Kenton said: Hello all. I was able to talk a bit about this in the Community Roundtable last night ( will be available on YouTube here soon ), but wanted to fill you all in here, as well. A "Custom Compendium" is not just one feature, but a bunch of features working together. Some of those are built into the Character Sheet and the Compendium Tab (that's how Drag & Drop works for sheets). Some of the work that's needed has been underway with things like the enhancements on Character Sheet rendering and the way we serve our character sheets. That work creates the "less crunchy" bits that make the Compendium Tab and Pages work. Dragging & Dropping, integrating homebrewed content into a Charactermancer, and the like are dependant on the work mentioned above, but also requires the data added in a very specific way. We need to make adding that data more tolerant. We need to open the Compendium software able to provide the data to multiple games and other areas. The good news is that a team is spinning up focused specifically on this area of the software. I don't have any timeframes to commit to, however I'm glad to share the progress we have made. Great, any news since then? Can you get it to work for 5e? Id love to get in on a Beta Test or just the Publisher's Software.