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Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition by Roll20

Hi I was wondering if you have any plans to add the other 5th Edition books such as Chicago by Night, Fall of London, the various clanbooks, etc? Not having that content is one of the main reasons I'm refraining from running on Roll20, which I would rather like to do.
Why cant i click and drag anything from the Com? :c
Shmoits said: Hi I was wondering if you have any plans to add the other 5th Edition books such as Chicago by Night, Fall of London, the various clanbooks, etc? Not having that content is one of the main reasons I'm refraining from running on Roll20, which I would rather like to do. I was also surprised there wasn't an option to purchase some of those books especially as sabaat, camerilla and anarch are all supplements. the fact that the entire discipline of oblivion isn't in there is pretty odd to me
Sheet Author
I added some translations for german in crowdin some days ago. Any ideas how long it will take until these changes will go live?
Will there be a Hidden roll option for the sheet?
I think there is already? A whisper roll button near the top
Nic B. said: Hey folks, sorry for the lag in communicating. We pushed the following changes to the sheet earlier today: Vampire 5e - Updated dice icons and added button to allow for players to make ad-hoc dice rolls. Vampire 5e - Added upgraded Health and Willpower display & controls. Vampire 5e - Improved impairment logic & styling. Vampire 5e - Added a 'start of session' healing button to sheet We noticed that these changes have introduced a slight bug with the page navigation, and will be releasing a hotfix shortly to address this. As noted, we have deviated slightly from the original road map I laid out a few weeks ago; we had the opportunity to bring the STC sheet sooner than anticipated, and so hopped onto it. This slightly changed the order of the other tasks. This is how the roadmap looks right now: Imminent Changes (~1-2 weeks) A button for Willpower rerolls. Buttons for Rouse, Frenzy, Remorse and Humanity checks. Midterm Changes (~1-2 months) Drag and Drop for STC characters Long Term Changes (No fixed schedule) Adding Rolls to Disciplines A rewrite of the roll templates so that we can count the number of successes, as well as displaying the die faces A Coterie Sheet Significant Improvements to Drag & Drop Support for Mobile users Any update on the last 2 week timeline mentioned?
The new Update is fantastic. very helpful
Is anyone else having issues with drag and drop disciplines overwriting each other such as adding potence through drag and drop removes auspex that was dragged and dropped completely?
I'm sure someone mentioned that a little while back

Edited 1640651377
Jared S. said: Is anyone else having issues with drag and drop disciplines overwriting each other such as adding potence through drag and drop removes auspex that was dragged and dropped completely? It's a bug that seems to happen if you pressed [x] while you are picking disciplines, or at least that is how I have been able to trigger this bug. I never found a way to fix it other than making a new sheet and redoing all the info. You cannot clone a sheet as whatever bug affects the already bugged sheet will also bug out on the clone sheet. None of the R20 sheet makers ever looked into it and acknowledged the bug so it will probably never be fixed.

Edited 1640716923
The sheet no longer seems to work with the companion app. Edit: Nevermind
Hi on the characters sheet, when i drag and drop a discipline, the new discipline added overwrite the last one. And there is a red line around that discipline
Ian said: Hi on the characters sheet, when i drag and drop a discipline, the new discipline added overwrite the last one. And there is a red line around that discipline It is a bug and it seems to happen if you ever press the [x] button to cancel while choosing disciplines. Only way to really fix it I found is to basically make a new sheet, not a duplicate as it copied the bug.
I have noticed an issue with the difficulty functionality. When you get a Bestial Failure result with the Hunger Dices, there is a message of "Bestial Failure" even if you succeed the test. Also, it doesn't count the critical successes in Hunger Dices correctly. In the next screenshot, it should be 5 successes instead of 1. Finally, I think that when the sheet asks you for extra dices when you make a test, the input should be introduced manually instead of having to select between 1-5 dices, since there is circumstances that can make you roll more than 5 extra dices, including having Blood Potency 9-10 as explained in Vampire The Masquerade Companion. Thank you and Happy New Year to everyone!
I don't know if it's been mentioned but there also seems to be a bug with the success counter from anything didn't immediately come from the sheet. e.g. re-roll (pressing up in the chat console) or manually made macros. It seems to always default to 0. 
First of all good job on the most recent updates, the extra buttons really help out. Regnier_LoT said: I have noticed an issue with the difficulty functionality. When you get a Bestial Failure result with the Hunger Dices, there is a message of "Bestial Failure" even if you succeed the test. Also, it doesn't count the critical successes in Hunger Dices correctly. In the next screenshot, it should be 5 successes instead of 1. The way I understand it just from looking at it, the logic here is not for the popup to tell you whether there *has* been a Bestial Failure or Messy Critical, but rather whether it would qualify for either of them depending on what the Storyteller works out on their end, basically automating you having to check for the mere presence of either of those dice result, helping you to not overlook them. There's still some pretty glaring issues here imho, specifically ways in which the sheet does not properly mesh with the game as written out in the book: - we need to be able to customize the number of bonus dice, including the possibility of dice penalties - we need to be able to access Disciplines like any other attribute, either through the regular buttons, or through dedicated discipline roll buttons - in the vast majority of cases the players do not know the difficulty of the challenge they are rolling against. The way it is currently implemented (leaving the difficulty blank just cancelling the roll) seems to be very counter-intuitive to my players. Also, and this is really just me being kind of pedantic: - The health and wp trackers are properly implemented, but still use a block for aggravated damage. There is no reason for them to keep the block, especially now that their length is capped automatically. It should be crossed out twice, instead.
Thank you for the recent updates, these really made playing very easy and macro rouse, frenzy ... checks with auto fill in is nice. Only thing missing is being able to use difficulties in rolls. Every time a player gets a -2 for hitting special body parts or whatever he has to do the roll manually cause you cant add penalties (subtract dices) to a roll.
Another thing that I'd like to add is that at many blood potencies, the players get the ability to reroll rouse checks, and having the rouse roll automatically add hunger does not accommodate that well

Edited 1642051019
This is a mistake. There should be 1 success for this roll. I've tested multiple rolls. It seems to not take into account a 10 rolled from a hunger pool as a success. I agree with everything  Regnier_LoT  mentioned as well, although let players manually type an integer into "Extra dice" instead of increasing the dropdown options. It's both faster and more useful for the purposes of giving penalties to rolls, as others have mentioned. Overall, good character sheet, I hope it gets updated from feedback given here. Love the aesthetic, wish there was a dark mode. By the way, I was wondering how one could go about contributing changes to this character sheet template? Is that a feature restricted only to Pro subscribers looking to edit it for their game, or can one make changes to this sheet and submit them for review? Or is neither possible?

Edited 1642161365
Description of issue (solved): I have a character sheet. I had dots in some skills for this character sheets. Along the line, I changed my mind and switched some dots around. Now, whenever I interact with Willpower dots in any way, the original skill dots get added back. This issue persists even if the dots are Locked. Screenshots: This is the error it spits out in console: Not going to lie, this is pretty frustrating. Edit: Solved. After further looking, it seems there is a "base" attribute for every skill. It seems that those attributes were set to something other than 0. After setting them back to 0, interacting with Willpower did not change anything.
Hello again! The Major STC sheet lacks some important characteristics like Humanity, Generation and Blood Potency, which I think should be included as they're presented in the books. Also, whenever I make a roll using the Major STC Attributes, I get a bug message like this: In addition, how Impairment works currently seems odd, as it subtracts dots from the Skills. It doesn't affect in any way rolls made only with attributes, like the typical Resolve + Composure, and if the Skill is lower than 2 dots it doesn't subtract all the dices it should. I think Impairment would work better by subtracting dices from the final roll instead of Skill dots from the sheet. Lastly, why does the "Start of Session Healing" button heal 1 point of aggravated damage to Willpower? I haven't found in the book any section that says that aggravated damage to Willpower heals automatically at the start of session, only that it happens in the case the PC has worked to further their Ambition. The macro should ask if the PC has done anything to further their Ambition before applying the healing to aggravated damage. I hope you can fix this issues in the future.
Steven S. said: I think there is already? A whisper roll button near the top Sadly it doesn't work.
My group and I like to do a decent amount of homebrew, and I usually edit the sheet to allow for more options in that regard. Is there any plan for the code for the sheet to be added to the official github like the rest of the By Roll20 sheets?
Aaron W. said: My group and I like to do a decent amount of homebrew, and I usually edit the sheet to allow for more options in that regard. Is there any plan for the code for the sheet to be added to the official github like the rest of the By Roll20 sheets? _Oh god_, if it were, I'd be so freaking happy.
Have we got any updates about the red box bug that prevents us from adding any additional disciplines that was mentioned previously? While the work that has been pushed has been great when not buggy, it would be great if we could get an updated roadmap or at least some communication since this is no longer a flagged forum. 
Hi! Is there a way to substract dice from the dice pool? Currently we can add up to 5 dice. There are various places in rules where we need to remove 1 or 2 dice from the dice pool. For example: Maybe I missed something on character sheet that enables this functionality. Please help.
Is this thread still being monitored? It worries me a bit that the last time we've gotten a response from the development team was over 4 months ago, asking for clarification on an issue with the drag and drop system. A progress update and updated roadmap would be greatly appreciated.
Can we get an update on the proposed future updates to this sheet? are they still happening?
Hey can we get a fix for dark mode? If you're using it the results are super hard to read. Hopefully someone is reading this thread still.   
I don't know if this can be answered, but now that Hunter the Reckoning is on the horizon, what will the Roll20 support look like? Will it be a completely separate character sheet* or will there be the possibility of a "World of Darkness" character sheet that can be toggled between different supernaturals? *If the former option is true, then that will make the possibility of running mixed groups much more challenging ( Madness I know! But some of us might be Malkavians in real life). Thanks!
Being able to toggle between sheets makes sense, because while mixing the splats is ill-advised, it's still totally something people do. Also, the protagonists in one system are often the enemies in another, so there's going to be some cross-pollination anyway.

Edited 1648322712
I'm confused with how the dice roll will show Messy Critical even though only a single 10 was roll (i.e: 3,7,8 on normal dice, and 7,10 on hunger). A fix for Dark Mood would be amazing. I'm also wondering, with the current implementation: How do people best handle making discipline rolls? Do you just add your dots of the discipline as bonus dice? Lastly, why is the line on which to write resonance so small?
Xae said: Hey can we get a fix for dark mode? If you're using it the results are super hard to read. Hopefully someone is reading this thread still.    Yes, please fix this. Also, would it be possible to have an option to select if the rolls ask for difficulty level or not? Personally, I don't tell the players the difficulty levels when they're rolling, so it's kinda annoying to have to select one for every roll.
Getting a vibe that this thread's been abandoned. Sorry, folks, but they've been in torpor for a while.
So, the Cyberpunk Red people got a roundtable... any chances of getting one of those here to discuss some of the ongoing issues in the sheets? I feel like having a bunch of players talking about how the system works would be a huge boon. Honestly, the system isn't laid out in the best way, so some nuances can be lost if the devs are mostly used to other systems. 

Edited 1651786011
Nic B.
Roll20 Team
Hello folks, As Katie C spotted, we recently had a roundtable with some of the users of the Cyberpunk RED character sheet. This was in an effort to kickstart better communication flow between the Sheet Development team and our users. You've been telling us what you need and we've been failing to provide; this isn't cool, and we're going to do better. We've added two new developers to the team and as we get them on-boarded, we're going to get out from under the backlog of tasks we've accumulated, and give Vampire 5e some much needed love. While the roundtable provoked some useful discussion, and we're open to potentially having more of them in the future, we did realize that this is probably not the best way to garner user feedback and give everyone an equal seat at the table. Our next experiment is to consolidate some of our user feedback and improve our communication channels by utilizing the Roll20 Portal. You can find details here . Don't worry, this thread is sticking around, but getting buy-in on the Portal will allow us to direct our attention where it is most needed, and give you a better idea of what is coming up, and when. Thank you for your incredible patience, we appreciate you all taking the time to give us feedback.
I'm glad to know the thread hasn't been abandoned. Thank you for the reassurances
So it looks like Vampire the masquerade is one of the more interacted with sheets in the roll20 portal. I hope that translates into higher dev prioritisation in the future.
Has anyone else had a problem with dropping disciplines into the character sheet and the new discipline overwriting the old one? Ex.) Tremere with Auspex 4 and 4 powers, drop in Blood Sorcery 2 and it overwrites Auspex 4 and swaps the powers out with what I selected for Blood Sorcery.
Brady B. said: Has anyone else had a problem with dropping disciplines into the character sheet and the new discipline overwriting the old one? Ex.) Tremere with Auspex 4 and 4 powers, drop in Blood Sorcery 2 and it overwrites Auspex 4 and swaps the powers out with what I selected for Blood Sorcery. Hey Brady, this is one of the biggest bugs in the sheet. Unfortunately the work around is to make a whole new character sheet. To prevent it from happening don't quit out of adding a discipline and you generally won't come across it again. The community was pretty vocal when the bug first showed its head but it sounds like it's been a difficult one for the devs to fix. 
How are folks dealing with Brujah rolling Frenzy? Since the Resist Frenzy doesn't let you add or subtract dice, the only workaround I found was to temporarily use 2 willpower, make the roll, then take them off.
That will probably work for now. Might be a good suggestion for the portal, though. allowing willpower rolls to be modified
Hey folks, Just wanted to note here that we pushed some changes to the V5E SPC sheet today: Section Control - Choose which sections of the sheet are relevant to your SPC General Difficulties - SPCs can now have general difficulties defined Dice Roller - Uses the new dice roller implemented on the standard sheet for automatic result calculation SPC Drag and Drop - You should be able to drop SPCs directly from the compendium to a character sheet We also fixed an issue with the Discipline Drag and Drop overwriting existing records. Additionally, we resolved a number of architectural issues with the sheet code that were preventing us from fixing some of the other extant issues in the sheet. We're expecting a further update in the near future to address a few of the most commonly requested features and fixes.
That's great to hear.
Good morning! I haven't a bug to report, per se, but more of an improvement suggestion. I noticed that, in the compendium, all of the Loresheets are listed under Advantages. It would be extremely helpful if they were listed separately under "Loresheets." There **is** a header for Loresheets already, so it seems that perhaps the intent was to have them indexed under Loresheets. But it didn't happen.
I'm getting some weird results at times on dice rolls sent by the character sheet: 1. Sometimes it doesn't give the right successes total. In the example of the screenshot below, it is showing five (5) total successes achieved. But this should be a messy critical. So it should be either 6 successes (if the +2 from the messy critical is not added in) or 8 successes (if the bonus from the messy critical is added in). Where did it get 5? 2. Then there's this one (no hunger dice) where it apparently recognized the critical rolls (a pair of 10s) and added them to the success total, but did not puts a "CRITICAL SUCCESS" note at the bottom. 3. Lastly there's this one where we got a messy critical, partly from the hunger dice, and partly from the regular dice. This one DOES declare it as a Messy Critical at the bottom (Yay!), but does not add it to the total number of successes. Not only that, but the total is again off. It should be either 7 successes (if the Messy Critical bonus is not added) or 9 (if the Messy Critical bonus IS added). Am I missing something here? Some of these results seem very buggy. Nic B. said: Hey folks, Just wanted to note here that we pushed some changes to the V5E SPC sheet today: Section Control - Choose which sections of the sheet are relevant to your SPC General Difficulties - SPCs can now have general difficulties defined Dice Roller - Uses the new dice roller implemented on the standard sheet for automatic result calculation SPC Drag and Drop - You should be able to drop SPCs directly from the compendium to a character sheet We also fixed an issue with the Discipline Drag and Drop overwriting existing records. Additionally, we resolved a number of architectural issues with the sheet code that were preventing us from fixing some of the other extant issues in the sheet. We're expecting a further update in the near future to address a few of the most commonly requested features and fixes.
Also, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but it IS related to character sheets.  Is there a character generator available (or in the works) to go with the handy and cool 5th Edition VTM character sheet?  It would certainly speed up player introduction. Something maybe akin to the character generator in the D&D 5e sheet? Thanks for your time!
can we maybe get an update on how the vampire update schedule? I'm assuming there is one, given that it has its own section on the portal.