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Custom Compendium

Score + 1536
Is this still an open matter?
This is literally the most popular untouched request in the forum, by a pretty decent margin. The next-most-popular feature in the "Researching" phase has less than half the votes or views and just over a third of the participation via comments. 1400+ votes, 280000+ views, actively being pushed in the comments for nearly a decade, every other feature anywhere NEAR as popular has been completed (or is about to be). I have to assume that at this point, after 8 years and with this much support for the idea, the only reason it isn't implemented is because Roll20 does not want to support the feature. It makes sense not to - it could (and definitely would) lead to an increased amount of stolen or plagiarized content since people would only need to copy-paste the stolen content into their own Compendiums once instead of having to do it over and over for each game they run, and the amount of content Roll20 would have to host would increase by multiple orders of magnitude to accommodate the user base who immediately start uploading spells and items and things en masse, stuff they've spent YEARS creating in preparation. But like... Whether they implement it formally or not, the reality is, people ARE making the custom (or copied, or stolen) spells and items and etc manually right now. They're still DOING it, whether it's "convenient" or not. I can't fathom why it's not "possible" to implement the feature - the Compendium functionality already exists, it's not a NEW feature, it's just about giving users access to that aspect of the feature. It's 100% purely a matter of whether or not Roll20 considers it a liability, and realistically they shouldn't because the things they're worried about being held liable for... are already things people can do (and are doing) right now. So not implementing the feature is only really punishing the people who have been waiting for it all this time and it's not stopping the people who would abuse the system. And if we want the Roll20 Marketplace to actually GROW, something has to change. I can promise firsthand as someone who literally - not figuratively, I mean literally - co-captains a TTRPG Creators' thinktank with dozens and dozens of members (over a hundred) who fully support themselves selling their TTRPG content online and who ALL wish they could expand their offering on Roll20, I can promise you that every single VTT on the market needs to expand their offering in two or more ways to support the TTRPG creator community because every single one has some major issue that hurts the creators that hold it up, and Roll20's biggest lacking is THIS. There's a hard limit to what creators can OFFER here. There are HUNDREDS of people online right now making custom items and spells that aren't supported in games without the GM and/or the players manually adding them. Hundreds of people whose entire livelihood is built on making stuff that one of the biggest VTTs in the world STILL doesn't officially support even after 8 years. Like, Roll20 doesn't support this custom content and people are still making $100,000+ per year selling it. Can you even fathom how much stronger the creator community would be if they were actually supported???
+1  Also could we just implement a photo verification like how some subreddits do? Or Google does with your id for YouTube? Like we can do physical verification per account if it does detect a copy paste situation to verify you own your own irl copy of the book (I bought it once a digital backup shoild be included for the price they charge nowadays)
About to be a first time GM, honestly floored that I can't create items ahead of time to drag and drop onto a character's sheet at a later time. Even more floored that the first request thread I found while looking it up has existed for 8 years. +1 a thousand times over.
+1 I've been running games here for several years with friends and this feature would be so incredibly useful. I use a lot of reskinned /spells & homebrew combinations of different items, so being able to add custom items to a private library would be great. Even if it's restricted to a single campaign it would still save time when handing out items - create ahead of time then drag and drop straight onto the character sheet rather than pausing gameplay to paste the info onto someone's sheet or even spending time after the session sorting everything out. DndBeyond has had this feature for years now. I love roll20 but with DndBeyond working on a VVT system themselves I'm getting tempted to try it out.
+1 indeed
Necromancer level up, +1!
+1, it is very annoying that this is lacking.
+1 and +5 from my players
+1, definitely. After playing a Pokémon PTR campaign on Foundry, this is one of the major drawbacks and hinders gameplay a lot so that our GM is thinking about switching VTT just because of lack of this feature
+1 for this, this would be a game changer.
+1. The fact that I cannot create my own custom content for my own games is *astonishing* 
+1 This seems like an obvious item that we should have - that competitors already have. Even considering the vast amount of money spent in R20 I would switch to others simply for this ability.
+1, the current way of making custom content in the charactermancer is buggy as hell, especially classes there should be a way for us to make this stuff, because many, MANY people do homebrew stuff like this all the time
It feels like the r20 dev team don't want this to happen, but the community is literally gunning for this feature so much so that other VTTs have become so much more of an option because of the lack of this particular functionality 
D1ceDubloon said: It feels like the r20 dev team don't want this to happen, but the community is literally gunning for this feature so much so that other VTTs have become so much more of an option because of the lack of this particular functionality  I think it is more a legal / copyright thing than anything else... If Roll20 would allow custom compendiums (which I would prefer) then they need to be sure that no copyrighted material is shared there...

Edited 1721341726
Hello all, I would like to apply for the Compendium Editor program. I want to create an SRD for the Basic Fantasy System. It is an open source system, so there are no legal issues to consider. Is that possible? Thank you for your time :)
+1, being able to have custom items prepped for loot in the middle of a session would be incredibly helpful

Edited 1722098013
Even a custom compendium that was not sharable outside of a user's account would be helpful. If a character sheet that included an item from such a compendium was removed or exported out of the game, any mods, bonuses or other variables associated with that item might still work within that particular character sheet, but there would be no handout or other, possibly copyright-violating information to go along with it.
+1 I've been waiting for this for 7 years. I don't remember if I commented before... but honestly, I just WANT this. It isn't even about having a specific use case, although I can literally think of dozens. There are just times where I want to play with this kind of thing in Roll20, or find that what I'm wanting to do requires me to go to API Scripting... which is fine, mostly, but the scripts slow my game down and become tedious to manage and keep up. And it feels like so many people have so many scripts that do so much more than what I want... which is to just be able to put my own rules, items, monsters, spells, actions, etc. into a compendium for my games in a re-usable and roll20-esque way.
+1. would love this idea. Currently in my game I have a folder called 'game system' with all the custom rules/abilities we're using for the players. Would be great if could move this to a custom compendium.
+1 For the love of god, add this already. 
I homebrew a lot and would love that idea. +1
+1  for reals
+1 this, especially with the new sheet coming, adding homebrew content really needs streamlined
+1 being able to homebrew is crucial to TTRPGs. Currently working on a homebrew campaign and world that will involve a different spell casting system and it would be great for me to be able to at least create custom spells.
+1. Creating my own TTRPG, and want to host it on Roll20, but might have to go somewhere else if I can't let my players add Abilities from my game to their Character Sheets.
Adding my +1.  I want to keep this topic facing the developers.
Adding my  +1 as well lets make this happen people!!
As time goes by and my game keeps collecting more custom equipment and NPCs, the more I want this.
+1 Created maybe 100s of items over the years and this would be a game changer If DNDBeyond, which is owned by WOTC allows homebrew, and they even said you could build 2014 content as homebrew when they were originally going to remove 2014 content yet backtracked on the removal, I think at this point custom compendiums here would be fine. I just want an easy way to compile all my weapons and items i created, instead of you know... a library game that lags forever due to the size of content. - basically for a library compendium game to work, you make it, then never go back in because 250+ character sheets takes 1.5 quntillion years to actually load. This feature would be game-changing and maybe even bring back some other players you lost to other VTTs.
Not to mention trying to find a particular character sheet or handout in the journal even if you have an organized folder system. Or <shudder> the Transmogrifier! Soul P. said: ...because 250+ character sheets takes 1.5 quntillion years to actually load.
I'd love to have this feature, as I create my own manual and it would be good to drag my rules and my object on the character sheet or have a way to read in game without opening too many documents.
I have wondered for years why I cannot drag and drop items. Now having read through this thread I am floored that it has not been instated yet. This thread is years old. Please work on this, we want it. 
This feature missing was it, that drove me off from Roll20. I would come back with a paid account, if it would be enabled. Sad, that it takes so long.
This wish has apparently been around for 8 years and nothing has changed. I don't think it's a technical problem. I think it's much more likely that the publishers are blocking it so that you have to buy their stuff.
Julian W. said: This wish has apparently been around for 8 years and nothing has changed. I don't think it's a technical problem. I think it's much more likely that the publishers are blocking it so that you have to buy their stuff. If that was even an option for Pathfinder 1e, I would have done it by now, I'm sick to death of manually inputting basic spell details that I know I've already put on a dozen other sheets. Since 2e came out, though, they stopped maintaining 1e, so we're stuck in a situation where all this info is free, legally available on the SRD, but we're prevented from adding it to our own games because... *shrug* Even if it's slow and laborious, even if the front-end isn't well designed for it - I will happily do one slow and laborious thing once rather than slowly and laboriously enter those details in on every rogue or paladin I create.
This is the main issue discouraging me from using the roll20 compendiums, character sheets or charactermancer. 
+1 I am currently preparing to begin GM'ing and discovered that this feature was somehow not what I thought it would be.
This would be a great feature. Add it!