D&D 5e Shaped sheet. Previous versions: 1st , 2nd . Wiki Notable features: Core page Designed off the official paper sheet . It is meant to present the information in a more concise, redable way so that users can find information quickly. Speeds (Speed, Burrow, Climb, Fly, Swim) Senses (Blindsight, Darkvision, Tremorsense, Truesight) New Weapons Weapons can now toggle what is shown. Alternate damage (for versatile) Secondary damage (for flaming) Reach/Range Ammo Auto ammo Spellbook Casting stat and secondary casting stat can be set for all spells. Can now be sorted by prepared, ritual, concentration, casting time, spell components Automatically handles "higher level" for most spells by adding additional damage, or heals Saves have been expanded to include save condition, and save failure Spells can include an emote Spell points are supported Actions for NPCs Multiattack Toggle, alt, secondary, etc mostly the same as weapons Lair Actions Legendary Actions Optional Settings tab has been added. Output of the sheet can be shown to all or only the gm (mainly for monsters) Whisper death saves Whisper initiative (for monsters) Initiative to tracker can be turned off for tablets Targeting an enemy with attacks to show their Name & AC Halfling luck Bonuses for Abilities Saves Checks Skills Initiative Alternate gold system Custom Classes Release You can select the sheet as an option under campaign settings. If you are a Mentor you can import the latest HTML/CSS into your campaign. NPC Import/Conversion Please see my script thread: [Script] D&D 5e Shaped NPC & Spell Importer Spell Import Please see the script mentioned above. Future Changes: Custom settings: I'm willing to add custom options/variants as long as they are technically feasible and can be hidden away without effecting users who do not want it. Requests and issues Please include the "Shaped" term when posting about this sheet. I will do my best to respond to posts here. You can also open issues on github or contact me by PM, Twitter (@mlenser), gchat, or skype. If you have ideas/suggestions or want to work together I'm quite open. Differences between this version and the default version: PCs remain mostly the same. Things that have changed: Armor Vision Spells need to have their attack/damage/etc buttons retoggled and will lose casting time and components in favor of the new sorting system. Roll template for spells is entirely changed to use the same system as weapons/actions, but that will only affect a subset of users. Spell damage is split between saves and attacks and therefore must be re-entered. Class specific Expertise Jack of All Trades (retoggle it in 1 place) Spells. Much is lost due to revamp that allows many more options. NPCs lose most everything, but you can use conversion/import scripts. How to Update the sheet yourself (as a mentor): Go to Github and open the RAW html and css Copy the html In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Hit save. Contribute: Since many have asked for it: If you appreciate what I do and want to compensate me for the countless hours that I have spent building this character sheet feel free to support me on Patreon or Paypal ( <a href="mailto:mlenser@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">mlenser@gmail.com</a> ). If you are in the EU you can email me ( <a href="mailto:mlenser@gmail.com" rel="nofollow">mlenser@gmail.com</a> ) and I will provide an IBAN number (easier for both of us). Thanks so much for your support.