I mean everyone does realize they have the ability to create CUSTOM Compendiums alread y! Their focus is on monetization of the platform and not support of existing long term user needs. If you go right now to DMS Guild you can buy Exploring Eberron which is converted into a Custom Compendium. After 5 years of asking to be able to do this for my own world we still do not have that ability. Heck I can't even get a good integration to allow me to access external content on Google Docs. I just want to add that this is my #1 priority on Roll20. . As a member for many years, we have waited long enough for this and many other functions that we need. They hide behind the "your idea didn't get enough votes wo we closing it". A simple compendium editor as a first step would have been sufficient years ago. A simple integration to Google Docs would have made a lot of people happy many years ago as well. I apologize if I come off as upset about this but I don't want to change platforms because I am vested in Roll20 but I am being pushed to the point, I may have not choice.