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Custom Compendium

Score + 1566
I mean everyone does realize they have the ability to create CUSTOM Compendiums alread y! Their focus is on monetization of the platform and not support of existing long term user needs.  If you go right now to DMS Guild you can buy Exploring Eberron which is converted into a Custom Compendium.  After 5 years of asking to be able to do this for my own world we still do not have that ability.  Heck I can't even get a good integration to allow me to access external content on Google Docs.  I just want to add that this is my #1 priority on Roll20.  .  As a member for many years, we have waited long enough for this and many other functions that we need.  They hide behind the "your idea didn't get enough votes wo we closing it".  A simple compendium editor as a first step would have been sufficient years ago. A simple integration to Google Docs would have made a lot of people happy many years ago as well.   I apologize if I come off as upset about this but I don't want to change platforms because I am vested in Roll20 but I am being pushed to the point, I may have not choice. 

Edited 1677062600
Forum Champion
Ye'Olde DM said: I mean everyone does realize they have the ability to create CUSTOM Compendiums alread y! Their focus is on monetization of the platform and not support of existing long term user needs.  If you go right now to DMS Guild you can buy Exploring Eberron which is converted into a Custom Compendium.  After 5 years of asking to be able to do this for my own world we still do not have that ability.  Heck I can't even get a good integration to allow me to access external content on Google Docs.  I just want to add that this is my #1 priority on Roll20.  .  As a member for many years, we have waited long enough for this and many other functions that we need.  They hide behind the "your idea didn't get enough votes wo we closing it".  A simple compendium editor as a first step would have been sufficient years ago. A simple integration to Google Docs would have made a lot of people happy many years ago as well.   I apologize if I come off as upset about this but I don't want to change platforms because I am vested in Roll20 but I am being pushed to the point, I may have not choice.  That is actually not a custom compendium. Someone from the Exploring Eberron side of things coded their compendium into Roll20 (or Roll20 did it for them). This probably took many many hours of coding.  Right now the compendium requires nothing less than coding skills.  The envisioned Custom Compendium would probably require no coding skills, everyone would probably be able to do it. But there is still the legal issues that would need to be resolved. 

Edited 1677257478
+1, this would save me so much time when I'm trying to add spells that aren't in the compendium to various NPCs. I have a hard time imagining any legal issues in a personal compendium that only I/maybe my players have access to.
+1 I dont know what this means But honestly having a way to add the custom compendium would be great a ton of other programs have this feature as well. Im currently running a Final Fantasy xiv dnd and want an easier way to add monsters from the book this would help out a ton.
1+ I don't know what this means but +1
+1  This would be nice if only to be able to put in homebrew content that's not readily available in the marketplace.

Edited 1678563606
Legally perhaps it might require the games to be privately locked not public and perhaps there might have to be a no'streaming' acceptance policy if a persons private compendium uses copyrighted material, maps, pictures, handouts, music of any type?  The legal nightmares would begin if someone uses such material for profit which is indelibly linked with streaming at this point and roll20 would be implicated.  No issue of personal use for no profit so that doesn't restrict creative homebrewing but I can see streaming being an issue.  Perhaps you might be able to sign off saying all copyrighted material would be presented as such with any streaming to absolve Roll20 it would include a signed contract to the game with the use of the private compendium.
TeresaS said: Legally perhaps it might require the games to be privately locked not public and perhaps there might have to be a no'streaming' acceptance policy if a persons private compendium uses copyrighted material, maps, pictures, handouts, music of any type?  The legal nightmares would begin if someone uses such material for profit which is indelibly linked with streaming at this point and roll20 would be implicated.  No issue of personal use for no profit so that doesn't restrict creative homebrewing but I can see streaming being an issue.  Perhaps you might be able to sign off saying all copyrighted material would be presented as such with any streaming to absolve Roll20 it would include a signed contract to the game with the use of the private compendium. You can already put copyrighted material in a game the slow manual way. Using the compendium doesn't actually change that in any way other than making life easier for the user when they need to enter the same thing multiple times.
7 years ... this post is up for 7 years now. Unbelievable.  
+1… but 7 years? C’mon folks…. Sigh.

Edited 1680195170
Christian R.
Marketplace Creator
+1. Come on.... please let us have it soon. Custom spells and items are a central part of rpgs. Edit: Also consider by allowing more people to start down the path of making cool custom content and playtesting it you might start up a new generation of content creators for your own marketplace.
Mike D. said: +1… but 7 years? C’mon folks…. Sigh. Right!?! It's almost like Roll20 is 100% focused on marketplace and monetization features, and wants to do the bare minimum to keep players and GM's from jumping ship to another platform. 🤔
So if every other VTT can do this, why can't Roll20 now?
7 years old and still the feature that would help me enjoy the product more then anything else. a both private and customizable compendium where I can build and store my zillion house rules, and private world details. Instead of having like 10 games I use to store stuff then transfer stuff from into actual games. I mean work around right now is have a game for monsters (a few games eventually do to growing file number creating lag) a few games for maps, a game for magical gear ect ect then have to use transmog to transfer the stuff from those games to the current one.
+1 I have left roll20 because of the lack of this feature. If it were to come back, I may rejoin using the service.
Still would very much like a custom compendium :) I play a lot of homebrew and it's rather tedious ^^
+1 this feature would allow me to finally settle on roll20 as my Future Platform of choice instead of Partly moving to foundry already and looking into Alchemist RPG vtt
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Don't they know how hard it is to make a Zelda game when you have to input every creature or item into the game as there is nothing out there as a book that has everything? This needs to come soon... I'm driving myself nuts as I will rather be planning maps and plots than items and monster input stats. T_T for everything so many times.

Edited 1682784745
+1 This is a great platform, but please: Don't be the ADP of TTRPG hosting. (IIRM: ADP, the worlds largest payroll processor, ignored a startup named Paychex taking small bites out of niche markets. Paychex was small, agile, and doing what the customer base in those niche markets needed, but of course they couldn't scale up like ADP could, The big fish companies in the Fortune 500 never bit and moved to Paychex, but all the little fish went for the lower price and newer features. That made Paychex bigger, and able to scale. Pretty soon, not only was ADP competing with Paychex for the big fish, but they were competing with so many other payroll companies like Paycom and others. In a decade, the corporate behemoth that was ADP had lost market dominance. Pathfinders LOVE Foundry like it's their baby, and with PF's growth, they feel a little like the Paychex of TTRPs - nothing compared to DnD, which is the majority of what goes on here on R20, but Foundry is one good hosting agreement that drops the double payment problem away from being real competitors)
Lmao 7 years. Not only can we not make a custom compendium, the compendium we do have has a lot of spelling errors, Drag & drop functionality mistakes that haven't been fixed in years either.  But thank god we have dark mode. What hope is there? 
+1 here too

Edited 1685499186
+1 I am not an English speaker and I have to translate many many data drops on character sheet T_T I need Custom Compendium plz!
I shalt class as a Necromancer and +1 this 7 year old post.
+ 1 this shouldn't be taking as long as it is? this should totally exist by now right?
I want! +1
This feature seems like it totally should be a thing.  I mean D&D Beyond has the ability for users to create and share homebrew ideas, and with the browser based extension AboveVTT one can easily access those homebrew content right in game.  It was one reason I had at one point taken my business to D&D Beyond.  If this feature has been asked for and begged for for 7 YEARS.  Roll20.. it's past time to get this implemented.  So if the vote is done with the '+1'... then +1.
+1 I asked questions about this very thing a couple months ago. Would be nice if we could just filter or add to marketplace bought compendiums for our own in game use.
Sheet Author
+1 with a bullet.
+1. Remarkable that this isn't supported.
+1. Your competitors have them. Don't want to lose to OMM? You need to adapt, and quickly.
+1. I am thinking of changing for one of your competitor that has it.
+1. This is a must.
+1...mine is the vote that will finally put this over the top, I am sorry I haven't placed it before. Carry on.
+1 With all the amazing things I've seen done as "workarounds" to make this platform better, this is the most important feature still missing.  It's clear new features aren't actually determined by user desire and more by admins ability to monetize.  Unfortunate.  Perhaps time to start really looking at alternatives.

Edited 1690726986
Quick Recap:  Custom Compendium Posts: 799  Views: 222,923 First (Viewable) Post:  February 08 (7 years ago) "Roll20 Team" Responses:  September 14 (5 years ago),  September 26 (5 years ago),  September 27 (5 years ago) Dev Team Engagement: 3/799 posts = 0.375% My players and I are approaching a decision point as we close out Chapter 1 of our current Adventure Path: do we invest in additional Marketplace content to keep playing on Roll20, or seek an alternate solution? We're playing PF2 on my Pro account, and my players have fronted the idea of Gifting me additional content to keep the adventures going. Based on this thread, and others I've reviewed, I have to say "WAIT, we have a collective decision to make before any of us spends any more on Roll20!" My players and I are new to the Roll20 platform, and this is both pro and con to a decision to migrate to another platform: Pro: We are not collectively deeply invested in Roll20 (both financially and in the learning curve) Pro: My group includes IT and software dev professionals who would be able to meaningfully contribute to improving another platform, given its better API documentation and exposure. Pro (Biggest For Me, Individually): Lack of meaningful feedback from the Dev Team as to progress on suggestions. What we get in the form of updates seems more like PR and Marketing releases than informative technical updates. Con: My group includes IT and software dev professionals who would be able to meaningfully contribute to improving the Roll20 platform, given better API documentation and exposure. Con: There is much we have to learn about the platform, and the features we wish we had may already be there waiting to be discovered. [edited: Con misidentified as a Pro] Please make it make sense to stay with Roll20...