Amen. I've been a DM since 84. I have a vast,complex world with a 230 page campaign guide of house rules for it. Altered and new races, different classes and spell classifications. My own items, feats, and epic rules. This needs to be done. Overgrown Dwarf said: 24 year D&D veteran, 19 years as dedicated DM. I have 56 playable races and 4 custom classes in my world. There are 136 items (Weapons, Armours and other wearables,) many with distinct statistics. There are 134 Relics, 136 Artifacts, and 120 Unique Items - most with unique abilities and characteristics. A new game, or new character entering an existing game, used to take a days work to manually type in, cross-reference and test their inherent Species-based abilities. My current work-around is to have 281 "Templates" - 56 for the playable races, and one of each of the custom classes for each playable race. The last one is a reference sheet for every Artifact, Relic, Unique or Wonderous item that can be found - all 549 possible permutations - to ensure they function, and so when one is uncovered, it's only a process of a half hour or so of entering in the items manually, as opposed to several hours tinkering to try and get the desired effects and outcomes. I invested in a "Pro" subscription because I thought there had to be, HAD to be, a better way - even just a way to transfer items from one inventory to another to save countless hours of interrupted game time - and that sort of thing was what you were paying for. Turns out, over 11 years - 11 whole years - nothing has been done, and Roll20 still has zero interest in addressing it. I wish I had bothered to look at the vast gulf between what Roll20 is working on, vs actual QoL improvements that would make the program and interface better and easier. I wish I had searched the topic more thoroughly before I spent actual money to get absolutely nothing of value. But guys, it's been a decade - 11 years - since inception. Account compendiums, or at the very least a way to clone an item, spell or ability off of one sheet and "give" it to another player, should have been done before this thread was even started.