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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)

Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Dear fellow D&D players, even though a response is not issued for every question, critic or suggestion posted on this topic, rest assured that we are keeping a close eye to this forum. The spell attack info suggestion was already added to our backlog ;)

Edited 1600007539
TheWebCoder said: I appreciate all of the work arounds for displaying spell info on an attack, but the best solution is the sheet author updating the sheet.  I really like the 5e sheet, but given how spells are a cornerstone of the game, this lack of a complete spell output to the chat is the #1 short coming I’m aware of. I mean that constructively and respectfully. Does turning on the option to display the spell description, not meet your needs? That's baked into the sheet. Granted, there is some info not in the output like components needed and such.
Personally, I would prefer effort to go into making the sheet to handle Warlock spells properly. Specifically, removing the spell level query and automatically setting it to the level of spell slots available to the Warlock. Also, the companion script decrementing the available spell slot level, not the level of spell. This would be super awesome for Warlock characters but I'm sure it is not easy to recode.

Edited 1600014957
Doug E.  said: Does turning on the option to display the spell description, not meet your needs? That's baked into the sheet. Granted, there is some info not in the output like components needed and such. It's still missing the other critical info that's only available in a spell card. For example, here's what Hunter's Mark as an attack says when outputted in the chat: You choose a creature (what kind of action was it to cast this? what were the components?) you can see within range (what's the range?) and mystically mark it as your quarry. Until the spell ends (when does it end?), you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack, and you have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make to find it. If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends (when is that?), you can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of yours to mark a new creature. Here's what it's missing that must be cross-referenced by the DM: Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 90 feet Target: A creature that you can see within range Components: V Duration: Concentration Up to 1 hour Dear fellow D&D players, even though a response is not issued for every question, critic or suggestion posted on this topic, rest assured that we are keeping a close eye to this forum. The spell attack info suggestion was already added to our backlog ;) Great. Is there a page where paying users can see -- for the official Roll20 sheets -- what's in the backlog, what's going into the next build, when it will be deployed to the test server, and when it becomes available on prod? I'm aware of that for the Roll20 product as a whole, but not for individual sheet development. If that's not yet available, transparency there might save a lot of redundant posts to this forum? Edit: Sheet roadmap would be especially handy since paid-for products are dependent upon it, e.g. I'm running Descent into Avernus. 

Edited 1600018278
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
The Roll20 sheets used to be openly developed on Github, where you could see the issue tracker and examine the code. Early this year they were all made proprietary. Currently, there is no way of looking up any error reports on anything in Roll20 that I am aware of, other than the few megathread feedback sheets. This thread (and probably the PF2 sheet thread--I dunno, I don't play PF2) are probably the most transparent into what is wrong, what is being worked upon and what has been fixed. But they do require regular visitation to infer all of that. Props to Miguel for being one of the most publicly responsive developers on the Roll20 Production Team. I don't think any company has a requirement of exposing production schedules to their userbase, of course. It would take an awful lot of their time to respond to every post, and would likely give conflicting answers based on their personal "understanding of the elephant". But this particular thread has consistently shown an attentiveness to reports and interactive feature implementation and development.
keithcurtis said: The Roll20 sheets used to be openly developed on Github, where you could see the issue tracker and examine the code. Early this year they were all made proprietary. Currently, there is no way of looking up any error reports on anything in Roll20 that I am aware of, other than the few megathread feedback sheets. This thread (and probably the PF2 sheet thread--I dunno, I don't play PF2) are probably the most transparent into what is wrong, what is being worked upon and what has been fixed. But they do require regular visitation to infer all of that. Props to Miguel for being one of the most publicly responsive developers on the Roll20 Production Team. I don't think any company has a requirement of exposing production schedules to their userbase, of course. It would take an awful lot of their time to respond to every post, and would likely give conflicting answers based on their personal "understanding of the elephant". But this particular thread has consistently shown an attentiveness to reports and interactive feature implementation and development. Absolutely fair point on scheduling. However, it is reasonable to want to know what has made it onto the roadmap for the next sheet release -- whenever it may be. D&D 5e is Roll20's flagship, and the official sheet is a requirement (yes, I'm away there are work arounds) for the different modules available in the marketplace. That could be a link on page 1 of these threads: "About to post a request? Check our official 5e sheet roadmap to see if it's already being worked on!" For example, if I'd known spell outputs were being worked on, I wouldn't have posted about it ;)
Forum Champion
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Total agreement. The Help Desk tickets make it easier for the staff to know what needs being worked on, but they do lead to a lot of user frustration, because they have no way of knowing if an issue already exists and is being worked on, instead of beating their head against it. The help model now is more efficient than the old way of "everything through the forum", but a model closer to say github issue tracking would allow users to have a better idea of what problems already exist, are known, and have been reported.

Edited 1600052881
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Creating a link for spells might be another option - that way chat isn't being spammed for everyone, the people who need/want to read about the spell can click the chat link. It also wouldn't fire the Companion API for slot tracking. I threw it in the spelldesc area as an example, but that isn't the ideal place for it - a standalone link would obviously need to include @{repeating_blahblah_spellname}: The link could go to Journal instead of Compendium for homebrew.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Problem with that is, Oosh is handling spells that do not exist in the compendium or people who do not have access to it and add stuff manually. Maybe de description can go straight into the chat but only expand on rollover (through css).
Forum Champion
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That would solve half of the problem that folks are having (putting all of the spell info into chat). The issue with a rollover is that the spell still needs to be cast in the first place, which is the second half of the problem: getting the spell out there without decrementing spell slots.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
true, so maybe just the little chat bubble as it was recommended to invoke the spellcard, Keith, with an option to display it by default on cast but also the option of calling it straight from the spell list.
Forum Champion
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I really liked that suggestion, since the "user training" is already handled by being virtually identical to the way traits are displayed.
Is there an easy way to get NPC attacks into token macros? I am trying to convert Monster Sheets into Token Actions so I don't always have to have them up to click, initiative, attacks, ect.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Since you are pro, try this script: Token Action Maker
TY Keith!
Im very new and have been trying to get familiar with the charactermancer, i recently brought the d&d player bundle but when i made a new game to access a player sheet to test it, only the standard options were there, am i missing something? like do i have to press something to add the other races in, or will i need to choose custom and put everything in manually, which i was trying to avoid doing, as ive never played D&D before
Forum Champion
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Hi Cynphi Shalltear, Those options should  show up automatically, so long as you have selected the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet as your game's character sheet. You can check on the game settings page in the Compendium Settings flipdown menu. You should at the very least see Xanathar's Guide and the Players Handbook as sources under Compendium Selection. The should be green and say "owned". If they are red, you can click on them to turn them green and they will then be available in that game. If this is not the case, something has likely gone wrong with your purchase, and you should contact the team with a  Help Center Request .
@keithcurtis = 5e forums 1 man army :)
I am using the 5e character sheet and I notice that in the Attacks and Spells box on the Core page any spell that deals damage shows up there, even if it is not checked Prepared on the spell page. This doesn't seem right, am I missing something?
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
the Attacks and Spells box on the Core page any spell that deals damage shows up there, even if it is not checked Prepared on the spell page. This doesn't seem right, am I missing something? On the contrary, I wouldn't be surprised about this. It would be easy have those spells be added only when they are prepared, but to make them disappear when not prepared automatically wouldn't be as easy to implement, so I wouldn't have expected that to be the case. Or does weapon attacks disappear when you un-equip them?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Having the attack section so dynamic would likely cause problems for some macros and folks who depend on token action buttons.
I am trying to use Power Cards, with a macro I found that creates a spell book and also creates on the same card the attacks. The Spell book works fine, any spells that are not prepared are not shown, the ones that are prepared are shown and can be cast by the player by clicking the buttons on the card. The attacks are shown and can be used by clicking on the buttons as well. However the attack section of the attack card also shows spells that are not prepared and the player is able to cast these as well. This not how the 5e rules say it should be. I also notice that when a weapon is deleted from the equipment list it still shows up in the Attacks and Spellcasting box is able to be used by the player. To me this is a flaw in the Character Sheet.
keithcurtis said: Having the attack section so dynamic would likely cause problems for some macros and folks who depend on token action buttons. Perhaps just adding a field to the items in the list that allows macros to filter on weather or not it is a Spell.
I noticed that Barbarian Rage damage appears to be getting applied twice on a crit, when it should not be. Is this a known issue/limitation, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!!
I am certain this must have been mentioned before, but one of my players over the weekend pointed this out. When hovering over spells, attacks, saving throws, skills, anything, really - the black text goes red. This indicates that you are going to make something appear in the chat, when you click it, but in every single case, it concerns text . When it comes to the "features and traits" window on the core sheet, you have to click the speech bubble to make the feature appear in the chat window. Yes, the speech bubble turns red. The system assumes that's how you recognize what's abbout to happen. But it's the only thing on the entire sheet that functions like that, and it requires you to click a button to the right of the title. When it comes to spells, there's a button to the right of the spell that you need to click to show the info . Of course, my player, intending to read a new spell he'd put on his sheet secretly, clicked the spell's name, because for the features on the main page, it works like that if you don't want to drop it into chat. Thereby revealing the spell that he'd secretly learned to all the other players. I know, it's a very niche situation, but one where that definitely ruined the mystique. I've had plenty of other situations where players accidentally dropped a (known) spell into the chat, simply trying to read it. Point being, from a design point of view, I don't find it intuitive that "the color changes" is the feature to look out for. I know it's not, because we keep making this same mistake. Both the features and spells are things you want to drop into chat sometimes for ease of reading, or things you need to look through to remind yourself how they work. But they work in exactly the opposite way visually. To be sure I don't do anything wrong, I always click the cogwheel. That doesn't feel right. Adding a chat AND info button to BOTH might solve that, but I also understand that other people's instinct works in different ways. It's simply an issue I've bumped up against. I do notice that other people in this thread have asked for a better way to drop spell info in chat for damaging spells with other effects, and the chat bubble for the spell's description is also something that would make sense to me. A sense of cohesion for all aspects of the sheet is definitely a good idea.
Jeroen W. said: I am certain this must have been mentioned before, but one of my players over the weekend pointed this out. When hovering over spells, attacks, saving throws, skills, anything, really - the black text goes red. This indicates that you are going to make something appear in the chat, when you click it, but in every single case, it concerns text . When it comes to the "features and traits" window on the core sheet, you have to click the speech bubble to make the feature appear in the chat window. Yes, the speech bubble turns red. The system assumes that's how you recognize what's abbout to happen. But it's the only thing on the entire sheet that functions like that, and it requires you to click a button to the right of the title. When it comes to spells, there's a button to the right of the spell that you need to click to show the info . Of course, my player, intending to read a new spell he'd put on his sheet secretly, clicked the spell's name, because for the features on the main page, it works like that if you don't want to drop it into chat. Thereby revealing the spell that he'd secretly learned to all the other players. I know, it's a very niche situation, but one where that definitely ruined the mystique. I've had plenty of other situations where players accidentally dropped a (known) spell into the chat, simply trying to read it. Point being, from a design point of view, I don't find it intuitive that "the color changes" is the feature to look out for. I know it's not, because we keep making this same mistake. Both the features and spells are things you want to drop into chat sometimes for ease of reading, or things you need to look through to remind yourself how they work. But they work in exactly the opposite way visually. To be sure I don't do anything wrong, I always click the cogwheel. That doesn't feel right. Adding a chat AND info button to BOTH might solve that, but I also understand that other people's instinct works in different ways. It's simply an issue I've bumped up against. I do notice that other people in this thread have asked for a better way to drop spell info in chat for damaging spells with other effects, and the chat bubble for the spell's description is also something that would make sense to me. A sense of cohesion for all aspects of the sheet is definitely a good idea. I’m wondering if a ‘tool’ like the down arrow used in the Compendium could be used. I’m thinking that it could even whisper it to the player, thus they get ease of reading but it isn’t displayed in the chat for everyone. A variation would be to have the bubble whisper to the play, with a ‘reveal’ button in the chat that allows the player to reveal the spell to everyone.
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Ezra said: I noticed that Barbarian Rage damage appears to be getting applied twice on a crit, when it should not be. Is this a known issue/limitation, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!! Erza, thanks for reporting. I am adding this to the backlog, in the meantime, please edit the global damage entry and set the critical damage field to "0."
I cannot believe I'm still here questioning the sheer mind-boggling stupidity that we still can't print character sheets. There seems to be a vote in existence on the site for years which is listed as 'obstructed'. You cannot print a character sheet. You cannot print the entire character sheet window. You cannot snip the entire character sheet window. You cannot in any way get a single useable printable character sheet without screenshotting each bit, scrolling down, screenshotting again and assembling them back together afterwards. The fact that this has been an issue for SO LONG, and yet still nothing is done about it, makes me feel cheated that I shelled out on the PHB expansion on Roll20, when it looks like I'm going to have to buy it again on D&D Beyond. Seriously, Roll20. Sort yourselves out. In the meantime, if any users have a workable solutions to get around the lack of support, I'd love to hear them.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
This isn't very good, but it provides rudimentary results: Pop out the character sheet. Expand all features you want to be able to read on the printed version. Scroll down slightly so the tabs go off the top of the window. Right-click and select Print. Set margins to minimum. Print Scroll down past what was printed and repeat steps 4-6 until all the page is printed. Repeat 2-7 for the bio and spells tabs if needed.
Miguel: I believe the same issue of crit doubling non-rolled damage occurs with the +10 Sharpshooter bonus as well.
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Thanks, Craig. I believe it should be happening with Great Weapon Master also. Please use the solution I posted above while I fix this in a permanent way on the sheetworker.
Copy that, Miguel... and thanks so much for the work you do!
I wrote a two volume D&D campaign and I need some DM to run it and play test it. Where do I go to ask someone to do that?
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, so please forgive if not. My DM does flat critical damage rather than doubling dice. So an crit attack with a 1d8 weapon turns into 1d8(base die)+8(crit)+other modifiers (prof, stat, magic, etc). This is easy to do on the sheet for weapons and spells that do not increase in damage, by simply adding the appropriate number to the critical damage line on the attack itself on the core page. However, is there a way to do max die damage when the die is variable, due to casting a spell attack at a higher level? For instance, Inflict Wounds does 3d10, plus 1d10 per level cast about 1st. I can put "30" into the critical line, but it won't max out the additional damage if it is cast at 2nd level. Is there a way to do a macro that will do this in the critical line on the sheet?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You pretty much just want to replace "d" with "*", so Inflict wounds is essentially (Spell slot level +2)d10 normal damage, and (Spell slot level +2)*10 crit damage. Unfortunately the higher level cast part of the spell won't play nice with homebrewed crit rules - you'll need to edit the spell in your Spells tab, find the higher level cast section and change the drop down from D10 to NONE. Then, back on the Core tab in Attacks & Spellcasting, change the damage field to: [[?{Cast at what level?|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}+2]]d10 and the crit field to: [[?{Cast at what level?}+2]]*10 You can re-use the Query again if you want the slot level displayed: in the Damage Type, change Necrotic to Necrotic, lvl ?{Cast at what level?}
That all worked really well for almost every spell I needed to update, thanks! Only one issue I came across. What can I do for a spell such as Spiritual Weapon? It's damage scales at every 2 levels after level 2, instead of every level (1d8 at 2 and 3, 2d8 at 4 and 5, 3d8 at 6 and 7, and 4d8 at 8 and 9). I was able to adjust the above formulas for various spells that had different increases at each level, but not sure what to do for the skipping ones. Thanks again.

Edited 1601016768
Sheet Author
API Scripter
No worries. Spiritual weapon should be like this, I think: [[ floor(?{Cast at what level?|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}/2) ]]d8 You can use the same general math for other odd scaling - divide by the number of levels in each step (2) then add the base amount if needed. 5e almost always rounds down, which is the floor() part - if you ever need to round up, use ceil() instead. I can't think of any spells which would round up, but they might exist! edit - whoops, forgot it's a level 2 spell. Changed the math.

Edited 1601113848
IWG said: I cannot believe I'm still here questioning the sheer mind-boggling stupidity that we still can't print character sheets. There seems to be a vote in existence on the site for years which is listed as 'obstructed'. Do you really expect to get proper answers and that something changes when you address a problem like that?
I’m looking for a free to play 5e game in the Ebberon setting. If anyone is running such a game please let me know. I have a character in mind and am familiar with the setting.
Forum Champion
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Hi Morgan, There a Looking for Group forum , and a Looking for Game search tool to help you find games. This thread is for feedback on the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet. Good luck!

Edited 1601459544
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Release Notes - September 29th D&D 5e by Roll20 Great Weapon Master, Rage, and Sharpshooter no longer do double damage on critical hits. NPCs and monsters from the compendium should have their vision and night vision set for both Legacy Dynamic Lighting and Updated Dynamic Lighting.
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
I really don't understand why Roll20 gave every creature in the compendium vision considering their own advice. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;

Edited 1601473499
Hello, I would like to know if in the character sheet it is possible to go beyond the simple change of the type of dice to play instead of the dice with 20 faces, for example 2 dice with 20 faces or to call a calculation formula contained in the input field of the type of dice to play that we want instead of the dice with 20 faces. If this is the case, I would like to know how to proceed because I am not at all satisfied with the 20-sided dice which for me is an absurdity, but I do not want to criticize people who appreciate the 20-sided dice, I just want to push a little further the simulation side, but not too far because it must remain both a game and pleasant to play. Translated with <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (free version) English = &gt; French Bonjour, je souhaite savoir si dans la feuille de personnage il est possible d'aller au delà du simple changement de type de dés à jouer à la place du dés à jouer pourvu de 20 faces, par exemple 2 dés à 20 faces ou encore appeler une formule de calcul contenue dans le champs de saisie du type de dés à jouer que l'on souhaite à la place du dés à jouer pourvu de 20 faces. Si tel est le cas j'aimerai que on me précise comment procéder car je suis pas du tout satisfait du dés à 20 faces qui pour moi est une absurdité, mais je ne cherche pas à critiquer les personnes qui apprécient le dés a 20 faces, je cherche juste à pousser un peu plus loins le côté simulation, mais pas trop loin car cela dois rester à la fois un jeu et agréable à jouer.
When I saw this: Release Notes - September 29th D&amp;D 5e by Roll20 Great Weapon Master, Rage, and Sharpshooter no longer do double damage on critical hits. I was very happy - that rage kicking in the extra 2 damage on the critical has been annoying for a while now.&nbsp; But it appears to still be happening - is there something that we are required to change in order to facilitate this change?&nbsp; The game and character in question are both using the D&amp;D 5e by Roll20 sheet.
It seems to be working for me now, for Rage at least. I didn't try the feats. Thanks!

Edited 1601485164
It seems to work well if Rage is the only global damage modifier, but if it is paired with another (this character in particular is a Path of the Zealot Barbarian) then it rolls twice still.&nbsp; The critical range was tweaked to get the full damage on that roll.
Forum Champion
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Good catch. That's a tricky one.

Edited 1601491054
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Gonna check this use case Bookwyrmm, Thanks for pointing that out!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm not seeing this behaviour with multiple globals active and crit set to 0. It seems to be working as intended. Or am I misunderstanding?
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That second field in the original example was a die roll plus an integer. I haven't had the opportunity to test.