This has been some great feedback over the last week. I really appreciate you all taking some time to help us understand the problem.
I do want to apologize for the misconception that we're looking to limit your abilities to organize maps. By asking for the specific ways you all organize your content, I was not meaning to imply that we would only support one way to organize.
Instead, I was looking to learn more about the problem. By better understanding how you organize your maps, I was hoping to ensure that whatever we build in the future will accommodate everyone.
It is our desire to make it easy to tell your story. Scrolling around a small window to find the one map you're looking for does not help with that. We want to make it easier to find and organize your maps.
There are a number of options we have available to us as we start to redesign how we use Pages on Roll20 and nothing is off the table. As we do that, I want to make sure we're being thoughtful and informed as much as possible. That starts with understanding how everyone might use it.
I really appreciate the passion that I've seen represented here. It is clear this matters to you; it matters to me (I'm a GM too!) We all want to get this right. Not just for those that are on this forum, but for all the millions of people that use Roll20 to tell their stories.
To be clear, I will always ask questions to better understand a problem that we are looking to solve. I appreciate places like this that make it easier to ask those questions and get feedback. In order to make something easy for millions of people, we must ensure that all angles are considered. Making something simple and easy to use is complex work. Learning will always be a free action!
However, in the future, I will do a better job to not imply one solution over another and to make sure that my true goal, learning and understanding, is communicated. I am sorry for the misunderstanding.
My door is always open. I'd love to chat more about what we're thinking and how we're thinking about it.
Thanks again for your feedback in whatever form it comes in.
Archadious said:
I have zero confidence in Roll20 to get this right. They will F this up.
Challenge accepted, my friend!