said: Okay, I was just curious. As for what Matt was referring to, I wonder if the 0d1 + Constant that works with kh1 would work here as well. In other words, placing 0d1 + 6 would render the desired value, or did I miss something in translation? No.&nbsp; This doesn't work unfortunately.&nbsp; Because the critical damage is hardcoded to duplicate the damage roll and then add whatever is in the critical damage field.&nbsp; This is the "bug" I believe.&nbsp; Even if you put 0 in the critical damage field, it rolls 1d6 for damage and then 1d6 + 0 for critical.&nbsp; There is no way the sheet currently exists to avoid the additional damage roll as part of the critical damage for the Global Damage modifier entry.&nbsp; Ideally, it would work the same as the critical damage field for damage1 and damage2 for any attack.&nbsp; But it currently does not.
Roll20 Production Team
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Yes, Matt is right. Critical damage is currently hardcoded. His suggestion would fix this issue and still allow for power gaming / god mode :P
I also discovered this critical damage weirdness when trying to add a global flat damage modifier. There were two problems... If the crit field is left blank, the flat damage was also being added twice on a crit (only dice should be doubled on a crit).&nbsp; So I was getting "3 + 3" in the critical damage box. I tried setting the crit field to 0, but it would still display "3 + 3".&nbsp; Hovering over the second 3 showed it was doing 3+0, instead of just 0. I don't understand the crit box at all.&nbsp; It makes no sense the way it currently works.&nbsp; My workaround was to set the crit field to -3.&nbsp; I get an ugly "3 + 0" on a crit now though.

Edited 1597418397
I was advised this is the correct place to post this. Greetings, when you enable halfling luck in the character options and roll a double 1 on a check or attack both 1s get rerolled. see here (August 14 2020)&nbsp; &nbsp; PHB p173 :&nbsp; Advantage and Disadvantage : When you have advantage or disadvantage and something in the game, such as the halfling’s Lucky trait, lets you reroll the d20, you can reroll only one of the dice. You choose which one. For example, if a halfling has advantage on an ability check and rolls a 1 and a 13, the halfling could use the Lucky trait to reroll the 1. regards -Brt previously posted at:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I did notice that in most of the templates, the {{r2}} roll used a hard-coded 1d20, rather than the {d20} Attribute from the sheet, so this didn't used to be an issue - the opposite was true, where {{r2}} wouldn't follow the operators set for the d20 roll on the sheet. At some point the {{r2}} rolls have changed to reference the {d20} Attribute as they should, (possibly part of the Reliable Talent fix). I'd say having RT work, and HL "fail" in the player's favour on a 1 in 400 (dis)advantage roll is a much better place for the sheet to be. Personally, I prefer manually re-rolling 1's with Halfling Luck, as it annoys the DM when I stop him just before he tells me I've failed. This looks like a tricky fix - the player is supposed to choose which die to re-roll, though mathematically there's no difference between them. One workaround is to untick Halfling Luck, and enter 1d20cs1 as your default d20 roll. This will make 1's blue, standing out from the usual red and reminding you to reroll a 1 manually.
I have a question and maybe this isn't the right place to post it but where do I find the D&amp;D 5e by Roll20 template? I searched the GitHub but I couldn't find it.
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It went proprietary earlier this year, but the last public release is still available as a legacy.

Edited 1597757327
I don't know if this is the correct place to post this or whether or not this is a known issue but... Multiclass Hit Dice on the OGL sheet is completely messed up. I have a player whose character is Wizard 4/Monk 1.&nbsp; When he clicks "Hit Dice",&nbsp; when taking a short rest, it just rolls the d6 as for the wizard class.&nbsp; The hitdie_final Attribute appears to be correct:&nbsp; ?{Hit Die Class|Wizard,@{hitdietype}|Monk,8} It looks like hitdie_final attribute is simply ignored. From what I can tell, the Charactermancer and the sheet both break on multiclass at least as far as hit dice are concerned.&nbsp; &nbsp;The CM sets the total hit dice to the correct value but sets the current hit dice to less based on the number of levels in another class.&nbsp; So, for example, the wizard 4/monk 1 character has a total of 5 hit dice (which is correct) but the CM sets the current hit dice to 4 (which is not correct).&nbsp; I think it's trying to separate out the d6 for the Wizard from the d8 of the Monk so that they can be tracked separately but failing to put whatever code is necessary into the sheet to be able to roll them separately.&nbsp; &nbsp;The code in hitdie_final looks like it's correct and should query the user to find out which die to roll, but doesn't seem to be getting called at all. I created a test character and confirmed that when I used the CM to create a Wizard 2/Monk 1, the number of total hit dice was 3, and the current hit dice was 2.&nbsp; When I leveled up to Wizard 2/Monk 2, the total hit dice was 4, and the current hit dice was still set to 2.&nbsp; I also confirmed that when I roll hit dice, as for a short rest, it only rolls a d6 and never asks about which die type I want to roll. I created another test character which was Rogue/Monk and it does the same thing.&nbsp; In this case, it doesn't matter all that much since they both have D8 for hit dice but the CM still sets the current hit dice to less than the total hit dice.&nbsp; I only created the second character to see if the hit die type was the same for both classes if it would set the total and current hit dice correctly on the sheet, but it does not.&nbsp; It still sets the current hit dice to less than the total hit dice based on the number of levels in the second class. As I said, it looks like the CM does set hitdie_final Attribute to the correct thing so that the user would be asked which die to roll, but that code never seems to get called or executed in anyway.&nbsp; At one point, I thought that perhaps if the current hit die was correct, that taking a short rest would somehow trigger the code in hitdie_final but, sadly, that didn't work either. Can this be put on the list of things to fix?&nbsp; Please?
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
The hit dice have a drop down that lets you change the size of the die you are rolling. Saul J. said: I don't know if this is the correct place to post this or whether or not this is a known issue but... Multiclass Hit Dice on the OGL sheet is completely messed up. I have a player whose character is Wizard 4/Monk 1.&nbsp; When he clicks "Hit Dice",&nbsp; when taking a short rest, it just rolls the d6 as for the wizard class.&nbsp; The hitdie_final Attribute appears to be correct:&nbsp; ?{Hit Die Class|Wizard,@{hitdietype}|Monk,8} It looks like hitdie_final attribute is simply ignored. From what I can tell, the Charactermancer and the sheet both break on multiclass at least as far as hit dice are concerned.&nbsp; &nbsp;The CM sets the total hit dice to the correct value but sets the current hit dice to less based on the number of levels in another class.&nbsp; So, for example, the wizard 4/monk 1 character has a total of 5 hit dice (which is correct) but the CM sets the current hit dice to 4 (which is not correct).&nbsp; I think it's trying to separate out the d6 for the Wizard from the d8 of the Monk so that they can be tracked separately but failing to put whatever code is necessary into the sheet to be able to roll them separately.&nbsp; &nbsp;The code in hitdie_final looks like it's correct and should query the user to find out which die to roll, but doesn't seem to be getting called at all. I created a test character and confirmed that when I used the CM to create a Wizard 2/Monk 1, the number of total hit dice was 3, and the current hit dice was 2.&nbsp; When I leveled up to Wizard 2/Monk 2, the total hit dice was 4, and the current hit dice was still set to 2.&nbsp; I also confirmed that when I roll hit dice, as for a short rest, it only rolls a d6 and never asks about which die type I want to roll. I created another test character which was Rogue/Monk and it does the same thing.&nbsp; In this case, it doesn't matter all that much since they both have D8 for hit dice but the CM still sets the current hit dice to less than the total hit dice.&nbsp; I only created the second character to see if the hit die type was the same for both classes if it would set the total and current hit dice correctly on the sheet, but it does not.&nbsp; It still sets the current hit dice to less than the total hit dice based on the number of levels in the second class. As I said, it looks like the CM does set hitdie_final Attribute to the correct thing so that the user would be asked which die to roll, but that code never seems to get called or executed in anyway.&nbsp; At one point, I thought that perhaps if the current hit die was correct, that taking a short rest would somehow trigger the code in hitdie_final but, sadly, that didn't work either. Can this be put on the list of things to fix?&nbsp; Please?

Edited 1597771846
I'm having an issue with a Greenflame Blade global damage modifier on crits. Using the following for the damage: ([[(floor((@{level}+1)/6))]]d8)+@{charisma_mod} Works fine for normal roll, but on crits it's rolling (1d8+4) + (5d8+4)... Any ideas if its a bug or I'm doing it wrong? Cheers

Edited 1597785897
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Dear Lir, When calculating critical damage, only dice rolls are taken in account. That means charisma mod is not applied to the damage. Going back to green flame blade: lv 1-4: Charisma mod damage lv 5-10: Cha. mod + 1d8 lv 11-16: Cha. mod + 2d8 lv 17-20: Cha. mod + 3d8 To represent that, I guess I would set Critical damage to&nbsp; [[floor((@{level}+1)/6)]]d8 or,&nbsp;if you use the max critical damage optional rule &nbsp; [[floor((@{level}+1)/6)*8]] Hope that helps ;)

Edited 1597801463
Hi Miguel, Thanks for the response.&nbsp; [[floor((@{level}+1)/6)]]d8&nbsp; is what I've been using initially and creates this problem. The problem is that it is rolling an additional 5d8 rather than 1d8, as a level 5 character. I have tested just this formula, removing the charisma mod, and the issue persists in a Global Damage Modifier; see the images below. As you can see it rolls the standard 1d8 fine, but automatically rolls an additional 5d8 instead of 1d8. If I include the charisma mod in this formula, it also duplicates that in Global Attack Modifiers but does not do so with the same formula as the damage of an attack. Hope that clears it up. I've tried changing my character level and it seems to always resolve to the level as the number of d8 rolled for crits. ie if the character is level 11, it rolls 2d8+11d8 on a crit with this global damage modifier. As a workaround I'll just have to put it as 1d8+4 on the GDM and remember to change it when I read level 11.
I have a question hopefully someone might be able to answer. I am new to GMing on Roll20 but been a player for years. I have noticed that when the character sheet is open, GMs and players can both view options and changes as it is happening .... however, it seems to only occur intermittently.&nbsp; I have a few first time players and would like to watch them as they create their characters for the first time and when they need to update/level up with the Charactermancer. Is there a set procedure to make sure both player and GM can view the changes live while its happening? Like they open first then I do... or something? Or is it just supposed to happen automatically if we both are in the same character sheet? Like I said it seemed to work sometimes and at other times they couldn’t see me making changes or selecting drop down menus, etc. Any advice/help is appreciated. Thank you, Rob :)
Sheet Author
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Hey Lir, set damage to:&nbsp;[[floor((@{level}+1)/6)]]d8+@{charisma_mod} AND set critical damage to&nbsp;[[floor((@{level}+1)/6)]]d8 That worked for me (LV5 character below):

Edited 1597834257
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm getting the same result as Lir: brand new character sheet, bumped the level to 6 and added a dagger and the global damage mod. Was originally getting 7d8 dice thrown for the crit, then changed it to 0 to see what was going on. So... why is @{global_damage_mod_crit} 6d8 + 0? Some kind of garbled formula is coming through from the actual damage. So there are two problems: 1) same as a few posts further back, the regular damage is being forced into the critical damage. It shouldn't be: some abilities cannot crit, so a 0 in the crit field should result in a [[regular damage]] + 0. This is already covered further up, I believe, and is being fixed? 2) as Lir has said above, the formula that is being forced into the crit section is, for some reason, parsing the @{level} call, and preserving the floor operator, but ignoring the rest of the math. This seems really weird, also really weird that it's not happening in your screenshot, Miguel. Is that the live version you're using? And here is a messy workaround, Lir: set the crit field in your modifier to this - 0]]}}{{globaldamagecrit=[[[[floor((@{level}+1)/6)]]d8]]}} This overrwrites the globaldamagecrit field with a new one. With multiple global damage modifiers active, you would have to manually add it all in to that second field.
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Rob N. said: Is there a set procedure to make sure both player and GM can view the changes live while its happening?&nbsp; I haven't noticed the intermittent nature of this, but haven't really paid that much attention. When I need to really see what a player is doing, we usually use the screen share feature of Skype or Discord.

Edited 1597840483
No, it doesn't.&nbsp; There is no drop down.&nbsp; That's part of the point.&nbsp; &nbsp;At some point, that was either removed in an update to the sheet, or the code was moved to hitdie_final and nothing was added to execute that code. Brian C. said: The hit dice have a drop down that lets you change the size of the die you are rolling. Saul J. said: I don't know if this is the correct place to post this or whether or not this is a known issue but... Multiclass Hit Dice on the OGL sheet is completely messed up. I have a player whose character is Wizard 4/Monk 1.&nbsp; When he clicks "Hit Dice",&nbsp; when taking a short rest, it just rolls the d6 as for the wizard class.&nbsp; The hitdie_final Attribute appears to be correct:&nbsp; ?{Hit Die Class|Wizard,@{hitdietype}|Monk,8} It looks like hitdie_final attribute is simply ignored. From what I can tell, the Charactermancer and the sheet both break on multiclass at least as far as hit dice are concerned.&nbsp; &nbsp;The CM sets the total hit dice to the correct value but sets the current hit dice to less based on the number of levels in another class.&nbsp; So, for example, the wizard 4/monk 1 character has a total of 5 hit dice (which is correct) but the CM sets the current hit dice to 4 (which is not correct).&nbsp; I think it's trying to separate out the d6 for the Wizard from the d8 of the Monk so that they can be tracked separately but failing to put whatever code is necessary into the sheet to be able to roll them separately.&nbsp; &nbsp;The code in hitdie_final looks like it's correct and should query the user to find out which die to roll, but doesn't seem to be getting called at all. I created a test character and confirmed that when I used the CM to create a Wizard 2/Monk 1, the number of total hit dice was 3, and the current hit dice was 2.&nbsp; When I leveled up to Wizard 2/Monk 2, the total hit dice was 4, and the current hit dice was still set to 2.&nbsp; I also confirmed that when I roll hit dice, as for a short rest, it only rolls a d6 and never asks about which die type I want to roll. I created another test character which was Rogue/Monk and it does the same thing.&nbsp; In this case, it doesn't matter all that much since they both have D8 for hit dice but the CM still sets the current hit dice to less than the total hit dice.&nbsp; I only created the second character to see if the hit die type was the same for both classes if it would set the total and current hit dice correctly on the sheet, but it does not.&nbsp; It still sets the current hit dice to less than the total hit dice based on the number of levels in the second class. As I said, it looks like the CM does set hitdie_final Attribute to the correct thing so that the user would be asked which die to roll, but that code never seems to get called or executed in anyway.&nbsp; At one point, I thought that perhaps if the current hit die was correct, that taking a short rest would somehow trigger the code in hitdie_final but, sadly, that didn't work either. Can this be put on the list of things to fix?&nbsp; Please?

Edited 1597841026
Hey there! I am currently putting together a one shot with my friends, where they are all making a new lvl 10 character. But the average hitpoints they get are to low. A lvl 10 paladin with a +2 con modifier got 78 HP when using the charactermancer. The same character made in d&amp;d Beyond got 84, which I believe to be the correct value. Is this because of some game setting I am not aware off, or is this a bug? I believe that the roll for lvl 1 is done as an average as well, and not as max roll. This bugs happens to me if I make a new character, use the charactermancer, and instant level the character to 10.
Brian C.
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Compendium Curator
Maybe I am missing something, but the drop down is still on the sheet. Saul J. said: No, it doesn't.&nbsp; There is no drop down.&nbsp; That's part of the point.&nbsp; &nbsp;At some point, that was either removed in an update to the sheet, or the code was moved to hitdie_final and nothing was added to execute that code. Brian C. said: The hit dice have a drop down that lets you change the size of the die you are rolling. Saul J. said: *snip*
I do not remember where the posts are but I remember there was some tinkering done with the damage description of npc actions.&nbsp; Old behaviour: I check attack, add some damage, uncheck attack and when the action is chosen, the description of the attack is shown together with the damage calculation Broken behaviour: this didn´t work anymore -&gt; it was claimed that this was fixed However, in my _existing_ games it still does not work. I remember that somebody reported the same behaviour where they claimed it worked in new games but not in old ones.&nbsp; How do I get the normal behavior back in existing games? This is highly annoying :-/
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
I think there is still something not quite right with damage without an attack roll. Setting up an action that has damage but is not an attack gives me one of two outcomes: Auto roll Damage and crit: I get the action name and description, but no damage. Don't Auto Roll Damage: I get the damage and description, but no action name.

Edited 1597845419
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Also, did we always have to do math when an NPC rolled a crit? I'm not complaining about having to add two numbers together, but I thought we used to get one number. EDIT: Never mind, I remembered it incorrectly.
I am using the Charactermancer to create and level an Artificer, and it lets you pick a certain number of spells to LEARN, but artificers are PREPARED spellcasters.

Edited 1597869318
Roll20 Production Team
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Folks, regarding the global damage critical roll: I am sorry for the confusion, we had some problems with the last build, however, things were already sorted out. You should now be able to overwrite the critical damage roll, like I pointed here and also swap eldritch invocations during level up within Charactermancer. With that said, when the critical damage field is left blank, the sheet worker will try to calculate the critical damage from the value entered in the damage field(old behavior). After taking a look at Lir's report, I found out that bit of the code has problem handling complex formulas. If this is your case, please duplicate the formula in the damage field inside the critical damage to avoid this problem while I come up with a solution for it. To disable critical damage, just set its value to 0. The downside is that It will display the "+ 0" in the roll result but that will get fixed ;) Vince M., could you try something and let me know if it makes any difference on your side: Open a npc -&gt; Set auto roll damage to ON and back to OFF or the other way around (depending on the current value of the field). Does this fix the problem on the current NPC?&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Brian C. said: Maybe I am missing something, but the drop down is still on the sheet. That one is there, yes. But there's a Query built into @{hitdie_final} which asks the hit die type, only giving you the options of your mutliclasses - that's the one Saul is referring to, I believe. Anyway, if you don't already have a macro Saul, here's one I use. It links back to itself so players can keep clicking on HIT DICE to roll one at a time, as per the rules, as long as it's saves as Macros|HitDice or the link is changed. It also forces character name output, ignoring sheet settings, and calls hitdie_final: @{selected|wtype}&amp;{template:simple} {{rname=[HIT DICE](~Macros|HitDice)}} {{mod=D@{selected|hitdie_final}+[[@{selected|constitution_mod}[CON]]]}} {{r1=[[1d@{selected|hitdie_final}+[[@{selected|constitution_mod}]][CON]]]}} {{normal=1}} {{charname=@{selected|character_name}}} It would be nice if the sheet version worked in a similar way - since a few players tend to be rolling hit dice at once, forcing the name onto the template is handy.

Edited 1597946437
Vince M., could you try something and let me know if it makes any difference on your side: Open a npc -&gt; Set auto roll damage to ON and back to OFF or the other way around (depending on the current value of the field). Does this fix the problem on the current NPC?&nbsp; Hi Miguel, it gets weirder, toggling and switching it on didn´t help, but I experience weirder behaviour with this toggle.&nbsp; This is the wrong behaviour when toggle is on "Auto Roll Damage and Crit"&nbsp; And this &nbsp;is the behaviour when the toggle is on "Don´t Auto Roll Damage": So, on "Don´t Auto Roll Damage" the damage is actually rolled but the ability description &nbsp;name (edited) is gone...
Roll20 Production Team
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Thanks, Vince. I will take a look at this. I believe the issue maybe related to the fact that on older versions of npc sheets, a action could have a damage without the attack flag being checked. I don't think this is valid anymore. With that said, I am a little bit confused by "On Don´t Auto Roll Damage the damage is actually rolled but the ability description is gone..." because I can see the description of the ability under the damage. Were you expecting it to appear somewhere else?
Miguel said: Thanks, Vince. I will take a look at this. I believe the issue maybe related to the fact that on older versions of npc sheets, a action could have a damage without the attack flag being checked. I don't think this is valid anymore. With that said, I am a little bit confused by "On Don´t Auto Roll Damage the damage is actually rolled but the ability description is gone..." because I can see the description of the ability under the damage. Were you expecting it to appear somewhere else? Sorry, "description" was a mistake (I wrote while on the way to the dinner table... ;-) ). I meant of course that the ability name (Lightning Breath, in red letters) is not visible. Sorry...
Oosh said: Brian C. said: Maybe I am missing something, but the drop down is still on the sheet. That one is there, yes. But there's a Query built into @{hitdie_final} which asks the hit die type, only giving you the options of your mutliclasses - that's the one Saul is referring to, I believe. Anyway, if you don't already have a macro Saul, here's one I use. It links back to itself so players can keep clicking on HIT DICE to roll one at a time, as per the rules, as long as it's saves as Macros|HitDice or the link is changed. It also forces character name output, ignoring sheet settings, and calls hitdie_final: @{selected|wtype}&amp;{template:simple} {{rname=[HIT DICE](~Macros|HitDice)}} {{mod=D@{selected|hitdie_final}+[[@{selected|constitution_mod}[CON]]]}} {{r1=[[1d@{selected|hitdie_final}+[[@{selected|constitution_mod}]][CON]]]}} {{normal=1}} {{charname=@{selected|character_name}}} It would be nice if the sheet version worked in a similar way - since a few players tend to be rolling hit dice at once, forcing the name onto the template is handy. Just having the ability to switch the die type by itself doesn't help if the players don't know which die is the correct one.&nbsp; If it's not tied to their character class, it's almost useless for new players or players who don't have the PHB. That macro looks like it will work.&nbsp; I'll have to give that a try.&nbsp; Thanks. Yes, it'd be nice if the sheet worked correctly and not only queried the die type but also limited them to the correct die type and number for their classes.&nbsp; That is to say a Wizard 4/Monk 2 should only have available 2d8s and 4d6s.&nbsp; The way it is now, and I believe even with that macro, they could use 6d8 on a short rest and there wouldn't be anything to limit them.
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I believe one of the new short rest macros (there are three) has the ability to do this sort of fine control over Hit Die healing and recover. Mine (Rest and Recovery) is not one of them.
Hello, I am having an issue with the dnd 5e character sheet. My stats are showing up correctly but the modifiers are not: This was taken from the main character sheet tab on the core page. For details, I am using a custom class (artificer that I set up myself) and the sheet has the Proficiency die variation enabled and variant encumbered rules enabled. When I googled the issue it appeared someone else had this bug at some point (September of last year) however they never responded to requests for additional info from the Roll20 team so there was never any documented resolution. Are there any ideas as to what is causing this or how to resolve this?
keithcurtis said: I believe one of the new short rest macros (there are three) has the ability to do this sort of fine control over Hit Die healing and recover. Mine (Rest and Recovery) is not one of them. The one I'm using is "5E Resting in Style" which seems to be the most comprehensive one that I've found and does all the right things in 98% of circumstances.&nbsp; All it does on short rest is to remind you that you have hit dice you can use.

Edited 1598033466
Forum Champion
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I had thought ShortRest did it, but apparently not. At the moment, this appears to require manual thinking. It would be nice if the sheet kept a separate value for the number of each hit die type. You could use the resource section to track them by type.
keithcurtis said: I had thought ShortRest did it, but apparently not. At the moment, this appears to require manual thinking. It would be nice if the sheet kept a separate value for the number of each hit die type. You could use the resource section to track them by type. I think it's easier at this point for the players to track it manually.&nbsp; I'll have to trust them to get it right. :-)&nbsp; There are more important things to deal with but, yes, it would be very nice if the 5E OGL sheet tracked the hit die type for each class of a multiclass character correctly.&nbsp; My initial post was made in the hope that The Powers That Be would see that there was a problem and maybe fix it in a future update. :-)
Oosh said: And here is a messy workaround, Lir: set the crit field in your modifier to this - 0]]}}{{globaldamagecrit=[[[[floor((@{level}+1)/6)]]d8]]}} This overrwrites the globaldamagecrit field with a new one. With multiple global damage modifiers active, you would have to manually add it all in to that second field. This is genius!&nbsp; This totally works around the issue that I brought up with the Global Damage Modifier crit field.&nbsp; Awesome. I have no idea why this works, but it does.&nbsp; I did update it to use the max die rule we have *8 instead of d8.&nbsp; And it works like a charm.&nbsp; Thanks Oosh!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It's basically an overwrite. The sheet takes whatever you enter into that field and throws it in the template macro. For example, it you enter 2d6 in the crit field, the sheet throws it into the macro : {{globaldamagecrit=&lt;hard-coded stuff&gt; + [[ 2d6 ]]}} Essentially what the above does is tricks the sheet into closing the globaldamagecrit property early, then overwrites it with another one. {{globaldamagecrit=[[ 0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[ whatever math you want ]]}} The sheet adds the italics bits before and after, expecting a single formula as the meat in the sandwich. But we put an inside out sandwich in there instead. I'm not sure where the butter fits into this analogy. Hopefully it makes sense? You can use this trick in other places, for example NPC actions have nowhere to change the crit damage, but you can put this in the description field: blah blah blah Giant spider description text}} {{crit1=[[0]] because our sneaky {{crit1}} field occurs after the one the sheet generates it'll overwrite it. And again, the sheet is basically sandwiching that text in {{description=&nbsp; and }}.

Edited 1598181260
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Is this in the Stupid Tricks thread? Because that is fantastic.

Edited 1598208701
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Ranged Weapon Bug (NPCs only) If a ranged weapon is dragged from the Compendium to a PC sheet, the fields fill out properly. If one is dragged to an NPC sheet, the range is filled in as 5 ft. Reported by Rnamer in this thread .
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Minor clarification on the above range issue: nothing is being filled in from the Compendium drop, the Attribute @{repeating_attack_$0_attack_range} is empty after dropping a weapon (any weapon). It's using the placeholder, which is 5ft. I also had no idea you could drag and drop to NPC actions. Brian C. said: Is this in the Stupid Tricks thread? Because that is fantastic. Hmmmm... I don't think it is. I'll try to get my explainy brain in order.

Edited 1598370526
Hey all, discovered a weird issue with damage mods &amp; crits Class(es) /&nbsp; Subclass : Doesn't matter as far as I can tell Description of issue : Basically if there are more than 1 global damage modifiers active at one time (pretty common in my current game) and you get a crit, it only rolls the crit damage for 1 of the damage modifiers. For example, i have a rouge and have my sneak attack damage set up as a damage modifier , but I also have a magic dagger that does an extra d6 of damage against undead so I have that set up as a damage mod too. When both of these damage mods are active and I crit, it is only showing the crit damage for sneak attack. The regular damage rolls work just fine, but for whatever reason when a crit happens it just ignores the second modifier as far as crit damage is concerned. see below side note/clarification: sneak attack crit is 4*6 because our DM homebrewed that when you crit you max out the damage and then roll again