Testing what I can, found some odd things, sheet currently has 36 spells before the following really showed up enough to fully see. Around 20+ spells, things got notably slower when using the sheet, most noticeably when dragging and dropping a new spell, the to hit field takes longer to fill in a value than on other sheets with less spells. Very noticeable lag at this point when opening the sheet as well. (having 36 spells entered at this time) Not sure if spell related, but weapons no longer work on the sheet I was using, upon entering a new weapon, the to hit field was never updated after entering the name. Also, changing numbers on other weapons does nothing, they are stuck in the same state as before. It seems other sheets are fine but currently the on I am using (Copy of Example Vanakoji) does not. Can't say its related to spells without a sheet that someone else isn't using. Even updateing AC value felt a tiny bit slower (to small to be sure on) Minor thoughts on a couple things. (In relation to the TODO list on spell field about the grey bar) The grey clickable spell field. Using to hit feels off, at first I thought it would be used for spell level and thought it wasn't 100% at first as it was always set a 2. It makes sense for consistency with weapons, but at the same time feels off as to hit or even saves is not always relevant to spells making players ask what the value there means. On the other hand, having spell level may be redundant with level sorting but would be useful when looking at "All". my thoughts based on my initial misunderstanding of that field and I defaulting to thinking it was for level. However, choosing to hit/save DC or something more as you mention may be nice for long term nice to have for the attack section (For things like the Cleric of Light Channel Diviity, understand now what you want in resourcses, but in the attack field, have save DC instead of to hit would be a nice have). Minor thing to maybe look at closer to release. The text area for equipment works much better for magic items though I do notice a small misalignment of the grey underlines between name and description. Also, the bt ox thaappears after a longer entry clips into the top grey bar. This is some really small visual stuff with alignment and spacing though at the moment that would fall under "perhaps check it when doing final polish". Here is a shot of it <a href="http://i.imgur.com/XLWAcM5.png" rel="nofollow">http://i.imgur.com/XLWAcM5.png</a> Saving throw checkmark: Saves are a binary choice (unproficient, proficient) whereas skills have 3 choices (unproficient, proficient, expertise). I don't want to make saving throws a select because then it is a 2 step click instead of a 1 click, but I'll see what I can do. To that, I was still implying that it would be one click, just that maybe the check boxes could instead be one click toggle which looks the same as when you select prof with skills, the same check mark. This again is one of those minor thoughts that feel like it if it is considered, to only be done when most other things are complete while doing polish on the sheet. EDIT: After another quick look over thing with removing/adding spells, Now when I add a new spell, it lags as data is entered and then goes towards the top of the list, rather than staying at its position at the bottom. I did add spells through the core pages before this happened but it seems to behaving oddly now. It seems as though the index of the list has messed up as is adding them one after the other, but in the middle of the list. Does not happen with spells already added being replaced with drag and drop, only newly added spells. Then when I reloaded the page, these new spells that were forced towards the top were the only spells on the spell page that were "expanded". Through testing, I found that now with so many spells, when I add a spell and it goes to the "middle of the list" it auto collapses and on reload seems as though it didn't really collapse and is expanded on reload. Generally a lot of lag now when expanding/collapsing spells. Expand/collapse happens almost instant, but after that there is lag before I can even scroll up or down. Even expanding/collapsing weapons now seems to have some lag though much less than when doing so with spell entries. It also feels like a very tiny amount with resources, hard to notice though. Same lag when adding/collapsing happens after updating a field is spells/weapons and going to the next/clicking off it. This lag is not just on the sheet, changing to chat from journal has the same delay when doing the above options to cause lag. Not sure how imporant, but during lag, noticable jump in CPU usage happens. Minor issue for later. Some spells such as Arcane Hand, and Contaigeon have +1 in the damage field when added to a new spell entry, can be removed by selecting and deselecting the damage field in the spell entry.