A PC only recovers a number of expended hit dice up to half of its level on a long rest (rounded down, minimum 1 recovered).
As an example, a 9th-level PC that had expended 7 hit dice would recover 4 and end up at 6 (9-7+4=6).
A multiclassed PC would want to recover bigger hit dice first. Which makes me wonder, does the 5e companion script correctly recover hit dice, or does it recover all hit dice on a !longrest?
My preference would be for the spinners to adjust the number of hit dice as necessary and keep automation to the companion script. If the sheet were to gain functionality to recover hit dice outside of the companion script, I think it should be a separate link so as not to confuse against the existing functionality, something like:
Hit Dice (Long Rest)
I think several alternatives might need to be analyzed to see which best communicates the functionality from a UI/UX standpoint. Given your previous example, something like this might work:
0d10 max 3d10 3d6 max 9d6
Hit Dice |
With a spinner next to the 0d10 and 3d6. Clicking the 3d6 would pop up a modal dialogue (like a macro parameter) that would let you spend 1 to 3 d6. Another possibility would be to click "Hit Dice" (preserving the existing entry point) and have it pop up a drop down for each die size that still has dice. It then rolls all the dice and adds the Con bonus. Rolling 3d6 in the above example might give out put like
19 (1 + 4 + 5 + 9)
the 9 being the Con bonus for all dice rolled.
Another possibility for format would be
0 of 3d10 3 of 9d6 Hit Dice |
With spinners next to the 0 and 3.