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Custom Compendium

Score + 1510
I would love this especially since I'll make the entirety of SW5e in here
This would allow so much more creativity and functionality to role 20!

Edited 1668452162
We're late to the party but yes please, implement it.

Edited 1668802848
+1 on this. I wanna create custom spells for my players' unique character traits, that I can then easily add in later on simply by dragging, so I don't have to manually plot it in if they unlock the ability suddenly and I wanna surprise them with it. Also, giving out homebrew items not just as handouts to be manually plotted in, but immediately added in with all the intended flair already in place. Edit: Grammar.
+1 too There is too many charms in Exalted 3e, i'd really like to populate a custom compendium instead of what i'm actually going to do to palliate to that which could be ugly in the sheet
+1 PLEASE, I'm not below begging...
Jacob R.
+1 Please make this happen. How this isn't top priority I just don't know.
Marketplace Creator
+1 to this. It would save me soooo much work.
+ 1! This would be a great Idea!
+1 was just trying to see if this is possible to add some homebrew
I really hope this gets added soon because it would make trying to play with uncommon/unofficial systems much easier, as I'd be able to make content as a DM and then allow my players to use the compendium to customize their sheets much easier.

Edited 1671984793
+1; I'd be happy for starters with ability to modify existing compendiums, better documentation for sheet helpers to deal with drop of items on custom character sheets.
Adding my voice to the chorus. Please let us make custom compendium entries!!
+1.  Probably the biggest thing making me want to switch away from Roll20 and look at other systems.
I want this done to make a Fallout Compendium for my game.
I have so many Homebrew Spells, Magic Items, adventuring gear options, etc. Even if it's not compatible with Charactermancer, just the ability to save and organize a custom compendium of content for a game would be lifechanging. As it stands, I need to manually copy/paste everything every. single. time. Drag-and-drop from the sidebar would save me literal hours of work every week.
My group, like many others right now is looking at other systems and thinking about wrapping up D&D and moving on to others, including homebrewed. 5e is pretty well supported here, but without the ability to make custom compendium entries and charactermancer powered sheets, staying on Roll20 is looking a lot less likely. The time to address this was years ago, but it seems Roll20 has thrown their hands up and decided it's just too hard (or not what the devs want to do) or something. Really sad.
+1 - I would LOVE to be able to create a compendium for my House Rules and have it available to my players. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! 8D
Twilitbeing said: +1.  Probably the biggest thing making me want to switch away from Roll20 and look at other systems. Have you found any systems that allow for this, @ Twilitbeing   ? I'd love to hear about it, and I'd wager the Roll20 folks would as well. A good example would be great. :)
Jumping ship from D&D. Would love to have this feature.
Really hoping to see this feature added so that I can more easily customize my games with homebrew content.
I'm just a fresh member on roll20. But I'd freaking love to customize own compendium entries. Hope to see this feature soon. 
Would like to see this happen.   For instance, adding the Unerthed Arcana classes. I personally would want to do some minor home brew tweaks.
I have a ton of homebrew monsters, traits, magic items that I would love to allow my players to choose from through the Compendium.  Give us a Personal Compendium.  
24 year D&D veteran, 19 years as dedicated DM. I have 56 playable races and 4 custom classes in my world. There are 136 items (Weapons, Armours and other wearables,) many with distinct statistics. There are 134 Relics, 136 Artifacts, and 120 Unique Items - most with unique abilities and characteristics. A new game, or new character entering an existing game, used to take a days work to manually type in, cross-reference and test their inherent Species-based abilities.  My current work-around is to have 281 "Templates" - 56 for the playable races, and one of each of the custom classes for each playable race. The last one is a reference sheet for every Artifact, Relic, Unique or Wonderous item that can be found - all 549 possible permutations - to ensure they function, and so when one is uncovered, it's only a process of a half hour or so of entering in the items manually, as opposed to several hours tinkering to try and get the desired effects and outcomes. I invested in a "Pro" subscription because I thought there had to be, HAD to be, a better way - even just a way to transfer items from one inventory to another to save countless hours of interrupted game time - and that sort of thing was what you were paying for. Turns out, over 11 years - 11 whole years - nothing has been done, and Roll20 still has zero interest in addressing it. I wish I had bothered to look at the vast gulf between what Roll20 is working on, vs actual QoL improvements that would make the program and interface better and easier. I wish I had searched the topic more thoroughly before I spent actual money to get absolutely nothing of value. But guys, it's been a decade - 11 years - since inception. Account compendiums, or at the very least a way to clone an item, spell or ability off of one sheet and "give" it to another player, should have been done before this thread was even started.
Amen. I've been a DM since 84. I have a vast,complex world with a 230 page campaign guide of house rules for it. Altered and new races, different classes and spell classifications. My own items, feats, and epic rules. This needs to be done. Overgrown Dwarf said: 24 year D&D veteran, 19 years as dedicated DM. I have 56 playable races and 4 custom classes in my world. There are 136 items (Weapons, Armours and other wearables,) many with distinct statistics. There are 134 Relics, 136 Artifacts, and 120 Unique Items - most with unique abilities and characteristics. A new game, or new character entering an existing game, used to take a days work to manually type in, cross-reference and test their inherent Species-based abilities.  My current work-around is to have 281 "Templates" - 56 for the playable races, and one of each of the custom classes for each playable race. The last one is a reference sheet for every Artifact, Relic, Unique or Wonderous item that can be found - all 549 possible permutations - to ensure they function, and so when one is uncovered, it's only a process of a half hour or so of entering in the items manually, as opposed to several hours tinkering to try and get the desired effects and outcomes. I invested in a "Pro" subscription because I thought there had to be, HAD to be, a better way - even just a way to transfer items from one inventory to another to save countless hours of interrupted game time - and that sort of thing was what you were paying for. Turns out, over 11 years - 11 whole years - nothing has been done, and Roll20 still has zero interest in addressing it. I wish I had bothered to look at the vast gulf between what Roll20 is working on, vs actual QoL improvements that would make the program and interface better and easier. I wish I had searched the topic more thoroughly before I spent actual money to get absolutely nothing of value. But guys, it's been a decade - 11 years - since inception. Account compendiums, or at the very least a way to clone an item, spell or ability off of one sheet and "give" it to another player, should have been done before this thread was even started.

Edited 1674846294
Agreed most heartily. I've been a DM since D&D was released (1970s), and would sure love to be able to enter my own stuff (or even stuff that didn't get entered from the basic books) into the Compendium to save having to do it over and over and over again. Michael Fricker said: Amen. I've been a DM since 84. I have a vast,complex world with a 230 page campaign guide of house rules for it. Altered and new races, different classes and spell classifications. My own items, feats, and epic rules. This needs to be done. Overgrown Dwarf said: 24 year D&D veteran, 19 years as dedicated DM.
It’s wild this isn’t a thing yet. My players moved recently and the game had to end because I can’t get my world on roll20. A game going 5 years strong ended just like that. Even with all the support on the forum they can’t be bothered to even put a tentative date makes me wonder why we’re all here
While it may be an Epic Fail that Roll20 still hasn't implemented anything close to a custom compendium yet, thousands and thousands of home brew games have been run on Roll20 without one.  Maybe look a little harder if saving that 5 year game is important to you.
Am another Pro who is desperately waiting for a Personal/Custom compendium since years.   Adding custom stuff is currently more than sub optimal, all manual and so frustrating loosing so much time by such repetitive activities. It would add so much personal flavor into ongoing campaigns and support inventive Game masters Am painfully missing it :/
+1  Looks like the Roll20 community has been asking for this for several years now. It is a time sink when creating homebrew spells or hard copy adventure books I have purchased to each character's sheet. If we could add them to the compendium and then one have to create it once so we can drag and drop on to character sheets would be a triumphant win!  Would it be any more difficult than what Roll20 has done for our personal picture library? To do something like this for the compendium, a personal compendium or even a community input compendium would be fantastic.

Edited 1675126742
I say this as someone who really loves Roll20. I've been using it for years, and I use it often and heavily. That said, this literally cannot be any more difficult to implement than the image library. It's nothing more than managing a very basic text database. If it's actually difficult to implement, then this thing is running on literal alphabet soup. Edit: The above is intended to be read in the spirit of good humor. I'm admittedly a little frustrated that this feature is floating in limbo, but one must take these things light-heartedly. :) Darrin said: Would it be any more difficult than what Roll20 has done for our personal picture library? To do something like this for the compendium, a personal compendium or even a community input compendium would be fantastic.
I was thinking of just applying to become a content creator so I could make a compendium for my homebrew, then just give it away in the store if that was required.
It is a shame that this topic is ignored. I'm a DMing for a group that is not playing in English language and we are entering every single spell , monster and item manually. I can live with doing this once but not for every single instance of a spell that I need on a character or a npc. It really just a slap in the face when I think about that I'm paying for this every month. 
+1 Homebrew addict enthusiast here, around 40 brewed subclasses, plus a dozen of races, some spells and some feats. I'd love to be able to test it in Roll20. Please do not forget this thread and make it happen.
+1, not only would this be a wonderful addition for anyone running homebrew, it would also be a great community driver for getting compendiums built for more obscure systems that have no compendiums available. 
Sheet Author
Nadasdy said: I'm a DMing for a group that is not playing in English language and we are entering every single spell , monster and item manually. Look into chat menus and macro character sheets.  I have a macro sheet for each type of magic, and every caster (pc or npc) uses token action chat menus to use trigger the macros on the macro sheet.  All I need to do is copy/paste the chat menu spell list onto the Attributes & Abilities tab of a new character sheet and edit it down to the spells known by that character.  The macros are written with the @{selected| syntax, so they pull caster level and any other info needed from the active sheet.  I do a similar thing for poisons and certain magical items or effects.  Anything that is generic enough to be used by multiple creatures can be set up in a similar fashion. In that way, each spell or ability macro only has to be written once and you only have to mess with the chat menu macro for each character.  It is much easier than adding spells or abilities individually to each sheet after you get the system set up. Since you have a pro subscription for access to the transmogrifier, there is no reason you can't create a game that is a bestiary.  I have one for 2 different game systems.  One of them has a fairly complete bestiary for me to pull in creatures as needed.  The other (Pathfinder 1E) is for a game that has a compendium, but holds any custom made creatures I have come up with or ported from some other system.  Again, this means that once a creature is made, it is always available by transmogrifier or by character vault.  While the creature still needs to be created, it only has to be done once. I'm not saying a compendium would be of no use, just making sure you know that you already have access to tools that might make things easier for you without waiting for this specific feature to be developed.
I'm a Plus user and I have no intention of learning the macro language to do what should be a standard feature in a site like this. I'm not here to be a programmer but to be a DM. A user compendium is something the professionals, those getting paid, need to create. Not me. I love this site but this is a major flaw in a site that is based on flexibility and customization.

Edited 1676472089
Pro user here. I'm a little upset that Roll20 only decided to start looking into this a year ago and we still haven't heard anything back from the devs. I want to be able to drag and drop custom spells and items and I want to save custom monsters to a given space. Is this REALLY that hard to do? I have to admit, foundry VTT is starting to look very attractive in comparison...  Note: I KNOW I can transmorgify from other games. Let me assure you: that is very annoying compared to searching for something in a compendium. 