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D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 (Q1Y2020)

Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
The problem only happens when you leave the field blank, Oosh.

Edited 1601524867
Sheet Author
API Scripter
*headsmack* Of course it does, hence why it's related to the recent update :) Now I see your solution, too - {{globalcritdamage}} is only displayed if there's a "d" in the damage roll. Maybe worth noting that it's also triggered by using the letter "d" in an inline tag. So if someone puts 2[Acid] as a global damage mod, it will also trigger crit output. Not sure why they would, since the damage type gets tacked on as a tag anyway.

Edited 1601560514
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Will change that to d[0-9] even though that is not bullet proof also. It wont also cover use cases where you have (1d6 + 2). There used to exist a really complex regex in there but it was broken when it came to complex formula that made use of other attributes and special characters, as pointed here on this topic a few weeks ago... I will think about something.
(1) Dragging Spells into the Character sheet from the Compendium makes them belong to the Abjuration school (at least Invisibility and Enlarge Reduce) (2) Is it possible to create a "Jack of all trades" like bonus to single skills and not to all of them (and to Ini as well) - like you would need for the Remarkable Athlete (7th lvl Fighter Champion)?
David M.
API Scripter
Falk said: (1) Dragging Spells into the Character sheet from the Compendium makes them belong to the Abjuration school (at least Invisibility and Enlarge Reduce) (2) Is it possible to create a "Jack of all trades" like bonus to single skills and not to all of them (and to Ini as well) - like you would need for the Remarkable Athlete (7th lvl Fighter Champion)? Regarding (2): Click the gear icon for the settings tab and add the static bonuses to the appropriate skills/init (found in the center column - skills at bottom, init near top)
Falk said: (1) Dragging Spells into the Character sheet from the Compendium makes them belong to the Abjuration school (at least Invisibility and Enlarge Reduce) (2) Is it possible to create a "Jack of all trades" like bonus to single skills and not to all of them (and to Ini as well) - like you would need for the Remarkable Athlete (7th lvl Fighter Champion)? As to (1): which sheet?  I use the OGL sheet for my games and just tried dragging both spells to a test character.  Both stayed in the intended schools and neither became Abjuration spells.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The Abjuration bug was originally reported here , with some more info and possible causes in the subsequent posts.
Not a bug, but more a rules or copy/paste error. The non-spellcard-formatted version of True Polymorph in the Compendium still has the 1st printing of the Player's Handbook version of the text, not the version that appears in the Player's Handbook and the SRD now. In other words it says, "If you concentrate on this spell for the full Duration , the transformation becomes permanent," instead of "If you concentrate on this spell for the full duration, the spell lasts until it is dispelled."

Edited 1601621363
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It appears to be correct in my Compendium - are you looking at the SRD version, maybe?
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Nice catch! In the SRD compendium, the gold-formatted version shows the correct text. The plain-text version shows the old text. These kinds of things are supposed to go in help desk requests now. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1601815565
Hi community, I have a strange result when clicking an attack for only one character (all attacks produce same "0" results) However the dispayed dynamic dice show correct value (with a "1" as second roll) My researches: - when I click the "up arrow" in the chat box, I get the following @{MyCharacter|wtype}&amp;{template:atk} {{mod=+2}} {{rname=[Quarterstaff (One-Handed)](~-M52jpi8qaZ8wgkcbv0G|repeating_attack_-M52lmOlByIQsrxxswkT_attack_dmg)}} {{rnamec=[Quarterstaff (One-Handed)](~-M52jpi8qaZ8wgkcbv0G|repeating_attack_-M52lmOlByIQsrxxswkT_attack_crit)}} {{r1=[[@{MyCharacter|d20}cs&gt;20 + 2[STR] + +2[PROF]]]}} @{MyCharacter|rtype}cs&gt;20 + 2[STR] + +2[PROF]]]}} {{range=}} {{desc=}} {{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{MyCharacter|global_attack_mod}}} ammo= @{MyCharacter|charname_output} - I understand that the "...d20}cs&gt;20 + 2[STR] + +2[PROF]..." sequence is the cause of the displayed "0" - I can't figure out the "empty initialized variable" whitch is the source of the problem Thanks for the explanations community could give

Edited 1601851063
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It looks like your @{d20} might have become corrupt. What do you get in the chat log when you type @{characterName|d20} for the problem character? If @{rtype} was the problem, it shouldn't be affecting {{r1}}. To be getting 0 there must be something incalculable in the roll, otherwise the STR and PROF would still be adding up to 4. Rabulias is right in the below post - there's 2 + signs in between [STR] and [PROF]. I'm not even sure how you do that through the sheet - have you manually edited your proficiency bonus @{pb} on the Attributes page, by any chance? I'm not sure how else it could get in there... it should also be making the {{mod}} field fail to NaN, and your {{mod}} should be +4, surely? Odd. If you bump your level up by 1, then back down again, it'll trigger the @{pb} worker and should reset the value to what it should be, anyway.

Edited 1601824706
I think the problem might be that a modifier on your sheet is entered with a "+" sign. Generally in Roll20 sheets, positive values should be entered on sheets as just numbers. Only penalties should have a sign ("-") in front of them. The underlying macro formulas already have the plus signs in them. You end up with back-to-back plus signs (" + +2[PROF]") in the formula which breaks the roll.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I don't know if I missed an announcement, but Thanks, Miguel! The new spell reporting buttons work great. I discovered them mid-game by accident. Extremely helpful!
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
That is spiffy. Does it bypass the "cast a spell" on the companion API? Is there a way to not whisper the text?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
It does bypass the API spell tracker. I don't think there's a way to whisper it, but if you are on the sheet to see the button, you can just as easily expand the description there for private browsing. This is for when you need to show the details of a spell to the group or the DM without casting it.

Edited 1601827040
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Oh, I was asking because it was whispered in your example. And Miguel, there have been several really nice improvements on this sheet in the last couple months, and the bugs on the edge cases have been cleaned up quickly. Well done.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Doing some further testing. It seems to trigger the spell slot counter announcement, but doesn't toggle the slot reduction. It's behaving correctly, but difficult to tell that the spell is being used for display only. Miguel, could you: A) Do something with the CSS to make the difference more obvious? Different background color, or border? If nothing else a text message or label that this is for reference only? B) Eliminate the spell tracker warning on a non-cast, reported spell?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Brian C. said: Oh, I was asking because it was whispered in your example. And Miguel, there have been several really nice improvements on this sheet in the last couple months, and the bugs on the edge cases have been cleaned up quickly. Well done. Ah, I was testing on a character that had output set to whisper. Ignore that, it just obeys the sheet settings. And agreed on Miguel's work on this sheet. Very responsive and very quick. Kudos!
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Thanks, folks! I am a DnD Dungeon Master myself so this goes beyond work for me, kind of eating my own dog food ;) Keith, I will see what I can do about your suggestion using CSS only.
And there's kind of a bug with the new spell reporting button.&nbsp; While I like that it displays the spell slot counter, it shows "all slots expended" when casting a cantrip (which doesn't use spell slots): I think I agree with others that the spell slot counter should be dropped from the display, especially if this bug can't be fixed.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Or perhaps since the message only appears for folks using the API script, it could be given a case where it puts a different message there for a reporting spellblock than a casting spell block.
Hi all. What's the recommended way on the sheet to the track the number of attunement items? Thanks.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I don't know what the recommended way is, but I put them in the top three positions on my equipment list, with a dummy item called "------------------" in fourth position, to act as a faux divider line.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
I will take a look at these scripts to see if there is something I can do about it on the sheet side.
@Oosh &amp; @Rabulias Thanks a lot for your replies: they guide me to the solution I misclicked on the "Show Global Damage" checkbox without filling its data !
TheWebCoder said: Hi all. What's the recommended way on the sheet to the track the number of attunement items? Thanks. I think of attunements as a resource, so on my character sheets, I add a resource box, call it "Available Attunements", set the max to 3, and then as I attune to items, I reduce the current number by one.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I keep a macro full of emojis handy - one of them is for attunement items. I use manual dividers like Keith's suggestion, and the currently attuned items all get a ⭕ donut. =====Attunement======= ⭕ Sword of Vegetable Preparation Club of Angry Movements ⭕ Ring of Having a Good Time ⭕ Breastplate of Unnecessary Flexing ======Belt============ Potion of blah blah ........
Oosh said: ⭕ Sword of Vegetable Preparation How do I go about obtaining one of these!
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Alan said: Oosh said: ⭕ Sword of Vegetable Preparation How do I go about obtaining one of these! Work at Samurai Delicatessen.
I had the (perhaps foolish) idea of converting all the warlock's spells to be of the level of their spell slots. So, our level 9 warlock now has all their warlock spells in the 5th level spell section. This was my way of getting around the warlock spell slot issue while still allowing the spell slot tracking API to work. However, now the new spells I have added come out with the same "SPELL SLOT LEVEL undefined" as shown in Saul J's post above. What have I done wrong? I believe I've filled in every section on the new spell template.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Just forwarding the info on the release for the subscribers of this topic: D&amp;D 5e Updated the 5e Compendium with the new errata for Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Fixed an issue where the Underdark Encounters from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything returned an error. Fixed an issue where rage damage was being included in critical hit damage. Fixed an issue with dragged spells showing incorrect information on spellcards.
Is this where we post errors in the compendium? I've noticed that the Blade of Disaster from Icewind Dale is not set up correctly on the Compendium.&nbsp; The blade has a crit range of 18+ and deals an extra 8d12 damage on a crit neither of which are presented in the spell block or the automatic attack macro on the front sheet.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
PoisonedDM said: Is this where we post errors in the compendium? I've noticed that the Blade of Disaster from Icewind Dale is not set up correctly on the Compendium.&nbsp; The blade has a crit range of 18+ and deals an extra 8d12 damage on a crit neither of which are presented in the spell block or the automatic attack macro on the front sheet. Module-specific issues are handled in a&nbsp; Help Center Request . If you file there, it will create a ticket.
Miguel: I'm getting some strange behavior following your inclusion of spell--&gt;chat reporting (which is awesome, btw, so thank you again for that). If a spell doesn't have an upcast option, when I cast (and I'm careful to make sure I'm casting and not reporting), the sheet acts like I'm just reporting... so for instance, casting Mage Armor sends the spell to chat, adds the "Spell Slot Level undefined, all slots expended" message, and does not decrement the spell slot. This is the case for all non-upcastable spells I've tried it with. On upcastables, the "cast at which level?" input seems to bypass this error, and casts correctly with a decrementation of the spell slot. Any idea as to what's going on? Best and thanks, Craig
Hello all. i think there's a bug on the dnd 5e sheet. when using the charactermencer for leveling up and multi classting, when 2 class of magic user the number of cantrip allowed to select is to high. you can select more spell then what the book says, is there a way to fix that ? p.s. sorry if it not clear but i'm french :p
Craig M. said: Miguel: I'm getting some strange behavior following your inclusion of spell--&gt;chat reporting (which is awesome, btw, so thank you again for that). If a spell doesn't have an upcast option, when I cast (and I'm careful to make sure I'm casting and not reporting), the sheet acts like I'm just reporting... so for instance, casting Mage Armor sends the spell to chat, adds the "Spell Slot Level undefined, all slots expended" message, and does not decrement the spell slot. This is the case for all non-upcastable spells I've tried it with. On upcastables, the "cast at which level?" input seems to bypass this error, and casts correctly with a decrementation of the spell slot. Any idea as to what's going on? Best and thanks, Craig I'm seeing much the same thing.&nbsp; In my game on Tuesday, most of the spells cast were not decrementing the spell slot counter.&nbsp; I thought at the time it was due to load or something as I hadn't had a chance to do any testing yet.&nbsp; But since someone else is seeing the same thing, I'm wondering if the changes created a bug. FWIW, the changes may also have had an effect on what gets passed to APIs.&nbsp; I also noticed that spells that used to be seen as Concentration spells by the Concentration script (from the script library) were not being seen as concentration spells.&nbsp;

Edited 1602352432
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Dear D&amp;D players, I finally got some time to investigate the API related issues reported by different folks here on this thread. I did not want to just push the dust under the bed and hide the spell slot error via CSS so I had to take some time to debug the scripts listed here. I am glad to say it should be all good once the fix is live, including the concentration issue. I've also included some minor cosmetic changes as suggested by Keith. I will try my best to include this into the next build but it still has to go through QA, so no promises made ;) Click the image below to play:
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Miguel, you're the greatest! I am very intrigued by the concentration message. Does that use a sheetworker or anything to write to the sheet? I.e., is it an attribute that can be later polled to return the name of the spell a character is concentrating on? Even if it just writes a message to chat, that can be useful to API writers. How does it work?
Thank you so much for fixing the spell slot tracking issue, Miguel! It was driving me crazy for the last couple of hours. I hope the QA works out and look forward to your next update!

Edited 1602348561
HI Hi, I've been running a roll20 session a couple of days ago, and rechecked&nbsp; a few minutes ago. the following issue is still there: Only Attack Spells with level selection works, other spells that do not have the "at higher levels" parameters set shows&nbsp;&nbsp; SPELL SLOT LEVEL undefined&nbsp; ALL SLOTS EXPENDED. Using API script 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Companion, latest version Can this be checked too please?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Hi Alessandro, The fixes Miguel discussed still have to go through QA. They are not yet live, and probably won't be till the next code push, usually Tuesday mornings.
ahh... ok, thanks for clarification keithcurtis. Still new to the processes of r20 mechanics, apologies. Cheers!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
None needed. :) Changes for sheets and API scripts accumulate during the week. Unless something is catastrophically broken, all of these are reviewed by Tuesday, at which point they get merged into the code base. If you are interested in following the progress or seeing what's available, you can visit the Roll20 github repo (although the official sheets are proprietary and hidden):&nbsp;

Edited 1602360431
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Keith, there was a fix pushed not long ago for spells always displaying "abjuration" in the spell cards and also some lowercase/uppercase issues. While coding that fix I ended up splitting an a roll attribute called {{level=@{spellschool} @{spelllevel}}} in favor of {{level=@{spelllevel}}} {{school=@{spellschool}}}. In that way, I could use the school attribute as a source for &lt;span name='{school}' data-i18n-dynamic&gt; and show the translated school name in the card. With that said, the API scripts mentioned here relied on the fact that level would contain both the school and the actual level and would perform things like splitting based on a space character to get the actual level. That broke things. I had to push the fix back, the school will still show correct, however, translation wont work anymore, it will always use English ;( Another problem was related to the fact that stuff was being called by the API based on the roll template used (for slots) so I ended up having to create another template for the spell description only. Those fixes could have been done on the scripts, like using a better regex or just simply updating it to accommodate the level/school split, however I am not the owner of those so I ended up making changes, reverting stuff, etc., on my side.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Thanks for the insight. The sheet keeps getting better.
keithcurtis said: Thanks for the insight. The sheet keeps getting better. It's still not the Shaped Sheet ... Could we take everything that was right with the Shaped Sheet and make it into the OGL Sheet so it can: 1. Integrate with Charactermancer 2. Be accepted as the standard that everything in Roll20 5e D&amp;D accepts 3. Is forward compatible, both in compendium and day to day uses Things like: 1. One Size Fits All templating - without limits or setbacks (Having so many templates, imo, is just bloated.&nbsp; Having a more robust CSS that understands the definition of things is more compatible.&nbsp; In Shaped, it was easy to discern things at the template level:&nbsp; &amp;{template:5e-shaped}{{spell=1}} was a spell, &amp;{template:5e-shaped}{{offense=1}} was a weapon, etc.&nbsp; Very simple metrics.&nbsp; In OGL, a spell isn't always a spell, and things are hard for API Authors to grab hold of what they need - some spells will have some code, others have different code.&nbsp; Ask Vinnie from Combat Master - he went through that issue) 2. Individual item accountability with recharge dynamics (charge based, turn based, short rest or long rest based, manually recharged, etc.), rather than the batch of things that countdown (Class Resource, Other Resource, Resource $0 Left, Resource $0 Right ...) which can mix up Action Surge with Arrows - totally different things. 3. A Long Rest and Short Rest Button!!!&nbsp; (referring to #3) 4. Freeform area so that API's can be fired with, but after, all formatted items have fired 5. Sensible links and toggles that can be controlled by API 6. Modifier's section in one place instead of all over the sheet.&nbsp; (Bless, Guidance, Defense, Ability &amp; Skill Modifiers are all around the sheet currently, some even on different tabs!) 7. Extending the limits of classes beyond 4 (though admittedly, if you are beyond 4 classes, you might be beyond hope.&nbsp; I'm looking at you, Absurd, from Puffin Forest ...) 8. Break down the difference between Racial/ Subracial Features, Class/ Subclass Features, Feats, and Background Features 9. Be able to introduce more Attributes (Sanity, in my Curse of Strahd, is working great!) and Money Options (Like 50 Gp Gems, 100 Gp Gems, etc.) I could go on and on .... but with the Shaped Sheet no longer being supported, and it being the Gold Standard it truly was until then, it's time for OGL to stop building on a shaky foundation and see what can be done to make itself the Gold Standard.&nbsp; Even unsupported any longer, I still find I only use the Shaped Sheet in my games - and the only time I use OGL is in others', who hand me the task of making all the Macros and APIs work.&nbsp; A task I'm finding myself with a lot less hair because of, comparatively speaking. If nothing else comes of my rant, then please see #4 - the Freeform section, which is nothing more than adding a place at the end of every Spell, Attack, and Trait that, following it's own code, gives an area to freely add more code.&nbsp; Mostly useful for API's, but also could be used to add more code to overwrite existing if it needed formatted better (Avoiding limitations that sometimes happen in form fields, such as 'numbers only', when a number could be gotten from a complicated roll equation).
Miguel said: Dear D&amp;D players, I finally got some time to investigate the API related issues reported by different folks here on this thread. I did not want to just push the dust under the bed and hide the spell slot error via CSS so I had to take some time to debug the scripts listed here. I am glad to say it should be all good once the fix is live, including the concentration issue. I've also included some minor cosmetic changes as suggested by Keith. I will try my best to include this into the next build but it still has to go through QA, so no promises made ;)&nbsp; Bless you and thank you!!&nbsp; My game is Tuesday nights starting at 6pm Eastern so hopefully this will pass QA and get pushed through to live before then!!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The Shaped Sheet has all sorts of wonderful features, but sometimes at the expense of a steeper learning curve. I'd love to see it mined for ideas, but I think that adopting everything would mean essentially re-writing the&nbsp;D&amp;D 5th Edition by Roll20 Sheet from scratch. I don't want to see that. The Shaped Sheet and companion had some odd solutions to problems, that did not mesh with the existing architecture. For example, all monsters and spells were added in via json within the script. That would be a nightmare to keep current, requiring a parallel maintenance, and lead to easy abuse. This incompatibility with the Compendium was likely one of the issues that kept it from ever being Charactermancer compatible. I'd hesitate to call it the "Gold Standard" by only listing its positives and ignoring its negatives. I'd like to see the official sheet continue to grow, and to use some of the ideas from the Shaped Sheet (that's a great list, by the way, my picks would be 2 &amp; 6), but not to the extent that the sheet would need to be completely re-written and likely have to deal with bugs for the better part of a year.