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Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition by Roll20

I see the following was added to the sheet on 13 Jul. Can we get the same for Willpower and Health to track at least superficial damage?  Vampire 5e - Added the ability to track a player's stains on their humanity tracker A separate counter  on Willpower and Health to track  for  aggravated  damage indicated by  "X" rather than "\"  would be nice too.
Darkshadow said: I see the following was added to the sheet on 13 Jul. Can we get the same for Willpower and Health to track at least superficial damage?  Vampire 5e - Added the ability to track a player's stains on their humanity tracker A separate counter  on Willpower and Health to track  for  aggravated  damage indicated by  "X" rather than "\"  would be nice too. Agree. Tracking superficial damage is SUPER important in V5. You tend to have more superficial damage than agg, tbh.
I've noticed that when i try to delete discipline powers, unless I delete them from the bottom up, the content of the removed discipline seems to shift downward, overwriting the discipline below it, does anyone know any why that's happening or how to work around it?
I have the same issue. I have not found a workaround. I am spending today fixing my players sheets. Hope the full drg and drop is added soon.
At risk of sounding inept at roll 20, what does this announcement refer to? Vampire 5th Edition - Improved Discipline repeating section controls I don't know what "repeating section controls" means
Repeating sections. are parts of a character sheet that you can and multiples of. they normally have a lock at the bottom to delete lines or an add to add new lines. for the VTM sheet there are repeating sections for Disciplines, Advantages, and Flaws.
What are people doing for SPCs on Roll20?
Syd said: What are people doing for SPCs on Roll20? I make full sheets for mine and have a folder for them. Complete tokens and everything. Takes a while but worth it. 
Syd said: What are people doing for SPCs on Roll20? If it's one the coterie will encounter often I make a full sheet but for everything else I have generic sheets for ghouls humans and the different clans of kindred

Edited 1626939321
Have been trying to make a rouse check using the Vampire template with a singular dice, while keeping the hunger dice's red look and icons on it just to make it prettier, but I'm just hitting my head against a rock as I only have a superficial undestanding of macros, throwing templates into the mix gives me a hard time lol. Given that's a recurring mechanic not only for waking up but for a handful of Disciplines I'm surprised there isn't one already in place in the character sheet. Coming from 3rd Edition, first thing I noticed is how the 5th Edition's sheet is absolutely amazing both on aesthetically and functionally, if not for a few tests/checks that could still be added, there's really not a single bad thing I could say about it.

Edited 1626981227
Frabrisio. Here you go. &{template:vampire}{{title=ROUSE CHECK}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=}}{{hunger=[[1]]}}{{rollcount=[[1]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}}   On the first page of this thread I posted 2 dice macros. Use the with hunger one but change where it says dice= to 1. I think it is on there 2 times. Get rid of the roll query us have it say 1.
This is a breakdown of the roll template if people need it. &{template:vampire} {{title=}} = LARGE FONT TEXT {{character=}} = SMALL TEXT AT TOP {{attribute=}} = ATTRIBUTE USED {{skill=}} = SKILL USED (USE THIS FOR DROP DOWN SELECTION) {{rolls=}} = NUMBER OF NORMAL DICE TO ROLL {{hunger=}} = NUMBER OF HUNGER DICE TO ROLL {{rollcount=}} = TOTAL NUMBER OF DICE ROLLED AT VERY BOTTOM --NORMAL DICE-- {{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}} --HUNGER DICE-- {{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} --EXAMPLE-- &{template:vampire}{{title=HUNGER DICE POOL}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=[[?{DICE|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}]]}}{{rolls=[[?{DICE|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{DICE|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{DICE|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}}
Adam is amazing for those, thank you very much, had two sessions since and that macro came in really handy. On a second note I'd like to ask if I could possibly offer any sort of translation to the sheet, I personally have no problems with english but a lot of the friends who play with me aren't fluent yet and have a bit of trouble, given V5's book is about to release in portuguese here in Brazil and I know there's a fair ammount of people who play VTM here, it would be great to have a pt-br translation for the sheet.
Is there any word on when health and willpower damage to the tracks or discipline rolls will be added
I saw there was a significant release today. Any chance some of the unspecified improvements were for the VTM sheets?

Edited 1627411658
I think no recent vampire updates since stains and the ability to remove some discipline powers. But i do believe rollable disciplines was being discussed at some point, and Health/ willpower increased support are promised updates. I vaguely recall a member of the roll20 team saying they would consider making their future roadmap viewable if there seemed to be a lot of interest in it, but I could be wrong. In the mean time I'm liking the Macros Adam is doing, and the implementations of stains I find pretty reassuring as a glimpse of how the Trackers are going to work. But one thing that I personally think would make the sheet a lot more usable is the ability to add/ remove dice without restrictions, as in my view that can circumvent problems with some sheet things not being rollable such as disciplines. It would also allow people to manually apply impaired and such.
I looked into making a macro for disciplines that works with drop down selection for powers. But because the disciplines are added as repeating tables the discipline does not show up in attributes and is not linkable. I have a few workarounds to try but I don't want to spend 10 hours working on something to find out they are adding the fix with the next update.  As Steven S. Said they mentioned a road map and I would 1000% love to see it to know time frames for updates.  The compendium needs work also. The npcs do not have powers added to the sheets, this has been mentioned by the team that they wanted to get it to us quickly but I would like to know if that is going to be fixed. Also there needs to be blanks for different blood potency and clans with disciplines added for npc kindred.  I make alot of my own for my stories but for new players it can be daunting to populate a Vampire chronicle. I am happy there are alot of VtM players on here and everyone is having fun in the world of darkness.
I would love to see a roadmap. I tend to prefer to use official sheets with as few macros added as possible, because I don't want to have to maintain said macros. But, if I know something isn't coming for a while, then it's worth the pain to do it myself, or use someone else's macros.  The health and willpower trackers are the big showstoppers for me. Like... I'm kind of stunned that they made it to production? Because that's a major part of the game: Superficial and aggravated damage. 
I am hoping for click 1x for / 2x for X on all of the tracker bars. Not the menu thing they added for humanity.

Edited 1627482557
Ok it is not pretty and until I figure out how to nest these without breaking my brain I have made 1 Macro for each Discipline and a chat menu. Please someone test this and let me know what you think. I only added powers that required rolls in the drop down lists. You have to add Discipline after selecting Power, if the Power does not require Discipline then dont add anything. Name the Macros the same as I have and the Menu should work, Enjoy. MENU &{template:vampire}{{title=[Animalism](!
#AUSPEX)[Blood Sorcery](!
#PROTEAN)[Thin-Blood Alchemy](!
#ALCHEMY)}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}} ANIMALISM &{template:vampire}{{title=?{ANIMALISM|Bond Famulus [Charisma + Animal Ken],@{selected|Charisma}+@{selected|Animal_Ken}[Bond Famulus]|Sense the Beast [Resolve + Animalism],@{selected|Resolve}[Sense the Beast]|Feral Whispers [Manipulation + Animalism],@{selected|Manipulation}[Feral Whispers Manipulation]|Feral Whispers [Charisma + Animalism],@{selected|Charisma}[Feral Whispers Charisma]|Quell the Beast [Charisma + Animalism],@{selected|Charisma}[Quell the Beast]|Subsume the Spirit [Manipulation + Animalism],@{selected|Manipulation}[Subsume the Spirit]|Animal Dominion [Charisma + Animalism],@{selected|Charisma}[Animal Dominion]|Drawing Out the Beast [Wits + Animalism],@{selected|Wits}[Drawing Out the Beast]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{ANIMALISM}+?{Animalism} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{ANIMALISM} +?{Animalism}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{ANIMALISM} +?{Animalism}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} AUSPEX &{template:vampire}{{title=?{AUSPEX|Heightened Senses [Wits + Resolve],@{selected|Wits}+@{selected|Resolve}[Heightened Senses]|Sense the Unseen [Wits + Auspex],@{selected|Wits}[Sense the Unseen]|Sense the Unseen [Resolve + Auspex],@{selected|Resolve}[Sense the Unseen]|Premonition [Resolve + Auspex],@{selected|Resolve}[Premonition]|Scry the Soul [Intelegence + Auspex],@{selected|Intelligence}[Scry the Soul]|Share the Senses [Resolve + Auspex],@{selected|Resolve}[Share the Senses]|Spirit's Touch [Intelligence + Auspex],@{selected|Intelligence}[Spirit's Touch]|Clairvoyance [Intelligence =+ Auspex],@{selected|Intelligence}[Clairvoyance]|Possession [Resolve + Auspex],@{selected|Resolve}[Possession]|Telepathy [Resolve + Auspex],@{selected|Resolve}[Telepathy]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{AUSPEX} +?{Auspex} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{AUSPEX}+?{Auspex}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{AUSPEX}+?{Auspex}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} BLOODSORCERY &{template:vampire}{{title=?{BLOOD SORCERY|A Taste for Blood [Resolve + Blood Sorcery],@{selected|Resolve}[A Taste for Blood]|Extinguish Vitae [Intelligence + Blood Sorcery],@{selected|Intelligence}[Extinguish Vitae]|Blood of Potency [Resolve + Blood Sorcery],@{selected|Resolve}[Blood of Potency]|Scorpion's Touch [Strength + Blood Sorcery],@{selected|Strength}[Scorpion's Touch]|Theft of Vitae [Wits + Blood Sorcery],@{selected|Wits}[Theft of Vitae]|Baal's Caress [Strength + Blood Sorcery],@{selected|Strength}[Baal's Caress]|Cauldron of Blood [Resolver + Blood Sorcery],@{selected|Resolve}[Cauldron of Blood]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{BLOOD SORCERY} +?{Blood Sorcery} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{BLOOD SORCERY}+?{Blood Sorcery}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{BLOOD SORCERY}+?{Blood Sorcery}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} CELERITY &{template:vampire}{{title=?{CELERITY|Blink [Dexterity + Athletics],@{selected|Dexterity}+@{selected|Athletics}[Blink]|Traversal [Dexterity + Athletics],@{selected|Dexterity}+@{selected|Athletics}[Traversal]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{CELERITY} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{CELERITY}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{CELERITY}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} DOMINATE &{template:vampire}{{title=?{DOMINATE|Cloud Memory [Charisma + Dominate],@{selected|Charisma}[Cloud Memory]|Compel [Charisma + Dominate],@{selected|Charisma}[Compel]|Mesmerize [Manipulation + Dominate],@{selected|Manipulation}[Mesmerize]|Dementation [Manipulation + Dominate],@{selected|Manipulation}[Dementation]|The Forgetful Mind [Manipulation + Dominate],@{selected|Manipulation}[The Forgetful Mind]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{DOMINATE} + ?{Dominate} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{DOMINATE} + ?{Dominate}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{DOMINATE} + ?{Dominate}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} FORTITUDE &{template:vampire}{{title=?{FORTITUDE|Enduring Beasts [Stamina + Animalism],@{selected|Stamina}[Enduring Beasts]|Defy Bane [Wits + Survival],@{selected|Wits}+@{selected|Survival}[Defy Bane]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{FORTITUDE} + ?{Animalism} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{FORTITUDE} + ?{Animalism}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{FORTITUDE} + ?{Animalism}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} OBFUSCATE &{template:vampire}{{title=?{OBFUSCATE|Conceal [Intelligence + Obfuscate],@{selected|Intelligence}[Conceal]|Vanish [Wits + Obfuscate],@{selected|Wits}[Vanish]|Imposter's Guise Visual [Wits + Obfuscate],@{selected|Wits}[Imposter's Guise Visual]|Imposter's Guise Vocal [Manipulation + Performance],@{selected|Manipulation}+@{selected|Performance}[Imposter's Guise Vocal]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{OBFUSCATE} + ?{Obfuscate} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{OBFUSCATE} + ?{Obfuscate}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{OBFUSCATE} + ?{Obfuscate}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} POTENCE &{template:vampire}{{title=?{POTENCE|Spark of Rage [Manipulation + Potence],@{selected|Manipulation}[Spark of Rage]|Spark of Rage [Manipulation + Potence],@{selected|Manipulation}[Spark of Rage]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{POTENCE} + ?{Potence} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{POTENCE} + ?{Potence}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{POTENCE} + ?{Potence}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} PRESENCE &{template:vampire}{{title=?{PRESENCE|Awe [Manipulation + Presence],@{selected|Manipulation}[Awe]|Dread Gaze [Charisma + Presence],@{selected|Charisma}[Dread Gaze]|Entrancement [Charisma + Presence],@{selected|Charisma}[Entrancement]|Summon [Manipulation + Presence],@{selected|Manipulation}[Summon]|Majesty [Charisma + Presence],@{selected|Charisma}[Majesty]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{PRESENCE} + ?{Presence} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{PRESENCE} + ?{Presence}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{PRESENCE} + ?{Presence}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} PROTEAN &{template:vampire}{{title=?{PROTEAN|Weight of the Feather [Wits + Survival],@{selected|Wits}+@{selected|Survival}[Weight of the Feather]|Weight of the Feather [Wits + Survival],@{selected|Wits}+@{selected|Survival}[Weight of the Feather]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{PROTEAN} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{PROTEAN}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{PROTEAN}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}} ALCHEMY &{template:vampire}{{title=?{ALCHEMY|Far Reach [Resolve + Alchemy],@{selected|Resolve}[Far Reach]|Envelop [Wits + Alchemy],@{selected|Wits}[Envelop]|Profane Hieros Gamos [Stamina + Resolve],@{selected|Stamina}+@{selected|Resolve}[Profane Hieros Gamos]|Airborne Momentum [Strength + Alchemy],@{selected|Strength}[Airborne Momentum]}}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{attribute=}}{{skill=}}{{rolls=[[?{ALCHEMY} + ?{Alchemy} - @{selected|hunger}]]}}{{hunger=[[@{selected|hunger},?{ALCHEMY} + ?{Alchemy}kl1]]}}{{rollcount=[[?{ALCHEMY} + ?{Alchemy}]]}}{{roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_5=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_6=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_7=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_8=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_9=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_10=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_11=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_12=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_13=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_14=[[1d10]]}},{{roll_15=[[1d10]]}}{{blood_roll_1=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_2=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_3=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_4=[[1d10]]}},{{blood_roll_5=[[1d10]]}}

Edited 1627670919
I've started a campaign recently and am using this sheet, but I had a couple of questions. Is there additional material that I need in order to be able to drag and drop disciplines? When I open the compendium, the categories are there, but all of them are empty with the exception of Rules, which only has "BookIndex". Do I need to purchase another copy of the book through Roll20? If so, does only the DM need to own the copy, or does each player need to as well? Also, does this sheet have a git somewhere? Most sheets I've played with have one linked in the description of the sheet, but I'm not seeing it on this one. Thanks for any help you can provide! :)
Only the DM has to purchase the book but yes you will have to purchase the book from roll20 if you want to use the compendium. The sheet does not have a git that I have located yet.
I just checked the sheet...are the stains bugging out for anyone else? it no Longer puts a slash on humanity. the input box for the stains just seems to be...staying there. anyone else experiencing this?
The sheet is super buggy. Stains on humanity don't work. Players adding the calculated health or willpower will get some weird behaviour where it writes "false" above their Health or Willpower and then nullifies various attributes and skills. Disciplines also have weird behaviour when trying to archive or change powers. Not to mention all the shortfalls in tracking superficial damage and lack of proper support of the compendium drag and drop. For what they charged for the books, you'd expect a much better product. 
I think the False health and willpower might be a new thing for when you put in more health than your character can have based on their stamina and so on.or at least i hadnt noticed it until very recently. So I think that might be a side effect of the steps their making in trying to make health trackable. As for the discipline tracking thing i think that's something that is still in development. Stains is the only one I call attention  to because that used to work fine and then suddenly didn't
I am a little concerned about the radio silence though. When the sheet first came out there was a lot more communication about what was going on with the character sheet development but things have been quiet for a couple of weeks. Overall I'm Optimistic about the sheet due to the popularity of the game and the fact that roll20 seems to have decided to give it a fair bit of post launch attention. So I'm reserving judgement on the sheets quality as a whole. I do think the compendium was very worth buying because if you ever work with new players they are probably not going to read the entire book, and the ability to look stuff up mid game could be pretty necessary in certain situations.
Its not just when you put in more but also when you put the exact amount (e.g. Health = Stamina + 3). Definitely a new thing as we only see it on recently added sheets, not older sheets we have.  Can't speak on stains as never tried them before and they don't work on any of our sheets.
The compendium seems a bit half done. Agreed that searching is good (although PDFs are searchable and cheaper). But the drag and drop features are buggy because of the sheet (for disciplines) or non-existent (for everything else, e.g. advantages, flaws etc).  I'd be optimistic if there was any communication happening but the radio silence is as you say, worrying.
I may have found another bug when I was fiddling with the sheet. I think when i tried to add extra dice it actually removed a die instead (although bright side the fact that this is possible means that we might see removing dice from a pool as a future option).
The way that I understand it, they're moving the health and willpower trackers to health and willpower *damage* trackers. By book, once you meet or exceed a row of your health in damage, you become impaired, suffering a 2 dice penalty to all physical dice pools. Willpower is the same with mental and social pools. The 'False' portion indicates to me that that portion is still in progress, but I'm excited to see any degree of improvement to those trackers. I'd love to see the ability to set Max Health manually however, because although you can edit the attribute through roll20, it's a bit of a hassle, and there are other things (such as Fortitude) that can affect Max Health other than just Stamina + 3. It was a bummer to see that stains aren't working anymore, but it looks like they're starting to overhaul trackers as a whole, which is good news to me. The implementation of impairment is very nice, but I'd like to see the sheet tell you what's happening, to avoid the confusion that you guys and many players are sure to have. Alongside the autocalculation of attributes through impairment, I'd love to see the introduction of a Blood Surge button, that would add to the chosen attribute, and then revert the changes after you toggle the button off.
I'm inclined to agree with you Aaron in that the currently buggy damage trackers is actually a good sign that work is being done on making the damage more easily tracked. I'm surprised they are doing anything with the stain tracker though it seemed to be working ok. Maybe its to do with making it rollable in future? either way I think you're right about it being a rehaul.
Can I use the compendium for the old version? 
Not that I could get to work. It did not show up.
There is one other thing I've noticed. a small compendium issue wherein the Adversaries entry for the flaws section is...wrong. you can buy the flaw Neonate adversary but the flavour text even in that flaw states that there is no Neonate Adversary. The one dot adversary flaw is elder, but attempting to take the elder adversary registers a 3 dot flaw. I'm not sure there are any similar flaws in the compendium.
Did anyone end up finding a fix for the Health and Willpower bug because honestly until that gets fixed, the sheet is unusable...
Not much else to do but use the notes bit on the back to track health / willpower. Hope they eventually start communicating.
Hey folks, Apologies for the delay in communication, and for the bugs you've been experiencing for the last little while. We found ourselves unexpectedly undermanned over the last couple of weeks, and unfortunately some of the many balls that we were in the process of juggling were dropped. It's absolutely not acceptable that the sheet was left in this buggy state for so long. We just put out a release that addresses some of the lingering issues with Disciplines, and releases the teased updates to Drag and Drop for them. My very next priority will be to ensure that the work we did on Health, Willpower and Humanity tracking is functioning as intended and no longer causing issues for you all. I expect there to be a hotfix late this week or early next that addresses this issue.
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Glad the sheet is back on the radar. Can't wait to see the changes.
Sorry to hear that you've been under manned for the past few weeks, but very glad that communication is still going on and that the sheets are still being updated. Thank you for getting back to us regarding our various concerns.
Thanks for the update!
Is there any chance of getting a list of what updates are coming? Because there's a few issues beyond the trackers, but I won't go into documenting them if they're already known. 
Hey folks, that hotfix got released late yesterday, and everything seems to be working with the trackers now. Please let me know if you're having any lingering issues. On the topic of the trackers, we also just completed some additional functionality for Health and Willpower, allowing you to track aggravated and superficial damage. We're doing a last bit of QA on it, and are looking to release it early next week with our regular code push. Katie C: Our next few upgrades to this sheet will be providing some more improved Drag and Drop functionality, particularly focusing around elevating the experience with other elements to the same level as disciplines and powers. If there are any future upgrades or features you'd like to see added to the sheet, or if there are issues with current implementations, please let us know. More information can only help us make better decisions.
If health and willpower trackers are used exclusively for damage tracking, with the total health and willpower coded into it, then the inability to set the damage to zero creates its own problem (no difference between the sheet at 0 damage vs 1 damage. Also being able to edit the total health would be helpful for using abilities like fortitude. The discipline selection experienced has improved considerably though. While the tracker is no longer constantly showing the number of stains. the stains also don't seem to mark the humanity tracker in any way on my sheet. Appreciate the transparent communication recently, and the work you folks are doing to improve the experience.
I’m excited to see the new trackers and am loving the add power button. For now Steven, I would directly edit the attribute for health/willpower in the attributes and abilities tab to remove that point of damage.  As far as new things I’d like to see from the sheet, I’d like to see a button for blood surges, as well as a way to easily edit attributes when using powers such as fleetness or prowess. In addition, adding the ability to subtract dice using the query for rolls would be very nice. Also, will you be increasing the number of health tracker boxes to accommodate for players with high stamina and high fortitude? Another thing I would love to see (although I know how much of a pain repeating lists are) would be the ability to reorder powers within a discipline.  Thanks for all the work that you guys have been doing!
Also about impairment, should it be removing dice from skills as well as attributes? the rules say you lose two dice but the way its set up you actually lose 4 (if you use strength brawl while impaired you lose two strength dice and two brawl dice creating  4 dice penalty which i don't think is how the rules work?)
Nic B. said: Hey folks, that hotfix got released late yesterday, and everything seems to be working with the trackers now. Please let me know if you're having any lingering issues. On the topic of the trackers, we also just completed some additional functionality for Health and Willpower, allowing you to track aggravated and superficial damage. We're doing a last bit of QA on it, and are looking to release it early next week with our regular code push. Katie C: Our next few upgrades to this sheet will be providing some more improved Drag and Drop functionality, particularly focusing around elevating the experience with other elements to the same level as disciplines and powers. If there are any future upgrades or features you'd like to see added to the sheet, or if there are issues with current implementations, please let us know. More information can only help us make better decisions. Humanity stains only half work. In a previous update, the / was marking in boxes corresponding to the number of stains. The gear turns stains editing on and off, but stains aren't marking on the humanity tracker.
I dont know if its been mentioned yet, I hope it has, but it's very frustrating that the dots in attributes and skills can be changed at anytime. I'd much rather they were able to be locked like in the advantages tabs. that way a stray mouseclick or whatnot wont alter traits, likely without noticing it. 
Mark B. said: I dont know if its been mentioned yet, I hope it has, but it's very frustrating that the dots in attributes and skills can be changed at anytime. I'd much rather they were able to be locked like in the advantages tabs. that way a stray mouseclick or whatnot wont alter traits, likely without noticing it.  I hadn't thought about this, but yeah, that would be super helpful. V5 sheets are notoriously hard to back out to figure out where you spent XP, so it could be super easy for a player to accidentally click something and not see right away that something is wrong.
So I saw what I'm assuming was this weeks update, and it looks like the v5 functionality planned for this weeks code push will be pushed back? because it wasn't mentioned in the update. But I'm not sure if I'm right about that assumption, it could be that the code push is separate from the updates and it will still be this week, announced only after its finished. I'm not overly familiar with roll20 code push procedures so can anyone who is tell me if my assumption is correct?