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[5e Shaped] D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet

Sheet Author
API Scripter
Anyone want to make macros for Saves, Checks, and Skills (1 for each) using the new queries? If someone does I'll incorporate them into the sheet so they can be referenced and I'll add the mon the NPC importer.
Are you opposed to hacks involving HTML entities and API Command Buttons?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Such as?

Edited 1438722465
Primitive example: ?{Targets|1 , [Strength Saving Throw](!
[[1d20 + @{target|strength_save_mod}]]|[[1d20 + @{target|strength_save_mod}]])|}
Sheet Author
API Scripter
We shouldn't need api for queries - hopefully.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Nevermind. It's not possible until this bug is fixed.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...

Edited 1438741938
Well... It's made possible with the aforementioned hacks. Here's a more elaborate example of what's currently possible using HTML entities and API Command Buttons that I created for this thread .
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It's made possible for those with API, sure. That's not useful for people like yourself without Pro.
API Command Buttons do not explicitly require API scripts nor participation in a game created by a Pro user to function. Case in point.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
How it should work imo: Save macro creates a select box with 6 options - str,dex,con,int,wis,cha. When one of those is selected then ok is hit it should run the macro for that. If we have to select one, hit ok, then hit a button in chat, and then click on the target then that pretty much defeats the whole purpose and you might as well have the sheet open.
@{selected|output_option} &{template:5eDefault} {{save=1}} {{title=Saving Throw}} {{subheader=@{selected|character_name}}} {{rollname=Result}} {{roll=[[d20@{selected|d20_mod} + ?{Saving Throw|Strength,@{selected|strength_save_mod}|Dexterity,@{selected|dexterity_save_mod}|Constitution,@{selected|constitution_save_mod}|Intelligence,@{selected|intelligence_save_mod}|Wisdom,@{selected|wisdom_save_mod}|Charisma,@{selected|charisma_save_mod}} + (@{selected|global_saving_bonus})]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{selected|d20_mod} + ?{Saving Throw} + (@{selected|global_saving_bonus})]]}}
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I did the same:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
How uncanny. Keep up the great work.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'll have to revamp it to show which ability was used else it won't work for skillsm should be too hard - I'll just have to follow the model in that thread.
Hey, when I go to use an attack, I've been getting this a lot: No attribute was found for @{Scout|character_name_output} Scout being the token I was rolling for when I copied this. It's done it on others before too. The odd thing is that it was working fine, then I reloaded the page, and it started throwing that out before the attack in chat.
DM Korgul said: Hey, when I go to use an attack, I've been getting this a lot: No attribute was found for @{Scout|character_name_output} Scout being the token I was rolling for when I copied this. It's done it on others before too. The odd thing is that it was working fine, then I reloaded the page, and it started throwing that out before the attack in chat. A player had this issue in my campaign. Add an attribute on Scout called 'character_name_output' and set it as Scout. &nbsp;I dont know what the repercussions are, but it fixed it!

Edited 1438764518
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Old or new attacks? What sheet version? "character_name_output" I believe is some vestigial attribute that was removed. Likely renamed to "show_character_name". No macros should have it - I just checked the code. Filling in a dummy attribute would make it go away - though I'd like to fix it if possible.
Having it avaliable for Pro members is surely better than having it avaliable for none?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
if you're referring to the query macros I've integrated saves, checks, and skills macros into the sheet today. I'll post a change log soon.
Mark said: It's made possible for those with API, sure. That's not useful for people like yourself without Pro Yeah I was referring to this post. So that's all a character sheet thing then, nothing to do with the converted? I'm intending to mass convert a bunch of stuff tonight so it's all good to go ahead with that, not going to just miss anything?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I will add a setting to the importer that is true for by default which adds a token macro for each of the 3 above.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
26th July - August 5th 2015 Revamp of spells: Toggles are all redone and can be changed in the future Added Emote * Added higher level for damage and heal Split damage to attack damage and save damage Aoe split from target Save condition Save failure Revamped roll template to match these new changes. For the most part spells now use action stuff Added Query macros for Saves, Checks, and Skills Query macros: %{name|save_query_macro}&nbsp;%{name|check_query_macro}&nbsp;%{name|skill_query_macro} Query macros will be automatically added via import.
Nothing to say beyond, thank you Mark for constantly making the sheet the best one on Roll20. &nbsp;Whenever I have to use the old sheet in a game I play, I just about lose my mind.
Could you add a short list feature to the spell list? Only names, needed actions, range, spell level and the cast dices? Spell lists can get pretty big, so a shortlist without all the details would be appreciated =)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Keren you can toggle most everything off. If you don't want the other details then just leave them blank. Things like V, S, M should always be included imo, but you're free to just leave them out.
I want the spell details, I want to fill in all the Informations available, but I dont need them visible in the character sheet &nbsp;after I filled them in, beside checking them. For the normal game, it would be helpful to&nbsp;to enhance your "only show" option with a kind of "short list" feature. that only shows a few informations about the spell and the cast dice.&nbsp;

Edited 1439056151
Sheet Author
API Scripter
So you want to hide items from the character sheet, not the roll template? Is that correct? You could always only show prepared spells and not mark any prepared.
DM Korgul said: Hey, when I go to use an attack, I've been getting this a lot: No attribute was found for @{Scout|character_name_output} Scout being the token I was rolling for when I copied this. It's done it on others before too. The odd thing is that it was working fine, then I reloaded the page, and it started throwing that out before the attack in chat. I found a fix for this. I just found the Attribute for Character Name and deleted it, then went into options and set "Show Character Name on Template" to yes or no and it recreates the Character Name attribute in a way the sheet can read.
I see, thank you.
What is the base macro for the weapon attack on the 5th ed sheet? cant i just copy paste it to the npc attack window then mod it?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hmm? NPCs should use actions which are stored on their sheet.
I would like to point out that class actions outputs for weapons doesn't seem to work in the current version. The one ulled from Github that is. Also doesn't seem to work for anything else either.

Edited 1439113666
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hmm, seems strange. Last I checked it worked, but admittedly I haven't checked it in a while. I'll check when I'm back at a PC.
I checked the current old version thats up on the Roll20 server. It seems to work through that. Just doesn't seem to work on the current github one. So I imagine something changed between the two.
I can confirm what Saevar is seeing with the class actions not functioning for weapons, but would like to point out it is not just weapons. &nbsp;It seems to impact all class action options.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'll check when I'm home later today - I'm traveling now. It may be after my session ends (21:00 CEST). I can't think of any change that would've broke it - hopefully it's easy.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Fixed class actions. As a result class actions no longer work on roll query macros. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... for why. Check is working. Save and Skills are broken - I'll rexample after my session.

Edited 1439135349
Mark said: So you want to hide items from the character sheet, not the roll template? Is that correct? You could always only show prepared spells and not mark any prepared. seems like I'm bad with words, here are my paint skills with my level 1 Cleric: I would like to see something like that as an option in the "spellbook"&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Query Macros are fixed - no class actions on them due to the mentioned bug, but saves, checks, and skills work again. @Keren: Good suggestion. I'll look at this soon. Adding it to my TODO. Maybe this week or weekend - I'm pretty free this weekend.

Edited 1439213484
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Making progress on the condensed version. Trying to figure out how to make the toggles work. These are the general purposes of each toggle as I see it: Prepared: Should show spells with "prepared" toggled Ritual: should show spells with&nbsp;"ritual" toggled Concentration: &nbsp;Should show spells without&nbsp;"concentration" toggled, if off then the spell goes away Verbal: &nbsp;Should show spells with "verbal" toggled, if off then the spell goes away Somatic: Should show spells with "somatic" toggled, if off then the spell goes away Material: Should show spells with "material" toggled, if off then the spell goes away I'm trying to sync these different uses all together and am having troubles figuring out what should be shown when what is toggled. I think I've figured out V, S, M. Examples:&nbsp; Verbal, Somatic, and Material are all toggled: All spells with either V, S, or M show. Verbal is untoggled, Somatic and Material are toggled:&nbsp;Only spells toggled as V or M show. Verbal and Somatic are untoggled and &nbsp;Material is toggled: Only spells toggled as Material show. Concentration follows the same logic: All spells are normally shown. If you toggle off concentration then any spell marked as concentration will not be shown. Ritual should however follow a different logic. We want it to only show ritual spells, not hide ritual spells. Same with Prepared. Anyone have any suggestions here? Any way to align the behaviors? Should I just accept it and maybe change the colors for some?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ok, this is what I'm going with for now. Concentration, Verbal, Somatic, and Material are all on by default. If any of the components are untoggled then any spell with that component hides it's contents. If concentration is untoggled then any spell without concentration will hide itself. If ritual or prepared are toggled only spells with those toggles will show. The Condensed toggle is also added as you can see below.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
August 10th 2015 Spell filters Removed HD note

Edited 1439222531
why do some spells in your list miss the cast option? Also, I think we dont need the options to sort for V / S / M. Only showing the informations about the spell would be fine by me!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If they don't match the filter criteria then the fields (casting time, range, duration) and the buttons go away.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
FYI it has been merged into roll20 and should be live within the next day or so. Please let me know if you encounter any issues.

Edited 1439237432
Mark said: FYI it has been merged into roll20 and should be live within the next day or so. Please let me know if you encounter any issues. I like it thanks for the hard work Mark. Question: Maybe I missed it in these threads but adding "Fireball" to my wizards spell book doesn't seem to toggle/parse all the properties.. Is this something you are still working on, something i'm doing wrong or something I will have to handle manually? I've been MIA for a bit, life has been busy but i'm catching back up. :)
For ritual, since you may want to exclude or include as you mention, perhaps the toggle could loop through 3 different options? I'm not sure if you can do that on Roll20. Fantastic work by the way.

Edited 1439242416
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Fireball is parsed. Please let me know what specifically is going wrong. To ensure the parse is working for both of us here is an example of Fireball: { "name": "Fireball", "description": "A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\nThe fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.", "higherLevel": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.", "emote": "evokes a bright streak that flashes from {{GENDER_PRONOUN_HIS_HER}} pointing finger to a point and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame", "source": "phb 241", "range": "150 ft", "target": "each creature in the aoe", "aoe": "20 ft radius sphere centered on a point within range", "components": { "verbal": true, "somatic": true, "material": true, "materialMaterial": "A tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur" }, "duration": "Instantaneous", "castingTime": "1 action", "level": 3, "school": "Evocation", "save": { "ability": "dexterity", "damage": "8d6", "damageType": "fire", "saveSuccess": "half damage", "higherLevelDice": "1", "higherLevelDie": "d6" }, "effects": "The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.", "classes": [ "Cleric", "Sorcerer", "Warlock", "Wizard" ], "domains": [ "Light" ], "patrons": [ "Fiend" ] } Ritual: A checkbox is a boolean. 1 or a 2. It is not possible to have a 3rd state. A ritual only wants to include, not exclude. You're never going to look for "anything but a ritual" - you'll always look for "anything that is a ritual". Same thing with prepared. Concentration on the other hand you'll be looking for "anything that has concentration" or "anything that doesn't have concentration.
Mark said: Fireball is parsed. Please let me know what specifically is going wrong. To ensure the parse is working for both of us here is an example of Fireball: { "name": "Fireball", "description": "A bright streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\nThe fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.", "higherLevel": "When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.", "emote": "evokes a bright streak that flashes from {{GENDER_PRONOUN_HIS_HER}} pointing finger to a point and then blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame", "source": "phb 241", "range": "150 ft", "target": "each creature in the aoe", "aoe": "20 ft radius sphere centered on a point within range", "components": { "verbal": true, "somatic": true, "material": true, "materialMaterial": "A tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur" }, "duration": "Instantaneous", "castingTime": "1 action", "level": 3, "school": "Evocation", "save": { "ability": "dexterity", "damage": "8d6", "damageType": "fire", "saveSuccess": "half damage", "higherLevelDice": "1", "higherLevelDie": "d6" }, "effects": "The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.", "classes": [ "Cleric", "Sorcerer", "Warlock", "Wizard" ], "domains": [ "Light" ], "patrons": [ "Fiend" ] } That is what I have.. here is a screen shot of the end result. It triggers the Higher Level, and the tags above, but not the Damage, Save or effects. Are these suppose to parse correctly or is the end result.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
This is how it imported for me. Make sure you have the latest sheet (10th Aug) and the latest script (1.91). If you have any further issues with the script please put them in that thread.