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Cyberpunk RED by Roll20

don't want the thread to disappear, surprised no new updates

Hey, does anyone know if ammo is meant to be subtracted from a weapon's magazine when clicking the Attack button? Looks like shots need to be manually subtracted from each weapon, while reloading automatically subtracts and replenishes ammo.

Would be nice if there was a field for ammo-per-shot that subtracted the number from the ammo in the magazine, and disallowed firing if there wasn't enough. Running a campaign where everyone's new to the system, and it's a bit of bookkeeping that could be automated. 

March 20 (2 years ago)

Edited March 23 (2 years ago)
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Hello, thanks for this information. We reviewed one of the affected games and were unable to find anything concrete. This leads us to believe it could be an issue caused by a browser extension, such as Adblock. Could you try testing this in a private window or new browser entirely?

Ekko said:

Not same user, but same issue.

When I change to one of the tabs which is working, this looks the same, save the name changes to match the tab (ie, "ranged-weapon").

- English Language

- No console errors I can see.

Additionally, my GM can access my sheets (3 have had this issue in one game), and in every case, they can see the social skills, but I still cannot.

Further, when creating a new game under my account, the social tab continues to be missing on all character sheets in my new game.

March 23 (2 years ago)

morgdalaine said:

Hello, thanks for this information. We reviewed one of the affected games and were unable to find anything concrete. This leads us to believe it could be an issue on your side, possibly due to Adblock or another browser extension. Could you try testing this in a private window or new browser entirely?

It did not initially work in a private window, but once I disabled Adblock it did load the social tab - this was in Chrome. I am still unable to open it in Firefox at all, including in a private browser window.

March 26 (2 years ago)

How are you all handling gear and armor SP depletion? We have set up our tokens so green is "hitpoints" red is "luck" and blue isn't attached to anything. Blue then represents the SP of the gear they are currently wearing.

March 26 (2 years ago)

Charles C. said:

How are you all handling gear and armor SP depletion? We have set up our tokens so green is "hitpoints" red is "luck" and blue isn't attached to anything. Blue then represents the SP of the gear they are currently wearing.

You can link a Token to SP I think its called body_arrmor_SP or something like that that's what I have for my tokens hitpoints and armor 

March 26 (2 years ago)

Jaden R. said:

You can link a Token to SP I think its called body_arrmor_SP or something like that that's what I have for my tokens hitpoints and armor 

Excellent, thanks! I added this link, we will see how it works in our next session.

New DLC have been added to the Compendium, and you can't drag it into character sheet.  I hope all of these new items will be fixed to work on Character sheet.

April 06 (1 year ago)

Does any of you Edgerunners  know if Cyberpunk Red "Black Chrome" is coming to Roll20 anytime soon?

April 06 (1 year ago)

Eric said:

Does any of you Edgerunners  know if Cyberpunk Red "Black Chrome" is coming to Roll20 anytime soon?

I don't know about soon but when I asked the publishers on twitter they said they did have the intention to bring black chrome to roll20. 

April 13 (1 year ago)
Roll20 Production Team
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Sheet Update

Get in the car choomba, we’re going shopping.

Drag & Drop: Vehicles

  • Vehicles are now draggable

Nomad Motorpool Deprecation

  • Vehicles and Motorpool now share the same repeating section!
  • Don’t worry though, we’ll move them over for you automatically for safe keeping.
  • A new “In Motorpool” checkbox will appear when you have any ranks of the Nomad role

April 13 (1 year ago)

morgdalaine said:

Sheet Update

Get in the car choomba, we’re going shopping.

Drag & Drop: Vehicles

  • Vehicles are now draggable

Nomad Motorpool Deprecation

  • Vehicles and Motorpool now share the same repeating section!
  • Don’t worry though, we’ll move them over for you automatically for safe keeping.
  • A new “In Motorpool” checkbox will appear when you have any ranks of the Nomad role

Thanks for the update! this sheet is coming along nicely! 

I love it, each update really makes this sheet great, thank you team!  

Thanks for the hard work on this update, will def help when Black Chrome hits.

I've been running cyberpunk red on roll20 for a year and 3 months and I believe I commented earlier in this thread. Thank you all to the dev team for your diligent work.  This will help me to retain new players who are new to the game.

Hey I wanted to add something to fix, if not already reported.  When you roll a crit success in Initiative, like 23+5 on the dialog box.  But the Initiative box only says 23, instead of 28.  So you don't get full credit for Critical success.

Picked up Black Chrome and feel team did a great job. But now some of the problems I mentioned previously about the Gear tab have cropped up due to the new 170+ items being mostly in there.

May 09 (1 year ago)

Edited May 09 (1 year ago)
Nic B.
Roll20 Team

Hey folks, just wanted to drop in and answer some questions and provide some info.

DarkSithMstr said:

Hey I wanted to add something to fix, if not already reported.  When you roll a crit success in Initiative, like 23+5 on the dialog box.  But the Initiative box only says 23, instead of 28.  So you don't get full credit for Critical success.

This is a great observation. Unfortunately, with the way that rolls are currently calculated, this isn't as easy a fix as it might appear. We're still tentatively eyeing moving the whole sheet over to using the custom dice rolling functionality, this is a great use-case for that.

Ike the Knife said:

Picked up Black Chrome and feel team did a great job. But now some of the problems I mentioned previously about the Gear tab have cropped up due to the new 170+ items being mostly in there.

I will pass these concerns on to the content team who are responsible for creating this content. It may be a little late in the lifespan of Cyberpunk as a game to fundamentally reorganize categories, but we'll at least use this as a learning experience.

DM_Shroud said:

I've been running cyberpunk red on roll20 for a year and 3 months and I believe I commented earlier in this thread. Thank you all to the dev team for your diligent work.  This will help me to retain new players who are new to the game.

We're all really pleased to see that the Cyberpunk sheet has grown into something the community enjoys using, despite a turbulent start. Please keep feeding back information and feature requests. As ever, really big requests should go into the suggestions forum.

Nic B. said:

I will pass these concerns on to the content team who are responsible for creating this content. It may be a little late in the lifespan of Cyberpunk as a game to fundamentally reorganize categories, but we'll at least use this as a learning experience.

This right here? This encapsulates my problem with any official Roll20 sheets, with the exception of 5E. It is not "late in the lifespan". The game is an active game, being actively produced and released. Roll20 has a habit of releasing their "Official" sheets when the first rulebook launches. It then gets made outdated by supplemental releases, which add new mechanics or systems, and then Roll20 never goes back to update their sheet. (Dune? I'm looking at you.)

But because it's an "official" sheet, no one can do their own version to fix the problems, so people are left with no solution. If you are going to make official sheets, then you need to maintain and UPDATE the official sheets.

May 09 (1 year ago)
Nic B.
Roll20 Team

Starr Saphyre said:

This right here? This encapsulates my problem with any official Roll20 sheets, with the exception of 5E. It is not "late in the lifespan". The game is an active game, being actively produced and released. Roll20 has a habit of releasing their "Official" sheets when the first rulebook launches. It then gets made outdated by supplemental releases, which add new mechanics or systems, and then Roll20 never goes back to update their sheet. (Dune? I'm looking at you.)

But because it's an "official" sheet, no one can do their own version to fix the problems, so people are left with no solution. If you are going to make official sheets, then you need to maintain and UPDATE the official sheets.

Hi Starr,

I totally hear you: it sucks when the things that we’re invested in aren’t given the attention they’re warranted. My personal favorite game is totally unsupported on the platform, and it chafes.

That said, I do want to offer a clarification: I wasn’t saying Cyberpunk RED was definitively late in it’s lifecycle as a game, but that it might be too late to make large infrastructural changes in the lifecycle of the sheet. (The word 'too' is important here as a qualifier). As you can see, Cyberpunk is still receiving updates and compendium books as they’re released. Evidently, I wasn’t clear in my original post, apologies for that.

I also want to say that, if I had my way and an ideal world, I’d have the bandwidth to keep every sheet constantly updated. Unfortunately, the pool of Devs and other resources are limited, so hard decisions have to be made about what games can be supported and to what extent. We try really hard to split our focus across games with smaller communities, and not focus all our effort into the very top sellers, but this does mean that some games can’t have all the attention that they deserve.

I understand that this doesn’t change the material fact that the games you care about aren’t supported, but I hope a little insight into the process will at least make it less frustrating.

Best wishes!

I am building a Cyberpunk Red campaign and building my player's characters using the Roll20 sheet. I have run into a few issues. The most minor and easiest to fix I assume is that drugs such as speedheal seem to be missing. I tried searching every compendium (including vehicles) to see if they were just hidden somewhere and could not find them.

A problem which will likely require a lot more work is the handling of Cyberdecks and nearly everything around them. I have only been able to add programs to the single "active" cyberdeck in the netrunner portion of the CS, which doesn't allow me to keep track of any "spare" programs which I am not using with a cyberdeck. I can stack programs in the cyberdeck WAY beyond the deck's capacity, which is a frustrating workaround, creating a problem with knowing which programs are "actually" installed in the deck during a netrun. Also I was not able to install Cyberdeck hardware, or add it to my character sheet (possibly due to having 30 programs in a 9 slot deck). Secondly the cyberdeck slots are not able to be manually edited to add the additional 10th slot to an excellent quality cyberdeck you get when installing it in a cyber arm or bodyweight suit. Lastly the character sheet only supports owning one cyberdeck period, meaning you can't have 2 decks with different programs/hardware installed on each of them.


I am building a Cyberpunk Red campaign and building my player's characters using the Roll20 sheet. I have run into a few issues. The most minor and easiest to fix I assume is that drugs such as speedheal seem to be missing. I tried searching every compendium (including vehicles) to see if they were just hidden somewhere and could not find them.

A problem which will likely require a lot more work is the handling of Cyberdecks and nearly everything around them. I have only been able to add programs to the single "active" cyberdeck in the netrunner portion of the CS, which doesn't allow me to keep track of any "spare" programs which I am not using with a cyberdeck. I can stack programs in the cyberdeck WAY beyond the deck's capacity, which is a frustrating workaround, creating a problem with knowing which programs are "actually" installed in the deck during a netrun. Also I was not able to install Cyberdeck hardware, or add it to my character sheet (possibly due to having 30 programs in a 9 slot deck). Secondly the cyberdeck slots are not able to be manually edited to add the additional 10th slot to an excellent quality cyberdeck you get when installing it in a cyber arm or bodyweight suit. Lastly the character sheet only supports owning one cyberdeck period, meaning you can't have 2 decks with different programs/hardware installed on each of them.

Not that it solves your issue, Speedheal isn't really a drug, and only a medtech can administer it.  It would be nice to track how many of each medicine are in inventory.  But honestly if administered you don't need a dice roll or anything. but it would be nice to be able to sell what you make, etc.

May 10 (1 year ago)

Edited May 10 (1 year ago)

Nic B. said:

I will pass these concerns on to the content team who are responsible for creating this content. It may be a little late in the lifespan of Cyberpunk as a game to fundamentally reorganize categories, but we'll at least use this as a learning experience.

Thanks for the reply Nic, I will say on my side it is weird to hear it's "Late in the life cycle" for an active game like Red. I could understand maybe 2020 but on my side as well to somewhat echo what Starr has said, it's strange. However your follow up statement at least makes it clear that it's "too late" to do any big changes but I know this may get weird, especially now since I know the team behind the sheets all have to compensate for the new additions. Like if anything is more substantial than Nomad Access, and potentially any other upcoming mechanics (never mind that potentially a new Role or two, given how many roles in 2020 and V3 that weren't made redundant due to meta plot for Red AND could come back) of that sort that may pop up, which RTG has been mum on.

May 10 (1 year ago)

Edited May 10 (1 year ago)

Nic B. said:

Starr Saphyre said:

This right here? This encapsulates my problem with any official Roll20 sheets, with the exception of 5E. It is not "late in the lifespan". The game is an active game, being actively produced and released. Roll20 has a habit of releasing their "Official" sheets when the first rulebook launches. It then gets made outdated by supplemental releases, which add new mechanics or systems, and then Roll20 never goes back to update their sheet. (Dune? I'm looking at you.)

But because it's an "official" sheet, no one can do their own version to fix the problems, so people are left with no solution. If you are going to make official sheets, then you need to maintain and UPDATE the official sheets.

Hi Starr,

I totally hear you: it sucks when the things that we’re invested in aren’t given the attention they’re warranted. My personal favorite game is totally unsupported on the platform, and it chafes.

That said, I do want to offer a clarification: I wasn’t saying Cyberpunk RED was definitively late in it’s lifecycle as a game, but that it might be too late to make large infrastructural changes in the lifecycle of the sheet. (The word 'too' is important here as a qualifier). As you can see, Cyberpunk is still receiving updates and compendium books as they’re released. Evidently, I wasn’t clear in my original post, apologies for that.

I also want to say that, if I had my way and an ideal world, I’d have the bandwidth to keep every sheet constantly updated. Unfortunately, the pool of Devs and other resources are limited, so hard decisions have to be made about what games can be supported and to what extent. We try really hard to split our focus across games with smaller communities, and not focus all our effort into the very top sellers, but this does mean that some games can’t have all the attention that they deserve.

I understand that this doesn’t change the material fact that the games you care about aren’t supported, but I hope a little insight into the process will at least make it less frustrating.

Best wishes!


Here's the thing. You have a ton of "unofficial" sheets on the site. Far more unofficial than official. And players want their games to work. Your answer is simple. When you guys have decided that you're no longer going to be actively supporting the sheet (like an end of life for an OS version), open it up so that the community can keep it updated from that point. Or provide a means for people to send you revisions. SOMETHING so that these games don't go abandoned. I understand limited devs/limited time/limited funds. But you'd have a lot more goodwill letting people fix things and update them then leaving them alone. (The example of the Power Rangers sheet stings to this day. I understand Renegade decided not to officially partner with Roll20 for their other games, but I bought that book, THROUGH Roll20, and to this day I do not have the basic tools (like a Zord sheet) that you need to even play the game. Why did I spend money for a game I /can't play/.)

In my opinion, if the character sheet has "by Roll20" on it, then Roll20 has an obligation to make sure it works, at least to support material that Roll20 themselves have sold. And that is not the case.

I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but the social skills tab is completely empty for me and my players on my games. on other tables it works fine for me. just my table. I tried after creating a new table and the issue persists. i tried on my friend's table and everything is fine.

May 15 (1 year ago)
Nic B.
Roll20 Team

Hey there Dr. Stoos,

This is an issue we are aware of. We believe the cause to be ad blocking browser extensions hiding “social” content. Other users have reported success by disabling their browser extension.

If you find that this works, reporting the name of the extension would be useful for us in our efforts to debug the wider issue.

Many thanks!

Haas anyone had problems adding insulated wiring to a cyberdeck?

*Bump, hoping for new updates soon.


Just quick question: I'm trying to make some Macros for all the players for general rolls, attacks in particular, so they appear to all of them as token actions (perception, initiative, etc.). Also, I would like them to appear with the same format than with the template roll that the sheet uses. 

Would you mind sharing the code/string/info please? I'm a noob on all this so I don't know if I could have found it elsewhere.

Thank you very much in advance!

June 13 (1 year ago)

Edited June 13 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion

Hi Miguel, 

An easy way to do this is to do the following: 
1) drag the general roll, attack, etc to the bottom of the character. This will create a button on the macro bar. 
2) Press the button on the macro bar. 
3) Click the chat window, then hit the up arrow
4) copy the command. 
5) Open the Attributes & Abilities tab
6) create an Ability
7) name the Ability
8) Open the Ability, paste the command into it and close the Ability
9) Set the Ability as a Token action
10) Hover over the button in the macro bar, grab the handle that pops out to the right of the button, drag it off the macro bar to get rid of it. 
Repeat for other stuff. 

(Note: these directions are based on general character sheet knowledge, not the Cyberpunk Red sheet, if you run into difficulties following these directions please let me know.)

June 13 (1 year ago)

Edited June 13 (1 year ago)

Gauss said:

Hi Miguel, 

An easy way to do this is to do the following: 
1) drag the general roll, attack, etc to the bottom of the character. This will create a button on the macro bar. 
2) Press the button on the macro bar. 
3) Click the chat window, then hit the up arrow
4) copy the command. 
5) Open the Attributes & Abilities tab
6) create an Ability
7) name the Ability
8) Open the Ability, paste the command into it and close the Ability
9) Set the Ability as a Token action
10) Hover over the button in the macro bar, grab the handle that pops out to the right of the button, drag it off the macro bar to get rid of it. 
Repeat for other stuff. 

(Note: these directions are based on general character sheet knowledge, not the Cyberpunk Red sheet, if you run into difficulties following these directions please let me know.)

Hey Gauss, thank you for your quick answer.

Steps 3 and 4 are where I have problems: I see what was rolled but don't quite get the "Hit the Up Arrow". Would you mind elaborating or linking a video of how it should look? 

Thank you very much in advance!

EDIT: It worked when I tried on Firefox. Thank you very much!

June 13 (1 year ago)

Edited June 13 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion

Miguel R. said:

Hey Gauss, thank you for your quick answer.

Steps 3 and 4 are where I have problems: I see what was rolled but don't quite get the "Hit the Up Arrow". Would you mind elaborating or linking a video of how it should look? 

Thank you very much in advance!

EDIT: It worked when I tried on Firefox. Thank you very much!

Glad you got it working, but for anyone else who may be following: 

In the Chat Tab there is the text box where you type. When you click on that and hit the up arrow it gives you the last command you entered. You can keep hitting the up arrow to get even earlier commands. 

I have provided a screenshot. The first red box is the chat tab icon, click that. 

The second red box is where you type, click that, then hit the up arrow. 

June 26 (1 year ago)

Hello all, I probably missed this amongst all the posts but had a question. Is there a way to make the weapon attack list in the chat smaller? For example when someone shoots it lists all the weapon info as well as the DV and then damage. If someone makes multiple attacks it involves a ton of scrolling to compare numbers. I like having the charts but it is slowing down the game to constantly scroll through things. Any tips/solutions?

June 26 (1 year ago)
Forum Champion

Garth said:

Hello all, I probably missed this amongst all the posts but had a question. Is there a way to make the weapon attack list in the chat smaller? For example when someone shoots it lists all the weapon info as well as the DV and then damage. If someone makes multiple attacks it involves a ton of scrolling to compare numbers. I like having the charts but it is slowing down the game to constantly scroll through things. Any tips/solutions?

Could you provide a screenshot of the problem? 

June 26 (1 year ago)
Nora C.
Roll20 Team

Richard said:

Haas anyone had problems adding insulated wiring to a cyberdeck?

Hi Richard, could you describe the problem for us and provide screenshots if you're able?

Nora C. said:

Richard said:

Haas anyone had problems adding insulated wiring to a cyberdeck?

Hi Richard, could you describe the problem for us and provide screenshots if you're able?

It means, you can't drag items like hardware for Cyberdecks, or even Cyberdecks over to put them in your Netrunner Cyberdeck area on character sheet.  Nor can you actually use the programs to make rolls, like Sword.

June 28 (1 year ago)
Nora C.
Roll20 Team

DarkSithMstr said:

Nora C. said:

Richard said:

Haas anyone had problems adding insulated wiring to a cyberdeck?

Hi Richard, could you describe the problem for us and provide screenshots if you're able?

It means, you can't drag items like hardware for Cyberdecks, or even Cyberdecks over to put them in your Netrunner Cyberdeck area on character sheet.  Nor can you actually use the programs to make rolls, like Sword.

Thank you very much, I'm able to reproduce this. We're looking into it

Hey Roll20 team I just started running my campaign recently and the education tab (languages) is completely missing from the sheet. Was also curious from anyone if there's a streamlined way to roll saving throws (avoiding a melee attack). Thank you

Stephen S. said:

Hey Roll20 team I just started running my campaign recently and the education tab (languages) is completely missing from the sheet. Was also curious from anyone if there's a streamlined way to roll saving throws (avoiding a melee attack). Thank you

It works on my character sheet you just have to click edit, and choose which language to create a box for.  Avoiding a melee attack is Evasion under fighting tab.

I was planning on starting a campaign with some friends and was wondering if the Cyberpunk Red addon was worth it on here and if it the assets are good. Also, any advice on running the campaign would be great this is my first one!

Well if everyone has the corebook, it probably isn't necessary.  But If the GM has the book on Roll20, everyone in game can have access.  The NPC's and the DLC on the store for free definitely help out.  Just make sure to use the Roll20 official character sheet, it will allow everyone to drag from the compendium to the sheet, for most things.

Is anyone else experiencing an issue with the Empathy stat and the Cyberware section?  When I install a piece of Cyberware it immediately subtracts 1 from my empathy, not in relation to Humanity Loss.  It then deducts two points from the Max of Humanity, not in conjunction with Humanity Loss from the Cyberware, which must be manually adjusted.

By the rules, installing Cyberware does not automatically reduce your Empathy so I'm assuming this must be a bug.

July 24 (1 year ago)

Edited July 24 (1 year ago)
MoG Felixel

Travis S. said:

Is anyone else experiencing an issue with the Empathy stat and the Cyberware section?  When I install a piece of Cyberware it immediately subtracts 1 from my empathy, not in relation to Humanity Loss.  It then deducts two points from the Max of Humanity, not in conjunction with Humanity Loss from the Cyberware, which must be manually adjusted.

By the rules, installing Cyberware does not automatically reduce your Empathy so I'm assuming this must be a bug.

Hello Travis s.

Cyberware does not automatically reduce Empathy but the maximum Humanity. It decreases by 2 per cyberware, 4 per Borgware and no loss when cyberware states 0 HL (Fashionware for example) [CP:R p.230]. So even only one piece of Cyberware or Bogware with HL will decrease your Emp by 1 because the Humanity falls under the threshold. [CP:R p.80]

I hope that i was able to help you, if not, feel free to responde

Where is the toggle to automatically prompt to activate roll queries in the Cyberpunk Red ruleset?

The cyberoptic "Color Shift" has an error. It says it requires two cyberlegs when in reality it requires two cybereyes.


So the NPC sheets don't have a current and max HP, and effect armor the same way when SP is marked on tokens.  Also some NPC have role abilities, but there is no way to add them on character sheet, making rolling for them difficult.  

September 02 (1 year ago)

Sorry if this already exist and I'm just blind, but I'm trying to make macro for Black ICE using the default template. I'm currently using the modified &{template:Interface} and changing the roll values, but it would be nice if the result doesn't have the blank "Interface []" displayed there. Is there a template layout for Black ICE that I can use currently that properly removes that part?

September 05 (1 year ago)

they haven't created the ability for programs to make attacks, just interface rolls.  I hope they will, when my player's netrunner fights an ice, have to do custom rolls on both sides.